Saturday, January 29, 2011

Guizhou passing by impression

 Text / Western Black Hawk
girlfriend read the news yesterday that tourism in Guizhou Chishui how good, I have been to not ask for Guizhou, I have lived life, the places where there is always a feeling that is not clear, but to Guizhou a look disappointed, not scenery is not beautiful, but most of the people in Guizhou you can encounter will give you a bad impression, ha ha, knifed the powerful, unfortunately, today saw an article in Guizhou boasted, did not think , Guizhou verses thread, I was very new, some words, online friends may not understand, but, no, I circle Note about, good.
STD Zage rule, please go to Guiyang City <> squeak point is a cover, I'll tell you to take <> wants you to die fast, then g (to) two Ge Village <> cheap than the mouth, immediately grams Bridge <> ; like looting money, there you Huaguo Yuan (yellow features scenic orchard) <> knives to injure is not physically weak, except in the military.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The largest extinction event in the history of Quest suspected the volcano is

 LONDON, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) About 2.5 million years ago happened in the history of the earth one of the biggest extinction event. Been suspected in the Siberian region of volcanic eruption was a A new study has found new evidence for this.

is suspected before the volcanic eruptions in Siberia led to mass extinctions, primarily because the two are very close in time, but the lack of specific evidence. Some people have raised speculation that include volcanic eruptions may then release a lot of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, caused by climate change; volcanic eruption of some substances may also result in the atmosphere ozone hole, making the UV reaching the ground is enhanced.

study, when the volcano is the release of toxic ash, scattered to large areas of ocean, causing a large number of dead marine life, making the final collapse of the biosphere overwhelmed.

participate in the study 
than that, this is the first real evidence that the volcanic eruption was also associated with coal combustion, volcanoes in Siberia for the identified cause mass extinction is a evidence.

Earth's history there had been several large-scale extinction events. Studies have shown that in about 2.5 billion years ago that mass extinctions in the Earth more than 96% of marine species extinction, land vertebrates there are more than 70% of extinction, is the largest in the history of a mass extinction event .

new issue of British The researchers analyzed that it was in the crust of Siberia in the rising magma encountered large areas of coal, the mixture of oxygen in the air after the encounter caused by combustion. Ash carried by the wind, a considerable part of the deposition to the Canadian Arctic.

the largest extinction event in the history of Quest and new progress

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Women shopping spree on the eve of World War II the United States attack on the Chinese girl worked hard Routine

 Newspaper at noon yesterday in Chongqing Xinhua, the Chinese team's opponents today before the U.S. Women's been training, but one afternoon to slip out of their shopping. It is understood that the girls of the U.S. team a good impression on the Yongchuan the key reason is that this town is too cheap price, they bought a lot of clothes. All the world's first bear the brunt of the U.S. team to their sensational false, Sweden and the Canadian team naturally dare not.

6 o'clock yesterday evening, journalists encounter in the hotel elevator Sweden girls, they all carrying large bags, apparently had a productive session. Travel with the team, said the translation of the Swedish team went to the local shopping plaza called WESTERN mainly bought some clothes and shoes, you look closely, these are some international brands: Prada, Lv ... ... translator told reporters: These imitation goods, is still relatively cheap. Li Xiaopeng deliberately practicing the long pass right and left lower back, wings wing pass, striker Qiangdian from the center of the routine. After training, a reporter wondered: Macy child is not high, but I do not still score? striker height is not tall, but Qiangdian that moment. U.S. team is big burly, but their lateral movement in general, I think our forwards will have opportunities. p>

As for the game win or lose today, > 6 pm the evening before and after the end of the training of Chinese Women, dozens of fans in the surrounding crowd immediately surged forward, to sign, to a group photo. Li Xiaopeng and Li Jinyu two star coaches are surrounded by the natural center, but like Zhang Yue, plus other young players and it was a hot chase, but all the fans are not seen as a person. She is Ma Xiaoxu.

18-year-old became Miss Ma Xiaoxu Asian football team worthy of the core should be, but damn cruciate ligament tear for her to be careful even walking now. Surrounded by fans watching his teammates, was busy signing a photo, Ma Xiaoxu simply carry the bag of balls, slowly walked to the bus.

The entire training session, Ma Xiaoxu although wearing soccer shoes, but she always stood back door to see his teammates training goal, Two injured, Ma Xiaoxu seems a bit helpless: Ma Xiaoxu invited to say a few of the audience congratulated the New Year's words. Ma Xiaoxu patiently with the results of three said.

and Women's World Cup in 2007 compared to either temper or state of mind, Ma Xiaoxu obviously matured a lot. Looked at the young fame of the

newspaper correspondent Nie Lei

Monday, January 24, 2011

English bishop larry was exposed class classic

 Recently, a male teacher called English bishop larry users repeatedly been suspected exposure of the students, their classroom classic

so, earn foreign money, foreign girl to play No wonder some friends joked: As a teacher, larry crazy words and Yuan Tengfei no different!

larry careful analysis, however it is a rare talent! Called brilliant! Youku creative personality, easily broken video hits 100W mark, 10, lifelike imitation of English accent.

resume from the exposure to see, larry formerly known as Zhang, 18 years old to study in Singapore, get a green card, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC full bloom, it is to be Chair of the China Foreign Transportation Corporation, 301 PLA General Hospital, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Foreign Studies University different courses, severe evident.

and then the real repercussions on the network is not caused by the brilliant record of this person, but the rebel alternative teaching methods and individual deviant behavior. English bishop larry said: China to teach English and life lessons are seriously out of line, according to teaching English as teaching language to ensure that Chinese extinct in 10 years. But if he talked wildly competent English teaching in China, first cancel the 4,6-level examination. The exam is for students persecution, waste of resources, time defiance. This provoked a myriad of Internet users go along and emotions, so the video click on just a few days break million is not surprising.

quotations such insolent, nature would not be a According to the AV, to see more of Europe and America can learn a large modal particle, but also a personal reason, and even seemed to be a homosexual, although the last rumor, but frankly admitted to his homosexual friends, or even to avoid arousing suspicion that he used Many female students crush, so unassuming and intelligence in one, no wonder the rumor out of the apprentice to learn English Huang Xiaoming Zhang Ziyi news.

not difficult to imagine, if a few more

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Horticultural environmental development effort all walks of life advantages

 Before Horticultural Park in the first batch of food service companies on the list, According to reports, the initial idea, Customers can select their own pre-packaged products on the shelves, and unified billing, this model easily and quickly. And 
park traffic to ensure environmentally friendly transport is clearly the first choice for the World Horticultural Expo. End of 2010, as the world of pure electric vehicles industry leader, following the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo, New Day says: The new date will strive to achieve

restaurant clean and sanitary services

2011 World Horticultural Expo in Xi'an, is the Chinese people and the world for international visitors to experience Chinese history and classics, and feel the excellent opportunity. The horticultural sector, Xi'an full play to their strengths all walks of life, to exert the World Park will, for friends from around the world offer the most convenient, efficient and quality service.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The beginning of the domestic banking sector is now a new wave of experienced regulatory authorities stopped lending window guidance

 Because of this, the credit department of that continue to invest in the balance between loans and gains and losses subject to punishment, many banks will choose to stay in January may be the next two weeks the speed and scale of credit . To avoid punishment, and even some banks will choose to suspend issuing new loans. 
is worth mentioning that the Post reporter to understand the situation from a number of banks shows that the actual beginning of the season led to increased demand factors, combined with strict control of credit in 2010 at the end of the context of various commercial backlog of reserves banks are a large number of projects, is an important reason for the beginning of the credit blowout.

learned that the fear of more stringent regulation, banks have consider tightening the lending rate of the next, or even suspension of credit before the Spring Festival.

According to several media reports had said the first week of 2011, new lending, financial institutions, nearly 500 billion yuan, including four state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank, including the banks spent about 210 billion yuan, citing sources as saying regulators had conveyed the new limit on the amount, the total requirements of the four incremental credit line in January not to over 310 billion yuan, all banks in January added the amount of credit not more than 900 billion yuan, and said that if the credit is still Shoubu Zhu, the difference at any time the deposit reserve ratio will be introduced.

another person, according to a joint-stock commercial bank said that given the enthusiasm of commercial bank credit in early high high hopes for the difference is the central bank reserve ratios may be introduced at any time. He further disclosed that the central banks have to grasp the difference is the deposit reserve ratio is calculated, in order not to be different, you have to reduce loan delivery, improve capital adequacy levels and improve the soundness.

fact, due to excessive credit two weeks of the new year, new loans increased sharply the number of regulators, has caused great concern, according to informed sources, in addition to raising the deposit reserve ratio again outside, Part 1 Two weeks ago the bank has been lending too much window regulators guidance requirements, and strictly control credit increments.

years ago, part of the shares is expected to soar! Confidential! Market institutions will soon be reversed capital flows have changed dramatically! Main funding is plotting a new layout
which was really interesting is that on Friday night, once again raised the deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points. This is the first time in 2011, the central bank raised the deposit reserve ratio, the fourth time in nearly three months, raising the deposit reserve ratio. At this point, without considering differences in the deposit reserve ratio factor, large financial institutions deposit reserve rate has reached 19%, small and medium sized financial institutions to deposit reserve rate of 15.5%, again a record high refresh. Rough estimate, the increase, the central bank may be a one-time banking system liquidity freeze 350 billion yuan or so.

However, when asked about the situation in February of this year, all these people that is not to say, only step by step.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maotai sent 10 working group to check the violation of the national limit order will be removed from office

 1 16, 2011 in Changsha, Hunan Province, Maotai dealer meeting held in the province more than 50 shops and dealers charge the full scene. Unlike previous years, the participants were also sent five Maotai headquarters working group, their task is pushing this line limit order, and announced details of punitive measures, if you find a price violations, each penalty Area where the regional manager and distributor of 2,000 yuan, the two dealers will be banned illegal contract. Also announced the consumer telephone.

reporter visited, however found that, although many dealers claim that the implementation of Hunan, this provision, but the basic Maotai out of stock.

