Thursday, October 21, 2010

1. Chu ancestor YU Xiong

 If history is too long, it becomes legend, legend too long, it becomes a myth. I refer to Chu and Zhou dynasty.

the time of the birth of the Zhou Dynasty, there is a small country attached to it up, and this is the state of Chu. At first it was too weak, weak to the historian can not relate to it. Cattle riding their chiefs, people in rags, sitting together on the old carts, creak Ya Ya go forward.

do not think that is booming, such as casual day ascent of the Zhou Dynasty to give Cijue fiefs. The beginning of the Zhou Dynasty packet, sealing the state-owned 71 countries, including 51 letters to the clan and the brother and 20 are to contribute significantly to the surname of the prominent former minister and later emperors. Chu Viscount closure, although not as small a contemporary Section Chief, Chief relatively high level, the humble duties, not to mention, but Chu is well deserved, may sway the Tan Tan, which is went to great lengths to fight the.

around 1099 BC, more than 3000 years, the founding ancestor of Chu Xiong vend chiefs, the face of the size of the clan leader, announced a major decision. This time, the high-ninety chiefs vend, is supposed to retirement age, the ancients married early, and not to engage in family planning, the age of ninety, there should be the fifth and sixth generation of descendants.

vend chief astrologers night, concluded that the old dynasty finally ended in turmoil, a new dynasty, the rise in blood. Shang Dynasty to the end of last child in the Emperor Xin hand, this advocate of doing business dynasty, the total size of the country seven hundred letters, but the days are numbered. Change in the dynasty, if not superhuman intelligence, preventive measures, the clan will face bloody disaster. This family of chiefs

vend, straight back to the Yan Emperor Huangdi, the Great have something to do with the exalted close kinship. Sima Qian's Vulcan Vulcan particularly ghost square descendants of land eventually married the daughter of eleven years the woman pregnant and can not give birth. Had a caesarean section with the original knives. Fortunately, the ancients is still strong resistance, the bacteria can not be against them. Laparotomy a look, the original ancestors were the small, forgotten in the birth of the child in the play. Caesarean section in the big witch who had to remove from about three of each rib. Finally, six out of small children, were quarter even as he took birth belly, I heard a flock of sheep call and packet for the Mi name. Despite the illustrious history of the Chu family, but has no place in several dynasties. Xia Dynasty in the past, Shang Dynasty is also about to have passed, no major improvement in the clan. In this era of drastic changes of the moment, vend chiefs must be prudent, he should seize this opportunity only once in several centuries.

vend clan chief is the most knowledgeable person. He was the long-term good astrologers, learned that heaven and earth are in motion. found in changing the total of things, are mutually reinforcing. He created a materialist theory of the elderly, is the pioneer of this theory. He later called simple materialist.

after some time, some subordinate chieftain led off to the northwest. Chu like bull riding, this is no exception chief vend ride the Back. He was the ancestor of Taoism, Taoist later as I, that is, bull riding off into the letter Valley. Three thousand years ago, there is no road to go. Sui-Chu clan was in between the mountains and Jingshan Danyang, historians suspected Shangluo now Shaanxi County commercial land, and if so, should the clan is still weeks away from the past.

West Jichang is the later emperor, his historic meeting with the chief vend begins. Vend chiefs talk about the current situation, no way to talk about the Shang dynasty, certainty of destruction, Zhou Youde, will rise to foresee, volunteered to contribute to the new dynasty. West Jichang him a little too old, and vend his chief associate yore expected. They confidently tell each other leisurely, if on the march to war, chasing deer by the beast, really old age is coming. If you sit on the state, and make plans, I have not too old, should be exactly at that time. Remarks put West Jichang convinced, then thanks for the division.

over three hundred years when, Chu Wuwang still praised the ancestors: Feng Chu desired, or unfunded. It seems the country has not yet been sealed, the clan needs to be done.

