Thursday, March 3, 2011

Automobile fuel economy tips articles (rpm)

 First, the good and bad technical condition of the car itself is the key to saving P u000E u0004W7 u001B u0017j> #
can fuel a car, in addition to the driver driving habits, the car itself is good or bad the state of technology The key is fuel-efficient, and good or bad the state of technology and vehicle maintenance has a direct relationship. the owner's driving life in peace, we must cultivate the habit of regular maintenance of your car. u001B} u0001C u0003o u0006_ < ; F
1. maintenance of air filter z = n ] $ u0013tT
role is to clean the air filter the air entering the cylinder, and if more than the standard or dirty oil will impede air flow, resulting in increase fuel consumption. test documents, such as dirty fuel, the oil surface is too high will increase the fuel consumption of more than 20%. A u0002HH u0003 u0016 u0007 u0019O
2. Clear coke 1ouZ u0006 = `MN.
increased carbon combustion chamber, the combustible mixture prone to spontaneous combustion, resulting in power down, if too much coke, fuel consumption will increase about 8%. @ O2DH: Xuu?
3. Maintenance muffler d9P u0010 / E ~ wb [
hinder exhaust muffler exhaust, consume some power. If the broken muffler is damaged, it will further impede the exclusion of exhaust flow, increasing fuel consumption. gz u001A RSiti,
4. Check the spark plug u0019 %; two will not work more than 60% more fuel consumption. In addition the size of spark plug gap, the amount of carbon deposition on the power and fuel, etc., have a direct impact. d u0011 u0006VTACb u000E `
5 . adjust the tire pressure D! qQDtoZ u0017
inflate the tire in accordance with the standard, after a period of time will naturally be consumed part of the decrease in tire pressure, the driving resistance, tire life and fuel consumption are greater impact. T + u0018> KH [ u0019L9
6. to ensure braking performance? CG s (/ u001F u0015?
good braking device can improve the speed of motor cars and transportation, the average technology efficiency, if the braking performance is not good, it is difficult to ensure traffic safety, also affect the engine fuel consumption. u0008 / 8 # t w4d
Second, predictability can drive fuel-efficient 3 u0014V! ^ TT1m < br> balance the shortest time with the recent distance u0001 u000F u0008DWV @ o u001A
ground observation of traffic movement u001E | A, B @ @ 8Xn
the face of increasingly high price of fuel, car fuel economy has become issues facing the reality of each owner. In addition to the common control of the throttle, constant speed and other experience, drive fuel-efficient is an important principle is to be a predictable driver. Jz u001C% u001B `> r u0002 u0016 predictability of travel before
fQ8G u0008KN u0008Gw
nearest in time between the shortest and the balance 5-UA: u0004 u0014O u0013h
statistics show that the fuel consumption at idle and normal driving the fuel consumption ratio is 1:5. So when the owners consider their daily travel routes, the nearest road is not the only choice based on the owner while also taking into account this route is not congested, is not there too many traffic lights, intersections, etc. . In order to achieve the purpose of fuel economy, car owners should also take into account the road choose the shortest time and distance recently. u0012 u001A u0017 u0003D [X ( u0016
driving the predictability lNb u0008as, u000FS < br> driving skills five moves u001As u001CH `, FVKL
benefit the process of moving the five fuel-efficient moves. rlKDS u001F9f {
Geshandaniu: driving the process, the driver should try to be able to see the front the vehicle in front of the vehicle, what we called Geshandaniu. driving the vehicle when the vehicle in front off a quarter of the track, so that the vehicle in front can not only see the front of the vehicle driving the vehicle in front moves at a glance. Liaodi opportunities: in the road, the driver should learn to observe the distance, according to the surrounding environment to determine the other movements. It can prepare ahead of time, reduce unnecessary movement. such as slam on the brake, Meng did not advance the throttle to determine because of the driver, when driving conditions change passive measures taken. O u0016 ~ 2 u0019x) m
ready to go: 500 meters before the driver in Singapore to be a slight acceleration so when the real uphill, stepped on the accelerator to the intensity can be reduced even without special fuel, but more with the natural slow to Slope. u000Fw- u001AH u001C + Zt {
vision: the driver to line of sight farther, to early to see the front of the traffic lights, intersections or toll booths in front of the class, oil revenues in advance, slowly reduce the speed, smooth arrival. A u0007 go hand in hand: Driving members to focus on, such as red light waiting for the release, the current car's brake lights are out before the car and when that started, then have the appropriate driver with the car ready to start. This early preparation, will be smooth start, not to keep the vehicle in front, narrowing the distance pedal to the metal.-0Y u001D $ n9Ff7
three petrol Tips: Do you know the meaning of grade of gasoline you? u000E u001F3; e ~ t u00107 u001E