Maotai ten working groups to check

the country last year, prices rose rapidly Maotai, representative of the new 53 degree Flying Maotai broke straight thousand dollars. January 1 this year, Maotai in ex-factory price increases 20% of products launched at the same time limit order, shall not exceed the normal selling price Maotai 959 yuan per bottle, will face severe penalties if violated. However, after the implementation of limit orders, market Maotai is still The face of public opinion Maotai The inspection will be conducted to 1 month.

meeting, Guizhou, Hunan, Area General Manager Zhou Yaning Moutai Co., Ltd. announced the price notice, including a series of national unity Maotai specified price.

which new flying 53 degrees 500ml Liquor, store the specified price of 959 yuan / bottle, super maximum retail price of 1099 yuan / bottle; 53 degrees star 500ml Liquor, Specifies the price of 949 yuan store / bottle, super maximum retail price of 1089 yuan / bottle; 53 degrees 15 years 500ml Liquor, store the specified price of 5999 yuan / bottle; 53 degrees 30 years 500ml Liquor, store the specified price of 11,999 yuan / bottle; 53 degrees 50 years 500ml Liquor, store the specified price of 21,999 yuan / bottle. (Others see table)

The circular also requires that all stores, distributors to ensure that the main varieties of Maotai a certain amount every day, the balance of sales. All stores, dealers must provide customers Maotai sales invoices or stamped and signed receipt of operations staff; all dealers are not allowed to cross-sell.

breach that limit will be removed from office

Working Group published a violation of the limit order punitive measures: Maotai provinces in the market, such as price discovery violations, the penalties for which the regional managers and distributors Area 2,000 yuan each, vice president, marketing staff, also in turn be punished; of tampering with the price system, allowing prices to non-compliance, transferred from the sales company responsible person to remove the post.

violation of management regulations, such as monthly sales plan, sales invoices, sales receipts, sales records, the stub is not complete without detailed dealer, immediately terminate the contract plan, the deduction Margin 50%; on the market check with the dealer refuses to immediately terminate the contract plan, the deduction of 50% deposit, less 20% of annual cooperation plan Maotai. In addition, dealers twice the price violations, or two cross-regional sales, is firmly against the contract.

Zhou Yaning said Maotai by the dealers at the District, each of supermarkets, shopping malls who supply who is responsible, each bottle has a unique bar code identification, through this bar code can track supply channels. It was also announced the consumer watchdog Tel :0852 -2385032, 2385582.

In addition to the Working Group stores, supermarkets, shopping malls outside the inspection, the customer will pay a return visit and investigation.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Financial reminder the car insurance should follow the

 Turn of the year, usually the peak car sales; add the face of dozens of auto insurance insurance, many owners do not know how to choose. Insurance experts advise, the owner should be based on the actual needs of their own with insurance, while paying attention to the following

one of the first guarantor reinsurance vehicle. Now, the owner of the vehicle as their main means of transport to work, so the owner is the focus of the need to protect the object. If no other accident insurance and medical insurance owner, a driver should be insured for their own insurance, both to themselves and also responsible for the family. Insurance experts say, the owner under the

Second, the priority insurance liability insurance. Insurance experts say, in all types of insurance in car insurance, third party liability insurance is most important. Because the car crashed to repair, but if the car hit a person and causing serious injury, the compensation fee to be paid enough to destroy an ordinary family. Therefore, in addition to pay compulsory insurance auto insurance are required to pay in addition, in the commercial auto insurance, liability insurance is preferred, but also to full insurance.

insurance experts advise, in addition to loss of vehicle insurance and third party liability insurance of these two basic types of insurance, but in a dozen additional risk, more suitable for private car owners to purchase additional insurance, there are four, that is, no special insurance deductible, separate glass breakage, the whole car insurance Daoqiang Xian and scratches; the other car insurance insurance, car owners can combine their own situation as appropriate insurance.

choose to invest in gold should be noted that on-demand

AP With the rising prices and increasing inflationary pressures, many people choose to invest in gold to protect against inflation. Recently, this reporter found that sales of gold bullion market to catch a hot New Year's

reporter visited found that many gold shop has advice, buying gold bars and gold jewelry in public. At a gold shop, the salesperson told reporters that the store had sold out gold bars Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, part of the investment gold bars have emerged out of stock.

the face of the public's

Mr Chong said that the Lunar New Year commemorative gold bars and other type of bars are limited edition, fine craft of these bars, but integrated into the traditional culture. Because of processing, design and other related costs, the price is higher than the investment in gold bullion. 13 reporters in the interview that day, New Year gold bullion investment in gold bullion prices higher than the 30 yuan per gram. Zhuang reminder, the current type of the Lunar New Year commemorative gold bars gold bullion and other circulation market is not complete and there is no specific repurchase market channels, not suitable for investment. If the public for collection, gift, you can choose to buy these gold bars.

Mr Chong told reporters that more liquid investment in gold bullion, there is a special buy-back channels, is more suitable for investment. He suggested that investors should try to select the international (domestic) Certification Mr Chong said that, compared to paper gold, investment in gold bullion and other added costs of transportation and storage costs, prices slightly higher than paper gold. He also reminded to pay attention after the purchase of investment gold bars stored invoices and certificates in order to repurchase in the future.

For most investors, Mr Chong suggested that investment in physical gold and paper gold compared to gold futures, gold T + D, the risk is relatively small, if you grasp the trend holds for the long term income. Xinhua News Agency

Monday, January 17, 2011

Appreciation trend of success may be short-term trading opportunities conclusion

 And information special

(and the News Finance Director)
appreciation of the renminbi in the last week fired the fiery, strong guidance by the central parity, the spot inquiry trading system, the highest intraday price the RMB against the U.S. dollar report at 6.5931, with the purchase of foreign demand to expand the afternoon off disk. It is noteworthy that, Chinese President Hu Jintao will visit the U.S. next week, the recent exchange rate movements shows that in the

(and the News Finance Director)
from the China Foreign Exchange Trade Center's latest data show that, on January 17 reported central parity rate of RMB 6.5897 to the dollar, rose 1 basis point higher than the previous trading day. The People's Bank of China authorized by China Foreign Exchange Trade Center, January 10, 2011 the interbank foreign exchange market, dollar and other currencies against the yuan central parity rate of 6.5897 yuan against one U.S. dollar, 8.8061 yuan against one euro, 7.9442 yuan against 100 yen Yuan, a Hong Kong dollar against 0.84757 yuan, 1 GBP 10.4559 yuan, 1 yuan against 0.46407 ringgit, 1 yuan against 4.5564 rubles.

(and the News Finance Director) Recommended Reading Bernanke optimistic expectations of 4% U.S. economic growth has stimulated the economy to insist QE2 good

Euro Rebate: Germany's embarrassing, Wall Street is very tangled love-hate QE2 debut in 2010 real exchange rate rose 4.72% in Europe concerns motivated the Chinese yuan-denominated bonds purchased in U.S. dollars [RMB premium] [Quote Center]
1 月 17 The dollar forward exchange rate of RMB against the table:

(and the News Finance Director)
--------------------------------------- -

(and the News Finance Director)
deadline date of the purchase price selling price

(and the News Finance Director)
7 天 (7D) 6.5920 6.5950 2011-01-26

(and the News Finance Director)
1 month (1M) 6.5770 6.5810 2011-02-22

(and the News Finance Director)
2 months (2M) 6.5600 6.5650 2011-03-21

(and the News Finance Director)
3 months (3M) 6.5450 6.5500 2011-04-19

(and the News Finance Director)
4 months (4M) 6.5264 6.5330 2011-05-19

(and the News Finance Director)
5 months (5M) 6.5065 6.5149 2011-06-20

(and the News Finance Director)
6 months (6M) 6.4885 6.4985 2011-07 -19

(and the News Finance Director)
9 months (9M) 6.4530 6.4730 2011-10-19

(and the News Finance Director)
12 months (1Y) 6.4175 6.4475 2012 -01-19

(and the News Finance Director)
--------------------------------- --------

(and the News Finance Director)
Chinese President Hu Jintao will be held January 18 to 21 visit to the United States. Chinese Ambassador Zhang said recently, President Hu Jintao's upcoming state visit to the United States is to promote the new era of Sino-US relations a major diplomatic action, far-reaching significance. Set foot in the upcoming trip to visit the United States before President Hu Jintao in a rare written response from both the media question the authority of the United States, including the exchange rate issue for his views.

(and the News Finance Director)
Hu Jintao said that China is using to raise interest rates and a series of policy responses to inflation and inflation exchange rate policy is hardly a major factor in the decision. We are confident, qualified and have the ability to stabilize the overall price level.

(and the News Finance Director)
Hu Jintao visited the United States to remove the political factors that can inhibit the appreciation of real imported inflation? China International Capital Corporation, believes that the appreciation in the fight against inflation and interest rates the focus is different. Interest rate increase is mainly suppressed domestic demand, appreciation of the renminbi is mainly to reduce the import prices of raw materials. Recent PPI and non-food consumer goods rise year on year to re-display imported inflation pressures, so the intensity of RMB appreciation should also be increased from the previous month. Of gold that the 1-February interest rate hike less likely, the price for some time the central bank may be more dependent on the exchange rate tool means to prevent imported inflation.

(and the News Finance Director)
the long view, the renminbi appreciation for the suppression of imported inflation, trade disputes, and many other improvements have a positive effect, but short-term impact on the market has limited trading opportunities are rather than trend opportunities, investors should have a clear understanding of this.

