Sunday, October 24, 2010

efficient implementation of one of the activities of language teaching

 Efficient implementation of one of the activities of language teaching

- homemade class Many home-style course was over, the teacher will wait to directly or indirectly, explained: Like the students running around in circles, the teacher was sweating profusely, seemingly bustling; some public lesson, sound, animation, special effects, etc., the overall impression that the bells and whistles; some class, ancient and modern, astronomy, geography, do not know 40 minutes How much time do able in the end, the pursuit of unrealistic exhaustive ... ... stop and fine a pondering: Primary language teaching is not suitable for makeup, mainly because of her innocent child participants, and over ninety percent of first-line language course is to rely on The most common language teachers to organize. Therefore, I advocate people going maximize the benefits of 40 minutes. This is the theme of our morning activities: organizing the implementation of effective language teaching of reading. In the teacher's lesson is seemingly never dull, his class is not to everything. Listen carefully, you will find the teacher's class so that we feel he is talking with students, small at first, his right, go with the flow, ripe ... ... teaching wisdom everywhere.

Now, we come to watch the teacher teach, This is after I carefully selected teaching video, hope you can understand the care and thought the town center of teaching and research. By seeing, but also to carefully watch. Requires only one: After reading his own written words to say, more than 1,000 words, to Wing is in the The teacher is indeed a master of language teaching, his classes did not hypocrisy, only real; not far-fetched, only the natural; not empty, only the solid; not high consumption, only efficient. Now I talk a bit about this class and ask for advice on a superficial understanding and generous of the family.

one, get rid of hypocrisy, showing some real class

now, especially in the open class in the classroom, the impression is false, is camouflage. For example, prior to said key issues to students, for students to intimate knowledge. Issue a classroom teacher, but see little hands, such as forests, fluent. Again, guide students to love reading, let Zhong Dengsheng reading, little tips and let the Excellence in Reading, euphemistically called From beginning to end in the teacher's classroom revealed a Which impressed me most is his durability, a student study guide temper details. At first, boys who read the section I stammered, and even read the pronunciation wrong. The teacher is not unhappy,UGGs, nor give up,UGG boots, but to comfort him take it easy, slowly, several times in the teacher's encouragement, he finally read the section verbatim. I applaud the patience of the teacher, the classroom presents a more authentic and moving.

be fair, whether it is homemade class, open class, there will be stumbles, or where, some teachers can be foreseen. The problem is, some teachers are too smart to always want to advance to solve the problem (such as disclosed major problems to students, etc.), not knowing where they stumble, it is the turning point of student development, capacity building of the Heights. The teacher well versed in this, he always presents authentic to the real side of the classroom, to set an example for our classroom teachers.

Second, to avoid far-fetched, and strive to listen to the teacher of natural

class, such as the spring breeze was blowing, how pleasant. Another example is the dog days eating ice watermelon, very comfortable. His class naturally, without a trace, which is probably the realm of his pursuit of it. Take for instance the transition language, many teachers think hard to digest, he has come in handy: There is also a story in the winter night, who wants to read this story? - Not much, but convergence in place, it is natural to learn to put the next segment. Without a thick atmosphere of the rendering, not a pile of colorful words, there is no cadence of tone, just so gently said, put the child's heart suck, and let their eyes do not free books, so threw himself into another languages of the scenarios depicted. Besides guiding students to understand him, Teacher: the back part is the (Health A slightly) Division: This is the (A slightly Health) division: Some words do not a dictionary, read the text, cooked to understand. His guide can be described as simple, and also the nature. In naturally, the students understand the original meaning of words and meaning, but also to grasp the important methods to understand the words. Language teaching does not need bells and whistles, you need naturally. Naturally, without a trace the life of art, is teaching the art of life.

Third, remove empty and return to solid

now that there are some empty language classroom. Down a class, students gain little. Why? In a word - not solid. The classroom teacher preached at the strange sight - with the implementation. Writing topic, teach students to write the word means, such as Important words in the text is left out, to enable students to read the full text understanding. Important meaning of the sentence, it is sparing no effort to lead students to read of the appreciation. That paragraph is the key change patterns, such as through the performance, reading and other forms of sub-roles, so that students thoroughly cooked in the heart. Even more commendable is that the teacher's If the previous example, when he read that bad boy who is not let go, but take the initiative to stop, given the chance to try until the read is accurate so far. To implement every aspect of teaching, which is solid. Not solid, our teaching is invigorating white clouds on blue sky, it is difficult moist child parched heart; not solid, our students just a brief moment in the classroom, not the clever connoisseur; is not solid, there will be no full and comprehensive student development. Solid, you should always run through our language teaching and learning to put up all things.