opportunity again, emperor died, King Wu to the throne; King Wu died, Zhou Ji-bit. An eternal tribute to the Zhou Dynasty sage Duke in trouble, his starry night Ben Chu. Chu old Duke chose to flee, he concluded that it is an indisputable fame, but also did not close with Zhou dynasty clan kinship. Learn a lesson from his behavior moon, Chu will take him fairly. After all, saints, expected good, Duke escaped unharmed at the end of Chu. Mindful of Chu Zhou Wang Zhou Dynasty to open a state plan of work; Secondly, in a timely manner to save his uncle, gave him time to reflect. Packet princes in public, Hou, Peter, son, male and five other Grand class number, the grandson of Sheikh vend Yi was crowned the fourth bear such title, as the history of Chu Son. Home Jingshan, capital located in Danyang. A small place, but more than 50 years.

and Zhou dynasties, like Chu eight hundred years has created a foundation, from small to large, from weak to strong, from north to south, across the 11 provinces, the achievements of the dynasty was the world's largest.

2. Founder of West Zhou Dynasty Jichang

impressive history has entrusted the mission of the Zhou Dynasty, it also created a 800-year dynasty. Chu contrary, it is from the strong to weak, from the vast territory to the tiny place, only thing is also the area from northwest to central China.

Zhou dynasty, has illustrious ancestor, the first week in the western Loess Plateau should be an ancient tribe, the founder of Zhou Dynasty legend is Ku, the son of Hou Ji, The first week of this period of history, recorded 15 King, whose authenticity is difficult to study, such as farming Christians Some people think that Hou is known ancient agricultural officer, rather than personal names, Zhou was the world, there must be a prominent ancestor of the noble to show descent, it was Hou Ji as the ancestor of pretensions. It was also projected, the true ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty was not born when the Xia Dynasty. Chu

up this comparison, apparently were more successful, but Vulcan Chu offspring, but also common people for the world to retain the fire, but no packet of the land, became a nomadic people, even the royal family but also to listen to Tweet and obtaining the name Sheep. However, the ancestor of the Chu family, no one ever questioned, and the Zhou Dynasty can be considered mixed.

in the early years of the Shang dynasty, Zhou slowly from the northwest border migration to the mainland. Northwest area is due to grave robbers and found a tomb group, judging by the archaeological, suspected Zhou Renzu habitats, and, through the three migration to the south of the week Qishan original (now Qishan County, Shaanxi Province) settled down, and gradually developed into a new western forces, claiming to be

first week of the ancient clan spread to the public when the calendar quarter its third son succeeded to the throne. This is the founder of the Zhou Dynasty. He overhauled the moral, so-called national unity of thinking. Carry forward the spirit of our ancestors Christians farming, to develop production. Refining bronze, with advanced armed forces, the expulsion of the invading barbarians from time to time, so that is also strong on their own strength. Wang Ding business, though not necessarily as good as the vend chief astrologers, but the weekly calendar quarter, a series of actions Emirates really is too great, to the northwest from the Chaoge observation, like the current proposal as the vagaries of the city, and made along the dusty Qishan so much uneasy Shang Dynasty. Look what he is, invited Mr. Feng Shui direction Northwest looked and found that Wang Qishan gas straight into the night sweat, which made him sleepless nights. Ding also talk about what the text can not be a moral country, the expense of home has been called terrorist states, implementation of the calendar quarter assassination. A rise in the stage of life, will be fresh and fragile, say, calendar quarter, the text is difficult to expect such a start Ding Shang, successful assassination of a strike.

calendar quarter died, his son Chang throne. Wang Ding from the Commerce Department that Mr. Feng Shui, Qi Wang northwest area may have dissipated. Weeks in order to appease his subjects, or express their own guilt brought about by the assassination of the heart, special sealing Chang as a

quarter of calendar back a sword, pointed Chaoge when the direction of death, his son Chang has been well aware. But, after all, young and fit, and vowed to report Fu Chou, until I die off. He planned to construct a large smelting bronze, make their own armed forces, armed to the teeth, coupled with his Ren Ci Aimin, courteous, a time, scholars have come to vote in the world.

