Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The results of privatization of agricultural land will not be worse than now

 After the results of the privatization of rural land will not be worse than now
current discussions on the land system, is to draw a few not touch the public, rural and urban household accounts can not be one, and the annexation of land is not transferable. If the four circles can not touch, do not look for rural development experts say, even if the call of God to come up with ideas to the Chinese rural issues, he may be powerless .
now discussing the problem in rural areas, find solutions, we all like to, ; perfect the degree of state or collective ownership of land, the land still in the converted non-agricultural use, and in this process, the most to gain power and capital.
contrast, if private ownership of land, the transfer process of the farmers have land rights point at least say, is the main party transactions, in many cases, would not fall under the income of farmers and less now. the system of rural land privatization income, farmers will be wealthier; the system cost is less that those in power of making money, the basis of fishing rights.
my own home is still rural areas in Hunan, where farmers are my brothers. We can not keep bringing farmers to test the so-called off touch the current discussion on the land system, is to draw a few not touch the If the four circles
not touch, do not look for rural development experts say, even if the call of God to come up with ideas to the Chinese rural issues, he may do nothing. This seems to help to find the best doctors, at the same time The doctors can not be the first requirement which can be life-saving prescriptions and medicines. even said that and powerful for their own political future, the topic of the vested interests of farmers by talking about it?
contract system was established and its success precisely that point: a sense of responsibility by individual farmers should be allowed to play as much as possible. In other words, we All the system design must focus on this fundamental principle: the farmers themselves will be more than the officials responsible for their own farmers own more than the officials know what, and how to do, for ourselves and future generations better.
according to this philosophy continues to go, the next step can only be returned to the land sub-home personal property, which can unleash the most natural sense of responsibility for farmers. also allows farmers voluntarily, spontaneously form a family, clan-based economic self-help body, but also allow them to spontaneously bureaucrats more accountable than anyone else, more considerate to their own offspring.
without private ownership of land and other reforms through the best farmers could play a natural sense of responsibility, so as to maximize personal space, then the farmers have no other choice only everything on the state, they can only blame everything country.
At the same time, farmers only passive recipients of official instructions: they can only take orders from the officers of the arrangements and let the mercy of officials. the one hand, We say that government officials too much power, too unfettered, on the other hand again the most terrible thing for farmers mm control of land rights in the hands of officials, which makes the farmers how to survive it straight back? solve officials too much power The most basic way is to reduce their hands to control the resources, the land rights back to the farmer.
perfect, so that each is so good program farmers can not. not because a few irresponsible farmers, requires that all farmers are responsible to pay the price.
system was a serious problem that the above , practice in rural areas there is no controversy, These are some > constraints, that allowing them to operate in full accordance with market rules, the government let go of non-intervention, it sounds good. But when in power in the village, township and village branch secretaries and township branch secretary began to write notes, their relationship to the rural credit cooperatives farmers with loans, the rural credit cooperatives harder to resolve. If obeyed, it means that non-performing loans, credit unions may want to collapse the future; if not obeyed, the existence of credit in the future may be eligible for bathing.
these powers, of course also control many other. As long as this power structure is still protection of property rights, contract rights protection, the farmers will get rich very limited space. What are the Four Unlikeness done.
rich farmers impede and hinder the enjoyment of civil treatment of farmers One of the obstacles is the existing power structure, and ownership of land rights not only did not weaken the government, but strengthened, to make official the right to know more physical infrastructure. If so, reduced the official one right answer, not that the land farmers themselves right back up?
if some farmers choose to sell and then into the city to live, what is wrong? If we really interests and welfare of their efforts, then see their situation Improvement of course, be gratifying. One might say that this person left in the rural injustice. is not the case, because on the one hand people can stay in the rural areas have higher per capita arable land area, their productivity can be improved, there conducive to the improvement of production efficiency; the other hand, these farmers also have the option to sell the city. You know, the inevitable change in income of Chinese farmers only way out is to a considerable number of farmers into the city, to non-agricultural.
The reason is simple, people need food, not because of agricultural growth and growth, but the non-agricultural demand is endless, the new technology to create new demand. Therefore, if farmers choose to sell the city to life, we should Congratulations to them, and that is what we did a good thing for them.
therefore, can not retain the executive power to maintain, maintenance income inequality between urban and rural areas, maintain development opportunities between urban and rural areas of inequality based on the public ownership , restrict the executive power, all property (including land) owned.
One thing is clear: in a society where corruption is endemic, the primary way to avoid corruption, corruption can encounter is to minimize resources. In other words , if a society rife with corruption, and you again to all the resources and land they control, then can not find in the world worse than this combination.
in rural China, and now rests in the hands of official power resources are two blocks: first, the publicly owned land; second, they bound by the administrative apportioning the tax powers of various names and administrative authority. As long as these two also the same, only the nose of the peasants carried away by the official right, Right on the nose of farmers holding less of the most important material foundation. The land is the lifeblood of farmers without their own land, they can only ask the government the right to not have ;. With constraints, then the real administrative structure, the most crucial point. In fact, as long as officials do not change the power structure, the right of any government intended to restrict the efforts are difficult, which is why we talked about earlier that is difficult to try to eventually succeed. Therefore, I personally think that the executive leadership must first be returned to the county at this level (like the Chinese imperial dynasties to the county level have the same date), the real power for rural farmers elected by the individual. to achieve
(author is professor of finance at Yale University)

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