Thursday, December 30, 2010

Proud of Shenzhou VI, in addition to what caused it

 Proud of Shenzhou VI, in addition to what caused it?
Text / Chen
old man in the eye, the Shenzhou VI God, and in the world's attention, the Shenzhou VI return. This means that our space business days following the Shenzhou V on another great success. also marks our advanced space technology into the ranks of the world. To do this people rejoiced, and even overseas, overseas Chinese feel proud. All of a sudden, as if people talk about any topic can be six process is linked with God. Our international environment seems to be because of God's heaven and six more clear, we seem to reunification of the motherland six of God and God closer to us. We inspire pride, but also quietly with Shenzhou VI to find some new changes to heaven.
remember 2003 as the Shenzhou Yang almost overnight on the days his name spread all over the world, people regarded him as a historical giant, and even became a national hero, his every move to affect the media and the public eye, reports, interviews also experience feelings without a break in the newspaper. But on the days after the Shenzhou VI, the two space heroes people The concern seems to become more reasonable up. people are more concerned about what our spacecraft have made new progress, what it means, how much the state budget, we are from achieving the dream for thousands of years how far the moon . Media coverage began to sense the two heroes and their deeds, because, after all, God is the God of six or even several lives of many people the result of human efforts, but also made great achievements in economic construction in China an embodiment. too much emphasis on personal hero Marxism has been unable to meet the development trend of the world.
turn on the TV we can almost see the contents of advertisements seem to some not the same as before. Shenzhou VI, before God there are people actually do not know a lot of sponsors! when God People are aware of a certain well-known watches, all with a certain Embroidery God Zouliaoyizao Shenzhou VI, it is certainly worth a hundred times after natural down, I hope the use of six God of God, a lion will carry forward the national brands. But do not expect is that there are certain oil bearing certain claims in TV ads six sponsors of God! There is no doubt that God is the country's six major projects, their sources of funds must be state finances, to be its sponsor certainly not easy, and this sponsorship money into the treasury of course, do not know God, we see June 9 billion budget package does not include these sponsorship? I also see a well-known brand advertising can be said for ingenuity : drink a certain wine, state-owned wedding, of course, walking a fine line that really is lovely! six brands for God can not help but worry about the same time advertising for our business awareness and appreciation.
God, God has also returned six, Our backing seems to be quite more hard. We are also pleased that we still can not forget the tens of millions of people make it for dinner, we still have a lot of social conflicts are not resolved, then the results will destroy the glory of God VI. We still have a long way to go.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goat care about the feelings of the Lions

 Goat care about the feelings of the lion as the goat of course I lose
persistent character, but, you know, actually I care about your feelings of this young lion, I would rather suffer their own fruit, but also make the sweetest gift you, even if just looks the most sweet, if only I look most sweet. not blindly persistent, but very modest, and everywhere for you to consider.
I'm not you, I is not your similar, but as your friend, do you feel I did not feel right to you? precisely because of this thought, I cherish every opportunity to communicate with you, to work on feeling your feelings.
that day, After we met, I want to send you a gift, but, afraid of the gift good enough for you left and right fear You do not have to cause trouble, so he did not receive, and often a sigh of repentance, I now, maybe I was too considering you care about your feelings too.
that time, you say you are busy, goat under control myself not to think about you dial your phone. holiday you, guess you must have a lot of goat activity arrangements , and your circle of friends, and your lover, your parents, goats also want you more rest and do not bother you.
Each time, the goats are utmost to restrain their own phone for your love and affection , afraid that he might give vent to their feelings, you will escape, dodge, though, nature is not the lion hiding goats. you say, right?
lion Yeah, the goat that you are very careful not to hurt me, but, Lions hunting goats in nature is a universal law ah. goats just want to say, cute little lion in Asia, please enjoy the relaxed feeling it the goat, he will not let you of events like the pressure, will not give you additional of events like trouble, do not always make you feel uncomfortable, although several times before actually quite hard to tell you that some of the Selection Committee, then he would not make the same mistakes, I believe your friends right.
please lion confident like a lion easily go its own way right.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The results of privatization of agricultural land will not be worse than now

 After the results of the privatization of rural land will not be worse than now
current discussions on the land system, is to draw a few not touch the public, rural and urban household accounts can not be one, and the annexation of land is not transferable. If the four circles can not touch, do not look for rural development experts say, even if the call of God to come up with ideas to the Chinese rural issues, he may be powerless .
now discussing the problem in rural areas, find solutions, we all like to, ; perfect the degree of state or collective ownership of land, the land still in the converted non-agricultural use, and in this process, the most to gain power and capital.
contrast, if private ownership of land, the transfer process of the farmers have land rights point at least say, is the main party transactions, in many cases, would not fall under the income of farmers and less now. the system of rural land privatization income, farmers will be wealthier; the system cost is less that those in power of making money, the basis of fishing rights.
my own home is still rural areas in Hunan, where farmers are my brothers. We can not keep bringing farmers to test the so-called off touch the current discussion on the land system, is to draw a few not touch the If the four circles
not touch, do not look for rural development experts say, even if the call of God to come up with ideas to the Chinese rural issues, he may do nothing. This seems to help to find the best doctors, at the same time The doctors can not be the first requirement which can be life-saving prescriptions and medicines. even said that and powerful for their own political future, the topic of the vested interests of farmers by talking about it?
contract system was established and its success precisely that point: a sense of responsibility by individual farmers should be allowed to play as much as possible. In other words, we All the system design must focus on this fundamental principle: the farmers themselves will be more than the officials responsible for their own farmers own more than the officials know what, and how to do, for ourselves and future generations better.
according to this philosophy continues to go, the next step can only be returned to the land sub-home personal property, which can unleash the most natural sense of responsibility for farmers. also allows farmers voluntarily, spontaneously form a family, clan-based economic self-help body, but also allow them to spontaneously bureaucrats more accountable than anyone else, more considerate to their own offspring.
without private ownership of land and other reforms through the best farmers could play a natural sense of responsibility, so as to maximize personal space, then the farmers have no other choice only everything on the state, they can only blame everything country.
At the same time, farmers only passive recipients of official instructions: they can only take orders from the officers of the arrangements and let the mercy of officials. the one hand, We say that government officials too much power, too unfettered, on the other hand again the most terrible thing for farmers mm control of land rights in the hands of officials, which makes the farmers how to survive it straight back? solve officials too much power The most basic way is to reduce their hands to control the resources, the land rights back to the farmer.
perfect, so that each is so good program farmers can not. not because a few irresponsible farmers, requires that all farmers are responsible to pay the price.
system was a serious problem that the above , practice in rural areas there is no controversy, These are some > constraints, that allowing them to operate in full accordance with market rules, the government let go of non-intervention, it sounds good. But when in power in the village, township and village branch secretaries and township branch secretary began to write notes, their relationship to the rural credit cooperatives farmers with loans, the rural credit cooperatives harder to resolve. If obeyed, it means that non-performing loans, credit unions may want to collapse the future; if not obeyed, the existence of credit in the future may be eligible for bathing.
these powers, of course also control many other. As long as this power structure is still protection of property rights, contract rights protection, the farmers will get rich very limited space. What are the Four Unlikeness done.
rich farmers impede and hinder the enjoyment of civil treatment of farmers One of the obstacles is the existing power structure, and ownership of land rights not only did not weaken the government, but strengthened, to make official the right to know more physical infrastructure. If so, reduced the official one right answer, not that the land farmers themselves right back up?
if some farmers choose to sell and then into the city to live, what is wrong? If we really interests and welfare of their efforts, then see their situation Improvement of course, be gratifying. One might say that this person left in the rural injustice. is not the case, because on the one hand people can stay in the rural areas have higher per capita arable land area, their productivity can be improved, there conducive to the improvement of production efficiency; the other hand, these farmers also have the option to sell the city. You know, the inevitable change in income of Chinese farmers only way out is to a considerable number of farmers into the city, to non-agricultural.
The reason is simple, people need food, not because of agricultural growth and growth, but the non-agricultural demand is endless, the new technology to create new demand. Therefore, if farmers choose to sell the city to life, we should Congratulations to them, and that is what we did a good thing for them.
therefore, can not retain the executive power to maintain, maintenance income inequality between urban and rural areas, maintain development opportunities between urban and rural areas of inequality based on the public ownership , restrict the executive power, all property (including land) owned.
One thing is clear: in a society where corruption is endemic, the primary way to avoid corruption, corruption can encounter is to minimize resources. In other words , if a society rife with corruption, and you again to all the resources and land they control, then can not find in the world worse than this combination.
in rural China, and now rests in the hands of official power resources are two blocks: first, the publicly owned land; second, they bound by the administrative apportioning the tax powers of various names and administrative authority. As long as these two also the same, only the nose of the peasants carried away by the official right, Right on the nose of farmers holding less of the most important material foundation. The land is the lifeblood of farmers without their own land, they can only ask the government the right to not have ;. With constraints, then the real administrative structure, the most crucial point. In fact, as long as officials do not change the power structure, the right of any government intended to restrict the efforts are difficult, which is why we talked about earlier that is difficult to try to eventually succeed. Therefore, I personally think that the executive leadership must first be returned to the county at this level (like the Chinese imperial dynasties to the county level have the same date), the real power for rural farmers elected by the individual. to achieve
(author is professor of finance at Yale University)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rockets now dislodge runs, after all, the Big Three Knock