Emperor Shang Dynasty to the sub-Xin times, it was a powerful king, in addition to the Shang Dynasty at its peak, set the wine and forests of meat, the pursuit of pleasure and ignore the affairs of state. Then hastily hired feng shui masters report, northwest Wang gas much more vigorous, must be suppressed, or end of trouble. The so-called couch side, How can we allow others to Hanshui, Business King Zhou as drunk, did not hear the report of Mr. Feng Shui. Mr. Feng Shui is very conscientious and a number of consecutive reports to the Shang. King Zhou listened a bit impatient, and he orders, is captured. This is the history of the famous Ding Ding jail, imprisoned in the West Jichang in 7 years. Almost all the saints or great, do not waste time in prison, such as Lenin, leader of the proletarian revolution, as well as Mahatma Gandhi, of course, there are Nazi leader Adolf Hitler being in prison, their main work, construction of ideology, coming out to do for the future prerequisite preparation.

West Jichang to the throne when the clan system of thought that numerous and confused, thinking he was not very clear. Now in prison, and that he must take to ease the, so to start inferring the Book of Changes. This Book, in the ancient legend, the Fu Xi's easy to create a birth (congenital gossip), Shen Nong and easy to create into Hill (Hill gossip), Regulus's easy to create a return reservoir (owned by possession of gossip.) Speaking of these gossip have in common, there Yichu, even be two explanations for the same thing, but to the Shen Nong Fu Xi to Regulus is also a cultural heritage. West Jichang carefully study by inferring, in the spirit of inheriting and carrying forward, resulting in a Book (King Wen gossip.) Book after the election, two whom touted the great propagandists, who first Duke of Zhou, the other was Confucius, think about it,UGGs, they have what's called the power, natural World, spread so far.

genius intelligence,Discount UGG boots, can not hide his dungeon, to be traders monitored the time in the construction of ideology, also invented a profound Go. Under the first, those prison guards, who are not competitors, such wonderful of chess, and soon spread to Chaoge, Shang discuss some ministers, who also can not break it so tricky. So wise, must be the Gravediggers the Shang dynasty, the implementation of eradication. Go spread Chaoge, West Jichang known catastrophe, began to play the fool. Minister Shang refused to believe that he must face Fengsha the phase unkempt, summoned his eldest son, forced him to drink to kill the soup. Businessmen to be left, he screamed children Yes, father against you, started vomiting, a rabbit ran away from the mouth, became the ancestor of the rabbit.

pay the cost of the lives of his son, West Jichang just feel really low-key genius should be restrained, He lived Shang Feng Sha confused those in power finally, no more meditation in prison, and all kinds of ugly on stage. Since the West Jichang imprisonment since there is no leader of the Zhou Dynasty, first confusion, then seek to rescue the law. King Zhou also know, not Fanghuguishan, nature would not let go. Zhou from the clan among the, also bought a lot from the adjacent family treasures and beauty, be sent to Chaoge, King Zhou happy grin. A Good Zhou, silly, with so many treasures and beauty for a waste, it is too the friends. Zhou King Zhou was a pity it could not help saying, only this one is enough, you too have bought this. Chaoge ministers who no longer dare to speak, one RBI Zhou many ministers have been passed, another Hindu who would sweep the dictator, it is not clear the court death it?

be redeemed out of the West Jichang, completely changed the individual child, the day of wine and song, singing the geometry of life, embrace the Central Plains crisp beauty is not relaxed, still like to eat tofu-like from barbarians to snatch some of Po Yi, made a promise large palace pandemonium. There Chendeng discouraged, we rage, we are not scared to say anything. West Jichang know, King Zhou spy detective opened the first of its kind, were arranged in all their clan liner, soon to be reported to the West Jichang Chaoge done, the palace of King Zhou Chaoge laugh, you can sit back and relax the ear. Several centuries later, there is a SnSee Chu Chun Chu Zhuangwang won its true mass, staged a three-year non-flying soar, not Naruto blockbuster drama for three years.