When we say 90, 93, 97 unleaded petrol, you know that gasoline label means? the so-called 90, 93, 97, unleaded gasoline, is contained respectively 90 %, 93%, 97% of the anti-knock ability of the the level becomes high and low capacity petrol engine knock against the indicators. should use 97 gasoline engine, if 90 # gasoline, of course, prone to detonation. u0007z4! | r K u001B
engine compression ratio and Knock u0006Gt0KeW ^ 4
the most current vehicles to use the so-called four-stroke engine, it is the use of reciprocating piston in the cylinder to gasoline and air mixture, and then compress it, then it is the spark plug point burst to obtain power, have power, then after the explosion the exhaust discharge point. KB u0012I u0005gx u0007 & [
we need to know is , four stroke engine the fuel is not necessarily with gasoline, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or even alcohol, can be used as engine fuel. gasoline will be the main reason for the fuel, because it is relatively easy to obtain, easier storage, the relative inexpensive. ^ I u001C.> ax u001D $
is because the engine can use a variety of fuels, therefore, beginning in the engine development, engineers have also done a lot of attempts, in addition to trying to design the engine will be different not the same performance, but also try to use different fuels will be any different results. It was found that when other conditions remain unchanged, as long as the engine's compression ratio was raised higher, you get more horsepower output. However, the compression ratio increase is not unlimited, and when the compression ratio is raised too high, the engine will appear detonation. The so-called detonation, is the result of compression of the oil or gas mixture, not in the ignition before the spark plug to because the compression stroke is caused by the heat generated by molecular motion of gas ignited, the formation of the so-called phenomenon of spontaneous combustion, and then re-ignited the spark plug and oil or gas mixture compressed, resulting in two groups of high explosive violent collision fireball in the combustion chamber, and thus produce a knock the door for the earthquake. # D-e-= u0012GR
knock and octane {J u0004_ u000ER u0002 [ u0010
know the relationship between detonation and fuel, the engineers began to refinery generated can be used as engine fuel each used a variety of tests and experiments and found that the worst is the anti-knock isooctane, and the worst-heptane gave it a 0 is the seismic index. Thus, from the beginning, the high and low octane gasoline has become the level of the index against the detonation capacity. = QW5B (uM # < br> So what is octane? It is the engineers in the laboratory, using an adjustable compression ratio single cylinder engine a test of the measured data. In the experiment, with the gradual increase in compression ratio, never knock the test fuel combustion and smooth the situation began to gradually adjust to the detonation. When the detonation when it first emerged, and went on iso-octane than n-heptane mixture with the situation, if the status of detonation timing, coinciding with the 97 octane and heptane 3 tests were exactly the same situation, then the test fuel octane number is 97. So, when we say 90, 93, 97, when unleaded petrol In fact, it's octane rating is just a contrast ratio. u000Fhx) Bv u0008} Y
correct choice of gasoline grade 0jdJQoj] g u0016
many owners mistakenly believe that gasoline is oil purity and quality label standard gasoline vehicles, the higher the better use of labels, such thinking is wrong. gasoline label simply means that gasoline octane level of size, should be based on different engine compression ratio to select different grades of gasoline. compression ratio in 8.5m9.5 should generally be between the mid-range cars to use 93 gasoline; compression ratio greater than 9.5 should use the 97 gasoline cars. At present the compression ratio of domestic cars are generally more than 9, preferably 93 or 97 gasoline .> VdLZ {dV ~
high compression ratio of the engine if the choice of low-grade gasoline will lead to a sudden rise in cylinder temperature, incomplete combustion of gasoline, machine strong vibration, so that the output power down, mechanical damage. low compression than insist on using high-grade engine oil, there will be > Fourth, the family car fuel economy Cheats 3TCz & _P (Ke
higher. we all know, fuel consumption and driving a large extent the level of use of those, the use of the environment, quality of repairs and maintenance have a direct link. the same car, driven by different drivers, due to different levels of driving skills , fuel consumption can be a difference of 8% -15%. In order for your fuel economy fuel-efficient master who consulted a number of tricks, are disclosed below: avw (S u001D u0013O u0001B
in the car driving the process, pay attention to see thermometer, engine water temperature should be maintained at the normal 80 ℃ - between 90 ℃, excessive or insufficient will cause increased fuel consumption. In particular, note that if insufficient water tank can easily lead to rapidly rising water, when water temperature exceeds 95 ℃, temperature increase in fuel consumption than the normal 30% -40% and can easily lead to mechanical wear and damage. & ON | should regularly check the tire pressure. as long as a few dozen tires 40 kPa (KPa.), this will reduce tire life of 10,000 km, and so the total fuel consumption of cars more than 3%. G u0008aS u0014 u001A u001BAl ^
