Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bühler, Karlsruhe possible birth Awards

 Schalke - Nuremberg (3) ,bailey UGG boots
Schalke in the Champions League week promotion, morale is prosperous, is also unprecedented unity within the team,UGG boots cheap, and catch up on the semi-final home leg, the face of poor results away Nuremberg, expected to achieve a victory. Nuremberg counter attack may succeed, but is unlikely to get points. Wendan!
Bremen - Bayer Leverkusen (3,1)
both from the strength point of view is similar to and are advocating the attack. But the mentality is quite different. Bayer Leverkusen has 5 game winning streak, and 5 games into the 16 ball, throwing two balls, is not the ignition too far? Bremen Champions League after losing the league also the final out. is the so-called stable, in fact, the strength point of view, should be in the upper level, so the home or can not be overlooked. Bayern kicked out of one and a half hours without a strike out. Kahn was suspended for making rude remarks though due to, but not necessarily a bad thing. Lensing levels did not say. I think Kahn was right, Tony kind of player in the Bundesliga scoring easier, but not hard out. I believe Tony will have a lot of pressure. outbreak.
Biller - Stuttgart (3,1,0)
of a possible upset. read the midst of several balls,Bailey UGG boots, should not be bad to this point. offense, Jier Xi, Zuma, Kampala and other players have a certain strength, but poor defense. But just coaching change. The scene of Stuttgart, first based on the undefeated, playing the opponent's back, and the young will attack has come up in Stuttgart, will give more than Le opportunities. need to pay more attention to this field.
Wolf - Dortmund (3,1)
two teams are nervous, are all very strong power, but to play very unstable. It two teams in the together,UGG boots clearance, what results are possible. But Wolf, too back recently, 5-game losing four games, plus many special road bad. optimistic about the Wolf unbeaten.
Karlsruhe - Hamburg (3,1)
Although superior in strength to Hamburg, but has always been tough at home, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, this would be an uphill battle. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A training manual for cabinet companies Purchasing Guide

 I. Introduction

Second, the basics of kitchen cabinets

Third, a code of conduct Purchasing Guide

IV Purchasing Guide

five job duties, the daily work flow Purchasing Guide


Purchasing Guide July sales skills, service requirements

Pat, myself, understand the customer


cabinet originated in Europe and America, in the twentieth century,UGG shoes, the late eighties early nineties into China through Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other places, and gradually penetrate the development of other provinces and cities in the mainland, to the late nineties, with the deepening of reform and opening up, people's income living standards, lifestyle changes, the spread of foreign culture,UGG bailey button, kitchen, modern family kitchen that a new thing quickly flourished across the continent, and formed a huge industrial market, and has become a sunrise industry.

With the housing market-oriented reforms and improve the system introduced, private buyers have become the main force of China's real estate booming,Discount UGG boots, the survey shows that urban residents in the next 5 years on the cabinet of the total purchasing power will reach 290 million, the total demand amounted to 23.2 billion, kitchen cabinet industry is growing so fast Why? Continuous improvement of living standards, with the booming real estate industry, kitchen cabinet decoration began to occupy in the increasingly important position, it changes the concept of decoration, kitchen cabinet industry is rapidly developing a tonic, \The concept has been in coastal populations and the formation of large and medium cities, small cities and rural areas and is popular due to the special features of the kitchen, the whole consumer kitchen cabinets, especially increasing demand, changing needs, led cabinet industry from the \This cabinet provides unprecedented business opportunities. Still belongs to the emerging sunrise industries, as some will be great.

the basics of kitchen cabinet

concept: the kitchen cabinet is the function (including: cleaning, processing, cooking, storage, etc.) to integrate the kitchen space and according to customer taste configuration and by scientific custom furniture, the goal is to make the kitchen the function of supporting a more rational, more convenient, more beautiful appearance.

cabinet features: kitchen furniture belonging to the scope, but the difference with ordinary furniture, kitchen cabinets are custom-made type of furniture is not custom-made styling products are home scale, requires a certain production cycle.

cabinet structure: kitchen cabinets from Oita in general by the cabinets, wall cabinets, countertops three parts. Part of a larger kitchen cabinet can also be coupled with high or medium high cabinet to set the actual situation.

kitchen cabinets from the subdivision, and the kitchen cabinets are furniture, so the kitchen is essentially a form sheet metal and hardware accessories.

cabinet structure: a single-door cabinets, for example, the cabinet structure, mainly by the left and right panels, floor, on the strip, back, door, connecting hardware, door hinges, cabinet feet and so on.

Container handling structure: an example with a single door wall cabinet, cabinet structure is dominated by the left and right side panels,bailey UGG boots, roof and floor, back, door, connecting hardware, hinges, hanging or wall cabinet code gong wire and other components.

cabinet selects the plate:

timber cabinets: kitchen cabinets are the following types of commonly used sheet metal plate.

1, melamine double plaque: including particle board, moisture-proof panels.

2, high density

3, core board

large timber table: kitchen table are the following types of commonly used materials.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Braised tail section is a good stuff to eat

 My mother called it If not, and we take the world so pure Oh Jiangxi her hometown in Guangxi and even how to say words are blurred because in my house here in Jiangxi decades and no one in Guangxi dialogue and exchange so that she can have her native dialect But all she can not forget the words of the neat Jiangxi often insincere if involuntarily separated from Guangxi and Jiangxi, as walking in the words of the swing, as the wire 2 to the dialect that is often for her to make a quick clear choice of the comparison, but my mom said than done Oh she really is for this reason often embarrassed Na 2 does not take you that this language does not suffer what I suffer (*^__^*) mom ... hee hee ... So my mom is very nondescript accent spoke out, but we grew accustomed to listening to my mom so that accent now sounds like still feel very close to the hearing because she is my great great mother ah She is 86 years old, although some down-and my mom is still pretty mind and body is also diligent in mangled a person she is very hurt us, I pray my mother if the children can live to be 120 years old it would be great my mom less than 20 years old she left her hometown when my father married my father she was working in Guangxi to take her out when she is with my father's work unit was removed to Jiangxi to the unit at the time my dad has 2 places for them to choose otherwise They can close in a place away from Japan because my dad said,UGG shoes, settled in Jiangxi, Zhejiang away from his home is so close on the choice of the Jiangxi Jiangxi is a question for decades so Jiangxi has become their second home very interesting is when they get married the two sides could not understand some of the other speech language communication difficulties when my mom met my dad said, they often can not tell when a pen and paper write down the contents of Oh they say that communication is very unique of it ... I also walk in his dad this relatively calm temper slowly, slowly educated English-speaking is a very gentle kind of person he simply said his native dialect of Zhejiang Over time, however since no one here is so Zhejiang Zhejiang his words are not very typical of the fall because of some words such as Shanghai in Shanghai when he was young to work quite long ... because my mom accent is rather special to do my daughter's often really like to learn to speak my mother Oh, I learned a very fun place people speak very highly Oh my mother if I also learned a good security as the Oh I have over 50 years although that can be naughty, but I still never make trouble really understand common sense understanding also O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ Sometimes the elderly brain is more complex emotions are not good enough, but often to the bend, and so I never like to enlighten the elderly add to the trouble I put my mother always see the sunny fog lifted Yunkai feel like Oh,Bailey UGG boots, this weekend I have good results My mother is cooking at home mom with my own tired talking about the things she spoke to someone else to talk about the encounter on the road is a man wearing high-heeled say a norm like Oh, with Aung Ko Deng Deng slightly with people's heads do not ... too seriously and uncomfortable in his own house like that is does not pay so I immediately said, Yeah it is not empty your rude arrogant people because they were also tired Oh you're too lazy to get angry with the good people and she was brushed aside like a fog ....... Oh no wonder Oh, this high-heeled shoes indeed time through the two pairs of high heels do not wear high heels the day after I especially can not stand my share of foreign crimes to upgrade their temperament is like many things on their own inner knowledge useful to have some intrinsic beauty is the only real beauty Oh,Discount UGG boots, We all like to eat vegetables na we love today,UGG boots clearance, I did

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Afraid of children lose at the starting line

 Let the children return to the matter of course already in mind; can we find that it is precisely contrary to the laws of education.


in the shadow of this concept, parents and children are

man most likely to destroy fear, extreme fear will make people crazy - let God destroy, they first make it crazy.

The result: tighter control children. The result: year after year ... ...

The result: The result: the neglect of love. The result: In fact, the most homesick children ran away from home, eager to heart a home ah!

listen to the voice of a child it:

that my child better. eyes sparkled, but lost its luster after school; school in front of numerous Why do you ask, why have one at school but ask,UGG boots clearance, do not come out ... ... 'exhausted' at the starting line,Bailey UGG boots, and some children were 'scared' at the starting line, some for the whole family 'crash' at the starting line. of such reports is not uncommon, it is sad ... ... > knowledge this is the supreme joy of this world, most children feel it is an endless suffering.

God to give us a treasure, a God we are still grass. Unworthy of heaven, what to do? !

such consequences Shui Zhiguo? Is a misconception to blame!

not afraid to lose at the starting line

What is the correct concept? What is the law of education?

Learning is not afraid to lose

truant children even in the face, we also believe that:

, 'We're learning' shall be a great way to ... ... state is the master state. Mei Lanfang was thoroughly aware of the youth of this reason, the generation of masters, turned out.

afraid of losing the learning is Even if the won, also Pa Sigui the survivors, filled with trauma.

childhood scars will grow as the years, this injury will affect a person's marital happiness and future happiness, more harm than good ah? !

the child's life is a marathon, not a sprinter. Always afraid of losing their parents in the starting line must Destructive Enthusiasm, this practice is like ignorance: let the children !

fact children are born learning master key is to allow them to love learning, as long as the love of learning, learning is not good but difficult; as long as the child to create an enabling environment to fly, they will never climb.