the actual situation, the West Jichang more charitable virtue, and the Yue people, making more allegiance to princes to come, secretly repairing refused allegiance to the princes,

said West Jichang the reign of the last 7 years have done it six events. First, the two neighboring countries mediating the dispute. Yu (Shanxi Pinglu County) Stapleton (Shanxi Ruicheng) is the country of the West Shang Dynasty; but they do not find the Shang kings ruled all Muxi Bo Jichang Wal-Mart and begged him to trial. Second, the Bing Fa Quan Rong, defeat Zhu Xi Rong Yi, also destroyed several small countries. Third, the attack density to be (in this Lingtai County), and lifted the west of the worry. Fourth and fifth is the Kan Li, Han will be leading Chaoge cutting the channel open. Will be the capital of the sixth week dongqian Wei Qishan plain by the establishment of Feng Jing (Chang'an County, Shaanxi Fenghe in this West Bank). Dominated by the Shang Dynasty, which he had struggled to a two-thirds. In this connection, the end of his historic mission, come to an end, but for the Zhou Dynasty to win the world laid a solid foundation.

3. Zhou Chu Battle of 600 years of history is a

unpredictable things.

Chu is a little different surname Zhou dynasty, the country, Zhou royal family has no heart, the Alliance and the princes during major festivals, the king can only be done for the week of the royal family and nobility work wine filter . Zhou royal family parting alignment, Jin and other princes have treats, but the king did not. Do not think, Chu does not hold a grudge, when more than 500 years, yet this is still brooding king Ling Chu, angry. Did not get a reward of whom is actually king of Chu Xiong Yi. Chu like to use the language of particle , and a trial of strength was eroded around the powerful princes, forcing them to more wilderness land reclamation. Known as three generations of the week is a Anding Ping and age, people live and work, Chu will seize this rare historical opportunity, trying desperately to develop themselves. To the bear won era has shore of the Han River stand her ground.

start from the King Wen of Zhou, Zhou Dynasty King Wu experienced, Cheng Wang, Kang, to the king was already the king of the fifth generation. The state of Chu from the beginning to bear wins Emirates vend time, almost to generation. By the way, is the grandfather of Xiong Sheng Xiong Yi. Chow Chiu Woo reign of 19 years, when the Zhou Dynasty is already in its heyday, the king was three Nanzheng. King of generations past week, all conquests, the Corps commander in chief Jiang Shang Zhou Dynasty the manor, on the Qi, that these places dangerous. Zhaowang Nan Zheng, directed at Chu a, that Chu has made to sleep well the Zhou Dynasty. The king was the first two are from the south with the country, despite the conquest of the credit for small, can be considered a swagger. The third king was nineteen years, straight down the Han River, again militaristic. Prince of the North, for many years is difficult to see that rivers and lakes, water shoe boat really do not understand this truth also carry a boat, His Holiness of the moment, going to the Han River in the ocean some mobility. Unexpectedly, this boat is not a clamp with a nail set, but resin glue with the south, the boat to the river center, plastic water and open, then the ship was breaking up, until the emergency rescue of the soldiers on shore when the business, I did not realize the water shot up the scissors a few shiny black mouth, who met with the North, suspected of Longkou, because swallowing king who shall dwell in the water dragon. Modern view, it is estimated the king was to be the Alligator Lake River Inlet lost their lives, when the Chu, these crocodiles are not protected animals. No sign of Zhaowang Nan Zhou royal family back to Peru to take the attitude of not disguise a funeral is really very strange, but that lack the kind of micro Wang vague. Let us analyze, Zhao Wangnan patrol is a sightseeing tour go? But this southern barbarian land, in the ancient time really is not fun; If you go to conquest, Chu was not burning off when ready to accept the king lost his life, would not look down for the people of the world, it is kept secret. King Chow Chiu Woo

death of Zhou dynasty a symbol of gloom and doom, but also the pain of weeks, never mind the royal family, the time to Chucheng Wang, Duke with eight National League countries to attack Chu, also used this matter to be a pretext for war.

to bear canal era, Chu actually dare to the overlord of the Zhou Dynasty.