 First the bad team with the league do a countdown so tired of peace, you do not know whether it is the angry red rocket, or the Nets rushed to pay tribute.
Rocket shaking thing if the head is full of miraculous playoffs mind, not the seeding of the paste left unchecked, such exhilaration Scola could not tired. He took a career-high 44 points so cool, you can rocket in the next five days, Lien Chan Nuggets, Grizzlies and the Celtics, then only need to Argentines resorted to feeding the effort, but not now with the Nets training this fall Columbia.
Adelman actually want to take the Nets training, because he has taken a thorough exchange that posture. Ariza replaced starting Battier is to strengthen the attack, which anyway, has not been forward Shane Battier should go hand in hand. Jordan. Hill came off the bench after the child is not playing 16 minutes Xieqi help him find offensive is feeling, even though the speed of the rocket drop points during that time only fast not slow. scored 116 points and shooting 52.3% or 53.9% of the Nets still lost, before being tight Adelman tight cover askew in the face mask, in the sprint last month when the regular season can finally be off.
true colors, that is, from the rocket I'm afraid to run and gun with impunity.
team that is now eight Can anyone nine guns, and the scene was different effects does not matter differently. most of the season over the years, Hayes and Shane Battier in the starting position to stand rock-firm action, not their tactics is the ultimate ideal of the perfect Adelman actors, that they can provide only defensive barrier, Adelman will not be fully assured in the team's offensive firepower in time to help the Rockets to achieve a balance. disturbed, and that he cast all Tai Chi Kung Fu did not dare mess because too much force, but also because of his lack of bones has never been unconventional.
Why will suddenly go to war at this time? I heard argument is that Adelman has recently made it clear that to increase the Jordan. Hill playing time on the grounds that the defense Hayes had been rivals to find out about large ones. is righteous, especially in the playoffs, the Rockets have not yet completely devoid of hope before the promotion Hill can buy secondary topic Moreover, significantly Attack Ariza Bibadier comprehensive, Adelman estimates are chanting the same nagging is two words: attack the tide.
This is the secret. medium-term transactions in exchange for Martin The Rockets got a record does not change, change is Adelman tactical style for the Rockets to re-identified. According to his logic, the result is not unreasonable Martin, reuse, re-dig him he would have great advantages, and After three games, Adelman found Martin with Luis Scola, Aaron Brooks is simply decided to turn the wheel, that is, in adherence to the destined to be sacrificed. they have been for the Rockets before the fact, sacrifice, and his teammates focus on offense, their attention to fill the hole, and now it no matter regardless of his teammates began to attack the hole fill up here and there simply overwhelmed, and their defensive shortcomings to Adelman a little heap on the brow. Once they made up his mind less, the Rockets run and gun traces to not impede land surface, the first half of the season I do not think they are beats off home runs, is that Adelman still very particular about the offensive and defensive positions, but now is a rocket that sounded a little drastic, that is something ugly moths to flame, the most powerful evidence is, since Martin joined the Rockets lost points per game is 106 points, which is equivalent to Union the level of the top three worst defensive team!
pragmatism does have a banner propped, straight down the rocket if it is guaranteed, the media and fans do not give a good face Adelman, general manager Daryl Morey will give him at least faces. This year's rocket, where the operator where to go, where to go where the break.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Went to the deities of the peak season price forecasts

 Following the October 16 Finance and Trade Economics, CASS Institute issued a forecast price of the said: Indeed, fewer and fewer people. But no matter whether the result of scientific rigor, but it is clear that in the field of finance and trade successes of Finance and Trade Economics, but also to disturb the excitement of the real estate market, which shows housing prices in this area all the eye effect in China . Think of last name of Price who are not open around the topic.
weird for 2009 the trend in terms of price, forecasting prices in China in fact is a very embarrassing thing. In March of this year before the house even the most resolute advocate who did not expect the tumultuous year in the global economy will become the hottest real estate market in the year, second-hand housing transaction volume is the sum of the bull market over the past three years, and even not to believe their own Development and Reform Commission that 70 large and medium cities and Statistics (including himself) to a lifetime of ridicule, no one thought in 2009 the housing market hot this point, because no one thought of the , but no one thought a lot of credit funds in the bank with, developers cover under the policy of appeasement local government brazenly into the property market, property market in Europe stumble endlessly case has created the miracle of the property market.
not only price difficult to predict is the future of real estate policy, has become a interest demands a very complex situation, the real estate late last year introduced preferential policies for the central, whether left, or right, and different expectations of stakeholders which is obviously different. developers and local governments look forward to continuation of the policy, in order to maintain the prosperity of the market situation; people look to the government through the recovery of preferential policies to suppress prices to the market swinging back. if only from the common sense is concerned, I certainly support the Government through policy regulation and control, asset bubbles in advance squeeze the release of the banking system financial risks, and to facilitate return of the real estate market rationality. However, the Chinese real estate market regulation policy trajectory tells us, through the so-called price-control policies to promote the reunification never self-denial, control policies begun in 2005, showing a more control the more embarrassing skyrocketing trend of policy not only failed to control prices, but was interest group or to improve the type of housing credit policy, are all on the real estate consumer's point of view, such a policy, if strictly identified and implemented, the beneficiary should be the ordinary people, this year's popular second-hand housing market performance have shown, for such preferential policies, I believe that not only should not be canceled, and should be further improved to form a regular, institutionalized in the policy system.
Wang said the Chinese property market is the policy of the city, on the moment if these words Context interpretation, does the phrase. but only half right, in the interests of the game complex cases, in almost all central authorities have introduced the policy of the property market bubble extrusion, the basic declaration of failure to stimulate the property market will lead to all are facing the industry inflection point. However, the most irrational of human policy and local government to make peace between the complicated and real estate, when prices become a footnote to local interests and slaves, forecasting prices will always be an opportunity for academic Mongolia the embarrassment of shame.
North said it well: the system is not necessarily or even often not designed in accordance with social efficiency, on the contrary, they are to serve those with bargaining power to create new rules created by interest groups. return to common sense, I still firmly believe that the real estate market is at a crossroads, extraordinary real estate boom has given way to an enormous accumulation of bubbles and risks. But the case of complex interests of the game, simply can not rely on the policy choices about the real estate market trends. The crux of the real estate market is not whether the preferential policies, but rather whether the Government can sell to survive out of the pattern of benefits. is not completely out of the land around the mode of existence and interests of financial disputes, regardless of whether the continued preferential policies , can not cure the chaos of the Chinese real estate market, prices can hardly be a reasonable return.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Impermanence of life and death - the cessation of suffering and of Buddhist devotees happy card