(and the News Finance Director)
of views and information networks do not represent the position

(and the News Finance Director)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Li Zhuang observation on the depth of the case

 In the moment that many people of color some confused, some confusion of the moment, Li seems to have been the case is not a simple case, but rather a company of people outside legal circles are talking about or even talked about the talk. However, as scholars, they maintained a fairly rational. whether you say spectators
text / Zhang Qianfan
a mature society will never abandon the rule of law for any reason, and the immaturity of Chinese society is precisely reflected in the part of the large number of Internet users, in order to achieve the goal of a quick success and give up easily the rule of law
Recently, Chongqing , Li Zhuang my guilt is secondary. either from the quality of justice, the government of an up to 16 hours until late at night like a marathon trial in order to complete a dignified way possible goals. not to mention the police handling of the evidence appears in a variety of issues (such as the defendant allowed to hire a lawyer to appear before a cross-examination, eight witnesses testified for the prosecution did not actually appear in court all. so, whether the subject is torture Gang Gong mode, whether the police found illegal by Li Zhuang and shifted the blame to the basic facts are impossible to figure out, how conviction for the Li Zhuang?
presence in China of judicial decisions would have been too simple, a serious shortage of reasoning, judgments are listed more than 90% of the facts, and finally concluding to add articles, is the verdict of the. This shows that findings of fact judicial decisions is particularly important for China because it is almost all the decisions. lizhuang total of ten cases of first-instance ruling is the fact that a list of ten pages, and finally to a the degree of harm to society, in accordance with cross-examination of the case, how do we judge the authenticity of allegations and behavior of the come from? findings of fact and reasoning opaque and cause great justice does not exist any, further reducing the credibility of the judiciary and the judicial process for political power to interfere with opening the door.
a few of these chronic problems of justice decade entrenched, not because of judicial reform in recent years has touched the prosecution of Li sentence just the way they are in a very prominent people in the country again under the eyes exposed to it.
reform and opening up, the growth of lawyers important achievement is the rule of law. As the voice of civil society, lawyers standing on the opposite side of power, in maintaining civil rights, the backbone of the abuse of public power to compete, but also repeated in the crusade limit public power, squeezing and even against retaliation, the prosecution of Li itself would suffice.
other hand, as part of the judicial system, lawyers in China to share all the defects of this system. lawyers and judges like a pair of Siamese twins, and the interaction constraints the other's progress. Since the low quality of judicial decisions, actions do not determine success or failure of reasoning, the court rules of the game is still human, relationships, power, then the legal quality of lawyers would be higher, the judiciary can not extricate themselves are caught Corruption traps; a corrupt court Even a small number of lawyers against corruption may also be justified because of the lack of rights approach, and had to resort to extralegal or even illegal means. lizhuang exactly which type lawyer, is currently no legal theory, but whether he is a hero or a sinner, LI Zhuang cases are the legal rights to show us the difficulties and the status of lawyers is not optimistic.
last and most important, the case exposed a considerable part of Li Zhuang users awareness of the rule of law is weak. I was looking forward to the legal quality of Internet users do not high, but some users of Professor Zhao Changqing agent , who does not seem to attack not hesitate to stand in the opposite of the rule of law. However, this also reflected the danger of Chinese society. because many crimes is a tempting and even sacred to the name of openly launched; If there is no rule of law and security, the so-called part of a large number of Internet users in order to achieve the goal of a quick success and give up the rule of law. probably only again and again to let them see the cost of betraying the rule of law, so that they understand the real world is not as black and white of good and evil so clearly propaganda, the Chinese community can mature, the majority of Internet users will really believe the rule of law.
reason why awareness of Internet users is important, because they do not just rule of law in the event the prosecution of Li and other spectators, or non-Chinese society The ultimate judge of. the court may sentence Li Zhuang, the court may be wrong, but people will always reserve the ruling final. If the people lose their criteria for judging right and wrong, then the behavior of judges and lawyers, bound to lose the moral basis; if People do not accept, do not believe in or do not really understand the rule of law, then no country in such a weak rule of law may be constructed on the rule of law soil.
low quality of judges and lawyers of course the rule of law is a serious flaw, but a poor sense of the people of the rule of law is the most fundamental flaw.
(Source: Chuang suspicion of perjury, by Chongqing Jiangbei District Court sentenced two and a half. The court's decision for the following reasons:
Li Zhuang in Tam Rengong Gang mode defender during the use of meeting with Gang Gong model of the machine, to the Gong Gang mode read co Confession, abetting Gang Gong mode fabricated by public security organs torture confessions, ordered Wujia You bribing the police prove that Gang Gong die is torture; lure Gang Gong model wife Cheng Qi for Gong just die to be extortion of false testimony, instructed Gong Ganghua arrangements Poly company staff on false testimony to the Chongqing City, the first Intermediate People's Court to submit notification Gong Yunfei, Gonggang Hua, Cheng Qi applications such as witnesses, the acts that hamper the normal proceedings of the judicial order, constituted a defender or fabricate evidence, obstruction of the crime to testify, according to the law should be punished. prosecutor accused the defendant Li Zhuang crime facts were clear, there is ample evidence, guilty of the allegations.
Jiangbei district court's decision, the law is passed, what kind of signal?
one co-counsel shall not read to the accused person confessed. Counsel for the accused to defend, we must first verify the evidence the prosecution against the accused. lawyers both to verify the defendant's own confession, but also to verify the co-person confessions. Only through such comparison and verification in order to ascertain facts of the case authenticity. But the Jiangbei district court's decision clearly shows that this is a crime. This is the first case, a signal to pass sentence. According to my criminal procedure law, the commission defended the rights of the accused. The defendant is not a lawyer, you can own defense. That is, if Gong is not a lawyer just die if he can defend themselves. When Procuratorate its indictment to the court, he is entitled to their own to the court view the evidence, or you can ask the court to present evidence to show it to him. read the indictment The people know who the case co-indictment statement as an annex to the court. while the indictment served on the defendant, the defendant shall be served on the annex to the indictment. the case raised the question: the defendant before the hearing, with or without the right to know the charges and evidence against him? Jiangbei District Court's answer is that you can understand the charges , but not to understand the evidence.
II, ; to lure his wife die Gang Gong Cheng Qi Gong just die to be extorted for the false testimony, instructed Gonggang Hua Poly company staff who arranged a false testimony. so-called into the the crime, prosecutors have not cited an indictment in criminal law, conspires does not appear in court, does not affect the evidence of effectiveness. As users observed, Gang Gong mode can testify to the CCTV, you can testify to the prosecutor, but that is not to testify in court. of law, the witness should be present in court, accepting the court cross-examination , do have special circumstances, it may not appear in court. the case of eight witnesses, did not put forward any justification, refused to appear in court to testify. in accordance with law and jurisprudence, without cross-examination of witness testimony, not as a decision basis. the case without witnesses justification, refused to appear in court, according to the law should force their testimony proved to zero and thereby eliminate the contempt of court. Jiangbei District Court's decision this case is that the witness appear in court without justifiable reasons, does not affect the validity of evidence.
four, ; winking, Li Zhuang and abetting perjury, and Li Zhuang denied, in this case, it should be how to determine the facts. according to the criminal proceedings The ruling established that when the defendant denied allegations his lawyer and the lawyer's case, the defendant collected the testimony of priority, that testimony is Chuang verdict The case against Li rough time, was fresh impression: conduct of the trial judge to support the indictment of the prosecutor, the defendant's lawyer, Li Zhuang participation, no do not do exercise considerable subtlety of .16 hours of the war of words, laughing Rage, understanding of the legal issues of mutual survival ambiguity, the attitude of the evidence is quite different. A trial of the word but provides a vivid though not a typical case, proof of illegal unfair defense program would not serve the function, it is impossible to achieve substantive justice. confirmed the basic content of Large Professor Dr. Wang Yong's famous thesis 10 years ago: ; He spoke captivating, how fair!
People remember that, a pleasure to , followed by a ; enemy not problem, a deviation from the direction of a legal settlement, this is the case in the development of the total source of conflict.
litigation task force for the success or failure, do not study history, the Cultural Revolution popularity should have known evil. the rule of law era, This is undoubtedly the most backward form of the trial system and organization; now regained, it is backwards.
Li Zhuang renovation project, a mammoth, it seems, die Gang Gong. Gong who have been torture if in fact this is the focus of the case. the first instance without trial do not ask, management of First Instance against the conventional ad litem. such as whether the identification of torture, the judge, without cross-examination, the conclusion can only language the hard judgments outright, said: reduction due to abrasion flora remaining after blunt object r is caused by torture. charge at the prison, who is in what slip in the past. judge to support, according to was: ? Regardless of police, doctors testimony without cross-examination, physical examination say no doubt point, in short, can not be used as evidence, not to mention it with Gong's accomplices Fan Qi Hang court calendar Chen suffer torture inquiry if the circumstances are poles apart, and Fan for with the original Gong I told the lawyer is the case no second cause, Details: a trial of words found, door . I will not speak of this documentary evidence, had to be delivered without cross-examination in court, here to accept oral and written report is only detention center officers, far from the case of Wen Qiang project contractor personnel, is indisputable. As for the prosecutor's state of mind depicted and specific implementation details, the difference is large, self-evident. Two different versions of the conflict reflects the formation of ?
we all know, the testimony of its proceedings in line with the direct, language principles attention. but the evidence is very unstable, and often controversial, proved not strong, often wrongly injustice for us. the actual occurrence of torture v. Law is the civic duty to testify in the regulations at the same time (Article 48), explicit requirements judicial interpretation accordingly: license, do not appear in court. Looking at the rules and listen to the statements of witnesses is actually part of the jurisdiction, is no substitute for power; the same time is a necessary exercise of jurisdiction procedures and statutory requirements, an obligation. Lee case, the word of a trial explained: ? ruling added: The cross-examination, difficult to distinguish the actual situation. read the case of management regardless, he just arbitrarily determine the parties perjury!
people to ask: What card lizhuang pseudo? expressions that? with this, Lee no contact with prosecution witnesses, which permits them to do what has been such as undocumented pseudo-fruit, the establishment of perjury Why? composition analysis from the crime, the crime of violation of the object first, the criminal activities of the judiciary, and second, of civil rights. study the behavior of Li Zhuang met the defendant in the final analysis is nothing more than to understand situation, research, and his actions which violated the object? object does not exist, what charges can be set up?
However, developments had been expected, the first instance or the efficiency of its predecessor, citing Article 306 of the Criminal Code a crime sentenced innocent . Our compound, from the poem those who misuse wronged hundreds of inadvertent negative consequences legislative skills, which completely corrected. Otherwise, the defense system will weaken, it is inevitable transformation.
Li Zhuang convicted a second trial will be maintained. on This seems not discouraged. is discussed in depth by this example how to share the honor of promoting the development of the rule of law; lawyers are to draw lessons, strength of character to the superb professional and self-perseverance, duty-bound to make every effort to counsel the healthy development of the system. miscarriage is inevitable; off the ground term: we should see the hope.
2010.1.14 in Beijing
(Although a ripe old age is still part of the founder)
What can we do?
text / Li Zhuang Liu Sida
down after the verdict the case these days, my mood has been very good, I do not know why, actually always thought of Lu The phrase point of view, Li Zhuang lawyers ultimately have little possibility of innocence, since all of Chongqing's leaders decided, what use there is no appeal, even if the final appeal to the Supreme Court, without the direct involvement of the central leadership, I am afraid will not have any real effect. So, what can we do? Is it really only like Lu general saying that A scholar living abroad, I deeply know that, either for Li Zhuang individual lawyers or law firms on the whole of China, the things they can do it too limited, in addition to write a few essays to blow off steam, the honest, solid , pragmatic and do their research, the rule of law in the process of these various events faithfully recorded, is the right way, it was worthy of my own conscience. This time I was so concerned about the rule of law in China on a long road cases, not only because these years travel extensively throughout the country by many of the teachings of the lawyers, but also because much of the lawyer to understand more about many things almost empathy. China's law firms is quite a mixed bag of occupations, issues the sand, my previous article, also wrote a lot, but I study longer a lawyer, the more recognition, a long-term concern of teachers of Chinese Lawyers word, he said, lawyers do not face a bull, in fact, a lot of lawyers in the elite have earned had the money, there had been a officer, but also talented, and you serving in his official career earlier than you, no lawyer can not do the two erupted. the prosecution of Li in the performance of lawyers around the country, has been fully demonstrated this point, there is rise up, there beating the drums, there sped his pen, there are ideas of the hh and all this not because I have these lawyers and Li Zhuang what relevance, but only out of professional peers identity and In fact, the appeal has already started, since 1997, After the arrest, Yueyang City Bar Association has issued over are clear cases history of suffering because the police, prosecution is too strong, or because the political status of Chinese lawyers is too low, too, ; the Lawyers have long ordinary people one-sided understanding, these are good. But as a people who studied law, and justice programs that case were rape naked public power, I do not know what it feels like you are, anyway I feel only words mm shudder. The case against Li guilty verdict for the entire industry of lawyers, is all I worried about. we all know, the criminal defense lawyers to difficult, I'm 13 last year, the country Small City criminal defense lawyer working conditions carried out a sociological survey found that the number of lawyers from all over the world all said, in fact, is a criminal lawyer get money. The reason is simple, since the lawyer could not meet with the investigation stage, the prosecution stage not evidence, the trial phase can not read files, court and just going through the motions, it is not get money for that? and the reasons causing these strange phenomena, is it that lawyers do not have the professionalism and dedication it? Clearly not. China's Criminal Law defense of the difficulties and dangers, its roots in the criminal justice system of the existing variety of institutional constraints on lawyers, is that public security organs, not completely change the criminal defendant little money. In contrast, Li Gong case lawyers in the performance, in fact, very rare, because he knows there is a risk, or do all the parties to gather evidence in its favor, even if the 1.5 million in legal fees eyes of some people is an astronomical figure, but at least the parties can be considered to take the money, for the parties to do practical things, and absolutely not flicker party mountebank. In this sense, Li is a competent, courageous, worthy of respect lawyer, as he wanted to collect the evidence is not ;. consequences of doing so is heavy blow to the country all the true effectiveness of the criminal defense lawyers still have hope for the future, I am afraid that lawyers do when criminal cases do not want to get money can only get money out . I really want to ask the leaders of Chongqing justice organizations, and you open the ;? not me alarmist, this unwarranted guilty verdict if the final can not overturn it, since no criminal defense in China.
Some might say, no to non-criminal defense criminal defense bar, as long as our justice organizations carry out their duties, based on facts and law as the yardstick, so are able to adequately fight crime, protection of human rights, what is wrong? I think that such things must not realize that human dignity had been when the public authority without trampling help, even I do not personally experienced those inaccessible, not to mention some of the or not and call for a long time, which is why the United Nations .
So in fact we can do a lot, both for my lawyer Li Zhuang, China Lawyers, or the entire legal process, can in the end how to do that, it seems that no one knows. In fact, if you do not see into the future, then, let us start from the front bar mm lawyers, please unite with the support of Li Zhuang, a total anti-Let the facts and evidence speak; prosecutors, please put the location, do not own when the hall, and never to take counsel as an enemy; jurists, ask yourself whether you are the mouthpiece of the government, or academics hh As for speaking our minds I am back in the prosecution of Li before, it has been determined, so the immediate fame of these are done, I want to concentrate, to write a contemporary Chinese legal history, from 1979. so I wrote in 2009, when probably already Liangbinbanbai, and at that time, lawyers do not know whether Li Zhuang still alive, if still the case, I have to take a piece of paper, go to see him.
(of the University of Wisconsin, the United States Department of Sociology, Assistant Professor, School of Law)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Aaron Kwok Lynn denies engagement last November were both unknown