do not arbitrarily change the size of the tire. Select the wider tires make your car may seem more If the tire diameter also increased, will increase the engine's workload, it will also increase fuel consumption. i {N ~ 9I_K u000E
with the lowest viscosity of engine oil. your car manual should have instructions on the car engine oil with the lowest possible viscosity. The lower viscosity of engine oil, engine more before driving, warm-up before the road, this is a good habit, but no doubt warm up too long trying to find fault with their own property. In addition, you can actually let the car slowly driving twelve kilometers to achieve the warm-up effect. 56DKz ecAr < br> Do not speed. For most cars, the 80 km per hour is the most fuel-efficient speed, statistics show that for every increase of 1 km per hour to increase your fuel consumption by 0.5%. 2 i2 u0010b3v u001D {
to ensure traffic safety in the case, you can use the neutral gear sliding way to fuel-efficient, but also the industry that can be used with EFI car sliding block approach to fuel economy. u0007 u0018 $ u001C u0008GM $
clean out your car trunk. superfluous things, whether it is a pair of little-used running shoes, or half a can left over oil, will increase the burden on the car, too, increasing the burden on your pocket . j there will be very different. This requires us to look at the working principle of these vehicles, reasonable and correct use, in order to achieve maximum fuel economy. Automatic , it has a shifting process. even if the speed has reached 100 kilometers per hour or more, when you throttle back to once again hold the throttle, you'll see at this time only in 2500 rpm engine speed less, but the speed able to stabilize at 120 km, fuel economy can be imagined. / - $ YMde u0011w u001D
Thus, each owner needs to have a good driving habits, at a reasonable speed for the engine block, (either fuel economy.> 4 ZKD3 b ~
six or seven small fuel-efficient driving skills of effective u000E u0013o-Jn u0007'9 $
magic one: soft start hanging low block [ u0019 / upQKRW u001C
started slowly pressed on the accelerator and slow acceleration. let the car reaches a certain speed gear, learn to listen to the sound of the engine to gradually change from low to high gear. This can reduce the engine heating time, the increase in fuel utilization. If you start when the gun the throttle to speed, so that damages not only will greatly increase fuel consumption cars. u0015gX eT2t u0007d
magic II: the use of economic speed lp = < u0016_2 u0014 '+
the economic speed of cars in general 60Km / h ~ 80Km / h between. When the car is running when the economy is the most fuel-efficient speed, regardless of speed on fuel economy were too high or too low disadvantage. speed is low, the piston velocity is low, combustion is incomplete. speed is high, the rate of increase in intake caused increased intake resistance, which are the fuel increase. u0007u u001B u0011 u001F magic III: Qingtai throttle X ^ a u001A) + ArU}
Qingtai throttle to fuel. If Meng lift the throttle, the engine speed suddenly decreased and will play a role in resistance led to offset part of the drive inertia and make cars have a in a timely manner, especially traveling on slopes, the shorter the time shift, the car dynamics to play, the better, the more they can save fuel. If the shift is not timely, and with the bad and empty hands and feet step on the gas, it must greatly to increase the fuel consumption. | 7dG / u001Fr u0003 s
magic five: reduce the use of braking g u001C u001FJ u0004Q u000EO u0017 =
brake is essentially a process of energy conversion, braking means that the energy consumption. Therefore, through the intersection, downhill, lift the throttle should be advanced, if the car good performance can also be neutral gear to slip, making the car naturally slow down to the purposes. -! u001A u001DP u00057N u0016
magic VI: Keep following distance 7n u0015 ( u0019Fa! D /
If the road congestion, and often the former car brakes to the vehicle in front should maintain adequate following distance, which can slow down both could easily have to reduce braking times, in order to achieve the purpose of fuel economy. U u0006r {/ + j! L
magic seven: high block fuel-efficient vehicle j ; 1K u0019, Zj /}
In general, try to use high-speed block traffic, less the middle block. $ l $! 4: i,; u000F
, of course, do not drag in high gear block traffic. to learn to listen to the voice of the engine to shift, and to understand their own situation in the car. When the engine to u0019y u0006 u0001BC ^
seven fuel-efficient four major coup for the use of your car to save fuel costs r6nv + G u0016! u0005
gasoline prices rise again, so that drivers often are broken the brain. Just drive, gasoline very expensive, not open it, it not become a display car? You do not worry, I have a recipe for fuel-efficient way, you give it a try, might also get unexpected results. u0017D ^ u0008 ~ * 82 u0019!