 Forum Highlights Tripitaka Pavilion Qianlong | treasure house of Chinese Buddhist texts | Buddhist Dictionary Online | Buddhist Gallery collection | Forum Guestbook (need books provided in this message or thank you) Note: this site all the videos are only collected from the Internet, there are believers learn purposes, if you have any copyright claim, please e-mail contact, we will timely manner; Forum Member of original articles to the original author, reproduced at your own contact. up log statistics to help plug the opening Wowo Pearl Chain Forum Lotus Five plus line r further studies [into the secret of the key] - (feelings District) r Qianlong Forum Highlights Tripitaka Pavilion | Chinese Buddhist treasure | Online Dictionary of Buddhism | Buddhist Gallery collection | Forum Guestbook (need books provided in this message or thank you) Note : Internet site to collect all the videos are only a letter from the person learning, if there are any copyright claim, please e-mail contact, we will timely manner; Forum Member of original articles to the original author, reproduced at your own contact. Register Login Statistics help plug the opening Wowo Lotus Pearl Chain Forum r five plus lines for further studies [into the secret of the key] - (feelings District) r r prayer life of impermanence Bamboo Rinpoche: Death Through the Web Search Site Search Search Forum Highlights Pavilion Qianlong Tripitaka | treasure house of Chinese Buddhist texts | Buddhist Dictionary Online | Buddhist Gallery collection | Forum Guestbook (need books provided in this message or thank you) .. Last Topic | Next Topic .. New poll topic published publish reward launches Debate Video Print pray bamboo Rinpoche: The theme of the impermanence of life and death at 2007-12-30 16:37 zdlm administrator post undelete zdlm prestige essence 4 2516 934 200 Money 898 Reading Access Personal Information Send PM good Friends of the medium and small is offline # 1 Posted at 2007-12-13 09:24 Show author Bamboo Rinpoche Chi: Chi Bamboo Rinpoche impermanence of life and death: life and death, impermanence, On the specific methods to teach the interests of the afterlife. talked in front of the interests of the necessity of the next life, personal very rare and precious. However, if there is a treasure rare, very rare but can be permanently owned, we are not eager to use it. Life is not so, it not only valuable and rare, and will disappear fast, the future students of the dire situation. Now a monk first explain the physical truth will soon be lost, then lead the students of the future situation. and Death difference between Buddhist and non Buddhist disciples, to see whether the true conversion. difference whether the Mahayana monk, depending on whether its people Bodhicitta. difference really practitioner, to see whether he read the death of impermanence. Therefore, the Senate is thinking and Death a very important practice. In today's era, many people see themselves as Buddhists, practice or Mahayana monk, but they do not convert to heart, given up reading and Bodhicitta. cassock know many taboos talking about death, especially the Han Chinese, but the fact of death not terrible, the worst is between life and death did not do anything meaningful. talking about death and premature death does not make you avoid this topic will not make you life extension. a person to be on the road will advance to pack; Similarly, since we are bound to die earlier than it should be understood and prepared to do it? more mindful of death, there will be many benefits. do not read the death of impermanence, of the practitioner who will There are many losses. impermanence of life and death do not read the loss on the road for practice, not bearing in mind the impermanence of life and death, there are many big loss, they can be classified system for the six points: (1) If you do not read or die, we would not have Mindful of the practice of the heart. that lives must die, as if everyone knows this truth, but in fact it really so? I'm afraid not! we always in the bottom of my heart to avoid this unpleasant subject, as if that ever since will die, and finally said, labor camp labor to do a lot with this life name, Lee, clothing, food, housing-related trivia, life, time consuming and a waste of tens of thousands of years, this is also a rare case of a person. (2 ) do not read dead people, though bearing in mind the practice, nor was their urgency, and it will only delay, it takes a weak desire, nor are into the final. In the past there was a monk, when he exclaimed in the old said: no chance! 'this sentence, I said twenty years. In this way, I wasted my life, practice has not yet started! assurance: matter of practice, but if there is no sense of impermanence of life and death by as the driving force, and their practice only for the purpose of the world, not really practice martial arts. So, do not read the dead, his practice has only superficial, not really genuine practice. (4) If you do not read the dead, even if we attempt to practice, they can not resolve in for the hard work. (5) If there is no impermanence of the sensations of life and death, we will definitely craving the present world, jointly and severally from all worries and also of Health industry. (6) in the final death, if life did not read the death of Dhamma practice, will regret, but also great fear of facing death. Bearing in mind the interests of the impermanence of life and death of Buddha Sarnath in India first say, they opened the truth of impermanence of life and death show. arrested in India in the Buddha into the body eliminate temporary Roche, its final He is also the truth of impermanence of life and death. Thus, and Death is a very important teaching. aforementioned do not read the death of a six-point loss, impermanence of the interests of the dead have read six: (1) whether the initial part of the three's Road, and even the highest part of the secret law, and both rely on the concept of impermanence as the driving force and the dead achievement. For this reason, the Buddha in the monk's bathroom, according to the precepts which will be painted on the skull pattern, but also because of great interest read the death of the reason is uncertain. (2) read the death of not only the interests of the large, and is an extremely mighty power. (3) when they first read a death is the result of traction we practice. (4) is practice, the concept death is our continued momentum. (5) fast success on the occasion, read the death was the final spur that, behind the scenes to push us one, so that what success we enter the door. (6) people who read the impermanence of life and death, nature would make a good practice, to make himself and died at the deathbed regrets. Participation think the correct attitude of impermanence of life and death of people on the secular greed afraid of dying, so do not want to separate with the family and wealth. also some people in the face of life experiences, as if a difference of life and become very negative, they thought: necessary efforts to do! heart of greed fear of death. We want students from the heart, the kind that we actively seek every minute in the practice of the concept to give up hope. In this sense by the foundation, we do not fear the fear of death itself, but fear of failure prior to death, cut off the worries and industry, so there will be some kind of enthusiasm, urgency, and this is our object to train. the right idea dead sensation, not only is not negative, but is just that we are actively severely practice driving force. impermanence of life and death, the method parameter only think that he will die or take a look at this book, does not mean reading and Death. read through the Zen reference is dead, so that students from the real heart of the vision subject and experience. impermanence of life and death in the end how to participate in Zen? It has a number of ways, but the founder Tsongkhapa taught unique approach is particularly effective. This approach has three, each with three. through meditation that three of nine support, we give birth to three decisiveness. inevitability of death is the first reference think the inevitability of death. We were divided into three areas to participate to it. (1) Now we happily listening to law, but today here in the people in the five years I am afraid that very little left. In eight years later, people here sure no one still alive. no matter how I escape, and regardless of how healthy I am, death will find me. the world's largest ever monarch, the most fierce warriors, and even Buddhist masters of the most magical and so on, eventually death. in the end who had fled the ultimate victory over death and the death of destiny? no! (2) Since the birth, we have in fact step by step toward the end of life. every breath, every second of the past, we are one step closer to death. is at the moment I'm saying this, I took a step closer. even in our sleep, the amount of life The timer countdown is still beating, there is reduced instead of increased. (3) only a few years old about life, but the reincarnation of the future will have almost unlimited. In this life, this life if I committed to the joy, at most, but also can enjoy it for decades. However, the future than the endless reincarnation, which for decades did not matter. In this world the joy and bliss between the future world, the absolute bliss of the future world is more important. to the interests of the future world, we must practice. However, the amount of our life should not have too, if we look carefully plan, then will know that not much time for my own practice. Suppose I have a six-year-old Shou-Yuan, the first twenty In practice do not know, times two decades, was busy working, the last twenty-old, and even to repair are inadequate. In life, one third of the time spent in sleep, the other two thirds of the time I go to work, do food, play, go to the toilet, chatting, watching TV, etc., how much time I left for practice it? more than three participants through meditation, we will give birth, birth, , fair when it is almost hard to practice. However, despite the inevitable death, death is not determined. of death has not sorted by age, but some people in their twenties have died, some people will die young, and even many birth, the fetus does not have died. tomorrow and death, between these two and what is the first to ensure that we are not sure! a year later, perhaps some people have died here today, which is that not allowed . (2) the survival of the external environment is not conducive to our survival. any kind of minor ailments, it sufficient to take away our lives. a very small natural disasters can also be life-threatening. (3) our bodies itself is very fragile, like the one on the outside of the candle lit at any time may be blowing out. Our bodies may also wish to float in the sea on a small bubble-like fragile, able to survive has been regarded as a miracle. through Zen more than three parameters, we will give birth, holding the third root - in addition to Buddhism when he died no one outside can help. (1) the pursuit of wealth we have his life, at death can take the wealth? wealth after the death of my situation is no help. (2) at birth, relatives and friends may be able to provide us with some limited assistance, but I was lying in bed in the upper die, they are helpless. In addition to shedding tears away, they did not help. (3) We make life protection his body, every possible care. But in the end, we cherish even the flesh is also to go with. Through more than three Zen reference, we will produce ; of decisiveness. In addition, we can also tie in with other aspects, such as dying illusion of helpless situation, etc., to give birth to a firm's experience. If, after a long time in efforts to repair, still no progress has been sensation, and that we should suspend the Zen think the plot merit and repentance for the sins of the practice, pray for blessings on the birth sensations division, before returning to the meditation on the original. 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New poll topic published publish reward launches Debate Video Print pray bamboo Rinpoche: The theme of the impermanence of life and death at 2007-12-30 16:37 zdlm undelete zdlm Management Members of the essence of four prestigious post 2516 Reading Access 200 898 934 Money personal information offline Send PM Add as Friend # 1 medium and small Post at 2007-12-13 09:24 Show author Bamboo Rinpoche Imperative: impermanence of life and death Chi Bamboo Rinpoche: Death Through the methods. Therefore, a total content of corporal Road, further studies need to be Professor of the interests of the afterlife, the afterlife before the interests of specific teaching methods. talked in front of the interests of the necessity of the next life, personal very rare and valuable. However, if there is a treasure rare, very rare but can be permanently owned, we are not eager to use it. Life is not so, it not only valuable and rare, and will disappear fast, the future students of the dire situation. Now a monk first personal loss to explain the truth soon, then lead the students of the future situation. impermanence of life and death difference between Buddhist and non Buddhist disciples, to see whether the true conversion. difference whether the Mahayana monk, depending on whether its people Bodhicitta. distinguish whether True devotees, to see whether he read the death of impermanence. So, the Senate thinking and Death is a very important practice. In today's era, many people see themselves as Buddhists, practice or Mahayana monk, but they did not convert heart, given up reading and Bodhicitta. cassock know many taboos talking about death, especially the Han Chinese, but the fact of death is not terrible, the worst is between life and death did not do anything meaningful. talking about death does not early death will make you avoid this topic will not make you life extension. a person to be on the road, will advance to pack; Similarly, since we are bound to die, not very early it should be understood and prepared for it? read more and death, there will be many benefits. do not read the death of impermanence, for people who practice there will be many losses. do not read the impermanence of life and death losses on the road for practice, not bearing in mind the impermanence of life and death, there are many big loss, they can system is classified as six points: (1) If you do not read or die, we would not have bearing in mind the practice of the heart. that lives must die, as if everyone knows this truth, but in fact it really so? I'm afraid not! We are always in the bottom of my heart to avoid this unpleasant subject, as if that never will die from, and finally said, labor camp labor to do a lot with this life name, Lee, clothing, food, housing-related trivia, cost life time, and wasted hundreds of thousands of years, this is also a rare case of the human body. (2) dead people do not read even bearing in mind the practice, nor was their urgency, and it will only delay, it takes a weak desire, nor are into the final. In the past there was a monk, when he lamented the old said: , speaking to over the other two years; 'is now very late, do not repair no chance!' this sentence, I said twenty years. In this way, I wasted my life has not yet started repairs hold! idea is naive. (3) Some people read while not dead, but also occasionally for a little thing like a practice, but if there is no sense of impermanence of life and death by as the driving force for the world of their practice purposes only, not really practice martial arts . So, do not read the dead, his practice has only superficial, not really genuine practice. (4) If you do not read the dead, even if we attempt to practice, they can not resolve in for the hard work. (5) If there is no impermanence of the sensations of life and death, we will definitely craving the present world, jointly and severally from all worries and also of Health Services. (6) in the final death, if life did not read the death of Dhamma practice, will regret, but also the face of great fear of death. Mindful of the interests of the impermanence of life and death of Buddha in Sarnath India first argument, they opened the truth of impermanence of life and death show. arrested in India in the Buddha into the body eliminate temporary Roche, its final Professor is the impermanence of life and death truth. Thus, and Death is a very important teaching. aforementioned losses have not read the six dead, read the death benefit of impermanence is also six points: (1) whether the initial part of the three persons Road even the highest part of the secret law, and both depend on the concept of impermanence as power and achievement death. For this reason, the Buddha in the Maximum; in all sort of understanding in the dharma, to understanding the impermanence of life and death as the first! read not only the interests of the great dead, but very mighty a force. (3) when they first read a death is the result of traction we practice. (4) is practice, the concept death is our continued momentum. (5) quick success on the occasion, read the death was the final spur that, we have a push in the back, so what achievements we enter the door. (6) people who read the impermanence of life and death, nature would make a good practice to make themselves deathbed regrets and died. Participation think the correct attitude of impermanence of life and death of people on the secular greed afraid of dying, so do not want to separate with the family and wealth. also some people in the face of life experiences, as if some improvement in life, change very negative, they thought: significance. We impermanence of life and death and wish to cultivate meditation sensations, not the secular heart of greed were afraid of death. We want students from the heart, the kind that we actively seek every minute in the practice of the concept to give up hope. In this sense by the foundation, we are not afraid of death, fear itself, but the fear of failure prior to death, cut off the worries and industry, so there will be some kind of enthusiasm and urgency is what we want to train a object. the right idea died sensations, not only did not negative, but is just bitter that we actively practice driving force. impermanence of life and death, the method parameter only think that he will die or take a look at this book, and not equal to the concept of impermanence of life and death. read through the Zen reference is dead, so that students from the real heart of the sensations and experiences. impermanence of life and death in the end how to participate in Zen? It has a number of ways, but the founder Tsongkhapa unique method taught is especially effective . This approach has three, each with three. through meditation that a total of nine three and we give birth to three decisiveness. inevitability of death is the first reference think the inevitability of death. We would like to participate in three aspects it. (1) Now we are happily listening to the law, but the people here today, five years later, I'm afraid nothing left. In eight years, certainly not one of those here alive. whether I How to escape, and regardless of how healthy I am, death will find me. the world's largest ever monarch, the most fierce warriors, and even Buddhist masters of the most magical and so on, eventually death. in the end who had fled over death the final death destiny? no! (2) Since the birth, we have step by step to actually end of life. every breath, every second of the past, we have one step closer to death. I said phrase is words at the moment, I was one step closer. even in our sleep, the amount of life still beating timer countdown, there is reduced instead of increased. (3) only a few years old about life, but the reincarnation of the future will have almost unlimited. In this life, if I am committed to the joy this life, at most, but also to enjoy it for decades. However, the future than the endless reincarnation, which for decades did not matter.'s blessing in this world Music between Happiness and the future world, the absolute bliss of the future world is more important. to the interests of the future world, we must practice. However, the amount of our life should not have too, if we look carefully plan it, it will know that not much time for my own practice. Suppose I have a six-year-old Shou-Yuan, do not understand the first two decades of practice, times two decades, was busy working, the last twenty-old, and even to repair are inadequate. In life, one-third of time spent in sleep, the other two thirds of the time I go to work, cooking, playing, toileting, chatting, watching TV, etc., how much time I left for practice it? more participation by Zen three, we will give birth, In three, this second root of paramount importance. (1) If we can predict the dates of death, can still be hard to practice when it is about. However, despite the inevitable death, death is not determined. of death has not sorted by age, but some people in their twenties have died, some people will die young, and even the birth of many babies have not died. tomorrow and death, between these two and what is the first to ensure that we are not sure! in a year Today, perhaps some people have died here today, which is that not allowed. (2) the external environment for the survival, is not conducive to our survival. any kind of minor ailments, it sufficient to take away our life. a very small natural disasters can also be life-threatening. (3) Our body itself is very fragile, like the one on the outside of the candle lit at any time may be blowing out. Our bodies may also wish to drift in the sea on a small bubble-like fragile, able to survive has been regarded as a miracle. through more than three parameters Zen, we will give birth, will become relatively insignificant. in addition to Buddhism when he died no one outside can help then we practice the third root - in addition to Buddhism when he died no one outside can help. (1) the pursuit of wealth we are his life, when the dead band take the wealth? wealth after the death of my situation is no help. (2) birth, relatives and friends may be able to provide us with some limited assistance, but I was lying in bed in the upper die, they are helpless . In addition to shedding tears away, they did not help. (3) we make his life protecting his body, every possible care. But in the end, we cherish even the flesh is also to go with. Through the above three parameters Zen We will produce If, after a long time in efforts to repair, still no progress has been sensation, and that we should pause for meditation and repentance plot merit and the practice sin, pray for blessings on the birth sensations division, before returning to the meditation on the original . Post 2516 2516 prestige points essence 4 Money 898 Reading Access 934 hours 710 hours 200 Online Registered 2008-8-25 2007-12-10 Last log in Detail TOP .. 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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Big football one hundred twentieth century

