Sunday, September 26, 2010

Warcraft 3 players who played for him would certainly not unfamiliar Terran Archmage

 Although the value of life pitiful,UGGs, but powerful enough to reverse the storm water element and the war. However, inside World of Warcraft, we can only statue by historical documents and to know him.


Name: Anthony Das (Antonidas)

Race: Human

Occupation: Grand Master - the head of the Kirin Tor

Relations: Jaina Proudmoore's magic teacher


Kirin Tor decrepit leader, Antonidas, in his Seventy-one years old when he became a great magician, a powerful. the second war, he fought to defend the garden violet, and its reconstruction after the war, and that one is loyal to the Union. Time is passing, he sacrificed his own health , most of the time will be used to defend the violet garden. proud of his students - Jaina Proudmoore for his share those concerns, most of the time in his search for outside information. Antonidas Alliance, like many outstanding leaders, as in the invasion of the Burning Legion met the mysterious prophet before. forecaster warned that he must move to the West, but Antonidas not paying attention, that the prophet is only a madman would be magic. He ignored Jaina on Prophet of curiosity, to focus on the troubled northern plague. He, like many other members of the Kirin Tor, like, think this is a serious threat and must be taken seriously. However, the isolation Dalaran The views were not listened to league executives. Antonidas, Jaina on behalf of him and let the young Prince Arthas, the Paladin with the investigation of plague. Carried away by the next tragedy Alsace mind, he destroyed Stratholme. Antonidas continue to study the plague until it came to his side. Kel'Thuzad from the Alsace and to seize the leadership of Michael Scourge Devin the book. Antonidas and other members of the Kirin Tor could create a undead into its internal cause serious harm to the magic enchantment. However, the expense of a large number of men Alsace final capture of this city Finally, he killed the Lich King Antonidas and claimed under the name of the Book of Medivh. Antonidas death, the city of Dalaran Archimonde soon a powerful force in the next ashes . Antonidas the soul can not rest still wandering the ruins of Dalaran for a while, continue to work with what he considered to be everything the Scourge to attack the invaders. Kael'thas led the blood elves escaped from the dungeon Dalaran when his soul liberated from the pain.


Kirin Tor Antonidas become members of a certain apprentice, or a childish off the little boy. He was a strong student, devoured Dalaran large number of books the library. Just a few years in education in college, he emerged from the peers, and won their praise,UGG shoes, and respect for elders.

At age 12, Anthony Das delivered a speech entitled He was the youngest prize winner. Subsequently, the Management Board approved the Kirin Tor, he entered the Institute of Advanced Research and Enlightenment, he was ever officially approved the youngest.

Antonidas continue to grow as he continues to learn and sophisticated their magic skills. Antonidas magic in the field of defense extraordinary talent and wisdom, making him the ideal candidate for parliament six people, and he successfully entered the final six boards. Antonidas is not only very wise and fair, also has a profound knowledge. He soon became the most influential Dalaran figures.

before the second war of Azeroth world leaders gathered in Lordaeron to discuss the issue orc invasion. Archmage Antonidas Parliament on behalf of six people attended the summit, and clearly the position of Dalaran allegiance to the Union. He is also concerned with a very talented young mage Khadgar conditions, the latter during the first war was the apprentice of Medivh. After the second war, Antonidas the Archmage Khadgar promoted and appointed him to enter the Dark Portal to investigate the commander of Delano.

after the second war, the orcs Antonidas investigated the weak state of exception, and based on research results published in a series of papers:

comprehensive study of the they are associated with the Orc race Antonidas myself have said that the cure for the orcs look the way the disease is almost impossible. He concluded that: Orc can only be spiritual means to return to a healthy lifestyle.

after the end of the Second War, the Union held a large-scale construction of shelters for the orc, and raise taxes to support the operation of shelters, which makes the fragile coalition began under enormous pressure. The lack of a common enemy, from the first start of the war against the orcs and sincere cooperation to the Union states, and again to the political differences between quarreling.

In addition, the beginning of a plague outbreak in the north. After investigation, found a name Antonidas Kerr Sujia members of the Kirin Tor German studies psychic surgery, and speculated that the North is a magical product of the plague. Led by the Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran rulers suggested isolation of the plague in the region.

because of fear of possible consequences of this initiative, King Terenas, did not follow their recommendations. Under such circumstances, a prophet came to the old front of Archmage Antonidas. He issued a warning about the plague, and told Antonidas: the whole of Azeroth to be occupied. Prophet recommended Antonidas Kalimdor to the West, this is the only way to save his people.

but this time has been in session Antonidas late July. He is certainly a wise man, but also increasingly to pedantic and conservative. Although his apprentice, Ms. Jaina Proudmoore feel the power of the prophet, and advised him to listen to the recommendations of the Prophet, but still Antonidas prophets laugh.

Grand Master decided to continue to study the city of Dalaran, north of shares of the plague epidemic. See Eventually, he sent the plague Jaina field survey. Jaina go hand in hand with the Prince Arthas Menethil.

Antonidas trying to stop the plague continues to spread at the same time, Alsace has fallen into madness, he Stratholme slaughter, and fear of monsters to kill Northrend Martha Jia Nisi. Antonidas find a cure for the plague in the method before, Arthas and the Lich Kel'Thuzad, together with the souls of the army to the south led the advance, swept through Tirisfal and Lordaeron,cheap UGG boots, and grow their own forces.

Soon they came to the city in front of Antonidas attempt to overcome the Dalaran, to win the Book of Medivh, and summoned Archimonde.

Antonidas block in Alsace and his undead before, refused to give up the Book of Medivh and Dalaran City. He used his unparalleled defensive magic, a magic barrier lowered. Any contact with the souls of this barrier will be destroyed (this barrier is that we are now using an earlier version of the defense barrier.)

Sadly, this is not enough. Alsace find ways to lift the barrier. He ran directly kill Ruda La, brutally killed Antonidas. Kel'Thuzad and Arthas into the Violet Citadel, won the Book of Medivh, and summoned Archimonde.

dead troops from Dalaran to find new goals, Archimonde destroyed the whole city, the city's magic is a high-Tayi ruins. Antonidas of Dalaran instant city suffered total destruction.

Antonidas only home to defend his sacrifice, living by his story and set a shining example. His achievements, courage and memory, a hundred by the suffering of the old world has left us a precious heritage, a new era of our cornerstone. In this war-torn world, the new alliance is still standing not. Although it is still fragile,Discount UGG boots, but it is our memory of the bravest son of Lordaeron and the greatest hero the best way.

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, floating ghost town built inside Dalaran Antonidas Memorial Hall, dedicated on Memorial Union and the Kirin Tor, who made an outstanding contribution to the Grand Master! In this memorial statue of Antonidas inside, and that moves! Magic Kingdom is different, as the kingdom was an outstanding leader, he deserves to enjoy this glory!

[quote] the wind shaking young man of the hour Man of the World of Warcraft Antonidas

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