Fourth, stay away from high consumption to ensure efficient

high consumption of low efficiency of language teaching has long been severely criticized by the industry. In this lesson can be clearly felt, whether it is reading, speaking, writing pieces, students have done very well, is in place. Read books by the stutter to read it correctly; the right to read Attractively; Attractively to read by the read out their own understanding and comprehension, we have witnessed the development of the students thought the track. Words from the text based on that (with text to understand the words), from textbooks to say (show, about sentiment, etc.), we feel the students language skills improved rapidly. Write perception experience, write the driver weather-beaten face, but also demonstrate a unique inner world and within the skill of the text. In addition, students study high momentum, the desire to explore real knowledge are also revealed in the classroom, the classroom should be said that this is efficient. Efficiency should be a realistic goal of language teaching, language teaching in high current consumption of inefficient reason, the main idea behind the teachers and methods inappropriate. Lies in the eyes of teachers and students there is a difference, but students can be developed. When he found a boy read too stuttering, the patient stopped to assist, until the time was right so far. Another example is his layers of screening, and ultimately determine the eyes of a girl wearing the same stage with him performed a content of the text, which is to promote the development of students. The only difference, the former case is somewhat less development of students,cheap UGG boots, then the development of a case is a top student. Development of students is the last word, but also serves as a source of classroom teaching efficiency. Full and comprehensive development of students, should be our language teachers should present the concept. So, our language teaching will be gradually away from the high consumption efficiency. In the method, the teacher always follow the law of the child's physical and mental development and age characteristics of age, or words to guide students to analyze sentences products, understand the nuances of words; or exercise the same stage with the students the text fragments; or seize a point in the text ( such as Methods to effect efficient for the class made a solid foundation.

simple class, high class

- Listen to John is a spiritual enjoyment, I say listen to the teacher's lesson in never being is a spiritual relaxation. Sitting in his class, you only feel like listening to an interesting story, the story meanders by a kindly elderly. You do not have to worry about the fate of the characters in the story, do not bother to think about the ending, everything was so natural. The whole class can not see Fuzao prints, but a careful recollection of those who can deeply feel the imaginative teaching.

This is a pursuit of efficiency in all walks of life are hard times, language teaching is no exception. Over the years, we have been calling and efficient language lesson, but what kind of lesson is efficient? This morning to watch the teacher teach the Yongzheng

one to read-oriented, will guide students to devote themselves to the text.

Wing is a teacher in this class, the More deeply impressed me with three things: read the solution in the word love in the time of enlightenment, difficulties in reading the break.

The teacher not to make students memorize the dictionary explanation, but to lead students in reading in eliminating, by means of a way that students learn to read the context of understanding the link words, the real mark in the class For the meaning of words, understanding the effect of expression

This is a recollection of the article, Zhou Ye great affection of their face value narrative of Mr. Lu Xun a few things, expressed deep condolences and beloved uncle of the situation. Guide students to understand the emotional implication of the text is a focus of teaching. The teacher in this part of the deal on the use of a He held on to withhold to fall drop by drop, Each completion of a story to guide the students to read back once, back in a second reading, the students again and again the emotional sublimation, Zhou Ye gradually understand the regret and uncle leave and grief. This design allows the classroom orderliness clear, giving memorable impression.

this text in a few words about the meaning of Lu Xun's profound understanding of the difficulties for students. Such as: Do you want to, surrounded by dark, not easy to run into a wall it? The teacher guide the students to repeatedly read, and create situations read implied the break through in the reading of the difficulties, to enable students to realize that Lu Xun was attacked in the dark, laughing in the old society.

Second, to paper-based to enable students to experience a down-write process.