Why learn to talk, learning to walk,UGG shoes, when the children all well, not a difference, and makes the parents are embarrassed to it? Because the child was not afraid of failure of the parents, or even afraid to believe in

without fear of parents are the natural masters of education, their shortcomings and failures of the child without the slightest utilitarian mentality, but a

Child's articulation is unclear just when speaking, is not a weakness? Parents do not hate? Not only failed, but is ecstatic, right? !

Children fall down while walking just is not a failure? Parents did not complain? Not only failed, but is distressed to treat it? !

benefits - life, flowers,

shortcomings - life bud.

speak do not know, is the clear language of the buds;

the total fall down walking is footed bud.

as: gardener flowers. Both eyes with joy and appreciate the flowers in full bloom; and with expectant eyes and enjoy the late start of the bud.

flower buds, which one is wrong? !

life such as water, which for a period not beauty? !

was how the parents and cheerleaders like the Olympics,

children Paode Man - Come on! Children run fast - cheers!

this unconditional love - love as the sun shine on the earth, so that children filled with a sense of security. A security man, the heart of static, static energy of wisdom. Wisdom is the most beautiful flowers of life, when the parents seems to be listening to the sound of life bloom.

lose at the starting line once the child

my daughter is completely lost at the starting line of a child, she deaf ears since childhood, three and a half has not said a word, shock ear not hear thunder. As parents, when the pessimism and despair, frustration and misery, God has really no way, no one to turn into the earth ah!

the midst of sadness: suddenly Taichetaiwu, ecstatic, as if to swallow a reassurance. look down on my disabled daughter, I have full of tears to enjoy her, hug her, kiss her, praise her, as I have created life - the soul of the proud forever!

emerging miracle Eliminate the concept of fear, a miracle indeed emerging, and now the daughter of a silver tongue, mind stretch, America has become a doctoral student, received the the highest honor a series of domestic and foreign.

a poor girl, at an early age his parents died. Only do not know a word with her grandmother grew up. Grandmother granddaughter of education is only one sentence, it is always said to her:

Handonglayue one year until the little girl up the courage to walk down a frozen river, she said:

center when she went to the river, the ice suddenly quivering, trembling little girl legs again and this time the ear ... ...

grandmother came to the shore one a sentence :

When she finally boarded the other side, the fear of heart was completely melted.

same girl, now grown up,UGG bailey button, became a writer, a daughter of the mother. Education is still the mystery of her daughter or phrase:

that is: not afraid to lose at the starting line only to let the children really win at the finish line.

At this moment, we have to get back this

Just do it, the children will certainly return to Parents and children can listen to the sound of life bloom. Appreciation education initiator Zhou Hong

(Big Mountain and Zhou Hong teacher photo) 

Monday, October 25, 2010

1987 Lunar New Year on September 26 is the Gregorian calendar is November 17 Scorpio

 Ruler: Pluto properties: a water sign Symbol: Scorpion's tail Representative: sexuality, insight, death is tissue-type character Scorpio lover: sexy, mysterious Scorpio nature of affection, it becomes cruel, insidious. Scorpio gives a energetic, passionate, jealous, possessive character. Among the twelve constellations, Scorpio is the most sexy, as it also rules the reproductive organs ... ... October 24 ~ November 22 Ruler: Mars and Pluto attributes: water sign birthday horoscope or born in the autumn sun Scorpio personality characteristics: in between Libra and Scorpio Sagittarius. This is a man of distinct and unrelated things have a special financial interest. Good use of the characteristics of the larger contrast between his own character. You like to explore things a distinction between the real and the people. Born in the bleak autumn in the constellation of the people of this rough and tough and intense pace of life you will feel close to your loss. Your love psychology often riddled with contradictions. Emotional betrayal is absolutely intolerable to you, and make love to you have opposite views of the original. Do you have a pair of very sharp eyes, insight into human weaknesses and opportunities of the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, your mystery, selective, aggressive nature and do not compromise the spirit of fanaticism, often to the people left a deep impression. Can not get rid of the trouble often haunt you, make you feel exhausted. Strong, is the outstanding character of Scorpio people performance. Great endurance to make you the courage to meet difficulties and dangers, and to conquer it. Whether in life or the emotional aspects of complex issues, not only will not make you tired, but it will also add fun to your life. Scorpio people need to keep busy among the regular. Do you like to do hands; like to improve their working and living environment; like to update their own thoughts, not like doing nothing, and powerless life, that will make you lose vigor and vitality. You never accept any defeat,UGG shoes, and if a setback, you will have a strong psychological allergy. Then you will start from scratch, with a strong will and indomitable spirit, re-run to success. Do you like dramatic scenes, from time to time in the director along the way you act. You better not be an obstacle on the road ahead, this is a dangerous competitor and a formidable opponent. You will never forget the lessons of failure and their hurt. Scorpios love of power, like to have their own way of thinking. Money and material is essential to you, but do not use it to bound their hands and feet, you are on your own career, there have been of help, always keep in mind, willing for your generosity. In the birth horoscope, when Mars in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, or the ecliptic section Ⅰ, Ⅹ, Ⅶ or Ⅳ influence of the palace when the larger, the character will be more prominent. And your zodiac sign that any of its difference is that Scorpio people are good at waiting for the opportunity in their favor. When the time comes, you decided on a way to go, then no force can stop you except forward, you will withstand the test of any hardship. Others have failed or abandoned array where escape is what you build your own successful performance of the Holy Land. Do you like adventure prudent and thoughtful, and very will use their charm and charisma to achieve their desired objectives. Many prestigious financiers, your birth horoscope has a strong influence of Scorpio. Scorpios often show interest in nature, rather to understand business sense, the more difficult business,UGG boots cheap, the more you profited from. It is not easy to get along with people, everything from the best line. Your material desires must be fully met. According to legend, a symbol of Scorpio with death, inheritance and gift house Ⅷ of the ecliptic end of the Scorpio also some people who may go to the other extreme, you happiness in this world, no interest in wealth, but to start their own beliefs, or that deep down through the mystical disturbance. Scorpio male absolute consciousness and a strong desire in your heart somersault, and often a loss of passion lead you to a world depression. Precisely here, you will feel the true value of life and fun. You can withstand any hard stubborn test, wishes to remove the torrent will help you all the obstacles on the road ahead. Are you good at guessing other people's weaknesses, learn to grasp the woman's weakness and touch your mind sees. In love, you never in a dominant position, in your opinion, as long as the purpose is good to be cynical. Since your perseverance you will succeed where others have failed. Only when you transcend his own nature, you can the inner torment of self-shackles, full of great spiritual strength and become unimaginable creativity. Birthday horoscope in Taurus, and by the Venus of women will fall in love with you. Your spiritual life or whether you regard it will reach a satisfactory harmony. Cancer gentle and submissive with women combined, your feelings will be very well, life will be full of poetry. Pisces woman will make you really feel the joy of life. Pragmatic, courageous female Leo will change your personality, and your stubborn from the complex study of depression and freed. Scorpio women only in the passion, frustration and tears, and feel their presence and joy. Unfortunately, you can withstand the baptism of life and trials. Like the dramatic changes. Or the impression that you will feel great sex appeal. Charm will help smooth your path in life to move forward. Once you find a meaning in the male. You will be a good companion. Brave, hard working, tough test in, you will show a housewife of the most selfless quality. Private desire and feelings of jealousy strong, you need not look her husband enjoy their beauty, but you are faithful and unreserved love. If you are in love, fool, or encountered a strong enemy, you will have a strong revenge. When related to the immediate interests of you, your most powerful weapon is the tough talk. You often see themselves as the target to vent anger, especially the issue of love. But the rich features of your ability and character of the people around will leave a deep impression. Birthday horoscope in the Taurus male, is your ideal choice. You will appreciate the common life the true meaning of love and mystery. Pisces feelings and also appeals to men. If the Cancer men come into your life, Scorpio women can want to exercise the power of housewives. Scorpio Scorpio children's excitement and feelings of children are the main part of the character. This is a child's psychological understanding of highly complex and difficult. Quiet, calm and collected, but on the inside and slowly accumulate the desire or discontent, and the formation of potentially volatile factors. Never underestimate a child, you may become the best, it may become the worst. If you feel has been maligned or slighted, you will have Mingxinkegu discontent, causing you stand still or do not make progress, such sentiments will continue until your adult life. In addition, the Scorpio child bears a special kind of physical force in the need to make strenuous effort or talent to play, when will this power to burst out of instinct. The mysterious of all things can cause your interest. In medicine, chemistry, history or research work, you will show talent. Reveal the mysteries you have questions or find out fans suspected special ability. This is a self-centered people who have great appeal on this point in time in Qinghai you show it to the full. To the people around you often leave a deep impression. Do not force you to do the things you do not want, you need to choose the way to go, once selected, you will come up with a hundred times in other people's perseverance and courage to learn and work. Your ideal way out is to medicine, metallurgy, police professional, research, military, and oil or volcanic-related occupations, engineer, sculptor, or risk a big career. Scorpio born within 10 ° of different people's basic personality: Birth Date: October 24 ~ November 2 Character: Character imperious and full of mystery, it is difficult to see from the calm exterior picture of your inner world. You can become an outstanding person, it may go the opposite. Do you like the way through the tortuous way to achieve their own ends. Never be discouraged in the face of difficulties. Comparison of indecisive youth to adulthood, your personality characteristics will really show it. This is a personal feeling than private person. If you can have more tolerance and compassion, you will be more respected. Power Source: divide and conquer Date of birth: November 3 ~ 12 character traits: temperament ambiguous, both arrogant and cowardly, both warmth and cold, both longing for love and self-restraint. When a person offends you, you will not read sensibilities. Very easy to become a highly emotional suppression and Dongan people. Driven by you vulnerable to all kinds of desires, once you overcome nature, it will radiate a powerful force, and mystery, psychology, or has demonstrated a remarkable invention of the can. Power Source: Extreme Date of Birth: November 13 ~ November 22 character traits: unable to contain the nature and intensity of feeling, it may be your motivation, it may become a weakness, depending on these two tendencies is to make your emotional sublimation, or make you a victim of passion. You really need to bring a balance to give you the spirit of happiness and love the atmosphere full of the living environment. You may become destructive envy always left guard. Power Source: Love of the famous people born in Scorpio are: Paganini (Italian composer empty), Tuo Dostoevsky (Russian novelist), Marie Curie (Polish physicist), Picasso (Spain famous painter), Charles de Gaulle (President of the French Fifth Republic), Alain Delon (French actress), Lancaster (United States film actor), Indira Gandhi (former Prime Minister of India), Mitterrand (French President). All in all, your Scorpio: Scorpio strong desire to say: Way to express love: complex. A: a strong desire of people. Desire: to find a tolerant wife (or husband). Deception: the over-confident and like complex. Likes: to find the precious objects. Fear: someone sincere. Weaknesses: there is often a potential crisis. Favorable conditions: perseverance. Disadvantage: not good at work. Holidays life: change your room furnishings, or tinkering at home. Expenditure: for more harm than good things. Mascot: Dragon. Auspicious metal: iron. Lucky gem: Ruby. Lucky Day: Tuesday. Favorite color: red. Lucky numbers: 9,18,27,36. Inconspicuous sites, vineyards, luxury entertainment, the latest style hotels and bustling place. Auspicious Plants: red pepper, thistle grass, wormwood. Living conditions: hidden and full of mystery, antique furniture. Ideal living Country: Norway,Bailey UGG boots, Malaysia, Syria, Bulgaria, Australia, Queensland.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 22)