 The Hong Kong media reports, the Harvest Aaron Kwok, 46, then announced the news on Christmas Eve to friends as a farewell single, the last king.

But yesterday, the media contacted via SMS Mei Aaron Kwok's manager, Mel says in the message:

last November to send 3 carats diamond engagement

caught by the media, despite repeated appointments, but Aaron has always insisted that single. Diamond attracted a lot of bees waves bachelor butterflies, and divorced in early 2009 a secret meeting old girlfriend Norika Fujiwara, followed by the sex scandal by Mango Bo out of place. Even so, Lynn understands the truth in order to retreat, even less did not dare to say, has been very accommodating to the City Buildings.

City Buildings last month when attending the countdown, that no marriage plans in 2011, the original full due as early as November 2010, he was sent to Lynn 3 carats diamond engagement ring, and accompanied by two friends, and Lynn Kim presence of the agent A, the secret behind closed doors in Hong Kong engaged, but also to Lynn out 3

see an open marriage hearing peers felt

Lynn earlier looks to be holding a weekly . According to City Buildings friend revealed: years old, together with Lynn a short time is not you, that give people a birthright. There are five or six friends that evening to attend the United States and the fiancee of small brokers Lynn is not present. City Buildings at the banquet that night a friend said a good thing to close, leave feeling pretty good, one by one and friends waved goodbye, then drove a bright yellow car to buy a new home will speed his fiancee. Composite

Aaron Kwok agent: no matter

Aaron Kwok and Lynn engagement news, yesterday became the major site of entertainment headlines. To verify the authenticity of the message, the reporter yesterday, Aaron Kwok broker via SMS and the United States has made little contact, and get her a note back. Mei Aaron Kwok in text messaging and Lynn denied the engagement news,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life rivers and lakes

 Be changing this month driver's license, and the time had been six years a flash, and then look back, the past is like yesterday. ; whereabouts busy, easy go Each of us are in the political arena, although we have experienced in the arena of life is not as legendary as the movie. In between busy to run around constantly, a moment we may stop, look at your past and recall just entered the community at the beginning. that is a youth.
Now, when everything is over, when the joys and sorrows into joy, struggle worth mentioning. Time goes by, after all, still, those right, wrong. embarrassing, happy, happy, sweet, bitter, will have been submerged in flood time, we buried them in memory, The future is unknown, fraught with danger provocative. In any case, we will step forward. No matter what the future is waiting.
believe: people do not pay to get nothing at all, in order to get something to to pay the same price.
seen in rivers and lakes is used to rain, lightly the storm, this sentence is how smart, how heroic. In the same mood to deal with your life, then life would also like rivers and lakes .
martial arts where he is? martial arts is our rivers and lakes. That is where rivers and lakes? arena is our people and out into the martial arts place. called rivers and lakes. mm

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

9 customs around the world

 Star Star Ferry is a ferry from Hong Kong Island and Kowloon ferry between, from 1898 onwards, it has been slow in the Victoria Harbour shuttle more than a century, solid deck, wooden seats have had the flavor of old. Today all of the ferries have played the name, some called the Ferry Hong Kong's attractions is not only itself, but also the most expensive trip to the harbor, as long as 2.2 yuan (upper), and even 1.7 yuan (lower) could be exposure to the Victoria Harbour. sitting in the old style wooden chair enjoying the scenery, This is perhaps the unique experience of the feelings of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Tramways and the same with the Star Ferry across Hong Kong Island, nostalgia is what the Hong Kong Tramways, the tram along the track Chaguchagu sound, from the began operating in 1904 to today, nearly a hundred years has been sound. Now the old-fashioned double-decker tram in Hong Kong still relaxed to provide a transport service, which from Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, Happy Valley, across the Sheung Wan, Central, Wan Chai and Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island, the most bustling downtown, and also as long as 2 yuan fare, sightseeing tourists cruising the city's most favorite means of transport.
main attractions