The teacher in teaching is neatly captured the two, seize the opportunity to encourage students to move strokes, writing, so that students understand the process of writing to the author's thoughts and feelings, express their own unique experience, received very good results .

final lesson of the

not specifically described in the text in the driver's face, the teacher to inspire students to a write. Small class of students Lianbi brilliant driver for their Despite the varied imagination, but it can make people feel that it is indeed a weather-beaten face, a bottom in the social life of the driver's face.

the teacher's lesson is simple, because he is to guide students to study in earnest, solid training, but not in the teacher's lesson is simple, because it is efficient.

series of activities. By grade teacher at the Wing is well-known The teacher teaching the language to read the

one, this is the premise

works in language teaching and language teaching in the process, every language teachers want to learn actively involved in education reform and research activities, but often study with inconsistent, or inadequate, ineffective. Its reasons: First, the lack of things all the rational understanding of mechanical absorption; Second is the Language reading course taught? How to teach? Live at the teacher's teaching us the direction. . Tools according to language subjects, basic characteristics, accurate set of teaching objectives, teaching heavy and difficult to determine. the establishment of the difficulties, the teacher's Shanfanjiujian more worthy of our study, the teaching of character to best embody the spirit of the quality of key words, sentences extracted, as the training will focus on reading, such as This helps the students to read sentiment, but the Therefore,

Second, the truth is to ensure

There are no artificial dummy links and patterns, but the text-based, individualized to guide students to read fluently good every word, every word, read each story, understanding the spiritual quality of character. Particularly impressed us is that the teacher guide students to understand the words in the link is to allow students to actually read the text feel, received the preaching of the reach of effects, such as understanding to the easy level. In class, students neither overwhelmed, did not let students into dead ends, the students studying in the perception of a solid understanding of the text, so deep, feelings so thoroughly mastered that prison, so how can we not efficient to read?

Third, efficiency is the end

For example: when to guide students to read the description of the action paragraph Lu Xun expression, encourage students to write reviews, make comments. When he read advanced teaching concepts, to better enhance the students the value of life. In particular, we appreciate that, read the students a heart with the shock, emotional sublimation level, how the study results, how can one call every one of us ordinary primary school language teachers to vote in admiration!

. His performances each student, each time a range of extremely rich, and even played in every stroke, no time for effective reading everywhere enriched.

to watch Yes ah! Reading is the primary language will live on as teachers, business class standard of the country, solid reading training, read through the insights from students to master the basics of the texts and operational capacity, cultivate the students noble personality and sentiment. Does not this give full publicity Sublimation of the students moral, emotional, values? This class, view the fun, easy to do, the effect will be obvious.

read a solid, realized the thorough, well written clever

- listen to the teacher in the Yongzheng : of the teacher,

text is the language of I believe that the teacher in

First, read a solid basis for an effective classroom.

perception in the first reading stage, a simple question into after exposing teachers to provide students with a first reading of the request: pronunciation pronunciation, read the text correctly, read fluently. If Nayi Ju read well, over and over until the reading fluency so far, but do not know where to cook at the mark. time, the teacher patiently strict supervision, inspection, to help students read the text correctly, read consistency, read open.

students to freely read the text first, do not know where to draw. The teacher side edge inspection in order that students do not know where the floor and focused on the blackboard.

words: memorial service, condolence, caressing, gulping, mistaken identity, and moaned, weather-beaten.

sentence: the key word sentence. So the teacher made the request read: reading.

first reading in the students on the basis of adequate, a section named the teacher read the text, students read the sentence is not accurate, the teacher patiently for students again, twice, three times repeatedly read until the student good read so far. Then, on the basis of repeated reading to guide students to understand new words and understand sentences.

look at a teaching segment:

students read: br> Teacher: again, we are also a training practice, this sentence hard to read.

Teacher: 'Mourning' to read the wrong pronunciation.

students to read over and over again with this, thinking, understanding the effect of view ... ... from the classroom, students not only read the text right in fluency, but also understand the new words by reading the text, come to understand People's mood. This efficient method of reading instruction is to follow the laws of language teaching and learning to

II, realized the manifestation of the classroom is an effective and thorough.

chaos for the reading class, complex, chaotic situation, edited by Zhang materials for Jiangsu teacher said: Lu Xun,

such as:

key paragraph: his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop. deepening feelings of continuous distillation.

such as:

1, the first a little story in the study, the teacher named read this passage, students read out their own feelings.

2, a second small insights to guide students in the story, and my uncle on Uncle in guiding students to understand the hear his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop.

3, the third study a little story, in guiding the students to understand the looking at the coming and going condolence (yan) who thought I would never see his uncle's face, and hear his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to drop by drop fall.