in the southern hemisphere, in the west between Libra and Sagittarius the east is a large sign near the galactic center. Center: 16:40 ascension, declination -36 degrees. Summer in the southern sky, Heliconia point to the southeast, in the head, and men, between the constellation Libra, etc.. α star (Antares) is a red one and other stars. Eyes open clusters M6 and M7 are visible. Block 4, etc. There are brighter than the stars 22.

Scorpio is the most prominent summer constellations, bright stars gathered in it, just the stars brighter than 4m have more than 20 satellites. Scorpio big, bright stars and great, really can be said to be representative of summer constellation. In addition it is also the ecliptic constellations, so particularly noticeable. However, the Scorpio zodiac occupies only a short range of 7 °, the twelve constellations of the ecliptic through shortest.

Scorpio personality traits of the three intervals

10.23 ~ 10.31

personal planet is the moon, the moon represents the preferences of fantasies, dreams, and maternal love. So you are a more flexible nature of Scorpio, Scorpio would have liked to take care of others, particularly like. Really care for love in every possible way, the other half will feel very warm, very sweet. But if you encounter a bad partner, he may be too you talk to me.

11.01 ~ 11.11

Ruler with personal planets are Mars, that is, the meaning of a double mobility. Because Mars is in charge of fighting or action, and so this represents a negative meaning behind that, and you will be very subjective. Said nicely, things will be very independent, very decisive force, but say nice bit arbitrary. Subjectivity sometimes too tough, will not listen to the words of others. The cause of great achievements, will have to hold a soft emotional attitude, personality would be better not to be too tough.

11.12 ~ 11.22

dominate the planet during the period of Jupiter and Neptune, respectively. Neptune is usually in charge of a relatively deep spirituality, but Jupiter is in charge of a blessing. A representative material,UGG bailey button, a representative of the spirit, so your personality is very fickle, often have a different dialogue with the heart. If you compare the words of a doctor is good at psychological practitioner, if the construction is the architectural design business, then, that you are good at analysis and resolution, this is your character in this exclusive.

love Scorpio

dominate Scorpio God is Hades in Greek mythology, Roman mythology in the name Pruitt. He abducted the earth from the ground produced the daughter of the god of flute 佩尔西佛尼 wife Mel. Later, on the Prut see the ground without her, life began to wither, so let his wife live on the ground six months each year, so that life can recover the land, continue to survive.

Scorpio by Pruitt of love, there are three characteristics, namely the love of plunder, if they like, they will try every means to get; the second is to explore love, they like from deep inside the world to understand the true meaning of love; third thoughtful love, they can stand each other's position for the sake of each other.

Scorpio hot for love and blind, so that the first paragraphs of their romance, the object may encounter an error, taste the pain of lost love, but if the lessons, you will be able to get a good marriage. Scorpio love

threshold: to provoke the other side of passion

heart guessing game Scorpio himself to say to get second place, no one dare cross any of the first. Your eyes move, eyebrows Qingcu will be a look in his eyes in mind. Unless it is an excellent actor, or escape his stuff. Together with the Scorpio, only to move his heart in good faith, intrigue, he was ancestor, in front of Shuada Dao Guan Gong, the most you will only make him feel funny.

In fact, people who get along well with Scorpio, because they are real, they would never fart burp because you refused you, of course, no one can not stand too much, but the occasional gaffe, they will not miss in mind The. It can be said with the Scorpio in love, you can tear up his mask, of course, if you are a bother to bring generators, advise you or be friends with them! They like to chat with people, these experiences, but they are basically decent love the premise of marriage, love fiercely, love deep-seated, cross-regional, cross-time, they are not afraid. Love among them is the fear of speaking does not count. Together with the Scorpio, love is a romantic life that they will help you runs, they are good philanthropists. However, their narrow-minded, you have to learn to continue to fade. You need to give them time to explain your reasons for doing things, you were thinking. Wrong to identify, this is the good boy.

Scorpio personality

in between Libra and Scorpio Sagittarius. This is a man of distinct and unrelated things have a special financial interest. Good use of the characteristics of the larger contrast between his own character. You like to explore things a distinction between the real and the people. Born in the bleak autumn in the constellation of the people of this rough and tough and intense pace of life you will feel close to your loss. Your love psychology often riddled with contradictions. Emotional betrayal is absolutely intolerable to you, and make love to you have opposite views of the original. Do you have a pair of very sharp eyes, insight into human weaknesses and opportunities of the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, your mystery, selective, aggressive nature and do not compromise the spirit of fanaticism, often to the people left a deep impression. Can not get rid of the trouble often haunt you, make you feel exhausted. Strong, is the outstanding character of Scorpio people performance. Great endurance to make you the courage to meet difficulties and dangers, and to conquer it. Whether in life or the emotional aspects of complex issues, not only will not make you tired, but it will also add fun to your life.

Scorpio people need to keep busy among the regular. Do you like to do hands; like to improve their working and living environment; like to update their own thoughts, not like doing nothing, and powerless life, that will make you lose vigor and vitality. You never accept any defeat, and if a setback, you will have a strong psychological allergy. Then you will start from scratch, with a strong will and indomitable spirit, re-run to success. Do you like dramatic scenes, from time to time in the director along the way you act. You better not be an obstacle on the road ahead, this is a dangerous competitor and a formidable opponent. You will never forget the lessons of failure and their hurt.

Scorpios love of power, like to have their own way of thinking. Money and material is essential to you, but do not use it to bound their hands and feet, you are on your own career, there have been of help, always keep in mind, willing for your generosity. In the birth horoscope, when Mars in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, or the ecliptic section Ⅰ, Ⅹ, Ⅶ or Ⅳ influence of the palace when the larger, the character will be more prominent. And your zodiac sign that any of its difference is that Scorpio people are good at waiting for the opportunity in their favor. When the time comes, you decided on a way to go, then no force can stop you except forward, you will withstand the test of any hardship. Others have failed or abandoned array where escape is what you build your own successful performance of the Holy Land. Do you like adventure prudent and thoughtful, and very will use their charm and charisma to achieve their desired objectives. Many prestigious financiers, your birth horoscope has a strong influence of Scorpio. Scorpios often show interest in nature, rather to understand business sense, the more difficult business, the more you profited from. It is not easy to get along with people, everything from the best line. Your material desires must be fully met. According to legend, a symbol of Scorpio with death, inheritance and gift house Ⅷ of the ecliptic end of the Scorpio also some people who may go to the other extreme, you happiness in this world, no interest in wealth, but to start their own beliefs, or that deep down through the mystical disturbance.

Scorpio vs four blood A blood


do not know is he thinking? This is the mystery that you give people the impression. This type of shape is honest, reticent man, good at communication; introverted and conservative temperament, like a snail shell hiding, not like someone broke into its inner world.

nothing unusual when, A-type - Scorpio, quiet as at the child; one have happened, and move such as rabbits. This is the Scorpio personality characteristics of the largest.

A type - Scorpio is unwilling to have an extraordinary life. Your imagination, like the illusion of their own, depicting the future scene. Can be said that this type of person is full of romantic mind sees, but not just blindly living in a dream, the run down to business come from the calm and resolute, is not vague, clearly revealed the A-type - Scorpio Two different face.

people most likely to cause this type of jealousy is excited inside. The extent of their envy achievement, almost the point of madness. Quickly converted by the envy and hatred, who has not yet been achieved beyond the hatred before the disappearance of such hatred is difficult psychological. Similarly, contrary to his own heart, is not allowed.

this character, that is the nature of Scorpio. As it literally refers to animals - scorpion, its surface a mild, implicit in the body is toxic, if it is to offend, it will sting in the tail hook, and the venom injected into the body. Is a very dangerous poison

A type - Scorpio, if restraint inherent emotion, the heart will be jealous of hair up into the power of others or yourself, are helpful.