Repulse Bay Repulse Bay residential areas in Hong Kong is still one of the highest, but also the most convenient transportation in Hong Kong the most popular and most representative of the Beach, is the visitors will come to the famous scenic spot. Repulse Bay beach is long, wide beach beds, and the smooth sand Young, Bo-ping waves of static. floodplain with changing rooms and shower facilities, more lifeguards on duty in summer. beach next to some fast food shops, restaurants and supermarkets, the famous Repulse Bay Hotel site has become a shopping mall mm Repulse Bay , the senior shops and restaurants. the beach has a Chinese classical color Zhenhai Park, more than ten meters high with plastic Tin Hau and the Merciful Goddess of Mercy statue, next to scenic bridges and longevity. nearby Deep Water Bay, Middle Bay and South Bay, is swimming resort.

commonly known as Victoria Peak Victoria Peak is Hong Kong one of the most famous tourist attractions. The Peak has a lot of viewing for visitors of equipment, from the hills overlooking the Victoria Harbour and Kowloon Peninsula, at a glance. Hong Kong's night view of the world-famous, the best viewing location for the cable car terminus of ancient incense near the ancient pavilions and open pleasant Lions Peak Park. Peak Plaza overlooking the sunsets the best. for hiking The Hong Kong Trail also starts here. The newly built Peak Tower has become the new place for tourists.

Ocean Park Ocean Park is one of the world's largest, covering 170 acres. mountains to the Atoll Reef, Marine Theatre, Long Beach Museum, the main rides. foot water park is a garden theater, modeled on ancient goldfish Museum and Heritage Middle Kingdom built, imitation Chinese palace architecture, the village has pavilions, temples, street scenes, reflects the Chinese historic features, so that to reproduce ancient Chinese street, and folk art performances. pandas donated by the Central Government An An and Jia Jia, in 1999 the first public free of charge to the public.

in Lan Kwai Fong Central, this former old alleys as the leading film stars and people living in some foreign presence, like a miraculous development in recent years become a fashionable men and women in Hong Kong the best place for nightlife. covered with boulders packed the two small ramps restaurants and bars, full of European flavor. Every weekend, especially the holidays, here are always packed crowd, know and do not know, a glass of beer will be able to talk to half a day. is the most popular are Christmas Eve and New Year Spring Festival New Year's Eve carnival night, when the countdown to the moment, drawing huge crowds cheering almost like people's extreme emotional catharsis.
San Francisco
If you ask Americans, most want to live in their own country which city, San Francisco is definitely the top five. cool weather, blue skies, such as washing, charming scenery and beaches, exquisite Victorian-style buildings, the romantic nostalgia of the cable car, never as in the New Year's Fisherman's Wharf and Union Square are San Francisco worthy of the most beautiful cities in the nation's reputation. But the real heady San Francisco, in addition to natural and cultural landscape, but also because the city from the bones was disclosed by the filter ad content packages
A survey shows that most local residents live in San Francisco for their and Hispanics, and 81% of whites.
This reveals the fact that San Francisco is a genuine respect for straight neighbors; here, white, black, yellow people live in harmony, Chinatown, North Beach, the Latin attached, through Union Square, Japan Town; in here, you can see the winning post in style street performers, and some the colorful body paint, some dressed as witches, clowns and even the black ghosts; in here, you can see red and green hair, young people head through the streets, openly gay couple kissing in the street. In this land, any The maverick will not provoke other people's eyebrows, everyone is a model for maverick.
generosity of San Francisco is a totally natural temperament, is in the food, architecture, music and all levels of city life inadvertently the natural expression. Here, in addition to delicious fresh and creative dishes in California, the United States you can eat the best French cuisine, Italian, Japanese and Chinese cuisine; in here, all over the city's Victorian house While enjoyable, the Greek-Roman types of cities you would expect everything in the performing arts, world-class ballet, elegant classical music, Broadway musicals, romance jazz, irrespective of the abilities of common totally integrated into the city of San Francisco beat. This has all have fulfilled the American writer William Salo Yang said, spirit of the city, gave birth to the 33 Nobel laureates, to create a Silicon Valley success story of hundreds of thousands of miraculous; is the city, gives us the The demonstrations, as well as yuppies.
If you go to San Francisco, do not forget to wear a flower, leaving the heart.
Location: northwestern California, U.S. West Coast mid-point, second only to the Pacific coast in Los Angeles the second largest port city.
City Profile: San Francisco is the United States and the Pacific region's main port of trade, known as the main commercial and financial industries, the financial center of the western United States, the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange and Bank of America the largest U.S. bank headquarters. the world's leading center of IT industry in Silicon Valley, on the southern end of San Francisco. University of California at Berkeley, is One of the most famous universities in the nation. complexity of the ethnic composition of residents of San Francisco, where non-white population of about 2 / 5 or more, blacks, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino majority. partition of immigrants from around the world neighbors, the formation of language and culture, different customs and religious rituals of the community. San Francisco, downtown streets were grid-like to the east and west extension, high density residential housing, housing built winding, tortuous streets, steep, and thus use the unique transport, cable cars, has become a scene of San Francisco.
City History: In 1776, the Spanish immigrant settlers to .1806 of the Russian posts in this setting, as was the material supply station in Alaska is a Mexican .1846 .1821 in the United States in return when less than a thousand residents in the nearby town of .1848 gold discovered in a large number of gold miners into .1850 of a city, the population had increased to 2.5 million, a trade and service center for the mining, the vicinity of Agriculture also developed .1880 east to the Gulf after expansion, the formation of a number of satellite .1906 earthquake destroyed the city 80% of the construction, reconstruction .1914 quickly navigable in the Panama Canal, the port's growing prosperity, trade boom. World War II, industry, commerce, finance, tourism services, and municipal building are greater development of large urban centers expanded from a single ground of San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose three centers of town group .
Population: 735,315
Climate: more humid in winter, summer and foggy weather and large, the average temperature at 13-24 ℃
common language: English-based, the different ethnic communities have their own language.
Currency: USD
best tourist season: San Francisco throughout the year for tourism, festivals every month.
January / February Chinese New Year in Ireland in March
St. Patek Day
community in Japan Cherry Blossom Festival in April, the San Francisco Film Festival
May 1862 Mexican victory over French Day
U.S. Independence Day, July, August / September in San Francisco Exposition, October
Blues Festival Columbus Day, Halloween
November to commemorate the Day of the Dead Mexican communities, the San Francisco Jazz Festival, Thanksgiving
second May Christmas, Carnival opportunity
major attractions: Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park, Fisherman's Wharf, Union Square, Lombard Street, City Hall
Golden Gate Bridge (Golden Gate Bridge)
Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937 years, costing in excess of three million, is the world's largest suspension bridge in one of the single hole, the Golden Gate Bridge up to 2780 meters, the center from the sea to the height of the bridge about 67 meters. bridge has two ends of the tower up to 227 meters . orange Golden Gate Bridge stands the steel columns at both ends of the bridge, using thick steel cables connected to cable mid-point down, almost close to the bridge deck, cables and bridge with a slender rope connected. the whole Golden Gate Bridge simple and minimalist yet majestic look. Strauss in memory of the designer engineers, people to the bridge of his statue placed in the banks. Golden Gate Bridge, completed the same day, 20 million people happily through the bridge to celebrate this day today. Kinmen Bridge is the world's busiest bridge, one of about 10 million vehicles every day from the bridge rumbles.
Fisherman's Wharf (Fishermanrs Wharf)
past Fisherman's Wharf Fisherman's park in Italy Terminal, now the most popular place in San Francisco, bustling year-round. Jefferson Street and Taylor Street Interchange Cancer mark is a symbol of Fisherman's Wharf. States have tourists come to San Francisco to come here to enjoy the delicious fresh seafood meal Dinner. wharf nearby Ocean Park Museum.
Lombard Street in San Francisco
Byway is a major feature. From the Sea Street to Gilman Street bar that is a big downhill section, the municipal authorities in order to prevent accidents , specially built flower beds, reaching the this, the only spiral down, no more than 5 miles per hour, this street it is their driving skills. Drive on both sides of the flower beds planted with roses, Jie Liangbian every household are also working in the garden at the door, flowers season, from afar, like an oblique hanging needlepoint, beautiful, Flower Street : ? everything at hand, what more can you ask?
However, if this is your understanding of the Rio's all, perhaps you missed the most profound thing in Rio. Brazilian said, six days creating the world, the seventh day of creation of the Rio de Janeiro. br> Rio Beach sidewalk is paved with black and white stones, the two most distinctive contrast color, without any modification of or transition to be put together directly. This is the way to Rio, not welcome moderation way, only willing to accept the two poles of the collision. Interestingly, the results of this collision is not a party to destroy or overwhelm the other, but both sides adhered to each other directly Leng Leng, inseparable also Bulong. in about one more than ten million people, of different color, different races, every day go to war for trivial matters, but it never occurred religious or ethnic strife. Here, extreme poverty and excessive luxury exists side by side, openly entrenched slums It is rich in this gathering on the hillside, penniless, homeless and the wealthy and the rich man lying side by side sharing the waves on Copacabana beach, sun and sand. In Rio, you can find in the city forest, you can also find high-rise buildings in the countryside; People keep complaining, demonstrations, lively street samba but never stopped; mayors come and go, but can not change this city. Rio can not be used one word to describe, because it can always find the opposite here.
Location: Located in southeastern Brazil, the Atlantic.
Population: 11 million, of which 20% live in slums.
Climate: annual average temperature of 21-30 ℃, 6 到 August is winter, summer 12-3 month is peak tourist season, the world famous carnival is held at this time, a period of 4 days.
Religion: Catholic
Currency: Real
Language: Portuguese, but in Rio speak English is a status symbol.
City History: January 1502, the Portuguese maritime expeditions first came here, but they are wrong that Guanabara Bay is a river port, so named for the Rio de Janeiro, which means Thus quickly prospered, and in 1822 became the capital of Brazil until 1960, moved the capital Brasilia, Brazil.
main attractions:

two mountains in a pool of Rio de Janeiro has the famous Beach entrance, 394 meters high, formed by two hills, one bread, as erected, and the other like a flat bread with mountain surface is smooth, like cast a bran paste, named for the ;.
Corcovado mountain or mountainous Jesus called humpback mountain, 709 meters above sea level, often shrouded in mountain mist. mountains towering old trees, lush all year round. corcovado mountainous individual name comes from its first the shape of the bulge on the back like hunchback; the second peak of individual names is because there are m a huge statue of Jesus. This respect for the 1,145 tons, 38 meters high reinforced concrete statue to celebrate the 100th anniversary of independence of Brazil built , has become a symbol of Rio. highways and mountain trains can reach top, clear day climb overlooking the Rio panoramic view of the city and coastal beaches.
Copacabana beach is known as the world The most famous beach, 4.5 km long along the coast, sea blue and white waves, beach clean and soft, with temperatures suitable for swimming all year round, visitors flock. colorful parasols and colorful swimwear, the beach was dotted with many beautiful position, you can see the bikini girls hot body is in a scene about the coast.

carnival carnival originated in the religious practices of the Roman Catholic festival is Carnival before Lent. carnival (carnival) the source term from the Latin , young and old all makeup, and heartily twist waist, waving his hands, Poets Dance. grand samba carnival parade is the climax of large floats surrounded elected leading open, a mighty team, the devil, angels, beautiful, immortal demon, samurai, Sheriff, elegant, black slaves, and other bizarre dress dazzling. processions of the most conspicuous figure than those fire-breathing Latin girl, dressed in bikinis or all exposed upper body costume, and men enjoyed the passionate samba dancers, the audience led to the highest point of the atmosphere, and even danced the tourists never will be can not help to infection, among the crowd to join the carnival.
New York, Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge
any of your thousands of miles traveled
, New York, like you do not understand.
entered the New York City to can not help but think of money. Fifth Avenue busy, the world's top brands are squeezed in here, when on sale, even the British Queen will open a special plane to shopping. walk up the city, with luxury was Great Zhaizi beyond imagination, which like the dazzling light like gold, sliding door wearing black uniforms meticulous, elegant. do not need to see people who live there, the owner can think of the value of a solid net worth astronomical. Beyond to walk, to the black area, there is no window to see the house, and to see people who do not work, I heard the story of a murder robbery, single mothers, drug abuse, arson, all of the stories are a theme: Blame is no money! Greenwich Village has seen first. where the old house more than a century of history, covered with ivy green side face red brick walls, air and sun leaves have a rich flavor evaporation intertwined. There was a bunch of careless poor artists to make money, shaking all day on the streets where the old, wooden windows in the open before the writing, in the narrow dark street corner coffee shop on the show is not sold for money and for the painting. Gradually, this place out of the name, gradually, this became a tourist area, full of silly around all over the tourists. So, the artists moved to the poorer SoHo to open up their own new world, until the prices rise SoHo , the coffee more expensive, they retreated to the East Village, a place to chill not rich atmosphere. This way, you can see how money and the art of war, the money to buy art do not sell, the money will buy, art turned to go. In the materialistic New York, the dollar had not a panacea. this, you do not quite understand, and New York, in the end what? continue to see, all the way to read on, and then ever more confused. Manhattan dazzling glass and steel skyscraper buildings in the , sandwiched with a green billiard cloth, like a Central Park; Wall Street, the bustling Broadway dressed Forty-Street, is behind the unrest in pornography; downtown in the car is too scary, do not ignore the pedestrian traffic lights, as well as food delivery broken bicycle, traffic and pedestrian flow in the hh to go in a rampage among the New York subway, a careless wipe over the walls, the smell of urine smell an odor of urine, steel beams rust dripping water on the track between the salt with the dead rat, look just like a rob and kill the good place. However, this dirty mess of steel monster is the most efficient delivery of a world public transport system: 25 lines, 468 stations, covering almost every corner of urban, low fares, punctuality punctuality.
see much more, you slowly come to understand why just arrived in New York, people always like to say: The most modern and most ancient and most civilized and the most ignorant, the noblest and the most ugly, most prosperous and the most desolate, the richest and the poorest, the most fashionable and the most conservative of all modern material and spiritual hh product They are extreme and wanton display the form. in New York Life, you need to give full play to your imagination, train your adaptability, and develop your tolerant.
Therefore, the feeling in New York simply can not or do not like like to describe. You can hate it, but it can not not be attracted by its beauty and ugliness, its rich and monotonous, it is too much freedom and too much publicity alert caution. sometimes seem like a senile old people walk the road , glow time, but the vitality of Maotouxiaohuo; sometimes cruel like a meat grinder machine, but when the warmth like a grandmother's smile; sometimes as mouthwatering as the spring flowers, autumn leaves when the index revealed a lonely but hh What is like, and what are not; what is, and what is not. all of the emotions, the ups and downs, rise or fall, all in the same attitudes of both time and space, Chen, Subway both. Perhaps this is New York charm.
Location: Located in southeastern New York State Hudson River
area: 830 square kilometers, the entire city from the Manhattan (Manhattan), Brooklyn (Brooklyn), Queens (Queens), Brown g Sri Lanka (Bronxs) and Staten Island (Staten Island), consists of five.
Population: New York is a melting pot, which has nearly 800 million people from around the world more than hundred people, of which there are two million Jews about 200 million of blacks, 60 million or more Chinese people.
Climate: New York's climate with four distinct seasons, an average temperature of 0 degrees in July is hot and humid, the average temperature of 25 degrees.
City History:
1492, Columbus discovered America, the European countries to establish the colonial settlers have coming to trade points, where the gradual formation of a free port, which is the predecessor of New York, .1524, the Italian who came to the estuary area .1626 The Dutch bought cheaply from the local Indians of Manhattan Island, established trading posts, according to the Dutch capital Amsterdam, the name of this place called inability to combat it, the New Amsterdam plate. King Charles II of England where this film to the jurisdiction of his brother, so the king's brother put their own territory from Yorkshire, England moved to New Amsterdam, and names changed to the early tenth century, New York became the world's largest cities, with London, Paris, par.
main attractions:
Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty)
Statue of Liberty's official name is God of the world many broken left leg irons, left hand holding a marked July 4, 1776 the name plate, announcing the arrival of freedom. Goddess of the designers of the Eiffel Tower, the French civil engineer Gustave? Eiffel Design, France funded the construction, completion .1886 spent a decade on Oct. 28, unveiled by President Cleveland. Since then, all the ships into New York Harbor 42 feet from the statue's right arm high into the United States. < br> Ground Zero (Ground Zero)
Ground Zero refers to the where now only an open space, two rows of railings around the aisle, after the bars hanging see the cranes, excavators, trucks, construction workers clearing the rubble of the scene. was hollowed out like a great big hole in the rubble, people soon grew heavy heart.
Broadway (Broad Way)
Broadway this is the provision of an Indian trail, now it has turned into a 22-45 m wide, long 50 years, both sides of the building such as forests, high-rise blocks out the sun in the busy street, like a noisy river, runs through Manhattan . Broadway from the southern tip of Manhattan from Battery Park (Battery Park), and financial center of Wall Street phase, the road is the East New York, one of the few old buildings, City Hall (City Hall). located in the middle of the world's largest department store Massey, east of New York's most bustling commercial street Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the heart of Times Square, by 1904, commercial and entertainment complex mm Rockefeller Center, the north is Lincoln Center. The whole day pedestrian street, such as flow, crowds, neon lights at night the huge advertising all kinds of constantly changing patterns, glittering, dazzling, known as White Road symbol. Here, showing the pace of life is extremely busy, and imagination during the early 1792 created the ) is a far cry from. New York Stock Exchange in New Street and Broad Street between the Tourist Office in the porch watching the exchange of staff in the office of tension neck in a scene.
Central Park (Central Park ) plane flying in the air the island of Manhattan, you can see, in the urban center has a rectangular shade surrounded by many tall buildings going up, this is a staggering, 4 km north to south, 800 meters from east to west, covers an area of 843 acres, with thick woods, lakes and lawns, and even farms and ranches. in such a high cost of land in the city opened up a Park, is undoubtedly a major undertaking. And also the construction of the underground park road, will not affect the transit of vehicles and does not disturb the quiet visitors.
the United Nations (United Nations)
located at United Nations Headquarters in New York East River Sea, accounting for six street blocks, the United Nations Secretariat building from 39 layers, the United Nations General Assembly and Security, Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council building, a library component, known as the on flying the flag of the United Nations Member States, from countries where more than 5,000 staff work.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Avenue at 5 82 No. Main Street, is a huge treasure, possession of four blocks. the museum exhibits more than three million documents, including from a variety of ancient civilizations to the contemporary works of art, including hundreds of pieces of masterpieces of world civilization. Museum does not show the painting and sculpture, tapestry on display, musical instruments, clothing and accessories. five exhibition are: the European painting, American painting, original art, medieval paintings and Egyptian antiques. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Xi'an Tiejing

 Zhongguang Wang Xi'an, Jan. 10 (Xinhuanet correspondent Ray Kai Zhang Zhiquan) learned from the Xi'an Railway Public Security Bureau that recently, illegal suspects Yuan Mou hotel in its business within the business department to train agents on the grounds to sell to tourists, Guangzhou, Changchun, Mianyang 4 tickets at high prices, profit-making 190. When he had just pocket the money, they were Blue Cross Blue Shield operations in Xi'an Railway police squad police seized the spot. This is the Xi'an railway police have seized 15 votes from the related cases.