4, finished last in learning a little story: when it is 56 years old. Since then Zhou Ye never see the face of the uncle, looking at the uncle's body, thought of this, Zhou Ye was overcome with grief. read this story, we read these words, I think our mood definitely not the same as on previous occasions. not his voice, and also get his touch (fu), and tears to fall drop by drop. : sentiment language to address the teaching points, breaking the difficulty of teaching.

such as:

understand: overcome the difficulty of this teaching. After the students read familiar texts, elected a female student and role play with him this little story. He played Mr. Lu Xun, Zhou Ye plays the female students, other students are guests on a task, listening to the story of laughter.

After the performance the students, the teacher immediately raised the question: to combat the dark forces of society.

there are some key words: love, mourning, condolence, gulping, weather-beaten. The teacher in guiding students to read the text when, clinging to the sentiment of these words to guide students to the text.

captured text of the Course, students will thoroughly realized the text. This efficient method of reading instruction is to seize the article in the

three cleverly written, is an effective extension of the classroom.

grade teacher in Jiangsu Province, Department of Liu Yongchun Baoying director, said: 'to learn the text of the expressions. finished, the teacher said: good.

I believe that this little Lianbi designed without a trace, so only a small Lianbi students deepen the understanding of the text in the dark society, appearance is a very good training exercises, too. The next exchange, the students wrote very profound, is the image portrayed.

this efficient method of reading instruction is a combination of reading and writing points awarded to

Recently, his honor and observe the section the teacher's heart. Let me know closer to the teacher, more deeply realized that the charm of his body.

one, simple, and really see the subtle

in to simple terms, it took the teacher's class. In addition to himself outside of his class, only a piece of chalk, a textbook, a projector and that is the simplest model is to show scenes of stunning scenes. Now the popular, advocated the use of modern teaching methods, courseware design. That was Baxianguohai - recount, then it is blind and the lame back - display their talents. Students wander in an upsurge of emotion from start to finish, joy among the teachers to linger in the computer's operating balance in the import of the transition. This class can really be said of the flower drip drip. Teachers a great time, students enjoying themselves. Asked whether the final class Shengzhi, the said: I don `t know! Sad indeed, Alas! Are spent provoke the disaster.

simple - the teacher of the class went on to say, the transition is quite simple. Take First, he points to the role of students and read the text, and arranged in the following is the rest of his life listening to, when you hear Is this task. Then changed the subject Such a transition class, it is too numerous to mention. Behind this simple, how much effort the teacher to prepare teaching materials, to prepare students to ah. Take much energy to refine, try to figure out it! Seemingly simple matter to an exercise in subtle to the extreme.

Second, to encourage appreciation of the remarkable love

listen to the teacher's class, during the applause continued for some praise, cheers and applause, and some by the encouragement, cheer and applaud.

class even if it is a look or a subtle movements are showing love for the students. So on eugenics, the same is true for poor students. In the meantime, there was a boy studying far from ideal, we would have bored into the other students for reading, but the teacher has to encourage investment to the student's eyes, and pat his hand on his shoulder or two to love is the teacher to encourage this Baozhan gurgled into the hearts of children, the children read with great shows that love can change everything.

Another example is understanding Requires students to read more books, more experience, while in a timely manner to the students a springboard. Said, Classroom teachers who do not want a surprise Yeah, who do not want to be a student to teacher like it! Oh, Sure enough, the children are really a surprise to the teacher. Much more visible to the students of our confidence in the classroom, give students encouragement. To believe that students can succeed.

understand the teacher's lessons in the classroom is a solid and effective classroom; classroom is love to pass the class.

achieve the qualities of teaching language reading instruction in high-

- to observe the teacher teaching in Yongzheng

grade teacher in a small language community, the teacher has been at the Wing is one of the most character. Today, the screen and then watch the teacher teach the Yongzheng teaching efficiency.

one,Discount UGG boots, plain and wise language

Language This dialogue, their participation in the main body of teachers and students, dialogue is the text as an intermediary, is for communication with the text. Read the dialogue is hierarchical. The first layer is the students read their text, a dialogue with the text. The second level is the text as an intermediary between students and teachers to dialogue. These two levels that the former is the foundation, which is an extension and development. Therefore, if the reading is not successful dialogue, will lose the prerequisite for effective teaching of reading. We take a look at the Wing is the teacher and text, the dialogue with the students it! 

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