Bear drainage times, the royal family is the week when the Zhou Dynasty. The emperor name Ji-sup, birth and death unknown. Zhou Yi prince, Zhou Xiaowang grandnephew. Yi Wang, after death, by his successor, but so frail king, but also cowardly incompetence, was Zhouxiao Wang claimed the throne. Xiao Wang died, his princes are worth restoration. Ji Xie immense gratitude of princes, from the time see the princes, received a change in worship of the emperor standing classroom practice, and the princes into step Xiatang to meet, although courteous won the title, the royal family and the significant decline in the natural dignity of the emperor So his

bear most likely south of Drainage monarch or the south of the executive. Thus slowly to the Sui Shan Chu, Jingshan between the development of water along the Dan, gradually to a more broad Han River basin. Inhabited by many groups here, and Best Man Pu and other indigenous tribes. Drainage south of the Chu family bear should be brought into the wilderness of advanced civilizations in the Central Plains area, began with the local ethnic fusion, a high degree of productivity increase for a time, so that all ethnic groups around the outside into the center of the nation. So like a dazzling star Chu, rising above the Jianghan. Therefore, not without admiration Sima Qian comment, Bear drainage

through several expeditions, Chu and Zhou Tingchong thinks can rival the. So he began to do something to make a ground-breaking at that time it seems, that we modern people seems somewhat unacceptable way. His three sons packet is king. In 877 BC, bears the implementation of packet drainage system. Feng Kang for the sentence of the eldest son (now Hubei Jiangling) King, the second son of the red for the E (now Hubei Echeng) Wang, Yue Zhang for the three sub-executive (now the inter Anhui) king.

I sometimes act drainage bear contemplation. He sealed his son as king, has its theoretical foundation: Therefore, we can not understand the packet bears drainage, he dared to claim what? King? Wang Fu? Emperor? Would not his policy makers are right for him to find a pretext for it? Chu rebel blood flowing, with the

The self-styled a bit to no avail and finally Chu, but Chu is still not likely to end. To Chuwu Wang when he started claiming to be king, this king of Qin earlier than 400 years. Chu Chu Wuwang

35 years of painstaking efforts, the strength greatly increased. At this point, the vassal state of war frequently. Chu Xiong aspirations through the Central Plains that this is the best time, in his view, this invasion of princes are all rebel phase, or phase to kill. I have a spacious, trying to use the political view of China, please respect the royal family my number. Because

At this point, Zhou Huan Wang of the Zhou Dynasty to the times, Chu Wuwang not reach out directly to the Zhou royal family, and with the countries signed a Chengxiazhimeng by Hou come forward with, with Hou had to obey, Zhou Huan Wang appealed. Chu strong today, ranks the South, the sound reputed He has been with the subjects as League and is willing to serve the emperor, please seal Chu child. Sealed to inhibit its wild ambition for our own use; if not sealed, Chu will be like a scourge, first off Hill Country, and then break through the Central Plains, to make the world more uneasy. Zhou Huan Wang hear, powerful ancestors, the blood flowing in my mind, angry, listing Chu child 704 years (the following year with the Bears through cutting), with Chu Hou notification to inform the Zhou Dynasty flatly refused to enhance the status of the state of Chu. Bear Pass was furious after hearing the news: Bears through kings, princes unauthorized opening of the first of its kind known as the king.

Chuzhuang Wang, Chu generation dominated the Lord. In the eighth year, the beat Luhun (today To Carry northeast) of the Rong family.

Chu Chu Zhuangwang so she took a strong division of the Yellow River water the horses, aspirations to the Central Plains, as the Lo, reaching as far as Luo Yi Zhou royal capital near the border in the Royal Court Summary of demonstration, a time when the king came to power Chou, Zhou take home the world like the world common lord, there are only a small place surrounded by the Lo. Royal Court, see Chu division massive, scared the crap out of the busy school full of eloquence of the Sun-Chen Chu reward teachers.