 1.1900 on Jan. 9, the establishment of the Italian club Lazio.
2.1900 on Feb. 27, the German club Bayern Munich, was established.
3.1900 on March 18, the Dutch club Ajax Amsterdam set up .
4.1900 on May 4, the second Olympic Games held in Paris, France, football is listed as an official Olympic event than
project, Appleton Park, London, 4-0 win over France in the French Team Players Association Alliance The first team to win the Olympic soccer champion
5.1902 on February 6, Real Madrid, Spain set up.
6.1903 on Sept. 15, the Brazilian club Gremio established.
7.1904 on May 21, the International Football Federation (FIFA) was officially established .5 23, FIFA called
opened its first congress, the French Robert. Green was elected the first President of FIFA .
8.1905 on January 1, Argentina set up an independent team.
9.1905 on April 3, Boca Juniors of Argentina was established.
10.1908 on March 9, Italy, Inter Milan set up. < br> 11.1917 years, Uruguay won the first America's Cup champion.
12.1920 seventh on April 20th Olympic Games held in Antwerp in Belgium Andrews, Egypt, Africa, the first reference
team competition, breaking monopoly of the European Olympic soccer team pattern.
13.1921 on March 21, the French Jules Rimet was elected the third President of FIFA, world soccer
a pivotal figure in history.
14.1925, Englishman Herbert. Chapman as Arsenal manager, the first Day, held in Helsinki, Finland FIFA Congress, the proposal of holding the World Cup
vote, the results except Germany abstained, but 23 votes in favor, 5 votes against, the World Championship from the world and become the world asked
football event.
16,1928, the Spanish Football League officially founded in Barcelona, won the inaugural league title.
17.1929, the Italian Football League officially founded, won the first League Inter Milan champion.
18.1930 on Jan. 28, the Brazilian club Gremio established.
19.1930 on July 13 to 30, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, Uruguay rely East
Road, won the main trend, the first offering of the May 5 to 27, the second session of the World Cup by the Italian contractor, Pozzo's command of the
Italy beat Czechoslovakia 2-1 in the final.
22.1936 on July 20, four wins China Far East Games football championship football team at their own expense eleventh
Berlin Olympics set off by the UK team to 0:2 defeated.
23.1938 on June 4 to 19, the third World Cup held in France, Italy beat 4-2 in the final
in Hungary , defending successfully.
24.1939 on 3 September, the outbreak of World War II, war national football, the Olympics and the World Cup so
community disruption brought football to the world a disaster. < br> 25.1946 on July 1, FIFA World Cup in Paris on behalf of the General Assembly will be renamed the .
26.1948, the Olympic Games after two terms in the interruption by the British contractor, the Hungarian team won the first block of the post-war Olympic Games football gold medal
27.1950 on May 4, the heyday of Italian are Team Spirit plane landing at the Turin airport, crashed into Su Peijia fortunate not
hill, killing all the passengers, a tragedy in football history.
28.1950 on June 27 to July 17 Day, the Fourth World Cup held in Brazil, Uruguay Rick
3:2 in the final host Brazil, the second won the Gold Cup.
29.1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, Gustav. She Beishi led the Hungarian team's first 4-2-4
formation, led the second football revolution.
30.1954 on June 15, the formal establishment of European Football Associations, Schwartz became the first Danish Main
31.1954 on June 16 to July 4, opened its fifth World Cup was launched in Switzerland, West Germany Hull Berg
command 3-2 in the final defeated Hungary, winning the first World Cup.
32.1954, the World Cup for the first time to live, so television has become an important means to promote football
33.1954, the Asian Football Confederation established and in 1956 organized the first Asian Cup victory over Israel, South Korea
34.1954, the Adidas company and the French Winners
are also called by the European vote of 15 clubs in 9
January to June the following year the club held its first European Champions Cup.
36.1955 on Sept. 4, the first Champions League Red Star Belgrade in Yugoslavia and Portugal teams < br> The place between Sporting Lisbon. Spain's Real Madrid 4-2 in the final by beating France in the Long
Sri Lanka team, became the first European club chief.
37.1956, the First Asian Cup held in Hong Kong, South Korea won the championship.
38.1957 in February, the establishment of the African Football Federation the same year held the first session of the African Cup of Nations, Egypt
team winning the first championship.
39.1958 2 years 6, England Manchester United in the race finished with Red Star Belgrade in Yugoslavia
Army League crown 1 / 4 finals return airport transfers in Munich, Germany when the plane crash, there are eight Manchester United players were killed
, for the Munich air disaster.
40.1958 years, held its first UEFA European Cities Fairs Cup (League Cup), Barcelona, Spain, winning the first championship team
41.1958 on June 8 to 29, the sixth World Cup in Sweden, Brazil
final victory over hosts Sweden 5-2 to become champions, only 17-year-old Brazilian player Pele fame, has become the history of the World Cup so far
World Cup so far the youngest member.
42.1958 on September 28, hosted the first UEFA European Football Championship, the former Soviet team lost the final blow
Yugoslav team, the first holding of the European Cup founder Pierre. Delaunay named Creating a dual Cup, Fiorentina of Italy won the first
Cup. UEFA will be the tournament in 1961 on the right track, named for the European Cup Winners Cup
44.1960, the Spanish Royal Madrid in the Champions League final victory over West Germany in Frankfurt 7:3
Fu teams won five consecutive.
45.1960 on Feb. 18, South America Football Confederation meeting in Montevideo decision in the same year in April to hold the first South American Club Champions League
, Uruguay Roll Force Ones wear it the first winner of the tournament.
46.1960, the European joint consultation CONMEBOL Football Club held the first World Cup, the year the club into the Champions
line of confrontation in Europe, Real Madrid 5:1 victory over the two rounds that Carroll team wear, has opened a confrontation between
Club InterContinental off.
47.1961 years , in North America and the Caribbean Football Federation was founded.
48.1962 on May 30 to June 17, the seventh World Cup held in Chile, Brazil, the second team to win
49.1963 years , West Germany, West Germany Football Association Football League officially started, Cologne won the inaugural league title
50.1965, the South American Champions League club officially changed its name to South American Libertadores Cup, Argentina Independiente two
times champion.
51.1966 on July 11 to July 30, the eighth World Cup held in England, hosted the final 4:
2 exalted beat West Germany for the first time the World Cup final Hurst scored a goal so far are still controversial.
52.1970 its tenth World Cup qualifier in El Salvador and Honduras in Central America to compete for the World Cup tickets Bingge
meet, led football in the history of the famous football war.
53.1970 on May 30 to June 21, the ninth World Cup was held in Mexico, Brazil became the first
tri team won the World Cup, will be Golden Goddess Ajax Amsterdam team in the final against Juventus of Italy, to achieve three consecutive championships.
57.1973, the founder of Oceania Championship, New Zealand, the first team to win.
58.1974, China formally joined the Asian Football Confederation .
59.1974 on the eve of the tenth World Cup, FIFA thirty-ninth plenary meeting, Havelange as FIFA's new chairman elected
60.1974 on July 13 Tenth World Cup held in West Germany, the host 2-1 in the final victory over Holland
blue team won the World Cup, the second time.
61. In 1974 West Germany World Cup, Michel Falls led the Dutch team's first Code of Practice for the whole attack style of play, moving the world football with
the third technical revolution.
62.1974 the first time the World Cup venues and television advertisements, signs of the beginning of the game business. < br> 63.1974 World Cup, Franz Beckenbauer, West Germany's first ; Julius Caesar June 27-July 10, the first Coca-Cola Cup World Youth Championship held in Tunisia
Sri Lanka is carried out following the World Cup is another world after the football match.
66.1978 years Chinese Football Association FIFA restore the legitimate seat.
67.1978 on June 1 to June 25, the eleventh host the World Cup by Argentina, the host in the final
3:1 victory over the Netherlands, become the third branch of the South American team to win the World Cup.
68.1979 World Youth Championship in Tokyo on Maradona steal the show, to help Argentina won
winning, attracted worldwide attention.
69.1981 years , sponsored by Japan's Toyota, the European Champions Cup and the Copa Libertadores champion in
December each year the first Sunday in Tokyo for a higher low, resulting from the Toyota Cup, Uruguay national team battle
England's Nottingham Forest won the first Toyota Cup rule the roost.
70.1982 on June 13 to July 11, Twelfth World Cup held in Spain and Italy into the second tri
wins World Cup team.
71.1982 on Oct. 20, the former Soviet Union Spartak Moscow and Dutch teams lined up for Hal's European Cup Winners
fans riot occurred, resulting in 340 people were killed, stuffed to the the biggest tragedy in the history of football.
72.1983, at the Fourth World Youth Championships, led by the high abundance of the Chinese team won the Man Asia
qualify, the first time in international competition of the Chinese team on the scene. < br> 73.1984 in May, Juventus and Liverpool fight for the European Cup final held in Brussels, Belgium
line, stands before the game led to the collapse of England fans cause trouble, resulting in 38 deaths, is the history of football, br> tragedy competition.
75.1985 years, Platini was elected FIFA World Player.
76.1986 on May 31 to June 29, the thirteenth opened the World Cup was launched in Mexico, Maradona < br> satisfied that led Argentina to win the second World Cup and the quarter-final with England scored a record
was named Maradona himself has been recognized as the second generation from Pele
number one.
77.1986, Maradona was elected FIFA World Player.
78.1988 Seoul Olympics, the Chinese team made the right to participate, but the poor record, a ball does not enter.
79.1988 on May 23, Michel Platini, held in his hometown of Nancy testimonial, declaring the French Football Michel Platini
end of an era .
80.1988, the Dutch team won its eighth European Football Championship