【TX】 blood type B has been

continue to pursue a goal ... ... how much you have this tendency to concentrate on the pursuit of goals, until you get absolutely did not give up until the desired thing. Not give up or compromise so-so, is the

B type - Scorpio, focusing on the target and passionate, this attachment will form a patience and concentration, and thorough completion of the goal, that is, fall is also neat restitution, did not forget intention to move on. If you reach a destination, and then forward indefinitely dig down deep. We have not seen

hidden on the field, holding a strong interest and concern. Mysterious death of the world, deep psychology, followed by the hidden part of human society so that sunlight can not probe into the inside of the world, holding the desire to want to explore the true knowledge, which explore the heart of the mystery of the human body .... that is the universe to solve the mystery of medicine and astronomy and other scientific scope of these away. Concentration of excellence and continuous power, the investigative capacity of the formation of good and enthusiastic attitude towards research. B-- Scorpio people have the ability to identify the real.

B type - Scorpio has a deep thinking, no matter how beautiful and complete surface, but also see through the inside of the complex reality, people who see through the mask covering the heart. But despite knowing the situation which is also not an exaggeration to say, do not mess came to light the truth, after all, the secret is a secret, hidden by the darkness to darkness.

this type of person likely to have their own secrets, so hated by others see through the mind, there is a closure of one hundred percent family and friends will not carry out the gate. Surface, there sociability, act happy, but not sincerely happy, always felt that sociability is a hypocritical affectation. Although thoughtful conversations, jokes jokes, nature is calm and preferences alone.

appearance of the impression does not seem so tough, but inside the personality complex, stored up like a steely tough, have a strong spiritual strength and durability. Usually mild, but the preparedness than attack power, if as an enemy, is a formidable opponent. AB blood type


AB type - Scorpio people are Mild to do anything but modest, not pride ourselves on our ability to quietly action ... ... this was a type AB - the general tendency of Scorpio.

Therefore, AB-type - Scorpio is silent and not anger and Granville. In the heart, such as the burning of the fiery lava, this character in the eyes of others, may be mysterious and charismatic presence of it! Was wrapped in mystery type AB - Scorpio, maybe a

However, do not want people to know all the hidden attitudes, inevitably give people the impression of self-enclosed. Where possible, there will be unfortunate to be at arm's length. Communication from the surface, will not be utter devotion of friends; and because of the silent character, draw a lot of people around the mistaken ...... be excluded, be regarded as eccentric and so on, which is AB-type - can be considered between Scorpio .

However, once cut open the heart and liver, the extent of their reliability, nor is general comparable. AB nasty dispute in human temperament, we see still has deep feelings hidden. When they were betrayed, Scorpio's tenacity and AB-type concept of revenge, will be played exhaustive; However, to keep things on his own, they could not be easily violated.

TX】 【O-blood

want to explain in one sentence O-- Scorpio character, it is extremely difficult. O-performance is outstanding temperament: calm and flexible attitude, but also for the time, place, occasion response has been very sensitive. Scorpio itself has the following features: hold strong beliefs indeed hold their own areas. These two completely different personalities combined in a person's body, so when there is a conflict to occur.

O type - the characteristics of Scorpio, will power can do on behalf of its hard-line. This type of person, very rarely talk about themselves, and when people first meet, giving the impression of weakness. In fact, the deep personality and have strong will power. This strong will power, just as rock-solid surprising.

Since this type of person the more profound reason, it is more silent, not flattering to say the words of others. Because the personality, might have a difficult to cope with feeling. For sub-personality who, perhaps more will give the impression that the other cold.

However, this type of person, could have been honest and kind-hearted person. They focus on CIGNA, once the imports thing to say in any case must abide by in the end; their close contacts have absolute trust. Simply because it was afraid to reveal their feelings, so he deliberately concealed. So having their tendency to close in the inner world. Such people Duzhan Yu is quite strong, things will never let go once the hand, it is easy to roll into this personality disputes arising.

period on a strong willpower, O-type - very easy to form Scorpio stubborn, stubborn character. They will not clear disclosure in the behavior, but in the inner self-confidence and self-esteem is not lost anyone. Opinions and advice of others, is not angry retort, but they would not accept those recommendations, still act according to their own beliefs.

other content related to Scorpio:

English name ┊ Scorpio

┊ ruler Mars, Pluto

tail scorpion constellation symbols ┊

property ┊ Water signs Constellation patron saint of Greece

┊ ┈ Hades,

behalf ┊ leadership, insight and common sense, resurrection, rebirth

┊ Dragon mascot

lucky numbers ┊ 0,3,5 ┊

lucky color pink, orange powder

auspicious metal ┊ iron chrysanthemum flowers ┊

lucky, bluegrass, cactus ┊

lucky day Tuesday, 10, 20, 30

related Scorpio Star News: Scorpio Birthday


Scorpio Birthstone:

Scorpio Legend:

vs Scorpio Zodiac:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

efficient implementation of one of the activities of language teaching

 Efficient implementation of one of the activities of language teaching

- homemade class Many home-style course was over, the teacher will wait to directly or indirectly, explained: Like the students running around in circles, the teacher was sweating profusely, seemingly bustling; some public lesson, sound, animation, special effects, etc., the overall impression that the bells and whistles; some class, ancient and modern, astronomy, geography, do not know 40 minutes How much time do able in the end, the pursuit of unrealistic exhaustive ... ... stop and fine a pondering: Primary language teaching is not suitable for makeup, mainly because of her innocent child participants, and over ninety percent of first-line language course is to rely on The most common language teachers to organize. Therefore, I advocate people going maximize the benefits of 40 minutes. This is the theme of our morning activities: organizing the implementation of effective language teaching of reading. In the teacher's lesson is seemingly never dull, his class is not to everything. Listen carefully, you will find the teacher's class so that we feel he is talking with students, small at first, his right, go with the flow, ripe ... ... teaching wisdom everywhere.

Now, we come to watch the teacher teach, This is after I carefully selected teaching video, hope you can understand the care and thought the town center of teaching and research. By seeing, but also to carefully watch. Requires only one: After reading his own written words to say, more than 1,000 words, to Wing is in the The teacher is indeed a master of language teaching, his classes did not hypocrisy, only real; not far-fetched, only the natural; not empty, only the solid; not high consumption, only efficient. Now I talk a bit about this class and ask for advice on a superficial understanding and generous of the family.

one, get rid of hypocrisy, showing some real class

now, especially in the open class in the classroom, the impression is false, is camouflage. For example, prior to said key issues to students, for students to intimate knowledge. Issue a classroom teacher, but see little hands, such as forests, fluent. Again, guide students to love reading, let Zhong Dengsheng reading, little tips and let the Excellence in Reading, euphemistically called From beginning to end in the teacher's classroom revealed a Which impressed me most is his durability, a student study guide temper details. At first, boys who read the section I stammered, and even read the pronunciation wrong. The teacher is not unhappy,UGGs, nor give up,UGG boots, but to comfort him take it easy, slowly, several times in the teacher's encouragement, he finally read the section verbatim. I applaud the patience of the teacher, the classroom presents a more authentic and moving.

be fair, whether it is homemade class, open class, there will be stumbles, or where, some teachers can be foreseen. The problem is, some teachers are too smart to always want to advance to solve the problem (such as disclosed major problems to students, etc.), not knowing where they stumble, it is the turning point of student development, capacity building of the Heights. The teacher well versed in this, he always presents authentic to the real side of the classroom, to set an example for our classroom teachers.

Second, to avoid far-fetched, and strive to listen to the teacher of natural

class, such as the spring breeze was blowing, how pleasant. Another example is the dog days eating ice watermelon, very comfortable. His class naturally, without a trace, which is probably the realm of his pursuit of it. Take for instance the transition language, many teachers think hard to digest, he has come in handy: There is also a story in the winter night, who wants to read this story? - Not much, but convergence in place, it is natural to learn to put the next segment. Without a thick atmosphere of the rendering, not a pile of colorful words, there is no cadence of tone, just so gently said, put the child's heart suck, and let their eyes do not free books, so threw himself into another languages of the scenarios depicted. Besides guiding students to understand him, Teacher: the back part is the (Health A slightly) Division: This is the (A slightly Health) division: Some words do not a dictionary, read the text, cooked to understand. His guide can be described as simple, and also the nature. In naturally, the students understand the original meaning of words and meaning, but also to grasp the important methods to understand the words. Language teaching does not need bells and whistles, you need naturally. Naturally, without a trace the life of art, is teaching the art of life.

Third, remove empty and return to solid

now that there are some empty language classroom. Down a class, students gain little. Why? In a word - not solid. The classroom teacher preached at the strange sight - with the implementation. Writing topic, teach students to write the word means, such as Important words in the text is left out, to enable students to read the full text understanding. Important meaning of the sentence, it is sparing no effort to lead students to read of the appreciation. That paragraph is the key change patterns, such as through the performance, reading and other forms of sub-roles, so that students thoroughly cooked in the heart. Even more commendable is that the teacher's If the previous example, when he read that bad boy who is not let go, but take the initiative to stop, given the chance to try until the read is accurate so far. To implement every aspect of teaching, which is solid. Not solid, our teaching is invigorating white clouds on blue sky, it is difficult moist child parched heart; not solid, our students just a brief moment in the classroom, not the clever connoisseur; is not solid, there will be no full and comprehensive student development. Solid, you should always run through our language teaching and learning to put up all things.

