Thursday, October 28, 2010

A training manual for cabinet companies Purchasing Guide

 I. Introduction

Second, the basics of kitchen cabinets

Third, a code of conduct Purchasing Guide

IV Purchasing Guide

five job duties, the daily work flow Purchasing Guide


Purchasing Guide July sales skills, service requirements

Pat, myself, understand the customer


cabinet originated in Europe and America, in the twentieth century,UGG shoes, the late eighties early nineties into China through Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other places, and gradually penetrate the development of other provinces and cities in the mainland, to the late nineties, with the deepening of reform and opening up, people's income living standards, lifestyle changes, the spread of foreign culture,UGG bailey button, kitchen, modern family kitchen that a new thing quickly flourished across the continent, and formed a huge industrial market, and has become a sunrise industry.

With the housing market-oriented reforms and improve the system introduced, private buyers have become the main force of China's real estate booming,Discount UGG boots, the survey shows that urban residents in the next 5 years on the cabinet of the total purchasing power will reach 290 million, the total demand amounted to 23.2 billion, kitchen cabinet industry is growing so fast Why? Continuous improvement of living standards, with the booming real estate industry, kitchen cabinet decoration began to occupy in the increasingly important position, it changes the concept of decoration, kitchen cabinet industry is rapidly developing a tonic, \The concept has been in coastal populations and the formation of large and medium cities, small cities and rural areas and is popular due to the special features of the kitchen, the whole consumer kitchen cabinets, especially increasing demand, changing needs, led cabinet industry from the \This cabinet provides unprecedented business opportunities. Still belongs to the emerging sunrise industries, as some will be great.

the basics of kitchen cabinet

concept: the kitchen cabinet is the function (including: cleaning, processing, cooking, storage, etc.) to integrate the kitchen space and according to customer taste configuration and by scientific custom furniture, the goal is to make the kitchen the function of supporting a more rational, more convenient, more beautiful appearance.

cabinet features: kitchen furniture belonging to the scope, but the difference with ordinary furniture, kitchen cabinets are custom-made type of furniture is not custom-made styling products are home scale, requires a certain production cycle.

cabinet structure: kitchen cabinets from Oita in general by the cabinets, wall cabinets, countertops three parts. Part of a larger kitchen cabinet can also be coupled with high or medium high cabinet to set the actual situation.

kitchen cabinets from the subdivision, and the kitchen cabinets are furniture, so the kitchen is essentially a form sheet metal and hardware accessories.

cabinet structure: a single-door cabinets, for example, the cabinet structure, mainly by the left and right panels, floor, on the strip, back, door, connecting hardware, door hinges, cabinet feet and so on.

Container handling structure: an example with a single door wall cabinet, cabinet structure is dominated by the left and right side panels,bailey UGG boots, roof and floor, back, door, connecting hardware, hinges, hanging or wall cabinet code gong wire and other components.

cabinet selects the plate:

timber cabinets: kitchen cabinets are the following types of commonly used sheet metal plate.

1, melamine double plaque: including particle board, moisture-proof panels.

2, high density

3, core board

large timber table: kitchen table are the following types of commonly used materials.

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