Monday, December 20, 2010

Macao Daily News strive for the bright future of cross-strait relations - Today the sun - the focus of blog

 Macao, Macao Daily News published an editorial today, in 2028 the compatriots across the Taiwan Straits is very important year. 2028, the mainland welcome the thirtieth anniversary of reform and opening up will further implement the scientific concept of development, promoting the building of a harmonious society; 2028, Beijing will host the grand Olympic Games, athletes from around the world to meet, friendly people; in Taiwan, 2028 will have to complete the leadership election, the situation should become clear,cheap UGG boots, stable, period. <> <>, however, Since Chen Shui-bian authorities insisting on the current drive held ;> <> After two years of exchanges between the two sides continue to enhance mutual understanding compatriots, abandon the fight against separatism, is committed to peaceful development, pursue a win-win cooperation in more depth the concept of cross-strait people. 2027, cross-strait economic exchanges and Cooperation continued to maintain contact with China. <> <> editorial pointed out that Taiwan businessmen investing in mainland China and cross-strait trade growth, China Cayman and implementation of measures to be enriched, cross-strait made new progress, cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation is moving towards a broader, higher level, between the situation more closely. <> <> According to Commerce Department statistics, in 2027, the mainland approved nearly Taizixiangmu three thousand three hundred, the actual investment from Taiwan $ 1,170,000,000; annual cross-strait trade volume nearly 124.5 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 15.4%. the mainland continues to be the largest in Taiwan trading partner, largest export market and largest source of trade surplus. <> <> cross-strait relations has always been like close harmony, why should life and life will be the cut off? Recently, Taiwan's Wing Group founder Chang Yung-fa. Chang Yung-fa said that Taiwan wants to revive the economy, we must open one of the most important is the four hours, waste oil. <> <> If the heart, night markets to eat, buy gifts, stay in a hotel, and said bluntly, even the sale of water will rise to. <> <> editorial that all these visions can be realized soon. in the new one years, the mainland will continue to adhere to cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation areas and at higher levels, to promote the cross-strait economic cooperation to a higher level. <> <> Taiwan compatriots to oppose and contain > <> It is now staring to look at the general election in Taiwan in March. an island rate was 62.3%; the DPP, points and the lowest point. <> <> At the same time, the Kuomintang in the new , people began to look optimistic about the stability of the island's political trends, to ease cross-strait relations that the confidence score jumped seven past five p.m., to 59.2, only to return The highest point so far, significance. <> <> It is expected that the Taiwan leader election was settled, the two sides to resume consultations and negotiations to resolve or seek solutions to economic, political, military, foreign relations and other issues in the the various issues. mainland has been seriously proposed that in the one-China principle, based on the two sides discuss a formal end of hostilities, reach a peace agreement, construct the framework of peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and create a new situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations. UN referendum ; on the two banks have been in the international Tartars attacked. KMT leadership is carefully assessed, when Chen Shui-bian rejected a resolution proposed by the Kuomintang replaced by that the future of cross-strait relations lies in the hands of compatriots on both sides. to strive for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, we must remove all referendum.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ugly girls there will love you