Fourth, stay away from high consumption to ensure efficient

high consumption of low efficiency of language teaching has long been severely criticized by the industry. In this lesson can be clearly felt, whether it is reading, speaking, writing pieces, students have done very well, is in place. Read books by the stutter to read it correctly; the right to read Attractively; Attractively to read by the read out their own understanding and comprehension, we have witnessed the development of the students thought the track. Words from the text based on that (with text to understand the words), from textbooks to say (show, about sentiment, etc.), we feel the students language skills improved rapidly. Write perception experience, write the driver weather-beaten face, but also demonstrate a unique inner world and within the skill of the text. In addition, students study high momentum, the desire to explore real knowledge are also revealed in the classroom, the classroom should be said that this is efficient. Efficiency should be a realistic goal of language teaching, language teaching in high current consumption of inefficient reason, the main idea behind the teachers and methods inappropriate. Lies in the eyes of teachers and students there is a difference, but students can be developed. When he found a boy read too stuttering, the patient stopped to assist, until the time was right so far. Another example is his layers of screening, and ultimately determine the eyes of a girl wearing the same stage with him performed a content of the text, which is to promote the development of students. The only difference, the former case is somewhat less development of students,cheap UGG boots, then the development of a case is a top student. Development of students is the last word, but also serves as a source of classroom teaching efficiency. Full and comprehensive development of students, should be our language teachers should present the concept. So, our language teaching will be gradually away from the high consumption efficiency. In the method, the teacher always follow the law of the child's physical and mental development and age characteristics of age, or words to guide students to analyze sentences products, understand the nuances of words; or exercise the same stage with the students the text fragments; or seize a point in the text ( such as Methods to effect efficient for the class made a solid foundation.

simple class, high class

- Listen to John is a spiritual enjoyment, I say listen to the teacher's lesson in never being is a spiritual relaxation. Sitting in his class, you only feel like listening to an interesting story, the story meanders by a kindly elderly. You do not have to worry about the fate of the characters in the story, do not bother to think about the ending, everything was so natural. The whole class can not see Fuzao prints, but a careful recollection of those who can deeply feel the imaginative teaching.

This is a pursuit of efficiency in all walks of life are hard times, language teaching is no exception. Over the years, we have been calling and efficient language lesson, but what kind of lesson is efficient? This morning to watch the teacher teach the Yongzheng

one to read-oriented, will guide students to devote themselves to the text.

Wing is a teacher in this class, the More deeply impressed me with three things: read the solution in the word love in the time of enlightenment, difficulties in reading the break.

The teacher not to make students memorize the dictionary explanation, but to lead students in reading in eliminating, by means of a way that students learn to read the context of understanding the link words, the real mark in the class For the meaning of words, understanding the effect of expression

This is a recollection of the article, Zhou Ye great affection of their face value narrative of Mr. Lu Xun a few things, expressed deep condolences and beloved uncle of the situation. Guide students to understand the emotional implication of the text is a focus of teaching. The teacher in this part of the deal on the use of a He held on to withhold to fall drop by drop, Each completion of a story to guide the students to read back once, back in a second reading, the students again and again the emotional sublimation, Zhou Ye gradually understand the regret and uncle leave and grief. This design allows the classroom orderliness clear, giving memorable impression.

this text in a few words about the meaning of Lu Xun's profound understanding of the difficulties for students. Such as: Do you want to, surrounded by dark, not easy to run into a wall it? The teacher guide the students to repeatedly read, and create situations read implied the break through in the reading of the difficulties, to enable students to realize that Lu Xun was attacked in the dark, laughing in the old society.

Second, to paper-based to enable students to experience a down-write process.

The teacher in teaching is neatly captured the two, seize the opportunity to encourage students to move strokes, writing, so that students understand the process of writing to the author's thoughts and feelings, express their own unique experience, received very good results .

final lesson of the

not specifically described in the text in the driver's face, the teacher to inspire students to a write. Small class of students Lianbi brilliant driver for their Despite the varied imagination, but it can make people feel that it is indeed a weather-beaten face, a bottom in the social life of the driver's face.

the teacher's lesson is simple, because he is to guide students to study in earnest, solid training, but not in the teacher's lesson is simple, because it is efficient.

series of activities. By grade teacher at the Wing is well-known The teacher teaching the language to read the

one, this is the premise

works in language teaching and language teaching in the process, every language teachers want to learn actively involved in education reform and research activities, but often study with inconsistent, or inadequate, ineffective. Its reasons: First, the lack of things all the rational understanding of mechanical absorption; Second is the Language reading course taught? How to teach? Live at the teacher's teaching us the direction. . Tools according to language subjects, basic characteristics, accurate set of teaching objectives, teaching heavy and difficult to determine. the establishment of the difficulties, the teacher's Shanfanjiujian more worthy of our study, the teaching of character to best embody the spirit of the quality of key words, sentences extracted, as the training will focus on reading, such as This helps the students to read sentiment, but the Therefore,

Second, the truth is to ensure

There are no artificial dummy links and patterns, but the text-based, individualized to guide students to read fluently good every word, every word, read each story, understanding the spiritual quality of character. Particularly impressed us is that the teacher guide students to understand the words in the link is to allow students to actually read the text feel, received the preaching of the reach of effects, such as understanding to the easy level. In class, students neither overwhelmed, did not let students into dead ends, the students studying in the perception of a solid understanding of the text, so deep, feelings so thoroughly mastered that prison, so how can we not efficient to read?

Third, efficiency is the end

For example: when to guide students to read the description of the action paragraph Lu Xun expression, encourage students to write reviews, make comments. When he read advanced teaching concepts, to better enhance the students the value of life. In particular, we appreciate that, read the students a heart with the shock, emotional sublimation level, how the study results, how can one call every one of us ordinary primary school language teachers to vote in admiration!

. His performances each student, each time a range of extremely rich, and even played in every stroke, no time for effective reading everywhere enriched.

to watch Yes ah! Reading is the primary language will live on as teachers, business class standard of the country, solid reading training, read through the insights from students to master the basics of the texts and operational capacity, cultivate the students noble personality and sentiment. Does not this give full publicity Sublimation of the students moral, emotional, values? This class, view the fun, easy to do, the effect will be obvious.

read a solid, realized the thorough, well written clever

- listen to the teacher in the Yongzheng : of the teacher,

text is the language of I believe that the teacher in

First, read a solid basis for an effective classroom.

perception in the first reading stage, a simple question into after exposing teachers to provide students with a first reading of the request: pronunciation pronunciation, read the text correctly, read fluently. If Nayi Ju read well, over and over until the reading fluency so far, but do not know where to cook at the mark. time, the teacher patiently strict supervision, inspection, to help students read the text correctly, read consistency, read open.

students to freely read the text first, do not know where to draw. The teacher side edge inspection in order that students do not know where the floor and focused on the blackboard.

words: memorial service, condolence, caressing, gulping, mistaken identity, and moaned, weather-beaten.

sentence: the key word sentence. So the teacher made the request read: reading.

first reading in the students on the basis of adequate, a section named the teacher read the text, students read the sentence is not accurate, the teacher patiently for students again, twice, three times repeatedly read until the student good read so far. Then, on the basis of repeated reading to guide students to understand new words and understand sentences.

look at a teaching segment:

students read: br> Teacher: again, we are also a training practice, this sentence hard to read.

Teacher: 'Mourning' to read the wrong pronunciation.

students to read over and over again with this, thinking, understanding the effect of view ... ... from the classroom, students not only read the text right in fluency, but also understand the new words by reading the text, come to understand People's mood. This efficient method of reading instruction is to follow the laws of language teaching and learning to

II, realized the manifestation of the classroom is an effective and thorough.

chaos for the reading class, complex, chaotic situation, edited by Zhang materials for Jiangsu teacher said: Lu Xun,

such as:

key paragraph: his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop. deepening feelings of continuous distillation.

such as:

1, the first a little story in the study, the teacher named read this passage, students read out their own feelings.

2, a second small insights to guide students in the story, and my uncle on Uncle in guiding students to understand the hear his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop.

3, the third study a little story, in guiding the students to understand the looking at the coming and going condolence (yan) who thought I would never see his uncle's face, and hear his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to drop by drop fall.

4, finished last in learning a little story: when it is 56 years old. Since then Zhou Ye never see the face of the uncle, looking at the uncle's body, thought of this, Zhou Ye was overcome with grief. read this story, we read these words, I think our mood definitely not the same as on previous occasions. not his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop. : sentiment language to address the teaching points, breaking the difficulty of teaching.

such as:

understand: overcome the difficulty of this teaching. After the students read familiar texts, elected a female student and role play with him this little story. He played Mr. Lu Xun, Zhou Ye plays the female students, other students are guests on a task, listening to the story of laughter.

After the performance the students, the teacher immediately raised the question: to combat the dark forces of society.

there are some key words: love, mourning, condolence, gulping, weather-beaten. The teacher in guiding students to read the text when, clinging to the sentiment of these words to guide students to the text.

captured text of the Course, students will thoroughly realized the text. This efficient method of reading instruction is to seize the article in the

three cleverly written, is an effective extension of the classroom.

grade teacher in Jiangsu Province, Department of Liu Yongchun Baoying director, said: 'to learn the text of the expressions. finished, the teacher said: good.

I believe that this little Lianbi designed without a trace, so only a small Lianbi students deepen the understanding of the text in the dark society, appearance is a very good training exercises, too. The next exchange, the students wrote very profound, is the image portrayed.

this efficient method of reading instruction is a combination of reading and writing points awarded to

Recently, his honor and observe the section the teacher's heart. Let me know closer to the teacher, more deeply realized that the charm of his body.

one, simple, and really see the subtle

in to simple terms, it took the teacher's class. In addition to himself outside of his class, only a piece of chalk, a textbook, a projector and that is the simplest model is to show scenes of stunning scenes. Now the popular, advocated the use of modern teaching methods, courseware design. That was Baxianguohai - recount, then it is blind and the lame back - display their talents. Students wander in an upsurge of emotion from start to finish, joy among the teachers to linger in the computer's operating balance in the import of the transition. This class can really be said of the flower drip drip. Teachers a great time, students enjoying themselves. Asked whether the final class Shengzhi, the said: I don `t know! Sad indeed, Alas! Are spent provoke the disaster.

simple - the teacher of the class went on to say, the transition is quite simple. Take First, he points to the role of students and read the text, and arranged in the following is the rest of his life listening to, when you hear Is this task. Then changed the subject Such a transition class, it is too numerous to mention. Behind this simple, how much effort the teacher to prepare teaching materials, to prepare students to ah. Take much energy to refine, try to figure out it! Seemingly simple matter to an exercise in subtle to the extreme.