Chuzhuang Wang saw the Sun-Moon, to the point, asked Jiuding the severity of size. This Jiuding, according to legend Yu Two Birds, in fact, a symbol of Chinese Kyushu. By Xia, Chao Feng for the town on Wednesday, a national treasure, is also a symbol of the world common lord. Chuzhuang Wang Q Jiuding understood that the intention of seizing week and replaced. Sun-Moon politely replied: Chuzhuang Wang choked, and had bitterly and said, I have Chu pointed to the iron spear broken off, can cast Jiuding come. It seems from the history of

Chu, Chu and Zhou royal little cooperation, the last collaboration, ending 800 years of the Zhou dynasty.

256 BC, Zhou Nan Wang era, Zhou royal family has been weakened bear, his site only three forty cities, more than 30,000 population. Qin had been captured when the Han, Wei, Zhao Sanguo many of the city, next step is to clean up the Zhou Dynasty. Chu want to curb the expansion of the Qin forces, trying to take advantage of this phantom world in the name of common lord Zhou Nan Wang, Qin attack orders all countries work together. Zhou Nan Wang scrape together a team from the five or six thousand troops, but the lack of weapons, to forage. Within the well-to borrow his military financing, borrowing to pay them promised to return after victory has arrived the day of the spoils of war. Rate this one breaking the military, about six princes to Yique (south of Luoyang City in Henan Province today) meet, in addition to Chu, Yan sent some soldiers to two countries, the rest are all keeping an appointment. Wait 3 months, with more than 5,000 troops had without success. well-off, see Zhou Jun

back, have held borrowing debts to Zhou Nan Wang, Zhou Wang can there be paying the money, had to hide in a house after the high platform to avoid debt. Then come to find Qin, Zhou Nan Wang led the subjects as and royal clan had no choice but to Temple Kubai a lot. With their families, Atlas, who surrendered to the Qin Dynasty. Qin king Zhaoxiang surrender, to him as the Duke of Zhou. Thus, the demise of the Eastern Zhou dynasty declared.

have a case to be the way that the Western Zhou Dynasty in Gao Jing was moved eastward, into the time of the Eastern Zhou dynasty. Northwest border, live in a special horse for the king of the tribe, because the horses are well, Royal Court spared the relatively smooth, so give people a piece of horse manor, they are the first Qin, it is that a careless act, give a royal sowing the seeds.

above, a small Viscount Chu, never mind the royal family on the week, but it has been the culprit in the decline of Royal Court.

it is an old saying,UGG boots, not my race, its heart will be different, it just makes sense Yeah.

4. Thought of the Chinese nation Zhou Chuzhe

We have been proud of is that there are four major ancient civilization in the world system, only the Chinese nation is the same strain. Why can the Chinese nation for thousands of years continuous development, it is because there are four ancient oriental culture system sustains it. First, the unified opposition of yin and yang of the

first say The so-called Feng Confucian In several earlier literature, such as decision-making on national affairs, so using it on the test day, the next test, the measured personnel, doing their utmost.

Everything in the world are the result of the interaction of yin and yang. With God and each with its yin and yang, the

For thousands of years of Chinese political, cultural, economic and other fields have had a tremendous impact. Such as Confucius and Mencius, Lao doctrine, and When Qin Shi Huang biblioclast also not damage it.

us look at the Taoist theory of the state of Chu.

in the Spring and Autumn, the Chinese traditional culture in the North on the basic ideas of Confucianism South Road. Vend son is not only the founder of Chu, was also considered to be the first person to Taoism, he proposed a cosmology His Meanwhile, nearly a hundred of the vend son is wise, he examined the rise and fall of the Shang and Zhou honor, a set of deep history, Jichang dialogue with the West, it is clear this point: the weak and strong, flexible and Gang, though opposing, but also can be transformed. Such as the appearance of the Shang Dynasty, as the powerful, in fact, was rotten, too weak can not afford one o'clock hit, while the increase in the weekly blog, though seemingly small, but full of vitality, this is the soft can overcome the hard, disability keep strong. Historical development to today, shows the profound vend son predictability, which is very rich colors dialectics, to the formation and development of Laozi's philosophy has a profound impact.