lubricants and oil 0wO u00076Dz $ E u0003
periodically check the engine oil and oil content. This is because there is mechanical friction between the friction force Engine power will be wasted in the anti-friction, then you have to pay the corresponding gas money, do this exercise in futility. lubricants and engine oil can reduce friction between mechanical and reduce engine power, fuel economy and to achieve The purpose of mechanical life. Some years longer car, the Perhaps the problem will be solved. It is also worth noting that, your car manual will explain the minimum motor vehicle can use the oil viscosity, engine oil viscosity, engine more = vM
maintain substances. installation of air filter can reduce the cylinder, piston and piston rings and other parts of the wear and tear. If the car does not install air filter, or dirty air filter for a long time, will increase by 7-fold cylinder wear, piston wear increased by 3 times, 8 times increase in piston ring wear, and fuel consumption increased by 5% to 10%%%. Currently the more popular is a quality, low cost, easy to replace, high filtration efficiency and filter dry type air filter paper Qing control, general cleaning once every 5000 km of mileage. clean, gently tap the filter should be removed, do not use gasoline or water washing, traveling 25,000 kilometers per paper filter must be replaced.>! i u0002J u0015Dmg < br> internal combustion engine use, dust, metal chips, coke, and other mechanical impurities mixed in the oil will continue, while the exhaust air and combustion of oil there would be oxidation, while the oil has the effect of resin and resin mixed with mechanical impurities also the formation of sludge, it will not only accelerate the wear of moving parts, and could easily lead to oil blockage. To ensure the cleanliness of oil, when the replacement oil must also replace the oil filter. HJ7q9 u0019L L ~
gasoline in storage Games and filling process, inevitably mixed with a number of mechanical impurities and water. these impurities into the fuel supply system with the fuel and the engine cylinder, the cylinder will accelerate the wear and tear. filter blocked, the resistance will increase the oil supply line , the carburetor fuel supply shortage, resulting in the mixture too lean, the engine power down to increase fuel consumption. Therefore, in the gasoline into the fuel pump before the filtration must be carried out to ensure the gas supply system work properly. Most of the engine are tops disposable paper filter can not take apart and wash-style fuel filter, replacement cycle is generally 10,000 km. u0017b) z] 'n u001DI
the proper use of tire t ` u001DQXjtA8 u000E
tires for the car to that just as people's legs, the legs if a problem, then people will be very difficult to walk up. For tires, one should always check the tread is worn over, more than The main role is to increase tire grip, the interaction between the tire and the ground force, when the tread wear to a certain extent, the tires will be deviation in the process of moving, slipping and so on, in addition to a threat would be safe, but also because of vehicle non-normal driving, resulting in increased fuel consumption. u0010 u0005 u0003 u001BZ @ YJ0 u0018
very particular about tire pressure and low air pressure or high, it will increase fuel consumption, reduce tire life. Because the entire body and tire under the weight of the passengers inside, if the pressure is too low, the tire will increase the friction with the ground, so to launch the output power increases, the increase in fuel consumption. And pressure is too high, car damping effect will be greatly reduced, encountered road bumps, cars crawling capacity will be reduced, such as throttle, fuel consumption will rise. When the car hit a tire less 40 kPa, the tire will reduce the life of 10,000 km, and so the total fuel consumption of cars 3%% more than the amount. So regularly check tire pressure, it is very important. cS ~ u001Fh56aQ ^
to develop good driving habits K5 * 09 *; gs u001F
some friends like to play before the winter driving fire to the engine warm, so that the habit of good, because the engine temperature is too low in the case of work, the efficiency will drop, but also reduce the life of a serious and timely hot car, let the engine into the
in motion the process to avoid pedal to the metal speed, this will only increase fuel consumption, but not much time province. For most cars, the speed of the economy there. Typically, at 80 km per hour, should be the most fuel-efficient. t_F u0018 u0012 u00148 u0003 '
before finally starting to see your trunk. is not some useless stuff to increase the weight of the car? even a pair of shoes , or a few magazines will tell you the high fuel consumption contributed to the severity, the extra stuff, throw it away, let's easy road, u0016
eight, the best method of experience Summary mm fuel-efficient car papers u0002- u00133n) U ` u0004x
want fuel efficiency, save money, but also conducive to environmental protection, the best approach is to make the car run in normal conditions, it is concluded that many car owners. They believe that reduce fuel consumption and improve vehicle performance must do the following: First, the use of quality oils (including fuel oil and various lubricants); Second, a variety of maintenance and regular maintenance; Third, a good driving habits. specific experience as follows: iag5.v OnE