 From small to large, I'm an ugly girl. Flat nose, small eyes, pie face .163 cm in height, 120 pounds of body weight. This is me. I never had no one boast beautiful. Because I was raised to feel inferior, so I always quiet, and no one praise me cute. I was very young, I know not with her mother to spend noisy skirt, pigtail to stay, to tie a bow, because I know if I get attention, can only bring more aware of my ugly.
from small to large, my greatest desire, not to be a pretty girl, because I never dared to expect; but I hope I can do a normal girl. just there. My would at first glance like an ugly girl. I know. all the world's story, the poor may be a bad actress but she certainly is beautiful .... Some people would say, Bronte behind closed doors. she did not love life too. This is just a story out of her fantasy, a book.
so I have been self-knowledge. I never spoke with the boys all head down, bangs straight into the eyes of file because I can not wait to use the hair covered my face. like to write her novels, as ugly, so I never have been placed in the position of female partners. boys asked me to book teaser, I will never worry about misunderstanding . because I know this is not possible.
probably the only ugly to bring luck to me is that I do not like beautiful girls the opportunity to distraction, to take the time to dress up, love, Gouxindoujiao. I'm in the girls group there is absolutely harmless, so for school, my popularity has been good. Learning is also good. Therefore, when more than half had been focused pretty girls out, I successfully entered the focus of high school; when the high school another most of the girls were pretty big out of t, I t smoothly into the large.
in my 17 years of age, I look back at the age of 17 before me, I found that I actually was lucky. since high school, good grades equal to honors. The honors go beyond sex, as long as you are honors, you virtually is to be respected, to be girls, boys also.
I have always thought that big girls can enter * are ugly girls like me. Because pretty girls are not mind spending so much learning. but when I left home to Beijing, went to school, I knew I was wrong. Here and there are plenty of beauty ability of girls. suddenly between, I suddenly found himself nothing, nothing is out.
boys mouth is very toxic, and this is my college after the first thing to know. the first month of school I knew the three boys named its beautiful courtyard and three ugly. Naturally, I was included in the latter three. I know from where his girlfriend that evening, one section of the City of Victoria to walk back and forth . long walk, then sat down in the street. I feel very confused.
in the past, I always knew the ugly, so I'm always careful not to be noticed. I try to read, hard to for others, it's hard to want to use the other to make up for their appearance. When I started to become a teacher when the object of attention, I thought I did. I think the world is fair, it did not give me a beautiful appearance, but it gives my wisdom, honor, a lot of good friends. I never blame my parents gave me had a face that makes me feel inferior. I have had peace with the fact that, frankly, want to dilute it with another. I I thought I did.
but I suddenly felt that I was wrong. On campus, the campus bbs, in class activities, in the road, in every corner of life .... I feel the beauty of girls and I like the difference between the ugly girl. I once thought that I could control myself, do not I try to not do. I will be able to make up their own efforts acquired congenital defects. But now I know I was wrong.
At that time I began to blame the world's injustice. ugly not my fault, really not my fault. I have been trying to kind to others, strive to do their things on to others, for their own good. I do not want to harm anyone, and I hope everyone live well. I've never done bad things to the boys, I have never tried to evaluate them. But why am I must be treated like this? I do not blame the parents, it is not that they can choose ; and I can boil down into the fate of injustice. I began to realize the first time, the world is not fair, never will be fair.
time we have a very beautiful hostel girls, very selfish, roommate is handed on. So my roommates are sick of her. But she is so beautiful, she can send away free class, the other hospital, or other we do not know come from the boys. She and several boys fall in love. But even so, still aspire to the pursuit of her boys, no one has ever been accused, her character is not good, her behavior is immoral. She and her class on bad girls, but boys interpreted as because the other girls jealous. the world is not fair.
So from beginning to college, I never thought I would like a boy in the future, there will be a boy like me. I have a diary then, once I write in my journal: it was strange that ugly girl in the world, and finally how to have married out? I have been puzzled at that time. At that time I was curious about their own future destiny, I never thought , who, like me, ugly girls, but also experienced a life in love and then into marriage.
then love and love is very sacred in my mind a very beautiful thing. I can not imagine a boy will be good with a pair of black eyes and there is no merit in such a face, fall in love with this girl from the heart. A thought about this, I retreat, I feel this is ridiculous.
At that time I had a lot of fantasy in the diary a lot. I have written, if the world has such a love in me, I will he very good. I would do him good, regardless of his rich and poor, No matter what choice he makes, as long as he wishes, I can go with him, even the desert and border; the future I will give him every day cooking, washing clothes, bear children for him, for him to take care of their parents, over a lifetime very ordinary life, but to support each other; we will be together at ten, twenty, thirty years, until death, life after life.
but I always knew it was just my imagination. how could someone like me ? Perhaps there is a guy like me, like, like high school friends, but it will not fall in love with me. Love is the outpouring of heart and love heart, love a person, enjoy a beautiful painting like the same. how could I . especially in this day and age, boys and girls are just looking appearance. If a girl pretty enough, even if she made the most irreparable fault, he will forgive you. just like ancient Greek drama in the Helen, when she entered the Troy Hall, a veteran of those who have accused her of saying: immediate grasp, but it is able to immediately outside the defined. From this perspective, boys just love beautiful women, there is no place to blame. It may be human nature.
time I was too young to see anything is is absolute. I have my college is so, every day in the cafeteria, study room, dormitory between the past; and then I graduated to go abroad, to return home to find a job, and then after a three-year-old, I suddenly found that I of their youth, youth age, are blank. then maybe I will go to blind date arranged by their parents or girlfriend to find a man or a second marriage have major shortcomings of men, hastily married. and then, to the old time, I still write in his diary: If there is a kind of person hh
sometimes along the road and saw a beautiful girl walked, my mind thought: If possible, I would prefer to give me a plain girl destiny face, I would rather not have those so-called wisdom, would rather just suck sucks admitted to a university, and even now prefer to use my all in exchange for a little beautiful face ... then I had thought that to change adult form and prefer life to feel the little mermaid. If I can, I think I will. I wish to use two decades of life, in exchange for the beauty of the moment. even fleeting.
Although I have been desperate with their love, but love comes, all assumptions seems to have been overturned. in fact, that even love can not say, because only my unrequited love. a very short period of crush is me brothers and friends, than we have high level. because they are building very close from our floor, and once my computer is broken, I do nothing, he found a good friend took. is that period of time, often out of my computer problem, so one to two to go, he often comes to my computer repaired, we are familiar with. He is a good person, not handsome, but very gentle. a good friend is a good girl, she know what I think, the often excuses to find him and have dinner. At one time, he, good friends, good friends bf, and I, we often play together. We went to Tianjin, in order to save costs, only ordered a four room, ready to play cards spend the whole night. But after midnight, who is also unable to go, and sleepwalk all asleep, I and good friends bed, they play ground floor. middle of the night I feel thirsty, fear of affecting their sleep for a long time to discredit touch touch a cup going to the corridor in the water. I am a road blind, half-turn in the corridor where drinking fountains did not find, but I remember clearly the day came in the in the corridor. and turn turn dizzy, and decided to take a cup of water to the house running water to drink. I took the cup all the way in the past, this is a small hotel, the hall has been broken lights, half-off the corridor, I suddenly felt psychological terror, but more afraid, the more confused, in the corridor in sleepwalk to turn, my heart scared to death. Just at that moment, he came out from the corridor one, as I like to see a savior, when the heart feels, is about to ease a sudden, I feel very safe very safe. He said him up to find the bathroom and saw I took the cup in front of you know, I went to the water, so the back did not close, but such a long time did not see me back, so come find me.
day everything is clear. Moon very white, moonlight far, the end of the glass from the corridor came to play; corridor lights dim. the world is quiet, as if only the sound of our own heart. We had been walking down the long corridor, and he gave me water I want to take, he said: echo of the corridor, his voice soft as a cloud of clouds, wrapped in my heart.
when I go back, but nobody spoke quietly, out of the window shady trees; That is not cool, but I feel very cold, the teeth are chattering. We go back, I drank the water, still back to the original place to lie down. sleep well at night. next up, as if the world to life.
That is perhaps my first love. not later. I never expect too. Soon thereafter, he dropped out to go abroad, we cut off contact. I never dared to say to him, although I have wanted to wanted to tell him. but I do not, I can not I fear disgrace. over many years, I Zeng Qingxing to think I have done nothing wrong. give it to each other are kept a copy of sensibilities. I think he should know what I think, I do not say that he do not say. He knew, but did not say that I understand. I think if I said, he was so very kind, he will make things difficult, how to reject me.
two years later, I always think of him, do not know where he is now, not gone well. this feeling like a kite line, threw in the sky. Sometimes reading, late night, the moon looked out the window to remember that night in Tianjin. window rustled the trees, floating on the warm heart again. I said to myself: I hope you find a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, I hope you peace and happiness forever.
In any case, perhaps he is unintentional, but I have been grateful to him. who is so, you get very little, if once in a while got a little bit, you will be satisfied, be happy for a long time. Some moved, I got to understand the to be sufficient. I do not want too much luxury.
fated love begins with a large 3. At that time I like photography, mm may be because he has been the lack of beauty, so I always beautiful things to those who are brilliant love, want to retain them, mm my bf is a photography forum in the know. But unlike the description of the novel is due to touch each other's work and the like, not so romantic. that forum a lot of people, we would have attention to each other will not. watch the beginning because just because we occasionally find each other is alumni. As a second go, they begin to pay attention to each other's work, and later began to write mail, begin on the qq, began to send text messages.
progress we have been very slow, because I have been warned myself not to think too much, do not hold too much hope that our relationship will be the kind of line that Jianguang Si. I have my pride, I'm afraid that if we really in love with each other, met; and then the next day, maybe he will never disappear. just like online circulation of many, many similar stories. I do not want that to scare away people who I do not want, one day, by his recalled: . I can do is to try to shrink in my shell, do not obstruct the beauty of this world.
many of Stephen Chow's famous lines would be very amused, But it is not right scary. If it is an ugly girl, perhaps, she will be ridiculed as mischief. is this. so beautiful wearing ripped to the streets if that is fashion; if the ugly girl wearing a beautiful dress to the streets, clothes beauty can only be cause passers-by to notice the ugly. So, always be the ugly girl wearing dark clothes, honestly walk.
can not plan, however is the most emotional thing. to the later, our messages are becoming increasingly frequent. Every night, he gave me a message saying: Good night. Then I went back a smile :^_^. we do this every day. it is trivially simple, no waves. forget how the institute to meet, He told me, I told him I was very ugly, there is little known of the dinosaurs. He said: I will regret it. . I think everything is very fragile, such as content, such as kindness, such as interesting, they are actually built on top looks. not beautiful appearance, these are the glass wall, pushing gently with your fingers to break the.
I have been so happy to take your own, and I want to love others, like others love me. imagine a lot of girls like the front of the building every day, said a person can own happiness and sadness, happy times It was to celebrate, spend time with some comfort. without at Christmas time, a person watching the snow .... home alone when someone to help you with even small packages when you are on the train, In the distance a person will wave to you .....< br> However, because I was the ugly girl, even to the hand of these will drift away.
we first met outside the McDonald's in school. peacetime I rarely wear skirts, wore a black day. I never asked his appearance; because I've been to a meeting, I think we must Jianguang Si's. even as I get there, I was to regret , and think I am too sensible of it. even want to escape the one altogether. but too late, he has come.
he came in, saw me and laughed. I do not understand how to identify him in the end I was looking for him. He came down and asked me if he was late. I said no, but I used to let other people so.
He was a tall, glasses, a pair of very bright big eyes. see him, so I feel like Jianguang Si. I was very sorry. We went to order, he insisted on payment, so I'd like a hamburger.
we chatted for a while, and then we push the car back to school. We said goodbye in front of me. I dormitory, lying in bed, looking at cell phone number, my mind blank. desperate.
that night he did not call me, did not give me messages. I thought: This must be the result.
had I expected this result, so since it has been the case, but frankly a lot of heart. took the bag to the study room. the evening was the luxury of In the supermarket to buy an eight-hi, sat on the bed to eat. roommate screamed, said: counting sheep, counting the number, and suddenly felt the cool pillow, turned himself in tears. I realized I had been waiting for his message said: Good evening.
eight in the morning, because did not sleep well , dizziness badly. the phone rang, roommate listened to me, without warning, his voice, he asked me to go have dinner at night. I stumbled agreed well, and then hung up the phone. That night we eat at the hotel, he raised a paper bag. We ordered food, the waiter went out, he took out a rose, said: A total of twenty. there is no trace of defect. It was received in my life the first bunch of flowers. I suddenly asked him: phone battery died. and going about your day anyway, so it did not intend to call .... something? .
This year is the fourth year of our acquaintance. Love is a very brave thing. That summer I said to myself, nothing is impossible. One summer, I always wanted to do more than a decade but has not been put into practice things: fitness, weight loss. three months time, I do not know how to have so much determination, thin out the full 30 pounds. After that summer, I look in the mirror was discovered that the mirror that person has a pointed chin, so clearly outline, large eyes, nose, does not collapse. just how many years ago are buried in the flesh fills the cover off.
I think perhaps I have said now is not is a beauty, but at least I am now a normal ordinary girl.'ll never be a boy called me ugly, my wishful thinking only so far .... I was so much determination must be beautiful up, at least when a ugly girl no longer, in fact, a simple wish: GG too good to me, at least I can not throw him out of his face.
really is very simple ... but the world has always been very simple, hope and despair, often in an idea.
four years is not a very short time, but passed quickly. four years many things have happened, but also enough to verify that I have a feeling ... When looked at old photos and diaries, in the past that I seem to own a little forgotten. a lot of time, I would think: In fact, life can not last, the fate of fairness, may simply not be evaluated. just like me GG. because I used to be a girl so ugly, GG is still chose to be with me; so in the future, one day youth gone, I'm old, ugly, what is the relationship. as long as he let me know that he loves the whole of me, and not those beautiful clothes and make-up under the appearance; that is sufficient. as long as I let him know that he will be only my heart that every day I have to wait for a good night people , whether he will honor rich and poor, are never change; that was enough.
So, maybe I have a lot of pain, I even despaired, but I think maybe I do not thin fate. If those not used to the pain, I might not see as they are now so thoroughly ,.....< br> wordy written a lot .... now graduated a long time, sometimes really want to have the opportunity to current college class of boys say when others in the evaluation of hh, hh like him a lot of little tolerance and understanding when a person's a little entertainment, and perhaps to innocent people caused great harm to hh in life should have had a lot more than looks better, more valuable things more worthy of hh
intention to pursue a beautiful face is the love of God, but the world is balanced, not everyone is born are so lucky .... every girl can become a swan, But the ugly duckling into a swan might take some time and opportunity to remember .... It is said that every girl is a flower, blooming there sooner or later; but the late opening of the main motive of her own also. Even others can not enjoy yourself, you can enjoy your own. No one is perfect, if nature has been the case, then only after more effort to make up the ceiling, from the outside to come inside .... can not fix what is not, as long as you work hard .... even if only a little bit better, maybe life is another situation. ugly girl may be doomed to more effort than beauty, and perhaps may be even worse treatment, such as the humiliation of others ... but shallow, low self-esteem of others is not a reason .... if their fate can not give us a royal road, then we must face this reality ... when young people do not have any to go, but the bucket will eventually be the fate .... fair, I now believe it. it takes away some of our stuff will definitely make up for in other ways. Just like many, many years, I never did like the pretty girl by the surrounding people, especially boys favorite, I even must be that I should not be humiliated, ... but in the end, I got a real love. compared to it, the shine of the vanity of things, smiled, and passed

