Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Burst into tears - as the flower of life

When you see one in front of innocent lives lost

the moment could not help my tears flow from the heart or the outflow from the heart
tear it?
seems to have no feeling
I enjoy the taste of blood
my compatriots , the flower of life under the rubble lying groaning

At this moment, any representation of language are so What can I do
I can do for you what?
though , here we are rocking
though , the earth is still shaking
though, four in the morning hours we had to flee like desperate to leave their homes as we are the lucky

Fortunately, good
home without disaster , but fortunately the pain and told me how those who do not want you
lying under the rubble of young lives
remember just spent Mother's Day mother's smile is still
mouth < br> I remember being off the hand of the angel of love Nurses Day
also so lightly
suddenly , the earthquake tore
the devil of all this warm and peaceful

vaguely as if all I distant The piercing cry was heard

Do not worry baby child , my mother in here, do not be afraid
children , teachers here
children Do not worry, Uncle PLA coming
People's Liberation Army uncle coming
we will be saved , and certainly will be strong ... ...
some children some of
Please be strong , we are more eager to know
with you heaven on earth
to the miracle of life gathered in the ruins after the earthquake Xiongqi

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