Second, to encourage appreciation of the remarkable love

listen to the teacher's class, during the applause continued for some praise, cheers and applause, and some by the encouragement, cheer and applaud.

class even if it is a look or a subtle movements are showing love for the students. So on eugenics, the same is true for poor students. In the meantime, there was a boy studying far from ideal, we would have bored into the other students for reading, but the teacher has to encourage investment to the student's eyes, and pat his hand on his shoulder or two to love is the teacher to encourage this Baozhan gurgled into the hearts of children, the children read with great shows that love can change everything.

Another example is understanding Requires students to read more books, more experience, while in a timely manner to the students a springboard. Said, Classroom teachers who do not want a surprise Yeah, who do not want to be a student to teacher like it! Oh, Sure enough, the children are really a surprise to the teacher. Much more visible to the students of our confidence in the classroom, give students encouragement. To believe that students can succeed.

understand the teacher's lessons in the classroom is a solid and effective classroom; classroom is love to pass the class.

achieve the qualities of teaching language reading instruction in high-

- to observe the teacher teaching in Yongzheng

grade teacher in a small language community, the teacher has been at the Wing is one of the most character. Today, the screen and then watch the teacher teach the Yongzheng teaching efficiency.

one,Discount UGG boots, plain and wise language

Language This dialogue, their participation in the main body of teachers and students, dialogue is the text as an intermediary, is for communication with the text. Read the dialogue is hierarchical. The first layer is the students read their text, a dialogue with the text. The second level is the text as an intermediary between students and teachers to dialogue. These two levels that the former is the foundation, which is an extension and development. Therefore, if the reading is not successful dialogue, will lose the prerequisite for effective teaching of reading. We take a look at the Wing is the teacher and text, the dialogue with the students it! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1. Chu ancestor YU Xiong

 If history is too long, it becomes legend, legend too long, it becomes a myth. I refer to Chu and Zhou dynasty.

the time of the birth of the Zhou Dynasty, there is a small country attached to it up, and this is the state of Chu. At first it was too weak, weak to the historian can not relate to it. Cattle riding their chiefs, people in rags, sitting together on the old carts, creak Ya Ya go forward.

do not think that is booming, such as casual day ascent of the Zhou Dynasty to give Cijue fiefs. The beginning of the Zhou Dynasty packet, sealing the state-owned 71 countries, including 51 letters to the clan and the brother and 20 are to contribute significantly to the surname of the prominent former minister and later emperors. Chu Viscount closure, although not as small a contemporary Section Chief, Chief relatively high level, the humble duties, not to mention, but Chu is well deserved, may sway the Tan Tan, which is went to great lengths to fight the.

around 1099 BC, more than 3000 years, the founding ancestor of Chu Xiong vend chiefs, the face of the size of the clan leader, announced a major decision. This time, the high-ninety chiefs vend, is supposed to retirement age, the ancients married early, and not to engage in family planning, the age of ninety, there should be the fifth and sixth generation of descendants.

vend chief astrologers night, concluded that the old dynasty finally ended in turmoil, a new dynasty, the rise in blood. Shang Dynasty to the end of last child in the Emperor Xin hand, this advocate of doing business dynasty, the total size of the country seven hundred letters, but the days are numbered. Change in the dynasty, if not superhuman intelligence, preventive measures, the clan will face bloody disaster. This family of chiefs

vend, straight back to the Yan Emperor Huangdi, the Great have something to do with the exalted close kinship. Sima Qian's Vulcan Vulcan particularly ghost square descendants of land eventually married the daughter of eleven years the woman pregnant and can not give birth. Had a caesarean section with the original knives. Fortunately, the ancients is still strong resistance, the bacteria can not be against them. Laparotomy a look, the original ancestors were the small, forgotten in the birth of the child in the play. Caesarean section in the big witch who had to remove from about three of each rib. Finally, six out of small children, were quarter even as he took birth belly, I heard a flock of sheep call and packet for the Mi name. Despite the illustrious history of the Chu family, but has no place in several dynasties. Xia Dynasty in the past, Shang Dynasty is also about to have passed, no major improvement in the clan. In this era of drastic changes of the moment, vend chiefs must be prudent, he should seize this opportunity only once in several centuries.

vend clan chief is the most knowledgeable person. He was the long-term good astrologers, learned that heaven and earth are in motion. found in changing the total of things, are mutually reinforcing. He created a materialist theory of the elderly, is the pioneer of this theory. He later called simple materialist.

after some time, some subordinate chieftain led off to the northwest. Chu like bull riding, this is no exception chief vend ride the Back. He was the ancestor of Taoism, Taoist later as I, that is, bull riding off into the letter Valley. Three thousand years ago, there is no road to go. Sui-Chu clan was in between the mountains and Jingshan Danyang, historians suspected Shangluo now Shaanxi County commercial land, and if so, should the clan is still weeks away from the past.

West Jichang is the later emperor, his historic meeting with the chief vend begins. Vend chiefs talk about the current situation, no way to talk about the Shang dynasty, certainty of destruction, Zhou Youde, will rise to foresee, volunteered to contribute to the new dynasty. West Jichang him a little too old, and vend his chief associate yore expected. They confidently tell each other leisurely, if on the march to war, chasing deer by the beast, really old age is coming. If you sit on the state, and make plans, I have not too old, should be exactly at that time. Remarks put West Jichang convinced, then thanks for the division.

over three hundred years when, Chu Wuwang still praised the ancestors: Feng Chu desired, or unfunded. It seems the country has not yet been sealed, the clan needs to be done.

opportunity again, emperor died, King Wu to the throne; King Wu died, Zhou Ji-bit. An eternal tribute to the Zhou Dynasty sage Duke in trouble, his starry night Ben Chu. Chu old Duke chose to flee, he concluded that it is an indisputable fame, but also did not close with Zhou dynasty clan kinship. Learn a lesson from his behavior moon, Chu will take him fairly. After all, saints, expected good, Duke escaped unharmed at the end of Chu. Mindful of Chu Zhou Wang Zhou Dynasty to open a state plan of work; Secondly, in a timely manner to save his uncle, gave him time to reflect. Packet princes in public, Hou, Peter, son, male and five other Grand class number, the grandson of Sheikh vend Yi was crowned the fourth bear such title, as the history of Chu Son. Home Jingshan, capital located in Danyang. A small place, but more than 50 years.

and Zhou dynasties, like Chu eight hundred years has created a foundation, from small to large, from weak to strong, from north to south, across the 11 provinces, the achievements of the dynasty was the world's largest.

2. Founder of West Zhou Dynasty Jichang

impressive history has entrusted the mission of the Zhou Dynasty, it also created a 800-year dynasty. Chu contrary, it is from the strong to weak, from the vast territory to the tiny place, only thing is also the area from northwest to central China.

Zhou dynasty, has illustrious ancestor, the first week in the western Loess Plateau should be an ancient tribe, the founder of Zhou Dynasty legend is Ku, the son of Hou Ji, The first week of this period of history, recorded 15 King, whose authenticity is difficult to study, such as farming Christians Some people think that Hou is known ancient agricultural officer, rather than personal names, Zhou was the world, there must be a prominent ancestor of the noble to show descent, it was Hou Ji as the ancestor of pretensions. It was also projected, the true ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty was not born when the Xia Dynasty. Chu

up this comparison, apparently were more successful, but Vulcan Chu offspring, but also common people for the world to retain the fire, but no packet of the land, became a nomadic people, even the royal family but also to listen to Tweet and obtaining the name Sheep. However, the ancestor of the Chu family, no one ever questioned, and the Zhou Dynasty can be considered mixed.

in the early years of the Shang dynasty, Zhou slowly from the northwest border migration to the mainland. Northwest area is due to grave robbers and found a tomb group, judging by the archaeological, suspected Zhou Renzu habitats, and, through the three migration to the south of the week Qishan original (now Qishan County, Shaanxi Province) settled down, and gradually developed into a new western forces, claiming to be

first week of the ancient clan spread to the public when the calendar quarter its third son succeeded to the throne. This is the founder of the Zhou Dynasty. He overhauled the moral, so-called national unity of thinking. Carry forward the spirit of our ancestors Christians farming, to develop production. Refining bronze, with advanced armed forces, the expulsion of the invading barbarians from time to time, so that is also strong on their own strength. Wang Ding business, though not necessarily as good as the vend chief astrologers, but the weekly calendar quarter, a series of actions Emirates really is too great, to the northwest from the Chaoge observation, like the current proposal as the vagaries of the city, and made along the dusty Qishan so much uneasy Shang Dynasty. Look what he is, invited Mr. Feng Shui direction Northwest looked and found that Wang Qishan gas straight into the night sweat, which made him sleepless nights. Ding also talk about what the text can not be a moral country, the expense of home has been called terrorist states, implementation of the calendar quarter assassination. A rise in the stage of life, will be fresh and fragile, say, calendar quarter, the text is difficult to expect such a start Ding Shang, successful assassination of a strike.

calendar quarter died, his son Chang throne. Wang Ding from the Commerce Department that Mr. Feng Shui, Qi Wang northwest area may have dissipated. Weeks in order to appease his subjects, or express their own guilt brought about by the assassination of the heart, special sealing Chang as a

quarter of calendar back a sword, pointed Chaoge when the direction of death, his son Chang has been well aware. But, after all, young and fit, and vowed to report Fu Chou, until I die off. He planned to construct a large smelting bronze, make their own armed forces, armed to the teeth, coupled with his Ren Ci Aimin, courteous, a time, scholars have come to vote in the world.

Emperor Shang Dynasty to the sub-Xin times, it was a powerful king, in addition to the Shang Dynasty at its peak, set the wine and forests of meat, the pursuit of pleasure and ignore the affairs of state. Then hastily hired feng shui masters report, northwest Wang gas much more vigorous, must be suppressed, or end of trouble. The so-called couch side, How can we allow others to Hanshui, Business King Zhou as drunk, did not hear the report of Mr. Feng Shui. Mr. Feng Shui is very conscientious and a number of consecutive reports to the Shang. King Zhou listened a bit impatient, and he orders, is captured. This is the history of the famous Ding Ding jail, imprisoned in the West Jichang in 7 years. Almost all the saints or great, do not waste time in prison, such as Lenin, leader of the proletarian revolution, as well as Mahatma Gandhi, of course, there are Nazi leader Adolf Hitler being in prison, their main work, construction of ideology, coming out to do for the future prerequisite preparation.

West Jichang to the throne when the clan system of thought that numerous and confused, thinking he was not very clear. Now in prison, and that he must take to ease the, so to start inferring the Book of Changes. This Book, in the ancient legend, the Fu Xi's easy to create a birth (congenital gossip), Shen Nong and easy to create into Hill (Hill gossip), Regulus's easy to create a return reservoir (owned by possession of gossip.) Speaking of these gossip have in common, there Yichu, even be two explanations for the same thing, but to the Shen Nong Fu Xi to Regulus is also a cultural heritage. West Jichang carefully study by inferring, in the spirit of inheriting and carrying forward, resulting in a Book (King Wen gossip.) Book after the election, two whom touted the great propagandists, who first Duke of Zhou, the other was Confucius, think about it,UGGs, they have what's called the power, natural World, spread so far.

genius intelligence,Discount UGG boots, can not hide his dungeon, to be traders monitored the time in the construction of ideology, also invented a profound Go. Under the first, those prison guards, who are not competitors, such wonderful of chess, and soon spread to Chaoge, Shang discuss some ministers, who also can not break it so tricky. So wise, must be the Gravediggers the Shang dynasty, the implementation of eradication. Go spread Chaoge, West Jichang known catastrophe, began to play the fool. Minister Shang refused to believe that he must face Fengsha the phase unkempt, summoned his eldest son, forced him to drink to kill the soup. Businessmen to be left, he screamed children Yes, father against you, started vomiting, a rabbit ran away from the mouth, became the ancestor of the rabbit.

pay the cost of the lives of his son, West Jichang just feel really low-key genius should be restrained, He lived Shang Feng Sha confused those in power finally, no more meditation in prison, and all kinds of ugly on stage. Since the West Jichang imprisonment since there is no leader of the Zhou Dynasty, first confusion, then seek to rescue the law. King Zhou also know, not Fanghuguishan, nature would not let go. Zhou from the clan among the, also bought a lot from the adjacent family treasures and beauty, be sent to Chaoge, King Zhou happy grin. A Good Zhou, silly, with so many treasures and beauty for a waste, it is too the friends. Zhou King Zhou was a pity it could not help saying, only this one is enough, you too have bought this. Chaoge ministers who no longer dare to speak, one RBI Zhou many ministers have been passed, another Hindu who would sweep the dictator, it is not clear the court death it?

be redeemed out of the West Jichang, completely changed the individual child, the day of wine and song, singing the geometry of life, embrace the Central Plains crisp beauty is not relaxed, still like to eat tofu-like from barbarians to snatch some of Po Yi, made a promise large palace pandemonium. There Chendeng discouraged, we rage, we are not scared to say anything. West Jichang know, King Zhou spy detective opened the first of its kind, were arranged in all their clan liner, soon to be reported to the West Jichang Chaoge done, the palace of King Zhou Chaoge laugh, you can sit back and relax the ear. Several centuries later, there is a SnSee Chu Chun Chu Zhuangwang won its true mass, staged a three-year non-flying soar, not Naruto blockbuster drama for three years.

the actual situation, the West Jichang more charitable virtue, and the Yue people, making more allegiance to princes to come, secretly repairing refused allegiance to the princes,

said West Jichang the reign of the last 7 years have done it six events. First, the two neighboring countries mediating the dispute. Yu (Shanxi Pinglu County) Stapleton (Shanxi Ruicheng) is the country of the West Shang Dynasty; but they do not find the Shang kings ruled all Muxi Bo Jichang Wal-Mart and begged him to trial. Second, the Bing Fa Quan Rong, defeat Zhu Xi Rong Yi, also destroyed several small countries. Third, the attack density to be (in this Lingtai County), and lifted the west of the worry. Fourth and fifth is the Kan Li, Han will be leading Chaoge cutting the channel open. Will be the capital of the sixth week dongqian Wei Qishan plain by the establishment of Feng Jing (Chang'an County, Shaanxi Fenghe in this West Bank). Dominated by the Shang Dynasty, which he had struggled to a two-thirds. In this connection, the end of his historic mission, come to an end, but for the Zhou Dynasty to win the world laid a solid foundation.

3. Zhou Chu Battle of 600 years of history is a

unpredictable things.

Chu is a little different surname Zhou dynasty, the country, Zhou royal family has no heart, the Alliance and the princes during major festivals, the king can only be done for the week of the royal family and nobility work wine filter . Zhou royal family parting alignment, Jin and other princes have treats, but the king did not. Do not think, Chu does not hold a grudge, when more than 500 years, yet this is still brooding king Ling Chu, angry. Did not get a reward of whom is actually king of Chu Xiong Yi. Chu like to use the language of particle , and a trial of strength was eroded around the powerful princes, forcing them to more wilderness land reclamation. Known as three generations of the week is a Anding Ping and age, people live and work, Chu will seize this rare historical opportunity, trying desperately to develop themselves. To the bear won era has shore of the Han River stand her ground.

start from the King Wen of Zhou, Zhou Dynasty King Wu experienced, Cheng Wang, Kang, to the king was already the king of the fifth generation. The state of Chu from the beginning to bear wins Emirates vend time, almost to generation. By the way, is the grandfather of Xiong Sheng Xiong Yi. Chow Chiu Woo reign of 19 years, when the Zhou Dynasty is already in its heyday, the king was three Nanzheng. King of generations past week, all conquests, the Corps commander in chief Jiang Shang Zhou Dynasty the manor, on the Qi, that these places dangerous. Zhaowang Nan Zheng, directed at Chu a, that Chu has made to sleep well the Zhou Dynasty. The king was the first two are from the south with the country, despite the conquest of the credit for small, can be considered a swagger. The third king was nineteen years, straight down the Han River, again militaristic. Prince of the North, for many years is difficult to see that rivers and lakes, water shoe boat really do not understand this truth also carry a boat, His Holiness of the moment, going to the Han River in the ocean some mobility. Unexpectedly, this boat is not a clamp with a nail set, but resin glue with the south, the boat to the river center, plastic water and open, then the ship was breaking up, until the emergency rescue of the soldiers on shore when the business, I did not realize the water shot up the scissors a few shiny black mouth, who met with the North, suspected of Longkou, because swallowing king who shall dwell in the water dragon. Modern view, it is estimated the king was to be the Alligator Lake River Inlet lost their lives, when the Chu, these crocodiles are not protected animals. No sign of Zhaowang Nan Zhou royal family back to Peru to take the attitude of not disguise a funeral is really very strange, but that lack the kind of micro Wang vague. Let us analyze, Zhao Wangnan patrol is a sightseeing tour go? But this southern barbarian land, in the ancient time really is not fun; If you go to conquest, Chu was not burning off when ready to accept the king lost his life, would not look down for the people of the world, it is kept secret. King Chow Chiu Woo

death of Zhou dynasty a symbol of gloom and doom, but also the pain of weeks, never mind the royal family, the time to Chucheng Wang, Duke with eight National League countries to attack Chu, also used this matter to be a pretext for war.

to bear canal era, Chu actually dare to the overlord of the Zhou Dynasty.

Bear drainage times, the royal family is the week when the Zhou Dynasty. The emperor name Ji-sup, birth and death unknown. Zhou Yi prince, Zhou Xiaowang grandnephew. Yi Wang, after death, by his successor, but so frail king, but also cowardly incompetence, was Zhouxiao Wang claimed the throne. Xiao Wang died, his princes are worth restoration. Ji Xie immense gratitude of princes, from the time see the princes, received a change in worship of the emperor standing classroom practice, and the princes into step Xiatang to meet, although courteous won the title, the royal family and the significant decline in the natural dignity of the emperor So his

bear most likely south of Drainage monarch or the south of the executive. Thus slowly to the Sui Shan Chu, Jingshan between the development of water along the Dan, gradually to a more broad Han River basin. Inhabited by many groups here, and Best Man Pu and other indigenous tribes. Drainage south of the Chu family bear should be brought into the wilderness of advanced civilizations in the Central Plains area, began with the local ethnic fusion, a high degree of productivity increase for a time, so that all ethnic groups around the outside into the center of the nation. So like a dazzling star Chu, rising above the Jianghan. Therefore, not without admiration Sima Qian comment, Bear drainage

through several expeditions, Chu and Zhou Tingchong thinks can rival the. So he began to do something to make a ground-breaking at that time it seems, that we modern people seems somewhat unacceptable way. His three sons packet is king. In 877 BC, bears the implementation of packet drainage system. Feng Kang for the sentence of the eldest son (now Hubei Jiangling) King, the second son of the red for the E (now Hubei Echeng) Wang, Yue Zhang for the three sub-executive (now the inter Anhui) king.

I sometimes act drainage bear contemplation. He sealed his son as king, has its theoretical foundation: Therefore, we can not understand the packet bears drainage, he dared to claim what? King? Wang Fu? Emperor? Would not his policy makers are right for him to find a pretext for it? Chu rebel blood flowing, with the

The self-styled a bit to no avail and finally Chu, but Chu is still not likely to end. To Chuwu Wang when he started claiming to be king, this king of Qin earlier than 400 years. Chu Chu Wuwang

35 years of painstaking efforts, the strength greatly increased. At this point, the vassal state of war frequently. Chu Xiong aspirations through the Central Plains that this is the best time, in his view, this invasion of princes are all rebel phase, or phase to kill. I have a spacious, trying to use the political view of China, please respect the royal family my number. Because

At this point, Zhou Huan Wang of the Zhou Dynasty to the times, Chu Wuwang not reach out directly to the Zhou royal family, and with the countries signed a Chengxiazhimeng by Hou come forward with, with Hou had to obey, Zhou Huan Wang appealed. Chu strong today, ranks the South, the sound reputed He has been with the subjects as League and is willing to serve the emperor, please seal Chu child. Sealed to inhibit its wild ambition for our own use; if not sealed, Chu will be like a scourge, first off Hill Country, and then break through the Central Plains, to make the world more uneasy. Zhou Huan Wang hear, powerful ancestors, the blood flowing in my mind, angry, listing Chu child 704 years (the following year with the Bears through cutting), with Chu Hou notification to inform the Zhou Dynasty flatly refused to enhance the status of the state of Chu. Bear Pass was furious after hearing the news: Bears through kings, princes unauthorized opening of the first of its kind known as the king.

Chuzhuang Wang, Chu generation dominated the Lord. In the eighth year, the beat Luhun (today To Carry northeast) of the Rong family.

Chu Chu Zhuangwang so she took a strong division of the Yellow River water the horses, aspirations to the Central Plains, as the Lo, reaching as far as Luo Yi Zhou royal capital near the border in the Royal Court Summary of demonstration, a time when the king came to power Chou, Zhou take home the world like the world common lord, there are only a small place surrounded by the Lo. Royal Court, see Chu division massive, scared the crap out of the busy school full of eloquence of the Sun-Chen Chu reward teachers.

Chuzhuang Wang saw the Sun-Moon, to the point, asked Jiuding the severity of size. This Jiuding, according to legend Yu Two Birds, in fact, a symbol of Chinese Kyushu. By Xia, Chao Feng for the town on Wednesday, a national treasure, is also a symbol of the world common lord. Chuzhuang Wang Q Jiuding understood that the intention of seizing week and replaced. Sun-Moon politely replied: Chuzhuang Wang choked, and had bitterly and said, I have Chu pointed to the iron spear broken off, can cast Jiuding come. It seems from the history of

Chu, Chu and Zhou royal little cooperation, the last collaboration, ending 800 years of the Zhou dynasty.

256 BC, Zhou Nan Wang era, Zhou royal family has been weakened bear, his site only three forty cities, more than 30,000 population. Qin had been captured when the Han, Wei, Zhao Sanguo many of the city, next step is to clean up the Zhou Dynasty. Chu want to curb the expansion of the Qin forces, trying to take advantage of this phantom world in the name of common lord Zhou Nan Wang, Qin attack orders all countries work together. Zhou Nan Wang scrape together a team from the five or six thousand troops, but the lack of weapons, to forage. Within the well-to borrow his military financing, borrowing to pay them promised to return after victory has arrived the day of the spoils of war. Rate this one breaking the military, about six princes to Yique (south of Luoyang City in Henan Province today) meet, in addition to Chu, Yan sent some soldiers to two countries, the rest are all keeping an appointment. Wait 3 months, with more than 5,000 troops had without success. well-off, see Zhou Jun

back, have held borrowing debts to Zhou Nan Wang, Zhou Wang can there be paying the money, had to hide in a house after the high platform to avoid debt. Then come to find Qin, Zhou Nan Wang led the subjects as and royal clan had no choice but to Temple Kubai a lot. With their families, Atlas, who surrendered to the Qin Dynasty. Qin king Zhaoxiang surrender, to him as the Duke of Zhou. Thus, the demise of the Eastern Zhou dynasty declared.

have a case to be the way that the Western Zhou Dynasty in Gao Jing was moved eastward, into the time of the Eastern Zhou dynasty. Northwest border, live in a special horse for the king of the tribe, because the horses are well, Royal Court spared the relatively smooth, so give people a piece of horse manor, they are the first Qin, it is that a careless act, give a royal sowing the seeds.

above, a small Viscount Chu, never mind the royal family on the week, but it has been the culprit in the decline of Royal Court.

it is an old saying,UGG boots, not my race, its heart will be different, it just makes sense Yeah.

4. Thought of the Chinese nation Zhou Chuzhe

We have been proud of is that there are four major ancient civilization in the world system, only the Chinese nation is the same strain. Why can the Chinese nation for thousands of years continuous development, it is because there are four ancient oriental culture system sustains it. First, the unified opposition of yin and yang of the

first say The so-called Feng Confucian In several earlier literature, such as decision-making on national affairs, so using it on the test day, the next test, the measured personnel, doing their utmost.

Everything in the world are the result of the interaction of yin and yang. With God and each with its yin and yang, the

For thousands of years of Chinese political, cultural, economic and other fields have had a tremendous impact. Such as Confucius and Mencius, Lao doctrine, and When Qin Shi Huang biblioclast also not damage it.

us look at the Taoist theory of the state of Chu.

in the Spring and Autumn, the Chinese traditional culture in the North on the basic ideas of Confucianism South Road. Vend son is not only the founder of Chu, was also considered to be the first person to Taoism, he proposed a cosmology His Meanwhile, nearly a hundred of the vend son is wise, he examined the rise and fall of the Shang and Zhou honor, a set of deep history, Jichang dialogue with the West, it is clear this point: the weak and strong, flexible and Gang, though opposing, but also can be transformed. Such as the appearance of the Shang Dynasty, as the powerful, in fact, was rotten, too weak can not afford one o'clock hit, while the increase in the weekly blog, though seemingly small, but full of vitality, this is the soft can overcome the hard, disability keep strong. Historical development to today, shows the profound vend son predictability, which is very rich colors dialectics, to the formation and development of Laozi's philosophy has a profound impact.

Some scholars believe that the Chinese are a pragmatic people, and produced no philosophers, thinkers such as Confucius, the great educator, in fact, does not count as philosophers; We believe that I put any value system of the East and West , but can be regarded as a great philosopher.

his philosophy from the founders of the State of Chu vend son, and inherited and developed his ideas, to establish a complete view of the universe. Ancestor of all things.

Throughout the philosophy of Lao Tzu, see the heavens and the earth there are two contradictory aspects, and the interdependence and mutual transformation. br>
us look at the attitude of Confucius on the road, a small 20-year-old Confucius, Lao Tzu, has five question to Laozi. Disciples asked Confucius, Laozi impression, Confucius told I was the dragon. Him some rhetoric, expressing the eternal sage Laozi's honor. If I see a bird, knowing he could fly; see the fish, knowing it can travel; see the beast, know it can go. I can not judge a Dragon. Just imagine the situation and the Dragon by nine days also! See I, I still see the dragon.

5. Zhou dynasty, the use of the four major system in the state of Chu Zhou Dynasty

feudal political system and religious characteristics of the legal system. Shang dynasty would have been more than 700 Feng, Zhou dynasty established, the continuation of this system. He put the royal family and the hero of packet to each place, the so-called Another system is the legal cases, legal cases is as a link between blood lineage, and the feudal system, servicing aristocratic hereditary rule. In the patriarchal family in the King of the Zhou Zhou, Zhou Dynasty's royal ancestor veneration, called Bastard packet for the rest of princes, and the Zhou corresponding to the Merit for the different surname through marriage, etc., Packet for the lords into the patriarchal system framework. In the entire nation to bet the king to form a core network, the so-called If the packet system to establish a hierarchical order among the aristocracy, then, were injected into a specific legal Zeyi adhesive, so that the hierarchical order greatly enhanced.

through this case law and the feudal system, to establish a bet the king as the center, surrounded by vassal states around the feudal dynasty. I think the most mysterious is that the system is his ritual, the ritual system of the Zhou Dynasty, is the For example, in the palace hall, the emperor week in the last, you sort the Minister in accordance with the level of standing, when the music sounded, the entire palace, regardless of the Zhou, or Zhong Chen, dance, ladies, or those who served tea and bottled water, ear music were ringing, so at this moment, the world has become so harmonious. Zhou Dynasty's body It is also the world's oldest and largest performing music education institutions, particularly the king and the princes of the eldest son of culture, public Bureaucrats children.

field system of creation, the history of the Chinese nation has far-reaching impact of the specific approach is to a certain amount of land divided by an average of nine well-shaped. There were eight commission given to landless farmers as a self-cultivated land, the crop farmers owned their own commission, well shaped piece of land compared to the middle of the commons, a farming by the agricultural commission of eight, the harvest will belong to the public. Commission to a total of eight farmers farming the way public land to repay the remaining eight pieces of land rent. Field system implementation, so that each household slaves have been a piece of land, a commission of agriculture, are bound in the fields of life with security, social and natural stability. The first three of his system, and produce such a perfect field system, in the Zhou Dynasty, that every family has to farming, everyone is fed, no wonder a large hole, said the sage, I from the week! Field system for future generations of Tuntian Zhi, Land Equalization such a very good reference.

four systems of the Zhou Dynasty from the above analysis, system design is so perfect, it actually can not stop the decline of the system. First Renxinbugu, the other is estimated that a great relationship with Chu's mischief.

Chu from weak to strong, what is his secret of success in the end?

first four perfect system of the Zhou Dynasty, reached the state of Chu, the executive is not very rigorous, such as the patriarchal clan system, Zhou preach Allegiance to the throne, his brother succeeded to the throne is sometimes Chu Chu Wen Wang Xiong dead brother; and sometimes young son to the throne, a move many. This means that the Zhou Dynasty Allegiance is a fool,cheap UGG boots, they have identified, put Chu, Allegiance is a fool if it can not be monarchs of the sky. I have written an article devoted to the usurpation of the king of Chu, and even the famous Chu Wuwang also usurper.