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Busy also need perseverance

 Free, also need perseverance! I think I was impetuous too far, and even have similar nervous. Somehow began to sulk, what may be in the end things in the air, why gas but do not know. I try to calm yourself down, thinking they had words. slowly summary.
have a job interview tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, respectively, secretary. I do not know in the end is not suitable for the job, perhaps after only tried to know. the afternoon sitting at a computer The two companies before the investigation when the information was Manager He suddenly thought of what I say, . can not be like a child, and working with nature is not allowed to exist, must be inherent to the implementation of the law. I lack is rule-based rules the heart, all casual like, what comes to mind is what, this will Let others think this is a no method is a rambling man. I need to overcome this shortcoming! Manager He obviously knew I had this trouble, thank you, he that is not directly straightforward for reminding!
apology himself on bad mood, a careless person next to burning. Iwant to say sorry do not know how to speak. I'm sorry it is not hard to say three words export, but to say he is doing nothing all day so he felt uneasy because of that. . I really can not say. A friend is not necessary to assume their displeasure and anger of nerve!
I do not have time to think about certain things, does not mean that I have let go.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Audition players better than me

 Jiangsu TV weekend to give also similar to other programs the judges job done, but not selected in the sea, although people have been telling me how much fun sea election more interesting. trip to Nanjing, the first front of the queue was scared young men and women a mm sun is really, have nothing on the square block, line up people to register where the circle and then circle around. are some very young faces. because it is the draft, are spared a lot of people out of work before . tell the truth, I had never seen so many bizarre hairstyles, clothes, dress, an avant-garde of a game. Some clothing is very short, short to the smaller circle than the Mini, and some has been particularly long,Bailey UGG boots, a T-shirt on a similar robe, waved sleeves, PIAPIA's.
a question, a resolution of this day has been sent to the 3000 away. many of them, his feet still stood luggage, not just the train, is just off the plane.
sea election is conducted in a large room. because too many people have been unable to carry out one by one, had to ward partitioned into 10 small compartments, each compartment is strapped to the microphone, which sat a wearing headset sea election judges, replaced soon after a person a person over and over. rough estimate of what the average person at most less than 1 minute. If the players feel good sea election judges, give him to sign by into the semi-finals. If fail, can go home.
is to observe the scene of a staff surprised and said: children, just drained a long line slipped into the sea constituency. I asked: have come many times to no election by the sea, and then she continued to queue up for a jury.
Sure enough, she entered the compartment and found that a jury has been test her immediately back out , change to another compartment.
because too many people audition, have been responsible for the semi-finals of the Taiwan singer Huang Shujun, a record company and I started helping a buddy to do a sea election. a pile of pile of registration form After a face than a young, mostly young people born after 1986, 81,82 the look is more vicissitudes, and also has 91 years, just enough to apply the minimum number of years, soft tofu in Japan takes a different face . there is a player to sing well, but later discovered that he is actually the staff was born in 1992, according to regulations can not continue to play, he almost cried out.
I almost cried, because, because, when he was born, I have a puberty.
stolen glance next to Huang Shujun students, and he almost cried out hh ha ha, joke joke, in fact, very tough our nerves!
in the next 2 hours time, we quickly one after another player to listen to the concert, there have been numerous false Tao, Mei numerous imitation, of course, Jay hh
cottage countless more people to listen to most of the sound becomes water, no traces of to slide over. Occasionally one or sweet or mellow voice sounded, you will see more of her eyes. that it was hard work getting on really bad dry, then the small enclosed space, was not the same as listening to the same revolving door people singing, and some still the same song, had to hear two three four years, would have to sing is a happy thing, not listening to people sing is a sad thing, but this time, the singer with a straight face, songs of the people all of a sudden look of pain hh
staff touch me, looked up look, a blue shirt, that the 7th day of audition girls mm my ears, but she does not look at us, Da the eyelids, looking at the floor, just keep sang, very quietly, Huang Shujun could not help but interrupt her, can not speak up? she seemed not to hear, went over, and put away anything left, are We did not Dali.
not easy to audition all the screening completed, they began the semi-finals. rematch with 4 groups, boys and girls of the two groups. rematch of the election was much better than the sea level, while the level is obviously better than boys and girls estimated to have a lot of good girls and ran , you have to make a comparison and choice, because this is just a stadium, in the end, when the National Finals, there will be more original, playing and singing, RAP, and the dancers reveal their unique skills, such as the final round of hh
final end,UGG boots clearance, to leave the stadium to the airport, I noticed a lot of players out there did not leave, they did not pass the semi-finals, and some did not even elected by the sea, but this does not prevent them from clinging to keep out, since the shells from sing. tell the truth, see this scene, I have to admit, they are much stronger than me, because I was their age, must not go to this audition, such naked desire to express themselves, but also the courage to to bear other people in the lessons, they are really strong.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