1, adjust the engine. accurate tuning, fine low-maintenance engine fuel, the pollution matter less. u0017 [ u001D9G0B!, 8
2, for routine maintenance. An automobile manufacturers according to plan regular inspection and maintenance provided by the fuel system, air filter, transmission, steering system, brake system, belt, air conditioning, shock absorber, the front wheel alignment and other broken parts and easy to wear. u001D u0003eVQfNn h
3, smooth acceleration. try to avoid when starting and stopping too fast too fast, Parking a bow slow or too fast will cause increased fuel consumption of cars, under normal circumstances, in favor of fuel-efficient speed driving comparison. to the speed of 105 kilometers per hour, per liter of gasoline is more than 90 kilometers per hour less in running 0.85 km. u0015y u000E6 u0013haM $
5, constant speed. unnecessary acceleration, deceleration, or stopping will increase fuel consumption. hn7 * E] mcI (
6, using high quality oil. engine oil is the most important vehicles One of the protection of goods, quality, extend the life of the engine a good engine oil, while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. owners need to check the oil regularly and change the oil on time. x5q1 u001BlZ- u001B `
7, tires air pressure appropriately. Always check tire pressure, tire inflated to increase fuel consumption. Some data indicate that when the tire pressure lower than the required pressure of 4.9 Pa, will increase fuel consumption by about 2%. u0016% 6 u0004 u0007 $ Zm.6
8, clutch pedal movement, which depresses the brake pedal is very easy to cause the emergency brake, to himself and brings danger and unexpected after the car trouble. In addition, at any time concerned about the vehicle condition is to ensure that a factor of peace, tire pressure is normal; oil is adequate; the water temperature is maintained at normal values; braking effect has not changed; engine without exception, they have to keep an eye out.) u001BI u0002Y u0005E7i / < br> 9, after being notified by the brake pedal cars, and then slow down. If it is non-ABS system, should use the u0013 =
nine, personal experience with the files with the taxiway gap about the safety and fuel consumption rl | u0016 [) i? 4 `
neutral oil revenues slide is moving in the neutral gear position and sliding, sliding block just do not care pick slide block oil revenues directly. the two approaches have been relatively distinct factions, the center of discussions on which is more fuel efficient. For my personal view, two ways in terms of fuel effect can be described as a long or short, different situations have different performance, but there are two ways to compare the safety big difference. driving a long time, should be able to experience driving skills to the familiar from unfamiliar adults later evolved knee-jerk reaction, so good driving habits, driving awareness of the situation at a critical time in dealing with a critical influence on, tell him in my own thing. n u0015L: sKHwV
I also used the original neutral taxi, listening to old drivers and driving school teachers talked about not neutral, so whenever I come across wet pavement or snow to remind ourselves not to deliberately neutral, and thus opened Actually, I'm anything about the situation for several years. One year to go Northern Ontario winter, Haidian Vehicle Administration Office in the morning When we go out it started to snow, rivers and mountains roads to the north On the ground is already a thick layer of snow. mountains, small car, rolling through the snow to form ice, slippery. drove in front of driving far to see a man with a push to bicycle, the back seat of a woman to do, they step in a slippery snow walking, Jiyu slipping. because the narrow, if I slipped and I am afraid that when they go beyond the consequences will be serious, so slow in front of preparations from their farther away from the bypass to the left. When we are getting closer to when the reverse over a large public, because it is curved, there are trees on both sides opposite to cars I can not foresee, so it came out seemed very sudden, if I do not increase then we will just slow down cars in the three-point line, narrow roads and I will close off the pedestrian. So I started with the brakes. was too focused on roads, usually knee-jerk reaction out of the driving habits: do not consciously pick a block with brake, step on The not heavy. car before slowing slightly, then obviously feel the direction of the tire and lost control of locking deviation to the right start (fortunately not to the left, then roaring past me on the left a large public), I quickly loose the brakes, step on clutch, Guadang to try to restore control. in the clutch line with a sense of direction after the vehicle moment, the front and then turn left a bit out of control again, turn again to the right and began to slide again, seeing more and more away from the roadside ditch near ( That drain is not ...

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