Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Braised tail section is a good stuff to eat

 My mother called it If not, and we take the world so pure Oh Jiangxi her hometown in Guangxi and even how to say words are blurred because in my house here in Jiangxi decades and no one in Guangxi dialogue and exchange so that she can have her native dialect But all she can not forget the words of the neat Jiangxi often insincere if involuntarily separated from Guangxi and Jiangxi, as walking in the words of the swing, as the wire 2 to the dialect that is often for her to make a quick clear choice of the comparison, but my mom said than done Oh she really is for this reason often embarrassed Na 2 does not take you that this language does not suffer what I suffer (*^__^*) mom ... hee hee ... So my mom is very nondescript accent spoke out, but we grew accustomed to listening to my mom so that accent now sounds like still feel very close to the hearing because she is my great great mother ah She is 86 years old, although some down-and my mom is still pretty mind and body is also diligent in mangled a person she is very hurt us, I pray my mother if the children can live to be 120 years old it would be great my mom less than 20 years old she left her hometown when my father married my father she was working in Guangxi to take her out when she is with my father's work unit was removed to Jiangxi to the unit at the time my dad has 2 places for them to choose otherwise They can close in a place away from Japan because my dad said,UGG shoes, settled in Jiangxi, Zhejiang away from his home is so close on the choice of the Jiangxi Jiangxi is a question for decades so Jiangxi has become their second home very interesting is when they get married the two sides could not understand some of the other speech language communication difficulties when my mom met my dad said, they often can not tell when a pen and paper write down the contents of Oh they say that communication is very unique of it ... I also walk in his dad this relatively calm temper slowly, slowly educated English-speaking is a very gentle kind of person he simply said his native dialect of Zhejiang Over time, however since no one here is so Zhejiang Zhejiang his words are not very typical of the fall because of some words such as Shanghai in Shanghai when he was young to work quite long ... because my mom accent is rather special to do my daughter's often really like to learn to speak my mother Oh, I learned a very fun place people speak very highly Oh my mother if I also learned a good security as the Oh I have over 50 years although that can be naughty, but I still never make trouble really understand common sense understanding also O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ Sometimes the elderly brain is more complex emotions are not good enough, but often to the bend, and so I never like to enlighten the elderly add to the trouble I put my mother always see the sunny fog lifted Yunkai feel like Oh,Bailey UGG boots, this weekend I have good results My mother is cooking at home mom with my own tired talking about the things she spoke to someone else to talk about the encounter on the road is a man wearing high-heeled say a norm like Oh, with Aung Ko Deng Deng slightly with people's heads do not ... too seriously and uncomfortable in his own house like that is does not pay so I immediately said, Yeah it is not empty your rude arrogant people because they were also tired Oh you're too lazy to get angry with the good people and she was brushed aside like a fog ....... Oh no wonder Oh, this high-heeled shoes indeed time through the two pairs of high heels do not wear high heels the day after I especially can not stand my share of foreign crimes to upgrade their temperament is like many things on their own inner knowledge useful to have some intrinsic beauty is the only real beauty Oh,Discount UGG boots, We all like to eat vegetables na we love today,UGG boots clearance, I did

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