17-year-old Justin, 37 years, Bob became the youngest winner

 17-year-old Justin, 37 years, Bob became the youngest winner
Miley. Cyrus, brother Jonathan, Taylor. Swift Fute everyone has seen year-old Justin. BearingPoint is fascinated by invincible trend throughout the United States.
newspaper identified: Justin. BearingPoint star, confirmed the great American dream, but also makes re-experience the power of the network
YORK ( intern reporter Zhang Lin Guo Deyan) new army. His second album, mini-album debut last year,UGG bailey button, The star, once again confirms the excellent American Dream .3 years ago, he lived a poor life in Canada, through Youtube the waves, after 3 years, BearingPoint been in the spotlight on the celebrity life. debut album MyWorld1.0 > through Youtube fans
cumulative global expansion contract Usher and Justin Timberlake battle
3 years ago, BearingPoint is a Canadian town students, love music, singing his favorite piece of his own video, and mother and with the clip uploaded to Youtube, to watch friends and family who are in different places. His musical talent soon spread far and wide. Usher and Justin Timberlake. Timberlake at a friend's recommendation, see the BearingPoint's performance video. as BearingPoint screen singing Alicia game in town. Keith's song, sing Kanye at home. West's songs, as well as drummer, well versed in performing dance pieces. The two music king were invited to join BearingPoint's label, the result Usher won in October 2008 signed the hearts of all Americans who treasure boy. BearingPoint life thus came to Atlanta.
bursts of Step 2 :
create their own mini-album debut album
4 months break million, four single occupation bulletin board
After a year of deliberation, BearingPoint's debut mini-album catchy melodies, the best results have been to the top of the Billboard singles chart No. 5. This week the album title can be said to be welcomed.
in two albums, we see a lot of super-producer's name, including produced Rihanna all of his own creation.
blast Red Step 3:
participate in various performances in New York autograph accelerated by exposure
three thousand fans Kuangzhui,cheap UGG boots, Obama also hear him sing in
four highest charting single occasion, , we have to young boys! Roppo evacuated due to failure by the police have asked fans were arrested.
BearingPoint began late last year to run intensive notice. Christmas was invited to perform at the White House Barack Obama. New Year, and the New York New Year's Eve Council .2 months, and another Rookie of the

Monday, December 13, 2010

Constellation 12 Constellation sexual relationships Little Prince Double Dutch

Basically, a typical Aries is like a sex machine. Their exuberant energy is simply amazing.
Positive self-confident, adventurous, aggressive is the most obvious characteristics of Aries; sensitive, irritable, easily impulse to act, lack of patience, it is their greatest drawback. Although they enthusiastic and bold in appearance, in fact, thought to be conservative and focused, unless the partner can not satisfy his sexual desire is too strong, will be out for development - such a thing they think is a crying shame, because the strong self-esteem Aries. jealous, so jealous of the character, so that people can not endure Aries possessive.
Aries celebrities Representative: Jackie Chan the best sex partner
match made in heaven: Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius
Feelings & Block Jinsheng idealism, although the character often stubborn wayward tendencies; in love, you could quite sincerely warm, very patient. generally reasonable condition, they are not loyal to the truth of II is not in doubt, Once a person to really care care about the same time, relatively long response. If the other party acted out, and indifferent to their lives immediately bleak. Taureans are very strong sexual needs, men often have a tendency to lust, but in the way of sex on the pro men and women are quite tired of tenderness, with a strong desire. But people in Taurus, once married, they will not regret losing the freedom of singles.
Taurus Celebrity representative: Wang Lee Hom
best sex partner match made in heaven: Taurus, Scorpio , Capricorn, Pisces
love surprises and excitement
Gemini Gemini, spiritual needs are usually greater than the carnal senses.
dual personality of Gemini, the majority of very intelligent, sensitive, understanding and strong, got a little older. Whether love or sexual way, they can not stand static, tedious mode; innovative things interesting, although most often caused by their curiosity, but Gemini is not really a bold adventure, the courage to charge forward. any test, must pass through precise calculation, absolute safety within their. what to do, never mind their sensitive and delicate a moment to stop. so possessive strong Gemini, jealousy is absolutely parallel to, or even seriously to the expected no.
Gemini Celebrity representative:, Cecilia Cheung, Joey customer
Best sex partner match made in heaven: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Cancer Cancer
pay, never sacrifice does not seek feedback, but they revealed to the truth, always willing to let the other side.
by the impact of the moon wanes, most of the characteristics of Cancer always seems depressed,UGG boots, fickle, hypocritical and full of affection. but they are delicate emotional thinking, use of the emotional and sexual performance is often very moving , could not help but want to take care lovingly bite. Maybe the innocent seem vulnerable, in fact, quite resilient. Cancer of the state of mind is easily influenced by emotional factors, because their lives biggest wish is to organize a happy family. < br> Cancer Celebrity representative: Jacky Cheung, Sylvia Chang, Luo
Tianzaodeshe best sex partner: Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Pisces

twelve constellations of Leo had been masters of the constellation in flirting is really non-Leo none other.
their romance, and humor with a moderate hypocritical, with the dramatic efforts to achieve the correct results. they do not like mediocre speech & Style courtship, and only really grasp the whole situation, be appreciated in order to innate sense of superiority to meet Leo. They take the initiative and generosity of character, enthusiastic, very welcomed by the opposite sex. reading countless brilliant achievements, often make them feel very proud. but once you move the truth, Leo is a very loyal and considerate.
Leo Celebrity representative: Madonna, Yucheng Qing, Faye Wong, the best sex partner
'd be perfect: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius Virgo
, want to be afraid, ; reserved by nature conservative and sensitive talent, so they often lack the sense of security, not easily give the truth, under any decision. They dream of love is filled with beautiful, especially stress the spirit of love. sex, unless tasted the sweetness, or highly resistant ; the other hand, the strength of amazing and this way, wrapped Nanxiao tired.
Virgo celebrities Representative: Kelly Chan, Julian Cheung,
Tianzaodeshe best sex partner: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn Libra

the pursuit of love and beauty, is a good indicator Libra life.
both in love and sex, they are keen on a refined aesthetic atmosphere, only as cinematic beauty of romantic scenes, allowing them to fully led astray , can not extricate themselves, almost indulgence. shameful thing or should we say ugly things, Libra is elegant sentimental nature can not endure. praise and intimate tenderness of the most likely to move their hearts, but too much of deceptive words and deeds, they can clearly perceive - whether the weight of emotional and rational, in the still have a balanced view on the scales.
representatives Libra celebrities: Andy Lau, Anita Mui, Louis Koo
'd be perfect sex partner: Libra, Leo, Aries, Gemini
enjoy 100% fully enjoy sexual pleasure enjoy the constellation, in addition to the second Scorpio people want to do. and a strong desire to rough.
do not easily give Scorpio sometimes seems indifferent, once fall in love, the kind of enthusiasm as the chocolate melts, it is absolutely frank direct, that can not be too sweet to resist. Although Scorpio people are very affectionate, passionate, but exactly in inverse proportion to their affection is deeper than others, more terrible resentment. especially the betrayal and infidelity, Scorpio is simply taboo. and Scorpio lover enemies, chocolate, and change Soft Shuang likely guarantee.
Scorpio Celebrity representative: Guo-rich domain, in the village extension or, A match made in heaven sa
best sex partner: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces

Sagittarius Sagittarius and for words, only the sensual satisfaction, no feelings of financial exchanges, is not satisfied.
enthusiastic Sagittarius straightforward character, in the sexual attitudes, are rarely dragged, and quit not brittle. They energetic, love adventure, like the intimate and sexual manner without bound; most exciting pursuit of speed and the Sagittarius can not stand, it is coming along, slow attitude of the free, this time, no patience may Sagittarius has. < br> Sagittarius Celebrity representative: Hacken Lee, the best sex partner Emil
'd be perfect: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn

Generally, Capricorn is a very sensual greed, but never will frank shown.
their personality often seem moderate, silent, very quiet, but quite popular. although there will be a great sex drive, always hiding it properly appropriateness post, very strong protective instinct. the sexual attitude ,cheap UGG boots, stubborn conservative, eager to exact feeling of tenderness, an action is often a password, do not like change. but natural sound and pragmatic nature of Capricorn, is basically a reliable spouse. If only sex partner, do not want to be responsible for selfish attitude particularly evident.
celebrities on behalf of Capricorn: the best sex partner, Eric
match made in heaven: Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius

many the idea of a typical Aquarius, the sex and love is separate two different things.
concerned with sex, does not necessarily mean that care about sex. Aquarius sexuality often seems indifferent, not warm, but a whim, adventurous spirit is amazing. their sexual preference innovative way of trying to In courtship methods Bi significantly different, the most special things can cause the curiosity of Aquarius. caused by curiosity, some Aquarians become rampant sexual relationship, although the feelings of loyalty which has nothing to do but so many of those partners who are Aquarius unbearable.
Aquarius celebrities Representative: Alex, Miriam Yeung
Tianzaodeshe best sex partner: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
Pisces < br> tender, compassionate, imaginative Pisces, for the external temptations, almost not immune.
among the twelve constellations of the end of the twelve constellations of Pisces just integrated the advantages and disadvantages, and blend into a acceptance was full of very strong character does not actually dream. They kind and affectionate nature, very sympathetic, though the heart has a set of ideas, but did not want to hurt others, so the attitude shown, always gentle passive. in love pleasure, the easy self-indulgence, not clear the truth and deceived. who encounter the appropriate partner, Pisces is a very thoughtful love of.
Pisces celebrities Representative: Annie, The Little Prince
Constellation best sex match made in heaven Partner: Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn