Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flash mom wash the parenting

 Treasure my four years of the flash, the flash treasure wash, I think you can do, Kazakhstan, flying his own first hand. Oh, let me see below.
One that I saw some parents wash their children to worry about , also saw some children that want to take a bath before a fear. I analyzed, leading to the results of this method is generally inappropriate for the parents, along with children too young to understand the intention of the parents, but made do not match the reluctant move. Finally,UGG shoes, the parents down the headache is the baby timid heart.
My approach is:
First laissez faire. For a little easier, such as washing hands, face or something, let your baby to wash, and the side lot of encouragement. first and then made recognition of the inadequacies of the small baby is very easy to accept, will pay attention next time.
is to guide the type. for a little more troublesome,UGG boots, such as brush teeth. let the baby first see how the adult teeth, and observe more carefully as possible, then let him do his imitation. while also hands-on approach to teach her the proper wash. This baby has been very curious will learn fast.
third is to help type. For example, a bath is more trouble,bailey UGG boots, you have to help the baby, but can not let her resentment is the first, otherwise the future will be difficult to cope. must first gently wash your hair, can not hurting the hair; followed to protect the eyes and ears, to guard against water. Another point, it is best not to hurt the eyes with a liquid bath and shampoo; last resort is that side with the baby talk while washing, to divert the attention of baby . In short,UGG bailey button, the whole process down, to be relaxed and happy, so that baby likes to wash, willing to wash. This will do more with less.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Flame goes out instantly, leaving bitterness and tears of joy!

 Late, just pick up a good thing to leave the Olympic Village tomorrow, and that was a bit of nostalgia here. His sleep is also a little excited, especially to participate in the closing ceremony today, feeling a bit Chujingshengqing. Recall a lot of things, when flame out of that moment, his tears now. This is the second time to leave the Olympic Games excitement tears, the moment when we get the men's team, and we burst into tears. This is the silent tears, I told myself Olympics over, that moment feels happy because my dream came true. but think of the past few years, too is how the depression and bitterness, remember the last Olympic Games closing ceremony,UGG boots clearance, I was watching TV. when I do not know the day is the closing ceremony, when I see a lot of Chinese athletes playing, I burst into tears. In fact, I can not watch the Olympics then shot, looked unable to control his emotions, will be quiet tears, but tears the loss of that control. My friends do not understand why I did, so I vent over, I told him. When I see success in our country where athletes cheered when the Chinese team and I am an athlete, than the so useless. We also worked hard for so many years, the 2004 Olympic Games, but did not get any results. In fact, he is very painful time, but also face a lot of blame can be said that no one can understand that feeling, but That is the reality, must face. coupled with the foot injury that time, it is somewhat desperate, I remember when a foot injury is two months away from the game, the training of his feet twisted. I remember the doctor said a word to let your heart all cold, he said: . I said, I am much better than the Olympic Games, ah, I want to experience regardless of which player will crash half. but I'm over the top, and eight weeks I played 9 times closed. can remember, then is how adhere to, how to get on the Olympic Games, I thought even a broken foot, Siyeyaosi at the Olympic Games. to the Olympic Games, can say that I spent two hundred percent effort, but in return the results that can not depressed you. When I attended the closing ceremony today at the end, think of a lot of memories, very sad. the end of the last closing, I thought the Olympics is over,Bailey UGG boots, your Olympic gold medal dream shattered. Maybe you in this life, no hope on the Olympics,UGGs, the feeling is indescribable. but this time to see so many people cheering for us to see a lot of the audience shouting Come on, China. will be able to realize that you are not a person in the fighting, but there Many people help you, bless you. is that there are so many blessings, we have such good results,cheap UGG boots, I think our achievements are belong to us all throughout China. We thank you, you made us to be strong , to victory. let me dream of Olympic gold medal in this implementation, to achieve my horse Grand Slam. For me, a dream of the Olympic Games in Athens, the Beijing Olympic Games is a dream.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Professor of Peking University Health Talk Qi record

 Life expectancy should be able to reach 100-175 years old, why have not reached? The main reason is we do not take care, do not know how health care knowledge. Many people die of ignorance, this is wrong ah!
We know how health it? There is a Victoria International Declaration, the Declaration, there are three milestones: the first is called a balanced diet, and the second is called aerobic exercise, and the third is called mental state. these three milestones, the international community has to know, many of our people do not know. three milestones will not change the title, but the content will change at any time.
a balanced diet
told me the first question below, balanced diet. the so-called balanced diet, drinking and eating two categories.
1, ; fifth bone soup; sixth mushroom soup.
Why mention mushroom soup? because mushrooms can improve immune function. the same office, it was the old cold, some old and not sick, why? Immune function is not the same. mushrooms Tom can help improve immunity, it is health care.
Why mention bone soup? bone soup with a gelatinous material longevity, so the country has bone soup Street, and China did not. We investigated a bit, Recently, Suzhou, Nanjing, the city has, Beijing or not.
Why mention yogurt? because the yogurt bacteria to maintain a balance. The so-called maintenance of flora balance is to the growth of beneficial bacteria, and the elimination of harmful bacteria, so eating yogurt may reduce the disease. yoghurt is very popular in Europe, many of our girls like yogurt, but they do not understand what benefits of yogurt. We are surprised that China is very low sales of yogurt, and milk sales lot. We do not deny The role of the milk itself, but it is not the same than with the yogurt.
there is milk, followed by talk.
green tea: In all the drinks, it is the first cancer. drink green tea, can protect the teeth,UGGs, also not easy to break the blood vessel.
why green tea health effects? the original green tea which contains polyphenols, tea polyphenols are cancer. Second, please note that green tea fluoride. What is the role of this fluorosis it? ancient people have long known that Cao Xueqin wrote Lou Jia when people write to take tea after dinner mouth. Su also has the record, he took every meal such as tea in the mouth under the purpose of robust teeth, but he did not know the role of fluorine. The Japanese are now clear, and fluoride can not only strong teeth,UGG boots, but also to prevent cavities, eliminate plaque. 3 minutes after a meal, will appear in the tooth plaque. Now many of us bad teeth, not only do not take tea and mouthwash, and even white water does not rinse, do not know where the problem lies. Now some 30 years of age began to lose his teeth, on the whole the age of 50 lost teeth. Third, the green tea itself contains tannin . tea tannin is to improve the toughness of blood vessels, so blood is not easy to break. Many people come to Beijing for treatment of cerebral vascular accident, the hospital death of 4 individuals each have a cerebral hemorrhage, which is very dangerous. intracerebral hemorrhage did not rule of law, afraid of angry, an angry one pound the table a stare, cerebral vascular collapse, and this I've seen too much. If green tea would not be drunk, so I now the morning to drink green tea a. Why? I joked with people is afraid of my son gas.
you, you drink this age to early to shoot a few under the table when you stare at the eye are not afraid of a few. green tea first cancer, the second can be strong teeth, the third cerebral vascular easy break, why not drink it? If you do not know how to drink tea, immediately corrected, because the international trend is to drink green tea have a. was bickering with me: I could not sleep after tea how to do? mmm Who told you to drink before going to sleep tea?
wine: can anti-aging, blood pressure, cholesterol. So, the rich red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, the same care.
second red beverage wine. Why mention red wine? many Chinese people do not know, Europe has long been known, and they drink a little red wine every day, men and women, why not? the original kind of red grape skin, resveratrol. This is the anti-aging resveratrol , one that can be anti-aging, people drink the. resveratrol, or antioxidants, red wine drunk people is not easy to get heart disease. Second, it can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, we call abrupt stop. what circumstances Cardiac arrest under the will? first that there are heart disease, high blood pressure in the second, the third has a relationship with food. What food? too large, excellent, too sticky, hot food,UGG boots clearance, easy to cardiac arrest. high blood lipids, also cause cardiac arrest. red wine there is a role that can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol. World Health Organization said also said: the wine does not exceed 50 per day to 100 ml of white wine a day not more than 5 to 10 ml of beer a day does not exceed 300 ml. If you exceed this amount is wrong, no more than this amount is good. There lesbian raised: how do I do not drink? you do not drink, do not eat grapes it? grapes do not do not spit grape skin you? comic says the word, is also useful in life. But I tell you, there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, so you do not lecture will not buy grapes. there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, eating is also a free ride, buy red grapes. Now, Europe has emerged red grape cakes. I experimented with, to clean the red grapes, and eat when the skin swallow, very comfortable, nothing. So, the rich red wine, grapes do not spit without money grape skins, same as health.
longevity, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health.
normal human internal environment is weak alkaline, vegetables and fruits are alkaline substances. who developed countries, all countries with high levels of health, consumption of vegetables and fruits are large. you do not care, they will order, it is. It was a joke, those guilty of corruption do not shoot, put him to eat dead food, I do not exaggerate a bit. There were bickering and I said: I do not how to solve food and clothing? someone told me about, care should be is not that far away, say the Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors of Qing, 19, dead,UGG boots cheap, Junji 23 years old, Xianfeng, aged 31, 38-year-old dynasty, but has lived for 89 years of Qianlong. Qianlong special meeting of health, there is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty longevity champion. we checked and Qianlong of the information, first, he particularly good at sports; second, he ate cake evaporation, the thickness of grain mix; third, good to travel, the most famous is the next south, so he lived for 89 years . there is a survey of 818 monks, a monk more than 30% live to 90 years old and the youngest one is 65 years old. and there is nothing right? their diet is worth our attention, we can learn it! Therefore, to live longer, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health care. If you do not care, money and power are not guaranteed, so that the United Nations do not die of ignorance only.
2, Besides eating
second question mmm , buckwheat, potatoes, oats, millet, diet is more important than medication.
at international meetings, never mentioned rice, flour, not to mention Western fast food. cereals in the first mention of the old corn, it is a ; golden crop. alcohol, vitamin E, prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Since then, the Americans change to eat corn. America, Africa, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Guangzhou in the morning eat corn soup. Now, many people take lecithin, it is hoped not atherosclerosis. but he did not know the old corn containing lecithin up to, and do not spend more. an old corn in the United States is 2.5 dollars, while in China as long as a dollar, much cheaper. But many of us people do not know, do not eat. I've changed drank polenta, and I have been insisting in the United States. I am 70 years old, energetic, full of energy, resonant voice, quite unashamedly, and the face does not wrinkle . What? drink drink polenta, believe it or not. you drink your milk, I drink my polenta, let's see who live longer.
cereals in the second mention is buckwheat. Why mention buckwheat ? Now many people are called buckwheat? they do not know, I know burgers. buckwheat contains 18% cellulose, easy to get people to eat buckwheat gastrointestinal cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer is not easy. and we who work in offices, have cancer , colon cancer, many. you want to eat buckwheat?
cereals in the third point is the sweet potato, sweet potato, yam and potatoes. Why? the original it carbohydrate, the absorption of toxins. absorb moisture, lubrication gut, not easy to get cancer, colon cancer; absorption of fat and sugar, not easy to have diabetes; absorption of toxins, less prone to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. I surveyed in the United States, the United States to eat potato is to make it into a variety of pastries, eat less. want people to eat more potatoes, the staple food in the can with a potato.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hebei District, Tianjin, Primary Education and the Yueya He is defraud money and how to use zoning and building regulations ...

 Hebei District, Tianjin, Primary Education and the Yueya He is defraud how to use money
illegal construction around the school was established in 1995 Yueya He was still open, Hebei District, River Road Primary School, formally called the Yueya He later primary .1996 This school was built in a row of houses for lease Men Lianfang. As rental prices are high, higher than the street at the other Men Lianfang. no one tenant. The school was explained that the other is a private ride Luangai Men Lianfang The illegal structures, suggesting they are not private schools take Luangai Men Lianfang of illegal buildings. because the school presented the format of leasing terms on the   【schools have school management department is of the school management authorities consent of Hebei Education Bureau】 the words, so very confusing.
We were preparing to feed their own business stationery, you need to protect legitimate Men Lianfang security and stability operations continue. so easily believe that the school's pack of lies, was higher than the piece of Street prices of other Men Lianfang Men Lianfang lease the school, in exchange for future security and stability operations continue. However, we rented a bomb ready to explode ---- Men Lianfang schools is illegal buildings!! < br> According to their superiors ordered the school to take a one-year contract means that you can rent at any time up, they can pass the risk on us, the lessee.
2000 年 schools in the street covered in addition to Men Lianfang Men Lianfang other law enforcement agencies have been dismantled, it now appears likely, Hebei District School Board was a lot of work to do, got to keep the school's Men Lianfang. be sure to keep the school is not to protect the tenant Men Lianfang family business interests, not for the country to create more employment opportunities, but to keep Men Lianfang this money-making tool.
2005 signing of the contract when the school began to pay the higher authorities to identify the grounds of the contract, the contract does not give us a text .2007 began not only take the rent contract. a contract is actually white sign, signing a contract does not give us the text, signed a one-year contract, terms are given good schools and the Education Bureau, Department of Education fully protect the interests of the school, and pass the risk on the lessee.
2010 年 7 月 school stopped letting Men Lianfang, blew his own Men Lianfang ugly that is illegal buildings. and tried to render the lessee and the law enforcement authorities exaggerated forced removal of illegal construction 3 .9 horror clean up illegal structures Sunday school received notice of the anniversary of the day 918 Incident of the school law enforcement officers removed Maozhao Yu Men Lianfang illegal construction, the lessee caused us irreparable damage!!
laws and regulations can be seen from the following Yueya He has been in Hebei District Primary Education with the help of money by illegal construction fraud!!
of Rental:
(1) Failure to obtain all the warrants;
(2) ruled that the judiciary and the executive law, decided to seal or otherwise restrict the rights of real estate;
(3) Total housing is not to obtain the consent of total;
(4) There are disputes;
(5) are illegal construction;
(6) do not meet safety standards;
(7) have been pledged without the consent of the mortgagee;
(8) does not meet the public security, environmental protection, health and other departments to comply;
(9) the relevant laws and regulations prohibit the rental of the other cases.
lease certain parties this provision to confirm whether the above housing situation, such as have, prior to the above reasons not to eliminate, not lease.
if the land use right for a legal report procedure, and housing have been built and after acceptance, with the conditions of delivery, the house owner did not receive housing ownership certificates in before the rental, and its lease effective relationship.
Party's commitment to property rights in the rental of the house party to ensure that no property rights disputes; addition to supplementary agreements otherwise agreed, the mortgage, mortgage debt, taxes and rent, rental Party were completed before the house. rent after the aforesaid outstanding matters, by the Party accept full responsibility for the The economic losses caused to Party B, Party A is responsible for compensation.
Tianjin rental regulations (amended 2004)
Article rental housing, including residential housing and non-residential housing.
housing has of the following circumstances, shall not be leased:
(a) Failure to obtain housing ownership certificates or other proof of legal ownership;
(b) of the total of houses, without the written consent of all owners;
s twenty-nine need for urban construction, demolition of rental housing, the lease relationship in accordance with the rental contract processing; housing rental contract is not an agreement, according to state and municipal house demolition of the relevant regulations.

Contract Law third parties to a contract have equal legal status, one can not impose its will on the other.
fourth party is entitled to the right of voluntary contract, any unit or individual may illegally interfere.
thirty-ninth, be used form contract terms, the party supplying the standard terms should follow the principle of fairness in rights and obligations between the parties and take other reasonable way to draw attention to waive or limit its liability provisions, in accordance with the requirements of the other party, to explain the terms .
standard terms are the parties prepared in advance and repeated use, and in the conclusion of the contract terms are not negotiated with the other party.
fourth ten standard terms and provisions of Article twelve of the fifty cases of Articles , or the party supplying relieved from its responsibility, adding other responsibilities, excluding the rights of the other party, the clause is invalid.
第四十一条 understanding of the terms of the format dispute, it shall be interpreted according to common understanding. on standard terms There are two or more interpretations, it shall be conducive to the party supplying explanations. standard terms and non-grid strip models inconsistent, non-standard terms should be used.
forty The parties entered into a contract in the course of the following circumstances, cause losses to the other party shall be liable for damages:
(a) entered into a contract under the guise of negotiating in bad faith;
(ii) deliberately concealing important facts relating to the contract entered into or providing false information;
(c) any other act contrary to the principle of good faith.
fifty-one of the following circumstances, the contract avoided:
(a) a party to fraud or coercion to contract, and harming national interest;
(b) malicious collusion are detrimental to the state, collective or a third party;
(c) a legitimate form of cover up illegal purposes;
(d) damage to public interests;
(V ) violate laws, administrative regulations of the mandatory requirements.
第 fifty-three the following disclaimer in the contract null and void:
(a) personal injury caused by the other party;
(II) for intentional or gross negligence property damage caused by the other party.
第 fifty-four the following contracts, the parties shall have the right to request the people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke:
(a) made by a major misunderstanding;
(b) entered into contract unconscionability.
party to fraud,bailey UGG boots, coercion, or exploitation of the other party in case of violation of the true meaning of a contract, the aggrieved party the right to request the people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke.
party requests for modification, the people's court or the arbitration institution may not revoke.
fifth one of the following circumstances,UGG boots cheap, the revocation of the right to destroy:
(a) The parties have the right to revoke the revocation of the subject knows or should know within one year from the date of revocation of the right not to exercise;
(b) has the right to revoke the parties know the cause for cancellation after expressly or by conduct waive the right.
  sixteen invalid or canceled contract beginning is not legally binding contract. contract are invalid, not affect the validity of the other parts remain valid.
fifty-seventh Contractual invalid, revoked or terminated, the contract does not affect the independent existence of the dispute settlement the terms of the effectiveness of methods.
fifty-eighth Contractual invalid or has been rescinded, the property acquired by the contract, shall be returned; can not be returned or the return is not necessary,UGG boots, it should be discounted compensation. party at fault shall compensate the other Therefore, the losses suffered by the two sides are at fault, shall bear their respective responsibilities.
two hundred and fifteenth the leasing period of six months or longer, shall be in writing. the parties are not in written form, as lease from time to time. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

IV-Korean travels the world to spread the Chinese market

 Spread the world,UGG bailey button, China's market.
This is Myeongdong stall,UGG boots cheap, selling the counterfeit goods mmmade in china! Can be frighteningly expensive price. If the South Korean people came to China to understand everything.
I think we should start a National Tourism Board activities to promote our tourism industry,UGG boots, called the

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

UGG flagship store

 So far UGGAustralia into China's first flagship store officially opened the curtain. Then wearing the latest autumn and winter shoes and accessories 08 models debut, the opening reception to a climactic. Night and the winter 08 design concepts passed to the spirit of the brand every corner of the site, so that every guest is brought feel UGG Australia luxury and fashion. while the cold night temperatures, which makes every scene has a pair of guests have a deep understanding UGG Australia boots for the snow to spend What a winter essential. I hope the above description can bring you some of the wear UGG UGG5815 with the proposal when, UGG full monopoly to provide services for your beauty,Ugg boots shoes, to bring the various colors and with absolutely different feeling. Here to view UGG Xiaobian for you to see Monopoly on the streets with carefully selected. UGG5815 because of its thick texture, can set off your legs more slender type, so in the winter is not only a function of choice, but also fashion choice. UGG5815 light blue, Light snow boots like this UGG5815, coupled with a very sweet dress,Discount UGG boots, knitted scarf is just a lovely little woman show style, black stockings and brown is a great mix of snow boots. UGG5815 leopard color, this snow to grab the most attention this year, boots, leopard is not only synonymous with sexy wild, it is equally suitable for individual sweet girl. beige pants long coat and cowboy 5 Fan is very Japanese and Korean children, UGG5815 is the most classic place body . UGG5815 black, for the color of the UGG5815, tight black jeans with black snow boots are not particularly conspicuous, but to highlight the legs, slim lines,UGG boots, soft and hard texture of chiffon skirt with a leather jacket with modern style, showing the unique taste of the wearer.
winter snow boots are this years must-have item, stylish and warm. classic wild snow boots is a model. light brown long-barreled snow in boots,Bailey UGG boots, with a sweater dress, black tights, the overall simple and generous. It boots side down exposing the inside of the plush, looks very cute, but also increase the degree of fashion. As the host of the opening night speech, UGG Australia official opening party start. saying UGG5815 how in the winter with your eyes just hope the city, a wide range of UGG shuttle on the streets full of eyeballs, and a pair of round circle with the brain as a lovely UGG5815 can always grab one of them make everyone's attention, simply do not fancy style, both warm and comfortable, classic ever. In fact, it is not difficult with UGG. Beijing flagship store in the world by the UGG Australia store design director, Mr Anthony Donnelly helm design. an area of one hundred and eighty ten square meters of shops to elegant, fashion, luxury and comfortable style of show people. Here you can feel that Europe is not only fashionable ladies, crazy celebrity fashion design shoes, but customers can choose to order for the Chinese men's shoes , shoes, shoes,UGG shoes, and the upcoming introduction of China's coat, accessories and other products. Chinese traditional lion dance kicked off the activities, UGG Australia is the supreme chief operating officer, Mr. Zohar Ziv, Stella Group (UGG Australia China cooperation partners) Vice Chairman, Mr. Daniel Shih, 2008 Olympic runner-up Miss Xie Xingfang and Movie Star Mr. Yuan Wenkang and together cut the ribbon for the new store opening auspicious lion decorated in red dress in a particularly eye-catching gray, details of the office does not need too much exaggeration, as long as the color choice is very superior, and a little skirt and UGG5815 young and lively mix of outstanding temperament. UGG5815 maroon, like The cashew-colored UGG5815, with brown boots must be the best choice, which is particularly outstanding in a black, red handbag is the finishing touch, but be careful not too obtrusive.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

North Korea upset the Asian Games football tournament team was eliminated last eight in Japan

 Asian Games football tournament team upset: North Korea is out of the last eight
2006-12-07 00:19:23 Japan Source: NEW YORK Zhuangao
the rules of the Asian Games football competition, the first group 6 one and two best runner to get the qualifying eligibility, Japan lost to Korea in the plot after the 6 points, only 1 goal difference, while the other three games ended yesterday, the second group, the Qatar plot 6 points goal difference is 5, Bahrain and Kuwait are 6 points, goal difference is four, so the Japanese would certainly not be the best two team scores the second message

YORK, Dec. Beijing evening of 6 22:15 (local time in Doha evening of December 6th 17:15), the Asian Games men's football group stage match day 3 of the first round of the second game 4 games, upset the Japanese team, 1 - 2 lost 8 in North Korea lost eligibility.
Iran North Korea 2-1 Japan 2-0 India

Hong Kong, China 1-0 2-0 Maldives, Pakistan, Syria

the Asian Games football competition rules, the group 6 and 2 best runner to get qualifying eligibility, Japan lost to Korea in the plot after the 6 points, goal difference only one, and yesterday the other three teams finished the race Second, Qatar plot 6 points, goal difference is 5, Bahrain and Kuwait are 6 points, goal difference is four, so the Japanese would certainly not be the best two scores the second group, which also means the Japanese team has missed the Top 8. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Husband gone (1)

 Give yourself a reason to reprint the story in mm there are too many coincidences, so self-evident truth. But in the end of the story still touched her husband's diary!
Husband has been gone for two days, I also the company took two days to leave, but also significant trend to leave because I do not know when he can come back, I have to wait for him to come back and talk about him, or that I should apologize, for I made these years that is, to my disdain, my stubborn, there is a bitter slap in the face the day before yesterday that hh
  My name is Stuart men, men men. The reason to take such a name because early divorced mother wanted me strong like men, also pinned his mother want to be a man desire, though my mother and I are not men. Stuart, my father had never seen that last name, Because I have not been born when my father left us, left the house hh spite of this, but I could see her mother's eyes are still deeply in love with my father, because I also named Stuart because I always felt her eyes a man's shadow hh
  just like my name, I have a strong heart like a man, age 15, I left the mother of a man, leaving home, boarding schools in Beijing alone, and all things by my own dishes. I remember the day to boarding school, many parents and children cry at the school gate, like the edge of death like that noise, only me, only I was came to this strange place alone, no family, no more tears.
  boarding high school like most people imagine, are the children of the rich, at least I am an exception, the reason I to boarding school because her mother is about to get married, and her grandmother and mother did not want that to be the man that she married a 15-year-old daughter. my mother loved me, now I always think so, but helpless is that she wants to be strong and not just a strong woman, she needs a shoulder, rather than a burden.
  So, I began my one day until I got married, I only met once a mother. boarding school life is hard, because in a big city, in such a set up for the dude's school, a single parent or no pro-poor girl is to be despised, is to be trampled upon, is never taken seriously, is worthless, and this poor girl, obviously, that is me. Each month, I can only receive the book in addition to tuition fees accommodation outside The 179 3 5 gross cost of living, very funny, actually zero, a whole because this money is a fraction of pension grandmother, once heard my mother said that her grandmother is the Security Service the more senior staff, so they will get more than 1000 pension (94 years, when the number of pensions is considerable), and I, her This is life, and I believe in fate, but I will not yield to it!
  study of the road is hard, I went to boarding school in the first semester, I per days of diet never changed is a bread and a bowl of tomato egg soup can not find the eggs, I've always been a person to eat, no friends do not need friends, I only believe in my own efforts, , and my efforts, I learned from an obscure poor girl quickly becoming the first full year, and this, I just spent half a year's time. the second year of school, I was free for a year two thousand tuition and book costs more, but fifteen hundred dollars a year to get a scholarship. but also because of my academic record, a lot of money dude under the parents had forced the poor worthless to me girl down, many of whom gave me the price of 100 two hours let me help them extra lessons, and I just chose a boy I was not very annoying, to his math and English, so every weekend, I will gave him 4 hours of class, he received 200 dollars, he called Gong course, very humble in our class a boy, I was absolutely never thought years later, this man actually became my husband. I still vaguely remember when we first dialogue hh
  It's that simple, and now think I did not hate him because then, perhaps without any spoiled rich kid is his woman stand, simple to learn simply because he was poor, and not like other rich people will get the same Money smashing people! I hate these people! But, I did not because they do not hate him, and he received a penny less, because I know I need the money. After that, I can not find at home to a penny Grandma sent a few times a fraction of that point are returned to me a few months later, the family will never send me any money, of course, I no longer needed. That year, I am less than 16 years old, has been is a self-reliant woman, a strong woman who will not bow to fate, there is no reason, because I am Stuart M!
  Gong contingent was a strange boy He is very rich, he could never spend money. that he was very rich due to a teacher to help students fill out the registration, when the unit to see his parents and job
  Name: Gong Jiong and my relationships: parent-child unit: XX Group Beijing Office Position: General Manager
  Name: Duan Ran and my relationship: mother and child units: XX Law Firm Position: Legal Counsel
  his mother's firm I do not know, but his father's company I've ever heard, if I did not estimate correctly, his family monthly income of at least more than 20 million, the economic situation at that time , he is undoubtedly a noble family! and turned his eyes to Gong course, summer is always a washed out jeans, a do not know why the back of a piece of red stained white T-shirt, while the winter actually be able to see him every few days to run around wearing a military coat hh his life almost makes me think he was not born in one such family, and even many times that I, a poor girl actually feel his life is very tight. but Despite so, the class no one look down on him because he is the first in our class is the BMW car to take home the boys. I remember the first time I saw that the BMW car, 95 years Dec. 31, the reason is clearly remember that day was the day happens to be the birthday of course Gong, his father went to school to pick him birthday, very strange to say, I was 79 years born January 1, and he is 78 years in December 31 students, birthdays seem to only a thin one, but as bad a year.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lamented that her old - glamorous drop Fuk Wo

 Long time no update blog, and really incompetent, Kazakhstan, too laid-back days off recently, even the computers have omitted the October 31 is my birthday, had a fairly happy birthday, neighbors, and us in winning a pair of off to dinner to celebrate the .10 was  30 early in the morning I went to Qingdao,Bailey UGG boots, the purpose is to see when my college friends, she and her objects play in Qingdao, but not as a matter of time to see me in Jinan, we can only sacrifice their own time, but worth it. It was my best friend back home in 2004 after graduating from Urumqi, the summer saw the first, but after two and a half years, really rare opportunity. I think both of us is a fate, or Every time she play, can get together, chat, fun, talk about the past. friends soon graduate school, still looks so pure, high retention rates is still a beautiful drop in to see my own graduation, there is no work What sense of accomplishment. Maybe a change of the incident,bailey UGG boots, date back to the park slide .31 Jinan, in fact, however, and she spent less than two hours, but it is worth. In the afternoon there was a bit unhappy, I think perhaps the result of my own too impulsive . night, birthday, over and over again unlucky to Pizza Hut. I love the beauty of my neighbor,UGG shoes, two years younger than me, good character,UGG bailey button, super cute. my computer USB interface to a problem, so fix a salad made her pile, superb Ha! heap hard to eat salad all the remaining four, alas, wasted. would also have to prepare 8 from 6:00 to eat a meal such as tea and then Kuanghe Unfortunately, space is limited stomach helpless and had to leave. evening Comparing playing crazy, did not go to bars, did not go to disco, did not go to K song, but play the game. to play before the four of us also play for a long time played meter drop bumper cars, quack, Happy Child-giving drops! dance My stupid machine can jump 3 feet, 4 I started to absolutely overwhelmed, out of the back to see us drop Qiuzi people laugh. Nevertheless the absolute nature of man and woman are different from video games to tell which of the drop different. the kind of more intense drops are playing video games I play do not come, do not know the function of brain cells in the normal operation of drops is not enough, but the game is to play drums better than men drop drop more. but also a waste of time to waste drops fast! However, I experienced intense exercise more certain I am old, except that day is a really old age, there is extremely weak. The most focus is the game face that there younger than me, hum!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Waiting for the broader market continued consolidation boots landing

 News of last weekend, more calm, and there is no such regulation of the introduction of interest rate expectations, making the fear of the current concerns in the broader market pessimism has eased into. But although the stabilized stabilized group index stocks, but in the interest rate expectations is unclear policies case, the index is only a temporary set short-term support, and further substantial strengthening of the time is still too early. Therefore, I believe that the broader market this week will continue the upward trend of consolidation slight concussion.
the immediate term, the excess liquidity and inflation pressure grim situation, management did not raise interest rates as soon as possible regulatory expectations. It is also further observed that the management of economic dynamics. because of the macro data just released shows that while prices high and CPI values,UGG bailey button, but the economic growth rate has slowdown, the industrial added value down slightly, the momentum has started to ease the overheated economy, and the recent stock market nosedive unilateral volatility does not conform to the intent to prevent the stock. In fact, the delay rate hike expectations, is not conducive to the rapid transfer tape strong, because in the end of the so-called policy of not proven,UGG boots cheap, the market is difficult to build a successful short-term bottom. Although the early results of macro-control a little show for the current economy,UGG boots clearance, but control policies such as raising interest rates will continue to be hung up on the market Moke Aires sword, which would make the trillions of dollars of funds can not market the sidelines, leading to the weak stock index continued consolidation. But the policy can only control short-term changes in the market can not reverse the decision by the fundamental factors long-term market trends. In the demographic dividend, consumption upgrading and urbanization driven by other factors, has not shaken the foundation of the bull market.
At the same time, this week will be split more than just funds, index below the 5,000 points that clearly Youkong trap, with the attitude of quietly changing the policy side, the market outlook is expected to slow recovery of investor confidence. However, earlier this week, nearly a quarter of the weight of the stock index into the oil will index, the stock's performance and the index for blue-chip group brings the direction and impact should be closely watched.
in operation on the one hand, equity futures, venture capital and the military, and other highlights of the subject matter of investment, it is short-term mining . On the other hand,UGG shoes, subject to market the release of systemic risk was victimizes the investment value of the plate with growth stocks is expected to occur too far in the investment opportunities, such as commercial and real estate. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ten Lectures on the traditional Chinese tea ceremony

 Look at a record, according to the Western Jin Dynasty was the first poem: ; the word namely: water, pulp (long drink), sweet wine (sweet wine), cold (water cocktail), medicine (concoction), elixir (porridge),UGG boots clearance, ;, Zhang set out as a poem like the finishing touch to the status and popularity of tea was the extent to let the world at a glance.
shows spades and sickles in that era, sunrise, getting up to go out to do farm work, farm work is not more or no, then take the square free; the sunset and go, go to bed,UGG boots, which is Left to do. Therefore, one can spend a lot of time on the day to follow a popular thing to have easily become a tea the public is an important way of daily life, and the tea party, tea party in the form of course, also widely popular among the literati.
kissed a bowl run hose.
two bowls of breaking solitary boring.
three bowls of search desperately, only the words five thousand volumes.
Siwan light-Khan, his life unfair things and make the pores scattered.
musculoskeletal Qing Wu Wan.
Liuwan through Faerie. < br> not have to eat seven bowls, the only two axillary breeze breeze students feel.
wait until the Tang Dynasty, when Lu Tong (pronounced tong ,795-835) to write the lyrics to physical and psychological state of feeling and the description of the mind to the extreme, and what, two under to start the next five, five-a Bowl of Tea musculoskeletal all clear that the six Bowl of Tea through fairy, as if carried away into the tea people state, and later when porting seven Bowl of Tea, is immortal, emergence soaring, completely superb, and this completely the spirit of improving the taste of tea. can be said that a few lines of poetry on the popularity of tea culture, dissemination of tea culture, as well as after the sustained development of Chinese tea culture, directly play a role in fueling.
drink out of the essence, so that from a pot of tea rooms and elegant fragrance curl into the sky, space and time full of Zen, which reflects the Zen tea, when the last out of a sense, the so-called tea to to Why here?
said: said: Well. The master said: from the world-famous arch bridge about three kilometers, door to visit the famous Zen master Zhaozhou, ask for advice from recite the Zen Master.
when the Temple will be the Control Yuan to the two monks recite the Zen Master from the front, from the Zen master will recite asked one monk, > Then, turning to another monk from the Zen master is still recite asked the same question, the monk replied: , leading to the two monks came around Zhaozhou Master Control Yuan exceedingly confused, surprised, and asked for came up from the Zen master recite: tea to go? extremely common at first glance, but in this most common casual discourse, but bear with it not affect the Zen master from the equality recite the heart, is called New, or the main hospital, are not class distinction or distinction, we can see cause deep tea and Buddha, also rich in aesthetic thinking, aesthetic, aesthetic artistic sentiment.
say a Chinese tea culture, tea ceremony, the father of Ran (about AD 713-804), Su Xing Xie, word clear day, is the Southern Song Landscape poet Xie Lingyun X. great-great-grandson, is the most famous monk in Tang Dynasty, tea monk. He has a first Wing Yan Kai Ming, the gold mining Cuan Jinding bud.
bisque color misty snow Mo Hong, Ho Sin Joan may all core plasma.
washed away sleep soundly for a drink, mind sees the world.
then drink clear my God, like showers dampening the dust.
third sip, moral, why fret about troubles.
lofty world Mozhi this matter, people drink more than self-deception.
Zhuo finished reading room nights urn , laugh the next time to Tao Qian Lei.
meaning sip endless Cui Hou, Poets an amazing ear.
Shuzhi Seoul really the whole tea ceremony, only Danqiu so.
poem between the lines, one introduces the origins of tea, tea shape, set of tea utensils and tea vivid metaphor of the Dwelling Place Joan core material; two statements tea, a drink of people wake up, drink and Manner, three drinks can be attained That is really happy tea head. finally start on the tea, the tea is very respected position, setting aside the wine did not say that the wine is not the taste, drink to drink is not self-deception, and attend to all real-pao of tea, fairy Danqiu child is through the emergence of the tea ceremony and enlightenment.
visible, leading a poor life in Youyanjiangcu tea, tea, open seven things naturally become one, this is due to the popularity of tea, but also people need or want used, if used, such as consumption of tea also so that there can be no tea, just the thing to quench their thirst,UGG bailey button, the simple distinction between good and bad tea, in the Red Chamber in there after tea Miaoyu said: ; a cup of goods, two cups is thirst Chun Wu,cheap UGG boots, drink three glasses of cow mule is a drink. is br> As the tea things activities generally started tea things of the places have continued to increase, communication of and continue with the traditional rituals, so that the tea and self-cultivation, aesthetics, combination, and with the tea of the increasingly sophisticated, increasingly rich, tea Ceremony of Tea, and also the performance of other forms of tea, Chinese religions, such as Buddhism, in particular, tea ceremony for the start line, the temple not only enhance the tea ceremony, tea things the aesthetic realm of activities, also contributed to the popularity of Buddhist of the law; not promote the dissemination of tea culture, but also directly promote the popular Chinese tea culture flourished.
The nature of the thing, you can see the nature of enlightenment, and the , a bright moon in a pot enter a new period of historical development, cultural exchange and cultural output, China's tea culture can increase the height of a strategic opening to the world, harmony in China, tea culture, harmony, the spirit of promoting Chinese tea culture has a particular importance in the contemporary meaning, heart, tea flooding smell of fish, tea health gas to tea than bad gas, tea Lee Li Ren, tea tables respect to tea taste the taste of tea to keep the body, with tea to elegant heart, tea feasible Road. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rarely have a sense of balance in life

 Way of life, there are always a lot of rain and rough.
Has been said, unhappy things in life, nine out of ten.
Indeed, there are too many things in life can not comply with our wishes.
In our life, and death from other students who also unavoidable.
departure, and the most worrying thing.
feel dejected, Duwusiren mood may have had it for each person.
However, the end of the walk is to go, who can not keep.
as young as not to leave the old boy.
Life is a process, the outcome will be what we are unable to grasp The.
beautiful scenery along the road side, would not have worried.
gone through, that is, that side of the edge.
that passing scenery, just to enrich your life experience.
In fact, for many people, not to cherish the people around,
live in painful memories, it is not necessary.
live in a day is the most painful memories, so that you never not quite happy.
as an ordinary person can live a lifetime, but more than thirty thousand days.
and your companion can keep only the most valuable, can stay forever in a day,
it is You should treasure the most, that is your happiness, you rely on.
colors of the rainbow is beautiful, if only a single color, there would be no way the United States.
life, too, more color, there are ups and downs with weather it will be rich.
wind and rain for the ups and downs of life, maintain a calm, relaxed sense of balance right.
as a good mood every day, brilliant.
Yan in the poem as if to say:
such as the color of sunlight.
the color of the sun is shining.
so, or have forgotten it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3D radiant mystery mystery

 3D radiant mystery mystery mystery mystery
radiant glory of your fame and fortune were greedy,
labor Jun Guimai sound heartbroken.
The eve of a glorious Asagiri Xia,
Fan Qing Huai very birds turn.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Past and Present photo comparison Korean stars (b)

 Pure ep still
(MBC No. 19 actors), pure image of her in July 1997 stood in the a deep impression. 12 years later, in January 2009, ep again in the > 20 years of money to create tolerance and not the old myths
44-year-old South Korean actor much tolerance can be described as representative of the beauty actress, she adopted since 1985 KBS's nearly 24 years. Currently, she is KBS2 TV on Wednesday, four-play tolerance and in 1988 in the TV series Despite the vicissitudes of life after age 21 years,cheap UGG boots, money and tolerance, and that the skin is still delicate and elastic as the year, downright envy (lower picture).
Lee Mi Sook 30 years is still a beautiful smile, even years
change, time passage of time, debut actress Lee Mi Sook 30 years older but still gives the feeling of beauty still.
Lee Mi Sook in 1979 with wrinkles, but a beautiful smile and grace remain. or even a lot of people say today, Lee Mi Sook more beautiful. perhaps, is more mature for her brilliant acting.
Lee Mi Sook with perfect transformation. Before Lee Mi Sook mainly play the role of urbanization domineering. but this time she was with a thick accent, dialect and outspoken dialogue, freely realized the skill of their performances. Lee Mi Sook, said: played again in YANG Ji r like l this role, and now I have a mother, they were able to show more real. ; as long as they have recently read KBS2 drama the audience's attention. Lianpian and rolled his tongue drunken laugh out loud scenes of people lying on the ground on his back can not believe she is performing Shique not had a drink, superb acting by the audience alike.
1999 Kim Min Ji through the idol drama writer Lu Xi Jing (sound) writer of the drama acting.
Hanen Zhen play Joseon scientists
starred in the film r, I will never forget. people, but their inner world view, there are very cute side, so I'm attracted to the role. The film br> is (KBS two sets, 2004),
Parental love, abandon her sister's daughter mm adoptive parents, grown up, which bear the difficult to get rid of the guilt. playing the theme.
Jin Zhixiu by playing the completely immersed in the role where, until now she has not fully get out. Jinzhi Xiu TV broadcast in the banquet held after the tears, said: TV drama After they have starred in In the SBS drama No one to help her take care of the child, the father let his wife take blind children to help her take care of the child's story. The play, Ministry of drama with comedy.
Lian Gemini in late 2006 with the cosmetic surgeon Tomás (sound) became husband and wife, and in January last year, gave birth to a beautiful daughter. she play in the process of filming , the drama off screen to experience the mother's hard work.
1992, the ICAC Gemini to enter the Miss Korea runner-up as entertainment, and filming of the debut Zu Wang barren courtyard Before the words of the director Jin ZM said. , I feel that he is a man of character guy, they decide to open.
Lee Jun Ki with the film The real actor time British Gas break out of the Unlimited favor.

Jin Jinghua Jin Jinghua City aloof girl turned up a sinister people to not hate women, went to the front of an audience. She MBC on Monday, two TV series, interesting animal in nature - Heritage Hall staff Chu Yin Wang (sound). with the previous image of bold and arrogant different, Jin Jinghua funny to show a slight exaggeration, to good at the interpreted penetrating, takes away people's eyes and ears.
Jin Jinghua Li Chenghuan 2000 by singer starred in the MTV Snow White (Dyadya Vanya) (2006), the musical smile smile, captured the hearts of countless viewers. It is said that King Yuan usually likes to cook. He also joked: Shing Chan affirmed that he Second Theatre thriving.
grant to Yuan in 1997 through the MBC youth idol drama Mr Bottom . Shen Minya's sweet smile and graceful image of the much loved,UGG boots cheap, can be said that the extraordinary personal charm, but the only drawback is that the disappointing box office star in the works.
she starred in the movie Sad Movie, 2005) and their own unique charm. The cure she took on with the box office, Guo said the director in the capacity of 3-year long absence, the audience a century ago
Kim Yeon back screen. Kim So Yeon from 2005 starred in TV series was first broadcast on June 17. 1,2 broadcast focused on the day, Kim So Yeon superb acting and excellent handling lines, won the audience. Kim So Yeon himself acting on his own satisfaction, said: shaping the role of general people feel too sharp, so not quite satisfied. The mother watched premiere, too, and I said a big difference before. . Then she starred in the the pain to return to the screen.
Guo Jin Young in 1992 in the MBC drama However, the eyes closed as a result of surgical complications is not fine, all the performing arts has been interrupted.
Guo Jin Young appear on a cable television programs last year,UGG boots clearance, a period of time to reveal the pain inside. She said that due to plastic surgery complications, although they accepted a few surgeries, but still not cured, once even got autism, so that people around whom all lament. It is reported that surgeon was responsible for the suicide. Guo Jin Young will be 4 next month, cable channel MBC Every1 TV series women.
pure sweet, pleasant child Lee Da Hae
into a sweet distress. Lee Da Hae playing in the play, Love to make a choice, is expected to cause, love double harvest.
Lee Da Hae in Korea in 2001, the local beauty pageant competition 2004? KBS2), by virtue of Hello, Miss > upcoming Saturday (24) documentary broadcast section , casually wrapped in a shabby climbing, both men and women will inevitably say, scene, has touched many people.
as an international child support agency with the documentary film star, director and actors often strained, and even broke up. However, Cha In Pyo people, and I feel for goodness, we still maintain friendly relations. Form 1993 through the husband and wife, once a hot topic. through his TV series teachers (Zzang) > In 1983, just 17 years old gold shining like the screen like a comet in general. her appearance though not beautiful, but the sight of the right eyelid wide eyes and innocent face, can feel the fullness of her full . this feeling from her work on the role of every perfect interpretation.
gold love with Arts and superb color became the top star.
career, however she was at its peak in 1996, married to high-tech entrepreneur Li Canzhen, the world would burst into an uproar. Although married and had two gold love children, and the screen say goodbye, but after a few years back, she did not stop performing on the road, through the , demonstrating the mature sound acting.
gold love has always been dedicated mainly played the role model for women.
her Housewives strong, deeply touched the audience. She appeared side by side with Cha In Pyo's a 180-degree turn, successfully changed the game way. In the famous TV series applause.
addition to acting now the fire of pure gold like clear, but also highlight the 40-year-old woman became a beautiful charm of the actor. her clothes and even underwear all in a middle-aged women catch up with fashion trends, this phenomenon is sufficient to prove that she's beautiful.
King loved the beauty of hard to believe that she has passed Buhuozhinian, and even allows her to perform blazing passion of love, in front of her middle-aged actress also has limitations argument The self-defeating the.
) in the Park Eun Hye, Kim tied the knot at home on April 29 embarked on a week-long honeymoon trip to the Maldives.
Park Eun Hye since 1988 through the movie The outstanding appearance has been cause for concern. Since then, she starred in the film drama Last year, the popular Park Eun Hye Hoon Lee, one of the costume drama directed Youyi, , is ushering in the heyday of the cause of the second.
end of last month, Hyun KBS2 new costume drama in With the popularity of accumulated into show business stories'd everywhere, but it is from Hyun has a petals Since 2001, with Lee Byung-hun, Choi Ji Woo starred in SBS drama side by side, active as a singer, showing that as many ambitious artists habitat.
Hyun on March 5 this year, China released its first Chinese album, become charismatic.
the fame. She even hosted his own talk show, named for its eloquence smart, beautiful appearance and personality acting as the coexistence of beauty and wisdom of a new era synonymous with women.
In particular, she achievements on the screen is stare tongue. from a record 65.8% highest rating episode of loved by the majority of the audience.
However, the results on the screen is not ideal. Although starred in and so many films, but failed to bring more honor for her.
While the size of the screen to display their fists in Licheng Juan, the bad luck also door. Licheng Juan duck to water in their careers in 1998, due to illegally obtained driver's license storm events, making her not appear for some time on the screen.
pure talent
2000 Park Ji Yoon variety show (left), 2007 (right) > Park Ji Yoon versatile artist who is still emitting a pure atmosphere.
1994 年 Park Ji Yoon advertising by virtue of a confectionery company entered the entertainment business, and in 1997 the song whirlwind. Park Ji Yoon has a reminiscent of the comic book hero the innocent beautiful appearance and graceful posture. continue to challenge themselves, she then began to get involved in the screen, for their own and add a new image.
starred in TV series by Park Ji Yoon LOST spark the development of the lovers get any cooler, so add another image of a happy woman.
after Park Ji Yoon also displayed photographs,UGG shoes, etc., show the diverse talent. In addition, she and JJM co-produced TV series broadcast, viewers can once again enjoy the pure image of their long absence.
Kim Ha Neul beautiful face remained unchanged
Photo = Yonhap smiling eyes and charming smile.
Earlier this year, starring Kim Ha Neul tasted his own TV series Sunshine meteoric rise. And, also, and together the top stars Kwon Sang-woo star in the film Casual dress is more prominent fresh out of the lively side. she looks beautiful but more refreshing than ever before, attracted all eyes.
Kim Ha Neul in 2000 starred in the TV series, the image, then revealed a dignified and elegant beauty. shawl long hair, bright smile, fully able to see as the new actress like that kind of fearless momentum.
Sun Taiying have exposed innocent sexy smile soft Xiaoyan Sun Taiying
actor very attractive. She played last year, Thai English Miss Korea in 2000 after being elected, to go into the entertainment industry and widely known. her drama with the .
recently, she was taken to London Revi of MV, was a world-class visual experts praised as Thai British cut a short hairstyle than before, some of cheek fullness, swing-up position in front of the camera to look younger.
contrast, Miss Korea in 2000 after the shooting contest, she has been using pretty , sexy look to attract the eye.
the ultimate development of pure sexy Jeon Ji Hyun trapped inside
both from the film 10 years as the star. then started going to a row of Jun Ji-hyun is how are we doing?
photo = Korean daily data model in 1997 as a first set foot on the entertainment magazine's Jun Ji-hyun, the beginning student is taking the extraordinary image of line . less attention to attract the audience of a sudden outbreak of factors.
1999, however, by a Techno (Techno dance) advertising to establish its sexy image, became a hot star.
reminiscent from the musical Zhixian flush half the globe in the movie Jun Ji-hyun after another filming of to achieve the desired results, response flat.
photo = Korean daily information on the film Jun Ji-hyun failed to achieve the desired effect, but as the star of the top advertising products that do speak frequently to display the image of sexy and capable. However, Today, people sick of the criticism of its image voices.
photo = Korean daily data can be passed her next film out of
1995 and 2007 Jade Su Lee (left) recently, Yu Ri and her husband divorced Puzhe storm hit the entire entertainment industry.
Yu 1987 as a prime benefit of cosmetics into the entertainment endorsers After frequently offer excellent work on the screen and screen, the actor became a smash hit.
1996 years, Yu Ri, and the same age married actor Puzhe. married 11 years, the couple has been known as the entertainment circle model couple. However, Yu Ri has ignited rumors of extramarital affairs, this was a good marriage finally a stop. even heard of the disappearance of Yu Ri trail of rumors, making this a divorce storm intensified. < br> in April this year, SBS Radio program profile is still seductive, but with a slight smile, the vicissitudes of life.
addition, in 1995 starred in SBS drama and vitality. and casual drawn to the hair, and pressing her youth.
Han Chae-young devil is still
thing in her chic short hair with straight jeans dress, as always exudes glamor.
2000, she had straight hair shawl, wearing a cleavage looming T-shirt, highlight the healthy beauty. was indeed 20 years of age, appear to be more delicate than it is now and vibrant, gives a visual lure.
Sung Yuri cute girl to the men from the Woman
br> Sung Yuri 4 as a combination of Pin.KL female member of the activities, she and Lee Hyo Ri's most popular.
small and exquisite appearance and her body has attracted numerous male fans. But compared with the concert, Yoga is more conducive to love of performing into 2002, members of the first challenges in Pin.KL acting, starred in the costume drama Crown Prince's First Love, Taiwan TV drama shining eye and gorgeous martial arts to attract viewers.
2001 into a year or Pin.KL members Yuri simple and lively image of both delightful.
Jin Nanzhu Do not let the fans waiting too long
1992 beauty contest winner in 1994 with Jinnan Zhu TV series its own unique charm of the city luxury, won a high popularity.
2001, she with capable and experienced professional women passing fad, a leading fashion actor.
After that, only appearance in the ad Jinnan Zhu and carry a

Dayo Wong

 Thank you ... ... I again remind you, just now, we have heard to the prior statement, hey you have something to say? Still have to donate organs? Friend or other friends are on the phone, BP machine it, within the two seconds it finished quickly, last night we have about 64 kidney, 38 heart donate a total ah, hope that tonight not such a situation.

someone told me before I played, he said, many people wear tonight to a very beautiful, I know that many people is the first time, because if you see me (show) you know, look at this show it is very casual, like I do all right, you see, I know Well, I would like to ask, are there any really the first time to see me, let me hand you a little pat know ... ... very much, I think you are bold, you do not know what comedy is, and you have the guts to buy a ticket in to see, do you think comedy, a joke it? Comedy is not joking ah you that comedy is that some very horrible things, and slowly sit down, because the next terrible thing to say, I'm afraid you do not sit down for a while you will be scared to go out .

above last year there was a TV ad, a group of children playing a train, a Some people may ask some very strange: from the ground ah? No one asked in Hong Kong, only I asked, I pass on to say the truth, the truth about this ad, you, in making this ad, when one of their children, just like I do all day, asked: Hey, this train, round and round I'm here for so long, what is where, ah? asked the children to follow: Q: This is the ad you the truth, I know why, because I played this game when I was young, still being played, I know, ah, you all ask people: where to go ... hate to follow is to recruit people too, but I is not quit. I was very young to have learned that no matter what you are playing, no matter how fun, useless, because the only thing comes to an end soon, it is important that the finish off, after followed the go. Over the past 6 years, I always participate, but I just can not quit. I was very young to have learned that no matter what you are playing, no matter how fun, useless, because the only thing comes to an end soon, it is important that the finish off, after followed the go. Over the past 6 years, I always joined a tour, I would like to participate, but no one is willing to accept me, why? Because I joined the League, I will not ask what their schedule, I will ask him: as soon as I board will be the driver, said: told me that he would not answer, or he does not know where to go, every time we hear those who went to the funeral of relatives and friends in a loud shout: Perhaps he is still very fun place to go.

But Haowan is useless, really, I do like the show tonight, actually quite good fun, but I'm not very nervous, my most intense was mapped out where to go, Hey, do not think that Haoxiang ah think I am immoral, I'm not,bailey UGG boots, I did not like his performance, I see other people's performances are like this, I went to see someone else's concert, I will keep asking friends next to: over, along with where to go ah? , kin ah, we might have our friend is not familiar, in fact, he is not passed Taiwan's development in Hong Kong, it is now very, very popular Taiwanese singer Emil Chau I tell you, that is, a singer like you or something like it, you concert was shouting , you can rest assured, my performance today, there is no ah, 15 minutes, I take a break.

I really that attractive? Nonsense of you clapping? Lazy ah you, I'll think about watching the show, along with where to go, think about it, are there any friends think, you think give a show of hands, are there any, ah, to ask the lady: After tonight's show, want to go where ah? took to the streets it is not it, so, I on behalf of the kenwood it, send it diskman to you is thank you all have thought I called to follow where, although a bit on the lazy, there are also interested in Which think, ah, ah man named who made Carol Cheng, Carol Cheng I certainly will not ask you, you are too easy to get your own things, that beauty ah, too easy to get what you want, and want to be very easy to get, so I consider asking one, and ask you well you? Is it because early immigrants back to the motherland, ah for the last point, why? New Territories is really not there, I joke, but do not, do not blame her, a lot of games I have tried many people for this diskman irrational, but the lady still want to thank you, be thought about, you may live in New Territories, and other areas to drive carefully, ah, I have one last, are there any man, if not say that I am eccentric, it really do, uh ... uh ... this guy is the man with a look : where ah? (Kara OK a) okay, go to karaoke OK after that? (Bed) you kind of smile you smile once again pass on to listen to, so cute ... ... have been to Kara OK to go home to sleep, the normal situation, I as well. But the home woke up,UGG shoes, I again ask myself: ? So last year, my friend advised me: live and work, he would not ask all day long 'followed where ah', like him. All the relatives and friends are complaining because they know by the day, I would for a room that is meant by that day no matter what problems they encountered, I will not help them, the day my parents told me to clarify my god they just, that food, clothing, food and clothing can also be discussed later, the line ah live in that respect, especially for the room I was out of discussion, and the day I do not think the family, the only addition to Uncle also came said to me: br>
buy a house is a very pleasant experience, but fortunately, I bought the set is not an ordinary house ah you, I bought the house is designed with a theory of relativity, the worse it, what does theory of relativity is that , that space is not absolute, and a space, it might have more than more than one area, my house is it, is to have a space of two areas, one called the utility area, called a construction area, some say, the whole theory of relativity Only a few people understand the world only, I now know that a few people, in addition to Einstein, the is ah Zhengyu Li Ka-shing group of property developers with ah ... uh ... I think they are really good, that the church property What we called the theory of relativity, but also taught us the use of relativity in everyday life. People we used to laugh we would say: opposite sides of the ... uh ... I'm sorry, construction area of it! not ugly, but you just face is not very practical, nose and Taiwan too ah you know? Hey do not say this, really ... ... laughter is always a bad thing to others, made their own wrong thing.

I'll take you back to my home to see my house it really do, for example, now I stop here is my living room, here is the toilet, this is the kitchen, ah no, here is another Oh ... the kitchen ... here is my kitchen, then returned to the living room, we like it or not ah? I know some will say: toilet ah ah ah bedroom are a part of the living room, which room do you have there is a toilet? I stood on the toilet, I will when the rest of the house is a part of the toilet, wow I have a living room bedroom kitchen toilet Yeah, I really think my house is not small, It taught me what is Heaven, is a part of all is equal, all equal in fact only part of what a lot faster, I stood toilet,cheap UGG boots, wash your hair I can ... uh ... ah, bath ah, uh ... ah ... watching TV, like the two can even be fried dishes, I think I set the house is not small, is simply too great, especially when you consider that I am a person living, that in the What do the room, usually a person is sitting, that if your ass is not too large, usually once sat finish, this is my problem, I actually in the house, I knew very expansive, but I do not know how to use.

my neighbor is not the same Chen Chen, simply use her house ... building area is used up, she took to the streets every day to catch her daughter, those stairs ah, the Fire Road ah, spent, her daughter is very smart, never cried to go home, only against the mother, said: Mr. worse, he felt his house, is simply Observatory, is the price of the Observatory, day, house prices rose a little bit, you will hear constantly in the room he shouted: Well, house prices fell a little point, you at least call all day to listen to him dozens of times: it's falling, my English is not very good, do not say something like that, that is, down, OK?

uh ... I have not used ... but I do not like people are not allowed to speak English, did not call, do not know with a construction area, every day I would sit in the house, and that the best ... ... the most capability, that is sitting there looking at those, I was no furniture, nothing in the space, so a while to see it, I will attack the disease in Hong Kong, I would fall asleep, yeah , we know this is Hong Kong people's disease? Nothing to say, we looked at a particularly attractive room, watching more than 15 minutes, we'll fall asleep, hey you have not seen any one person, can not bring any publication, you can go to the bathroom for? I have never seen over the past ten years, everyone is: hey ... ... ... ... take care and a willing to go? Because he knew what he was looking into the toilet and nothing, nothing particularly attractive to look at a space, a look at more than 15 minutes, he would fall asleep and social climate in Hong Kong today, you were asleep on the toilet it is difficult to be friends welcome. Also, ah, we think, we in Hong Kong on why no one can do astronauts into space, ah, why? Because you go into space, wow space, nothing to see for a while and fell asleep, with the number of hold back those 15 minutes, looking at nothing, can not sleep, the most amazing things happen.

some of you will remember for a long time you have not thought about things, if you are you will remember Li Ka-shing: . vision. When I was little, that happiness is what happiness means so I will grow up, there are houses, house sitting room, living room is not Heaven, is a pure pure pure living, happiness, right? The living room then there are sofa, couch it can take ... ... to sit four people, happy, right? classes that I will be very happy about every day, around the sofa to sit it, sit down and then I smell it ... ah well Hong ah, guess what? Yeah my wife, is cooking ah, happy, right? That this time, my wife would wear a kitchen apron, came out from, is ah, I think my wife must wear aprons, aprons do not wear my wife is not abiding by the Women, I my wife will come out, and then, and then bring them to me for slippers, wow ... ridiculous, right? hey pair of leather slippers, ah, must be leather slippers, that is, the kind that is cover their feet, so I'll give my children and grandchildren used for heirloom, I'm sure he out, Well ... think of me,UGGs, that my wife would take over, chat with me, will ask me: ? Follow it, I would find myself still sitting in the living room with kitchen 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dot handle package Air Jordan 1 Retro Forecast

 Since the recent period,UGGs, Air Jordan 1 have been introducing a variety of wave point set, we see dazzling,UGG boots cheap, dizzying, we now recommend two distinctive grand new, two pairs of shoes are all the green dots pattern,Discount UGG boots, and were white or dark phase contrast. first look at the first pair of Air Jordan Retro 1 Mid in to help re-engraved version of the shoe upper leather bar as a whole is to create a black cow, on suture lines, with outer soles, dots and Trademark Office are dotted green , can also be found in the bottom of the white. The second pair is Department of Air Jordan 1 Phat Low Low help version of the shoe is white leather upper,bailey UGG boots, dotted green costume.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Autumn jacket heat pushing 15, you have your favorite

 Meaningful taste of thousands of birds grid, has been the focus of
autumn and winter collections must have a long version of coats, thousands of birds grid for the long version of the jacket, more extravagance
taste in the streets to lead the new wave! < br> texture to wear comfortable people are very happy to have a more mature
Department of elegance, like a big sister like a single product to an independent firm
very strong personal style Oh!
designed as a single product with half body length did not take off nose □
a try will like
Wearing only a simple basic models, you can see the level of depth and beauty of the overall view
will become attached to waist chain with light
neat trousers or skirts are suitable!
refreshing favorability up double-breasted bandage is the secret!
GET beautiful curves and elegant at the same time sense & a sense of
wash chain both romantic,UGGs, want to wear it every day!
also super warm coat in accordance with card baby!
cold weather, the coat began selling
and colder after a period of selection is the key courses jacket for warmth and cute style
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friends now!
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kingly yo!
very texture of the suit jacket
stressed shoulder line and cut to fit around his waist, small waist even more gorgeous folds increase the overall ratio of waist and the material
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use woolen piping and other leather buttons and a unique sense of fashion elements emphasized
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angle collar, wrinkle L-pockets,UGG shoes, getting wide sleeves and back fold design
scale is really not called classic!
double-breasted jacket is an annual winter indispensable, so that at least three coats become worn!
sweet and romantic images of Scotland with a thin wool material
distribute your noble qualities like moving!
Hooded leave two designs, the perfect
handsome romantic feelings show put on her favorability increased by hundred percent absolutely!
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been spread in the retro this years autumn and winter,bailey UGG boots, always put it down!
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Thursday, November 4, 2010


 Management syllogism: First, write down your thought. Second, write down as you do; third is to write down the things done Ms.


first President to be solemn, calm, must not be frivolous, casual. It is educated, with knowledge of the characteristics shared by women, but also etiquette training requirements. No matter what kind of man with the contacts, and this is absolutely necessary. Some women see the men after the talks so much dancing, enraptured look, no matter for what purpose, is not desirable.

Second, women and men exchanges stronger sense of proportion. Talking about here is simply more sense of proportion to have a certain degree, to the right as well, not too warm,UGG boots cheap, not too cold. Even people who are familiar with, or close relationships, but in public relations, they do not show intimate look, not to others to the feeling of intimacy in order to avoid a wrong impression to others, leaving a bad impression of irreversible .

Third, women are men's care is a natural thing, but must be perspicacious understand men out what rituals or any other purpose, then appropriate treatment according to specific circumstances.

Fourth, the President should be self-esteem, to fair and square, self-improvement, work should not be choosers, Nianqingpachong, casually pushed to the men's heavy work, aversion to men. Ms. men do not easily add to the trouble or create additional burdens, do not casually accept the invitation or dating men, generally it should not dine with the men, but do not let the men pay for dinner, the saying goes, good difficult to digest, there beware adverse consequences.

Fifth, we should Gongsifenming, in the office, during working hours, to dedicate ourselves to handle the public, private matter not at work, and in particular to discuss a personal matter with the men not to be in public. To continuously improve their literacy, culture of professionalism and responsibility, and trustworthiness of the men more exchanges, in the exchanges learn from each other.

sixth, young female, or female college students with the opposite sex to maintain the characteristics of their age, that is simple, natural, generous, lively nature,cheap UGG boots, avoid fraud and posturing. Some young women dressed like their beautiful superior, with the opposite sex to demonstrate artificial, flirtatious look, honest men are hate this practice. Some female students dressed up as lady's appearance, is not commensurate with their status, giving the feeling of sophisticated slick, is not desirable.

dating etiquette in the first, no matter what is the nature of the appointments must be agreed well in advance, a date time and place determined, the final date on the eve of the telephone exchange and then confirm the time and place, and asked understand the routes.

second date the other party if it is requested, the purpose and content is not clear, we must ask what things, what to do to prepare something in advance. If it is their initiative to date requirements, it is necessary to understand the date that the intention of the other party, ask them to prepare in advance what to do with what things make a date in the adequate preparation of the basis, the effect will be better . Meaning if the other party has refused to do reluctantly, make things difficult for each other, there can be politely asked to conduct after the time that is convenient date and apologize.

a make-up method 1, thick make-up, light depending on time, the occasion

2, do not make up in public places

3, before the make-up men do not

4, do not reproach others make

5, do not borrow other people's cosmetics

6, not too much make-up man.

Second, the clothing and etiquette one should pay attention to the characteristics of the times, reflecting the spirit of the times

2, to observe good personal character traits

3, should be consistent with their bodies < br>
three white-collar lady taboo 1, the hair is too trendy taboo

2, such as grass, hair, taboo

3, exaggerated makeup taboo

4, white face, blue lips taboo

5, clothes are too trendy taboo

6, dressed too sexy taboo

7, every day, play > 8 foot

Third, an appointment must arrive at your meeting place, preferably a few minutes early,Bailey UGG boots, if there are any special circumstances of late, an explanation should be made to each other and apologize, please understand each other.Li barber, cut nails, rub polish shoes and the like; if a woman, then, in addition to a good hair cut, they also need some proper wiping lipstick, rub the powder and the like.

short, according to the specific circumstances of the appointment, prepare in advance to adjust to the best state of mind, and make the appointments in a fully prepared on the basis, not only social ten dating both sides not to do ◎ cause people to come to the busy stopping by, even had to go to, should also be completed as soon as possible after retirement; also missed appointments or do not uninvited.

◎ Do not act only gives gifts. Gifts should be proportional to the closeness and concern,UGGs, but in any case, should pay attention to affordable gifts, must not give it away,

◎ Do not willfully compelling, overwhelming, do not shy, low self-esteem from the base.

◎ Do not over-curious about other people's things, repeatedly asking, inquisitive; better not to violate other people's taboos.

◎ Do not fiddle with right and wrong, gossip.

◎ can not ask the others have combined their temper, know that your temper does not fit to everyone, people should learn tolerance.

◎ Do not dress sharp, dirty, have bad body odor. Conversely, too gorgeous costumes, frivolous also angered others unhappy.

◎ Do not hide coughing, belching, spitting, etc., and do not modify their appearance in public.

◎ Do not inter-generational disorder, degree of etiquette should be.

◎ Do not leave without saying goodbye, leaving, the owner should leave, thank the good atmosphere, but also the purpose of appointment to achieve the desired effect.

placed business cards in general, his own business cards are easily put out of place, do not mix it with debris, so when the rush to use, or even get it out ; if wearing a suit, should be placed in the top left pocket cards; if handbag, hand bag can be placed on the site available. Do not put cards in your wallet, the work permit, or even within the pocket, this is a very rude behavior Ya. Also, do not put other people's business cards and put together your own business cards, otherwise, once the panic in the mistake of others as their own business card business card given to each other, which is very bad.

show business card etiquette

(1) in order to produce business cards: business cards though delivery has not too particular about strict etiquette, but also have a certain order. Low-status people are generally people of high status first name cards, name cards men say. When more than one other person, should post higher first pass cards or older persons; or from near to distance delivery, in turn, do not jump so as not to mistake the other side there is a sense of partiality.

(2) to produce a business card etiquette: delivery of business cards to each other, should be smiling, a little bow, watching each other, the cards are facing each other, the thumb and index finger with both hands, respectively, hold the top card corners to give the other party, if it is sitting, standing, or bow should be delivered, delivery can be said that some of the time: In the delivery business card, should not waver or casual look. Show business card should also grasp the opportunity. The original time acquaintance, introduce yourself or someone else to introduce you to produce a business card when; When the two sides talk about more harmonious, expressed its willingness to establish contacts should be present when the card; when the two sides to leave, can easily take his business card and handed the other to show would like to get to know each other and hope to meet you again, so that you can enhance the impression of each other.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Daughter of the country (51)

 Princess Pingyang Li San Niang walked out, taking advantage of the East Yumei and Mana Lisa sleeping these women are left behind a letter the opportunity to leave alone female country song. Wait until the next day with the Mana Lisa East Yumei when they wake up, make breakfast, had disappeared Li San Niang, then sent a man to Li San Niang told her to go live in the camps, the results did not find one, but found Li San Niang left a letter. The people have left Li San Niang Yumei letter to the East, the East Yumei reading the letters, do not feel the tears already face, then gently gave it a Mana Lisa, the Mana Lisa read the whole letter again, his eyes are also out of tears. Li San Niang Princess Pingyang

do not want to stay, but they accept their hospitality, so such an approach. She left in a letter said:

Datang's prosperity, I will do in an ordinary civil people. I was born a man Datang, Datang death is the ghost. This is the reason I leave without saying goodbye. I brought these people to you, I have absolute confidence in you and hope you and the Mana Lisa which came from the West live in harmony and unity that you can survive only through your efforts, you will create a world of your own. I in this bless you. Sincerely, Lee San Niang!

When she write the letter after a man on horseback to return to the Tang Dynasty, in this simple way, Princess Pingyang Tang Li San Niang back then, anonymity, made a common people, she re- have not seen her brother Tang Emperor Li Shimin, and his life is no longer married, have been together for a consort Chaishao tablets. In passing monk Buddhist sutras, daughter of the country, causing chaos when her country, she came to her country, depending on her personal charm and timely adjustment of the daughter of the country's internal contradictions, to quell the civil strife, only to her country to survive, the daughter of the country's history, Lee San Niang Although not been a king, but she is not inferior to her country's contribution to the Margaret and Matilda. In this in passing.

Lee Yu-Mei San Niang's departure hit the East is not small, but they did not delay trip, find a local asked in detail about the route to India, and all have a clear understanding and done all the preparation,UGG boots cheap, preparation departure time, two men caught up with them, specifically asked the two men asked to see the East Yumei, and said something important. Oriental Tang Yumei a person who appears, therefore, there is no alert, the two men met alone, the two men met after the East Yumei, a letter from the arms out to the East Yumei. East Yumei opened it, could not help but surprise, the envelope of the

is not targeted at you, now you their homes, this is not a permanent solution ah, Datang, after all, is your home, here are your footprints, big Tang Guofu people strong, prosperous, and even Wang Bodang have lost your , but he has also been duly punished, Yu-mei come back, there is godfather in, there is a good day for you, in my old bones to assure you that no one dares to bully you, if you insist do not want to go back that there is no way godfather, godfather just want to remind you, you have to Duojia Ti anti-Mana Lisa, you and her, will harm you, she has been in the calculations for you, you look like what, in the desert, take liberties with your woman drive cattle guard, may be you, I Yan Cheng Yaojin Zhibing of you is clear, I am old way men do not like people do, but at that time the boundary of the range in your , I only brought a few people, processes cattle that have the heart does not have the guts, ah, do not you think this is a trap you, to say the Ju Bo likes of Mana Lisa how good you are clear, and may Ju Bo like What is the end as you know, I'm here to tell you one thing, Ju Bo is now like a madman, and urine can not take care of themselves, is a basket case, and now my son lost his arms range cattle, but also do not mind clear, that Mana Lisa know who the next target, she even still in the belly of his own flesh and blood can be removed, Yu-mei, you think ah. godfather Cheng Yaojin.

East Yumei seen letters, heart uneasiness, confusion, she asked the two men said to the messengers: about,UGG boots, say, I thank him for the elderly, said to his old things, I will seriously consider, please take care of his old body. Yu-Mei Cheng Yaojin Eastern

holding letters, but also thought of her time with Lee San Niang, Li San Niang also reminded her to watch a lot of Mana Lisa, and she was wondering in the desert in the medium-range cattle things into camp, he is still very you know cattle drive, the way cattle do not do such a thing, God, I really unfair to process cattle, he would not do it. I was so confused how to, ah, ah godfather, I am really sorry for you ah.

had to deal with the East Yumei on Mana Lisa like the way Bo Ju is very unhappy to do so with no way out, even more disgusted now Mana Lisa, she wanted these people out of Mana Lisa, Tang with his own men to go back, but she thought not, how do I face in the back with it, I go back to past friends, how to face it, well, I still go to India now, to go over my people, but she is now pondering is whether or not and the Mana Lisa westerners together, these people are too sinister, and with no sense of security and they will only be their bread is buttered. Oriental Yumei so undecided, but rather this time, Mana Lisa came to camp, came to the East Yumei, said: and see the Mana Lisa heart there gas, immediately exclaimed: Today, the East Yumei is how she always treat people very friendly, never any one of us sent a temper, Mana Lisa my heart just could not help think of two people, two men must be the reason But the two men who in the end, she did not know, but from the looks to see who should be Datang,Bailey UGG boots, will be Cheng Yaojin mischief to come, and if so it is dangerous to generalize from us once the East Yumei away, back to Tang, alone, we have these people coming from the West, there is no way out, no need to hold her. Thus, a very pleasant Mana Lisa said: to her side, made a down, said: and said: what to do next. Shakespeare saw this attitude,Discount UGG boots, I feel it is angry words, and quickly said: The road can not do without your protection. We go with you.

fact Mana Lisa is he or she says, she is looking oriental Yumei has two purposes, first is snooping about, just that two people of the bottom line, the other purpose is a way to stop the East Yumei to India. She went to India to stop the East Yumei has her own reason, one East Yumei is really to India, met his own people, it will not always be with them together, to find that piece of PIP in the river is really too hard. Second, she found that women taking the country in which, the excess number of women was male, she was aware that most likely piece of picture-river in the country music women, or women in music around the country. There are so many women, but high security. But she dared not posture in front of the East Yumei persuaded to stay. She therefore made up his mind, the first stabilized Yumei east, and then looking for opportunities. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Interesting stories about the bees

 Photographed on Sunday in the yard of a strange shape of bees, perhaps a butterfly can not say. Child I've seen N species of bees, the big difference in shape, has a similar look like the figure only flying insects, So I'm very sure. However, I still think of childhood's interesting about the bees.
here to talk about those who kept bees, and one that all those wild bees. We are the fun with these wild bees are mainly between In the hole in the wall in the process of looking for them. The following is a typical wild bees, but also our favorite kind of wild bees, head large, thick gold neck, black body, very valiant!
then rural There are a lot of earthworks in the house, or some of the external walls of brick houses are not white lime. bees usually brick houses in these walls or mortar between the outer wall between the drill holes for nests. Our work is dedicated to finding bees in the wall of the cave, and then try to catch them, into the bottle prepared in advance, as our toys.
catch bees is simple. When the hole in the wall to find their litter home time to sit in a hole with a bottle mouth, and then one hand with grass or other small core Bang Bang gently poke inside, hoping to drive out wild bees. It came out into the bottle to become our prey . Our pleasure lies in the competition among the partners to see who caught the bees larger and more beautiful. hands were claws is a normal bees, but also not afraid to go home angry wound with soap applied, over time all right. < br> bees have affected my friendship with partners, up to 8 years. remember, first grade, I caught a pretty big giant bees. may be jealous or just naughty, my best A Short History of a sudden friends grabbed my bee crushed it. This is a great sadness, since I ignore him, cut off any relationship. We two are the most intelligent of the boys at school, not me, the first is He first turns Zuozhuang. But we no longer speak. In fact, many times I say to him, and good, but the inner self-esteem and pride that I was keeping a distance with him. has been to primary school, he suddenly had to leave home , transferred to where his father went Shizuishan. His father was a mine there, where the natural conditions favorable than in rural areas. He went, I did not even the courage to tell him goodbye. junior high, I was always The pride of the school, and I heard he had dropped out of school in Ningxia, because the girls out together with the street bully, what has also been detained. His father was heartbroken that his return to rural areas, and expect to be improved ( soon as his father died of illness). and I was already the city's first school was admitted to Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, the so-called one foot has entered a prestigious university. returned home the day after, he still can not rogue change his habits, the family had early sent him to a company to work. I remember times from Changzhou to go home, I saw him, he was very happy to work took me to his place to play. in front of me, he seems Some deliberately want to show his good side, try to talk about some idealistic thing, and not, as a true friend as a girl Comments (then it is puberty). but then I, and he has little in common the.
suddenly remembered a cruel thing coming. Sometimes, we will capture the bees body torn open, sucking the body of the honey. childhood violence we are very proud of that. just like to see her slammed ants, I hasten to say that the ant is a good worm, Xixi not to step on! but her daughter was a firm step on the ant to pieces. human bones are weaker than their animals to a natural instinct of violence tend to do?
Although Think of these,bailey UGG boots, I still feel caught in the wild bees are the best part of childhood memories.