Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hebei District, Tianjin, Primary Education and the Yueya He is defraud money and how to use zoning and building regulations ...

 Hebei District, Tianjin, Primary Education and the Yueya He is defraud how to use money
illegal construction around the school was established in 1995 Yueya He was still open, Hebei District, River Road Primary School, formally called the Yueya He later primary .1996 This school was built in a row of houses for lease Men Lianfang. As rental prices are high, higher than the street at the other Men Lianfang. no one tenant. The school was explained that the other is a private ride Luangai Men Lianfang The illegal structures, suggesting they are not private schools take Luangai Men Lianfang of illegal buildings. because the school presented the format of leasing terms on the   【schools have school management department is of the school management authorities consent of Hebei Education Bureau】 the words, so very confusing.
We were preparing to feed their own business stationery, you need to protect legitimate Men Lianfang security and stability operations continue. so easily believe that the school's pack of lies, was higher than the piece of Street prices of other Men Lianfang Men Lianfang lease the school, in exchange for future security and stability operations continue. However, we rented a bomb ready to explode ---- Men Lianfang schools is illegal buildings!! < br> According to their superiors ordered the school to take a one-year contract means that you can rent at any time up, they can pass the risk on us, the lessee.
2000 年 schools in the street covered in addition to Men Lianfang Men Lianfang other law enforcement agencies have been dismantled, it now appears likely, Hebei District School Board was a lot of work to do, got to keep the school's Men Lianfang. be sure to keep the school is not to protect the tenant Men Lianfang family business interests, not for the country to create more employment opportunities, but to keep Men Lianfang this money-making tool.
2005 signing of the contract when the school began to pay the higher authorities to identify the grounds of the contract, the contract does not give us a text .2007 began not only take the rent contract. a contract is actually white sign, signing a contract does not give us the text, signed a one-year contract, terms are given good schools and the Education Bureau, Department of Education fully protect the interests of the school, and pass the risk on the lessee.
2010 年 7 月 school stopped letting Men Lianfang, blew his own Men Lianfang ugly that is illegal buildings. and tried to render the lessee and the law enforcement authorities exaggerated forced removal of illegal construction 3 .9 horror clean up illegal structures Sunday school received notice of the anniversary of the day 918 Incident of the school law enforcement officers removed Maozhao Yu Men Lianfang illegal construction, the lessee caused us irreparable damage!!
laws and regulations can be seen from the following Yueya He has been in Hebei District Primary Education with the help of money by illegal construction fraud!!
of Rental:
(1) Failure to obtain all the warrants;
(2) ruled that the judiciary and the executive law, decided to seal or otherwise restrict the rights of real estate;
(3) Total housing is not to obtain the consent of total;
(4) There are disputes;
(5) are illegal construction;
(6) do not meet safety standards;
(7) have been pledged without the consent of the mortgagee;
(8) does not meet the public security, environmental protection, health and other departments to comply;
(9) the relevant laws and regulations prohibit the rental of the other cases.
lease certain parties this provision to confirm whether the above housing situation, such as have, prior to the above reasons not to eliminate, not lease.
if the land use right for a legal report procedure, and housing have been built and after acceptance, with the conditions of delivery, the house owner did not receive housing ownership certificates in before the rental, and its lease effective relationship.
Party's commitment to property rights in the rental of the house party to ensure that no property rights disputes; addition to supplementary agreements otherwise agreed, the mortgage, mortgage debt, taxes and rent, rental Party were completed before the house. rent after the aforesaid outstanding matters, by the Party accept full responsibility for the The economic losses caused to Party B, Party A is responsible for compensation.
Tianjin rental regulations (amended 2004)
Article rental housing, including residential housing and non-residential housing.
housing has of the following circumstances, shall not be leased:
(a) Failure to obtain housing ownership certificates or other proof of legal ownership;
(b) of the total of houses, without the written consent of all owners;
s twenty-nine need for urban construction, demolition of rental housing, the lease relationship in accordance with the rental contract processing; housing rental contract is not an agreement, according to state and municipal house demolition of the relevant regulations.

Contract Law third parties to a contract have equal legal status, one can not impose its will on the other.
fourth party is entitled to the right of voluntary contract, any unit or individual may illegally interfere.
thirty-ninth, be used form contract terms, the party supplying the standard terms should follow the principle of fairness in rights and obligations between the parties and take other reasonable way to draw attention to waive or limit its liability provisions, in accordance with the requirements of the other party, to explain the terms .
standard terms are the parties prepared in advance and repeated use, and in the conclusion of the contract terms are not negotiated with the other party.
fourth ten standard terms and provisions of Article twelve of the fifty cases of Articles , or the party supplying relieved from its responsibility, adding other responsibilities, excluding the rights of the other party, the clause is invalid.
第四十一条 understanding of the terms of the format dispute, it shall be interpreted according to common understanding. on standard terms There are two or more interpretations, it shall be conducive to the party supplying explanations. standard terms and non-grid strip models inconsistent, non-standard terms should be used.
forty The parties entered into a contract in the course of the following circumstances, cause losses to the other party shall be liable for damages:
(a) entered into a contract under the guise of negotiating in bad faith;
(ii) deliberately concealing important facts relating to the contract entered into or providing false information;
(c) any other act contrary to the principle of good faith.
fifty-one of the following circumstances, the contract avoided:
(a) a party to fraud or coercion to contract, and harming national interest;
(b) malicious collusion are detrimental to the state, collective or a third party;
(c) a legitimate form of cover up illegal purposes;
(d) damage to public interests;
(V ) violate laws, administrative regulations of the mandatory requirements.
第 fifty-three the following disclaimer in the contract null and void:
(a) personal injury caused by the other party;
(II) for intentional or gross negligence property damage caused by the other party.
第 fifty-four the following contracts, the parties shall have the right to request the people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke:
(a) made by a major misunderstanding;
(b) entered into contract unconscionability.
party to fraud,bailey UGG boots, coercion, or exploitation of the other party in case of violation of the true meaning of a contract, the aggrieved party the right to request the people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke.
party requests for modification, the people's court or the arbitration institution may not revoke.
fifth one of the following circumstances,UGG boots cheap, the revocation of the right to destroy:
(a) The parties have the right to revoke the revocation of the subject knows or should know within one year from the date of revocation of the right not to exercise;
(b) has the right to revoke the parties know the cause for cancellation after expressly or by conduct waive the right.
  sixteen invalid or canceled contract beginning is not legally binding contract. contract are invalid, not affect the validity of the other parts remain valid.
fifty-seventh Contractual invalid, revoked or terminated, the contract does not affect the independent existence of the dispute settlement the terms of the effectiveness of methods.
fifty-eighth Contractual invalid or has been rescinded, the property acquired by the contract, shall be returned; can not be returned or the return is not necessary,UGG boots, it should be discounted compensation. party at fault shall compensate the other Therefore, the losses suffered by the two sides are at fault, shall bear their respective responsibilities.
two hundred and fifteenth the leasing period of six months or longer, shall be in writing. the parties are not in written form, as lease from time to time. 

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