In order to fully safeguard
during the spring of 2011, Shaanxi tube railway order and protect life and property safety of tourists and legitimate rights and interests, Xi'an railway police official launch of votes against traffickers, Department, First deployed more than 200 civilian police investigation team composed of 20 tickets, the key station, train ticket from passenger surveys carried out in order to grasp the high-priced tickets, and to analyze the characteristics and laws of votes traffickers activities precision strikes, to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of visitors from infringement. Second, the published reports of phone, mobilize the masses, and control station car positions. Public Security Bureau, SWAT, criminal investigation, security, legal and other departments to deploy police force composed of Blue Cross Blue Shield operations in 18 professional teams, will take the combination of public and secret way, the implementation of remote use of the police, focus on other ways to carry out cross against the current to enhance the project investigation, scalping crackdown groups work together to conduct siege operations. Longer to prevent scalping network, through visits, joint about the site, strengthening the hand, network promotional ticket, take effective measures to eliminate acts of online scalping.

since the operation was launched, Xi'an Railway police have carried out the votes of more than 150,000 people investigated, uncovered 15 cases involving tickets, arrested 16 traffickers votes, seized 30 tickets involved, the value of 5400 yuan.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Autumn campaign brain!

 Autumn campaign brain!
Autumn, although pleasant, but people tend to have Qiuchou fall, people feeling depressed, the elderly should actively exercise to deal with winter.
Introduce some physical exercise for the fall of the brain.
Jogging mm which is ideal for fall sports. Running can improve heart function, so that the brain normally work, and contribute to weight loss fitness. For a family of white-collar work, sedentary chronic disease can produce remission in motion, for the elderly people, running due to lack of exercise can greatly reduce the risk of diseases such as muscular dystrophy and the possibility of obesity, in addition, jogging can lower cholesterol and reduce atherosclerosis, contribute to longevity. Recently, scientists also pointed out: Stick to jogging cancer the probability of lower than sedentary people.
reminder: jogging suit is 70 years of age from children to better the health of the elderly, if the high average age, or the elderly do not exercise all year round, or in the form of Walking instead of better. and as far as people band together and walk.
close mountain about one kilometer above sea level mm in the atmosphere, of the beneficial negative ion content increases, air pressure is low, this would produce a series of physiological functions of the body changes in the asthma and other diseases have a certain role of adjuvant therapy, and may lower blood sugar, increase hemoglobin and red blood cell anemia, the number of patients. climbers can also increase the pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity, enhance blood circulation, increase cerebral blood flow, and promote brain activity the degree of acidity of the urine increased, blood glucose was modest, beneficial to human health.
reminder: when the elderly to choose the right hiking shoes, but also to bring enough drinking water and emergency medicine. plaza aerobics mm older not suitable for travel in the elderly, can be in the district, Park Square to participate in aerobics exercise. both activities bones, and can make friends, you can ease the lonely mood. physical symptoms appear during exercise can also have to help rescue the people around.
different for each state of health of the elderly, living habits and preferences are different training methods to choose their own interest is also very important exercise to do to fall into old hobbies, to not feel tired as the principle of gradual approach, so that old people happy and healthy through the fall.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Hunan

