Saturday, January 29, 2011

Guizhou passing by impression

 Text / Western Black Hawk
girlfriend read the news yesterday that tourism in Guizhou Chishui how good, I have been to not ask for Guizhou, I have lived life, the places where there is always a feeling that is not clear, but to Guizhou a look disappointed, not scenery is not beautiful, but most of the people in Guizhou you can encounter will give you a bad impression, ha ha, knifed the powerful, unfortunately, today saw an article in Guizhou boasted, did not think , Guizhou verses thread, I was very new, some words, online friends may not understand, but, no, I circle Note about, good.
STD Zage rule, please go to Guiyang City <> squeak point is a cover, I'll tell you to take <> wants you to die fast, then g (to) two Ge Village <> cheap than the mouth, immediately grams Bridge <> ; like looting money, there you Huaguo Yuan (yellow features scenic orchard) <> knives to injure is not physically weak, except in the military.

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