Some scholars believe that the Chinese are a pragmatic people, and produced no philosophers, thinkers such as Confucius, the great educator, in fact, does not count as philosophers; We believe that I put any value system of the East and West , but can be regarded as a great philosopher.

his philosophy from the founders of the State of Chu vend son, and inherited and developed his ideas, to establish a complete view of the universe. Ancestor of all things.

Throughout the philosophy of Lao Tzu, see the heavens and the earth there are two contradictory aspects, and the interdependence and mutual transformation. br>
us look at the attitude of Confucius on the road, a small 20-year-old Confucius, Lao Tzu, has five question to Laozi. Disciples asked Confucius, Laozi impression, Confucius told I was the dragon. Him some rhetoric, expressing the eternal sage Laozi's honor. If I see a bird, knowing he could fly; see the fish, knowing it can travel; see the beast, know it can go. I can not judge a Dragon. Just imagine the situation and the Dragon by nine days also! See I, I still see the dragon.

5. Zhou dynasty, the use of the four major system in the state of Chu Zhou Dynasty

feudal political system and religious characteristics of the legal system. Shang dynasty would have been more than 700 Feng, Zhou dynasty established, the continuation of this system. He put the royal family and the hero of packet to each place, the so-called Another system is the legal cases, legal cases is as a link between blood lineage, and the feudal system, servicing aristocratic hereditary rule. In the patriarchal family in the King of the Zhou Zhou, Zhou Dynasty's royal ancestor veneration, called Bastard packet for the rest of princes, and the Zhou corresponding to the Merit for the different surname through marriage, etc., Packet for the lords into the patriarchal system framework. In the entire nation to bet the king to form a core network, the so-called If the packet system to establish a hierarchical order among the aristocracy, then, were injected into a specific legal Zeyi adhesive, so that the hierarchical order greatly enhanced.

through this case law and the feudal system, to establish a bet the king as the center, surrounded by vassal states around the feudal dynasty. I think the most mysterious is that the system is his ritual, the ritual system of the Zhou Dynasty, is the For example, in the palace hall, the emperor week in the last, you sort the Minister in accordance with the level of standing, when the music sounded, the entire palace, regardless of the Zhou, or Zhong Chen, dance, ladies, or those who served tea and bottled water, ear music were ringing, so at this moment, the world has become so harmonious. Zhou Dynasty's body It is also the world's oldest and largest performing music education institutions, particularly the king and the princes of the eldest son of culture, public Bureaucrats children.

field system of creation, the history of the Chinese nation has far-reaching impact of the specific approach is to a certain amount of land divided by an average of nine well-shaped. There were eight commission given to landless farmers as a self-cultivated land, the crop farmers owned their own commission, well shaped piece of land compared to the middle of the commons, a farming by the agricultural commission of eight, the harvest will belong to the public. Commission to a total of eight farmers farming the way public land to repay the remaining eight pieces of land rent. Field system implementation, so that each household slaves have been a piece of land, a commission of agriculture, are bound in the fields of life with security, social and natural stability. The first three of his system, and produce such a perfect field system, in the Zhou Dynasty, that every family has to farming, everyone is fed, no wonder a large hole, said the sage, I from the week! Field system for future generations of Tuntian Zhi, Land Equalization such a very good reference.

four systems of the Zhou Dynasty from the above analysis, system design is so perfect, it actually can not stop the decline of the system. First Renxinbugu, the other is estimated that a great relationship with Chu's mischief.

Chu from weak to strong, what is his secret of success in the end?

first four perfect system of the Zhou Dynasty, reached the state of Chu, the executive is not very rigorous, such as the patriarchal clan system, Zhou preach Allegiance to the throne, his brother succeeded to the throne is sometimes Chu Chu Wen Wang Xiong dead brother; and sometimes young son to the throne, a move many. This means that the Zhou Dynasty Allegiance is a fool,cheap UGG boots, they have identified, put Chu, Allegiance is a fool if it can not be monarchs of the sky. I have written an article devoted to the usurpation of the king of Chu, and even the famous Chu Wuwang also usurper.

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