 New Year's Hunan, suffered freezing, day holiday, the weather is not to force, cold and windy, and snow is to float.
And inconvenience of travel is often select the house at home.
Anyway, New Year case of snow, the mood is still very good. think of the phrase, time of misfortune! sincerely hope that 2011 will bring Hello everybody luck.
do a bit south of the beautiful snow. little bit of snow accumulated in the building, or tree branches, and the evergreen camphor tree composition of white and green landscapes, handsome sort of spirituality in the manifest. air fairly clean, so the snow remained the immaculate original condition, and is quietly falling in each of its place, despite the world to enjoy with a variety of angles to the aftertaste.
hope-filled fans watched Taiwan mango festival, can not be said poorly.
Xiang and Wu was no match, the two men with very general, and replaced Xiang and Wang Han Kyung Ho should or will be out of color, cultural differences between the Mainland and Taiwan is not the same! hosted somewhat redundant fans, and is known for the elegant and lively dance scene does not occupy too much time programming. every day brother office interview aspects of the time too long, fans forget that this is Thanksgiving, the protagonist should be a fan of the show, rather than half an hour on a guest policy. interspersed with pieces that can only be vulgar, disgusting, boring to describe, for a long time do not say, actually also take your pants off show, the audience it is silent, do not know how the party planned on the show gatekeeper. Even the live broadcast, a program should be reviewed before it! Do they show the ability to live so strong? < br> do not say, the snow made it Yuelu Mountain group. hope that after a lot of mango to the power station!
actually still standing proudly in the snow of winter to see red maple! too much to force the!
unknown small plants, little red
mountain was blowing bubbles, fantasy!
2011 in the cold weather arrived.
snow last night before the arrival of the cold it really was a harbinger. it turned out today, See the sky to float snow, a short while, on the ground, the leaves from the thin layer of snow accumulation, it is beautiful.
2011 with such a pure, beautiful landscape and to meet you, good!
for three days New Year's Day holiday, but the cold weather to go out in the footsteps of a deadlock. But Ye Hao, so whenever he woke up in the holidays, is also good. no heating or air conditioning, even if repaired, the high temperature hit 32 degrees, still can only send ten degrees of temperature, Hunan winter, really uncomfortable. So remember the infinite north Heating, come to think, feel so far away.
New Year, also thought to any particular way, did not go to Orange Island watch the fireworks, do not go to the square to see performances, did not go to bars KTV, or is this all because of the cold weather, although the New Year, but still not in my heart as if that special kind of joy, after all, New Year's Day the New Year, Chinese New Year does not come to power, we are Chinese who told it! Oh
then is to keep changing channels, watching the television did her best to create the New Year's Eve concert. still love mango sets!
a gift to beam out the forest, although the cost of STO bit high, but the speed and quality of logistics or praise-worthy! you pay for!
the past year in terms of their own, After much wandering, eventually return to Hunan, I feel most of the year formed.
and is past the first decade of the 21st century, reviewed, or in addition to feeling only a feeling!
passed , let him past. brand new 2011, hoping to spend it fulfilling.
to the power of 2011, with fuel!
dim light, such pursuits do street children in Singapore.
stage slope sub-Street charm and grace are still fresh in.
slope sub Street stone road, stop and go, how many memorable.
Changjun Secondary College Street near the old campus, brings together the best local snacks in Changsha, the atmosphere is not Huogongdian luxury, but it can usually Changsha authentic snacks, although the big winter cold in the cold night to eat somewhat of a belly, but the taste really is not covered.
Chiba, near the pedestrian street passing a painting shop. signboards striking the words depicted. seems simple, still requires patience, oh!
thought beams wedding, just anxious for the gift, so happy theme selected frame, ready to go back and processing process, gave her their wedding can be considered blessings, hand painted for happiness, not bad. May married lovers the world.
home, described a few hours, a little bit sense of achievement, the greatest feeling that is hard for swollen eyes. < br> online shopping 5800W basic was fair, but also made a few with its micro-Bo, because a battery is not available, contact the seller, he did send an expansive promise. think of a few months ago to buy the Lenovo Dual card dual standby, it is silent, with two or three months, inexplicable into a single card, had to challenge some of the quality of domestic mobile phone, and last year bought backgammon.
to trial yesterday to the headquarters of the contract, again failed. in the process of linking people sometimes really crash, running around, they can only look relieved. The want to eat dumplings, simply because the reasons for the winter solstice, but really in the southern dumpling shop a little harder to find , and then think of breakfast is steamed dumplings, though not, at any rate brought a dumpling word, hehe.
suddenly thought, his Sina blog full five years, and accompany me in five years it grew to record all these years of ups and downs . thank you all the way to accompany the next road, continue blogging!
this winter, house paint it at home.
weekend Changsha, the sun really little earlier, although there is no rain, but the lack of points Sunshine always felt the cold of the point.
since the advent of Christmas, festive atmosphere on the street is a grand Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and so everything is organized, just waiting for the arrival of that day.
office adjusted, obviously feel a lot of spacious, of course, there is no previous natural popularity Wang, so that there is no elevator crowded before. staff expansion, small office space that the company leased a new office. the newly formed regional working together is good news indeed a good thing, the General Arrangements to Portland everyone's position, my position is interesting is intact, so what a lot of strength left.
talk about the Lugu coordinate it, the property is not generally unsatisfactory, not to force the elevator, and even the maintenance is also quite timely, relevant persons asked, because there is no maintenance cost, the need to use the maintenance fund, provided that the go process, process the word Let me!
then there are not to force the air conditioner, remember that just came in office when the heat when the air, and then in the office should not feel the cool, the results in the winter, have not seen the normal operation of heating. it is expected the relative comfort of the office.
and is rumored to be next year, the overall move to Pu Yuan.
Hans for a long time did not go gold, and last night decided to go to that dinner temporary, partly because there are gold card Hans , which are still spending enough to balance one or two, more able to meet the tastes Moreover buffet, not to mention that some of the stuff does taste good. and then is heard again at a restaurant soulful singers perform some songs, husky it can resonate voice, can not help but unconscious intoxication, and then quietly memories, sadness, etc..
week after week, the pace from the end of the year I was so close. think of last year, when I dedicated decided to leave Urumqi, and then went to Sanya, both ends of the earth in that lonely place, they go to friends, and then quietly leave. and then this year is to run around and toss ...
yesterday in Changsha , cold wave raid, the previous forecast of rain and snow predictable, sitting in 14th floor office, looking out the window quietly patches of snow falling, it is difficult to cover the hearts of joy.
Yes, I love these white Shared stuff floating down gently calm and relieved, but also to enjoy the snow falling quietly enjoy one of the world. Although the cold, but an alternative interpretation of the beauty of low temperature. snowflakes falling relieved, and my disturbing thoughts. or they had and the weather mood should not be used independent of written records out, but after writing the relaxed, reborn.
This is what I see in Changsha, the first snow.
it does not not much, but gives me several hours of exciting.
Although it is not long duration and allows the heart to the collection and then I can remember.
Although it did not give vent to the city to become an instant world of white snow, after all, can make people feel pure and clean.
smooth induction of new colleagues to re-number closure .14 Qianlong Lake, who witnessed the results of a month, think of the opening ceremony a month ago, to today's successful completion, and sincerely for their happy outcome. but also for the Soviet Ministry has the support of my colleagues, the successful completion of their graduation ceremony presided over and closing dinner. think of rainy day to report, until they went to the Division also met during the rainy season, which is also before and after the perfect echo be natural to give them the best gift.
Yes, good weather but also rain or shine.
Dear gentlemen, bless you the next more exciting life and career.
days cold.
obviously feel winter is to visit this city, last night out on the island, facing the cold, do not bind tightly conscious clothes, ear suddenly remembered a large a number, heartfelt feelings, but the aftertaste is still quite a good mood. It is said that these days it will snow in Changsha, and unlimited expectations, because in Changsha, I have never seen snow.
weekend went Shenzhen, can be considered to be a tiny little house their end, although a bit small sorry, but the matter has now, to strive to learn later in life good financial management, learn to live it. Think about it year and the house seems inextricably linked, Urumqi those days is of terrible, but the good news is passed, in addition to comfort only consolation.
short trip to Shenzhen, for me, restless . or I should not be selected together with travel, although the way the accident occurred is, I never expect that, but it had made me uneasy. thank the company of Song, I also want to open-minded to go to crazy adventure But do nothing, come and go, Baishizhou metro bus, my erratic lonely soul.
so helpless can only go with the flow!
suddenly felt my trip to Shenzhen, it seems that had never been to, And I feel like I really did not belong to this place. although from Changsha to Shenzhen, back to the obvious visual impact, such as a clean city, clean air, towering buildings, and so everything is telling me I really belong at this stage of Hunan, is the sentimental landscape Xiaoxiang earth.
northbound train, also a short few hours, wake up, although still not feeling the heart, to coincide with Star City winter rain continuously, Song many times thought of recommended because it is the best friend, there is always something linked to each other, inextricably.
buy the charm still continues, go to a restaurant to enjoy a 2 set, 55 yuan, really affordable.
fuss! this is the greatest feeling these days! a lot of trouble is not necessary, but knew a dreamy, or will not help the imagination, so I have to say that he is in the act cheap!
Yes, Fanjian. I can not find a suitable word to describe yourself. So stay focused on work experience and gain experience, the rich life it!
because Bauma, in the office dealing with trivial things to more up, empathy, regional administrator of the things that have When people are really big head, sent a message is very simple a test of patience.
Changsha weather, Frances Yuyu, so again, sometimes a full day of rain really depressing, life without the sun The curbing can be inexplicable joy. because of winter, the days of black-out will be early, and then the night is long, choose the house at home, these years I have developed a very good house habits. although it did not do What, even into the early hours would be too easy in the sleepy.
regional food, because the addition of new colleagues, the team is particularly appropriate. to say a coincidence, New Gaudi experience because of Huawei, Canada the Russian context, so asking a few university students, the original and Xu Zhibo are friends. now entered in the Alliance, is fate!
Yuk House East, I wanted a drunk, but unfortunately in the short-lived after a few beers dizziness especially clear after the rain the Wuyi Road, fresh and clean, drink alcohol before, I am still me, still continue to finish on the table, yes, positive, good work, Chief bold promise, is a kinds of invisible power and encouragement, in the enterprise, in this society, always believe that there will eventually return to pay!
work in conjunction, because the division and more, the workflow is bound to go down into contact with many people, who and the communication between is particularly important, happy working principle is humble life, honest and frank anyway!
positive attitude, positive.
back from the Qianlong Lake Lugu, training reception come to an end.
In fact, this intermediate also a few days, but feeling a lot. several activities from the planning stage to the middle of the reception, late-sponsors and see ZITC size of the organization in person training, then to being called to hear it leadership inevitably awkward, but fortunately quickly reflected over their own, just as what he said, peaceful and harmonious Zoomlion a smooth communication and exchange.
self-introduction from 16 to yesterday's opening ceremony, the new consciously and with colleagues, the team's support for the two events a complete success, and I also completed its own deep under the impression that they Zoomlion and his dedication to a cause, meet in the Qianlong Lake, believe that they will cherish well, until the time and learn something and look forward to working with them. < br> Qianlong Lake to talk about it, though not Shiyan Hu's Castle and totally natural beauty of mountains and rivers, but the relatively good facilities and good service are able to quickly capture the hearts of everyone, from catering to the venue to the guest rooms not not in the service of their nanny, infection with the Working Group colleagues and new colleagues. It is located about 40KM north west Wangcheng territory, because they were surrounded by the lake, and located in the plains, in the cold winter, when the wind blows is quite capable of feeling the cold south, so I told all the new colleagues, so moist, only when in Rome do as the Romans but also into the Xiang River, eat hot pepper in Hunan also fend off the cold.
thank Liu Pan and other colleagues, from the borrowing ties to support of activities and assistance activities of a team to successfully close the crown, 囧 is your face cream and shampoo will be forgotten, Qianlong Lake in basically spent two nights get a piece of Safeguard, so back to the home, the United States the United States complete a hot bath, then put my thoughts.
After all, I am not a HR, back to the area, as well as what I do, still grateful to the Ministry of the Soviet Union, at least he gave me the platform one to exercise his own, and secondly, to know so many people. little a sense of accomplishment and contentment. Also have the total support Xiexie Lan, after all, I belong to the CIS region in his leadership.
Changsha The weather was gradually getting better, look forward to the new work it!
Turkmenistan after-sales agents to come to Changsha to participate in training engineers. learning objects focus on small tonnage of the crane, because of language differences, I temporarily battle as the role of translation from the medium.
hydraulic principles, electrical structure, etc. Looking back now, their really is a big challenge, of course, the process of translation, for the promotion of their products but also of great help. Later, the need for induction training of new salespeople, back to the office, and customers went to the beauty of Zhangjiajie.
recalled this week, though tired, but the full sense of sedimentation caused by more or less give their own comfort of happiness. happy life, happy, think about life, sometimes as simple as that. every morning from the west take the 118 road, across the Xiangjiang Road 114, then transfer to the train station across the Liuyang River, to the Xingsha, and then start the next workshop , the classroom, start the day. Although for professional translation is not very place, but trying to work in the most simple vocabulary to express intent, also hopes to work on clients in the future play a role in it.
then is to work, then from the east back to west across the entire landscape of Changsha, consumed two or three hours along the way, think about such is life!
Changsha, the weather this week surprisingly good, sunshine, warmth gives unlimited. Although autumn is near 20 degrees Celsius during the day, so that their deep love of nature bestowed on it all.
Zoomlion in the day for the first time and customers to communicate in Russian, in other words practical use on their professional, that is, the two engineers from Turkmenistan, think the time has been almost a year and the Westerner is not shared with the Russian, that said, wells of a kind of intimacy. All this is, and Russian and von ~ ~ ~
rain, patches of concrete Russian colleagues, as QQ stolen around borrowing money on the Internet. When I borrow money, I half-day difference, because, although his familiar, but he was in possession I borrow money, in my opinion is always a bit tricky, to verify my suspicion, he simply showed me his video, the video where it was his, so that account as he prepared to send money, but unfortunately U Shield in the office, so do not send money in time, ready to pick up the afternoon when their U Shield, when a colleague called and said Feng Q theft, stealing customers to use its QQ everywhere to borrow money, remind me, hint Do not borrow money. I was surprised by half a day, and think this person actually committing the crime can be cut to its video, high-tech have lamented to give the types of borrowing money online, be sure to call to confirm, alert.
last weekend for taking the time to go Yuelu Mountain, just to witness the legendary Maple Leaf make stained love the gorgeous late Pavilion. although not to the late autumn mountain the scene is full of red maple, but sometimes there's little in the lush red or brought to stunning visual!
a group of pictures made it:
Maple Pavilion in love late
Yuelu Maple
Yuelu Academy of Hunan University, Sina BLOG feedback message board About Sina SINA English

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flash Tour next door jasper 2010 Malacca (k) replay of the landscape articles

 Neighbor jasper: 2010 Flash Tour Malacca (k): the landscape replay the ruins of the morning papers

the corner of St. Paul's Church ruins tombs on the entertainer who
thinkers abandoned hilltop
St. Paul's Church

window view medium shot of girls girls

window or the window of another girl

typical architectural style of the streets of Malacca Street landscape landscape

alternative float
street street
Suki riverside the Malacca River
store decorations lamp post

a traditional river Zheng landscape

river wall murals
Dutch windmill
the intersection of ancient and modern street breakfast

Sunset brilliant br> Malacca Hokkien Huay Kuan
china shop
town. alleyways
Baoshan Pavilion
like those point cards, each direction has unlimited beauty!