Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Magical Peach Qiao freckle

Before and after Tomb Sweeping Festival, is the pink Liulv excellent season, the girls are beautiful mountains and rolling hillsides spring's extraordinarily pretty, reminiscent of beautiful and charming of the peach, there are people face delicate role that allows you to do a white and pink Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing spots, dull complexion and other facial pigmented diseases have better results.
peach beauty role, primarily because of the flowers contain kaempferol, coumarin, clover bean glycosides and vitamin A, B, C and other nutrients material. These substances can dilate blood vessels, and clear the context, moisturizes the skin, improve blood circulation, promote nutrition and oxygen supply to promote the quality of the human body to speed up the aging brown fat excretion,UGG boots cheap, prevent chronic deposition of melanin in the skin, which can effectively prevent chloasma, freckles, dark spots. peach is also rich in vegetable protein and amino acids in the free state was easily absorbed by the skin, the prevention of dry skin, wrinkles and other rough and effective, can enhance the skin's resistance to diseases, so prevention skin diseases, seborrheic dermatitis, purulent dermatitis, scurvy, etc., great benefit to the skin.
use peach beauty of the simplest way is to mash fresh peach juice applied to the face, gently massage moment, can also be dried for peach powder, coating the face with honey and mix thoroughly, then wash. flowers in nutrients can nourish the skin, changes in cell vitality facial to achieve the complexion rosy, smooth skin moist, elastic cosmetic results . In addition, topical oral administration, combining peach, the effect will be even better, here are some things to the specific methods used peach beauty:
Peach porridge: Take Peach (dried) 2 grams, 100 grams of regular rice, brown sugar 30 grams. will be placed in casserole peach, the water soak for 30 minutes, adding rice, slow fire simmering porridge, porridge be incorporated into the brown sugar, mix well. day one, breakfast 1 to take advantage of warm food, five for each treatment interval of 5 days to take the next course of treatment. applicable to stasis (such as face Diablo, menstrual blood clots in the tongue are purple, stool dry and long term) are. This porridge both the role of beauty, but also the blood circulation. but The porridge should not Jiufu, and should be suspended during the period taken, excessive menstruation were Ji Fu. such as better use of fresh peach petals. 4 grams of fresh items available each day. Peach Angelica wine: peach blossoms bloom collected 300 grams,UGG shoes, Angelica 40 grams of the same place in the bottle, together with other white 1000 ml, sealed, one month after the Kaifeng access. daily morning and evening drinking wine 1 cup peach Angelica, also fell into a little wine in the palm of your hand, rub your hands on, to be After the palm fever, back and forth rubbing the face. This could eliminate facial dark spots, treatment looking minimalist, dark spots and post-natal face Anhei, usually use 40 ~ 60 days, stains disappear, looking to become red gloss.
Peach trotter beauty porridge: Peach (dried) 1 g, trotter 1, 100 grams of japonica rice. the Peach drying, and research, go-spare. trotter flesh and bones to separate, set pan in the water, stir boil, skim foam float, change will be slow fire Dunzhi trotters thoroughly cooked bones out, join the regular rice and peach at the end, continue to simmer with a slow fire porridge,UGGs, porridge into Xi Yan added in amount, MSG, sesame oil, scallions, ginger, and mix well ,Discount UGG boots, one dose every other day, the fractional temperature service. The parties have blood emollients, Qi through milk, Feng muscle beauty, Removing the effect of the new students, apply a stain on the face of breast-feeding women. postpartum taking the porridge, can pass milk, but also to remove facial spots, and moisturize the skin, replenishing the body.
Peach Whitening Party: Peach (dried) 60 grams, 75 grams of melon kernel, Orange 45 grams, a total of research into a very go-between, porcelain vase in the spare set, each 1 g, 2 to 3 times daily after meals with warm rice wine sent to the next. The parties have blood circulation, remove spots whitening, moisturizing the effect Yuet color can be used to face more black or face those who have melasma.
peach pill: take the initial peach, sift dry grinding, mixing honey for the pill, morning and evening services 6 grams. this pill on the liver Qi stagnation, blood caused by poor complexion An Hei or see acne, acne, Hu Dieban who have good effect; also used women's dysmenorrhea and migraine treatment.
to note that the peach has the role of the purgative laxative and more applied to the skin and bad a stool dry and different people, and for spleen and stomach, or who are not physical yang long-term use.

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