Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Interesting stories about the bees

 Photographed on Sunday in the yard of a strange shape of bees, perhaps a butterfly can not say. Child I've seen N species of bees, the big difference in shape, has a similar look like the figure only flying insects, So I'm very sure. However, I still think of childhood's interesting about the bees.
here to talk about those who kept bees, and one that all those wild bees. We are the fun with these wild bees are mainly between In the hole in the wall in the process of looking for them. The following is a typical wild bees, but also our favorite kind of wild bees, head large, thick gold neck, black body, very valiant!
then rural There are a lot of earthworks in the house, or some of the external walls of brick houses are not white lime. bees usually brick houses in these walls or mortar between the outer wall between the drill holes for nests. Our work is dedicated to finding bees in the wall of the cave, and then try to catch them, into the bottle prepared in advance, as our toys.
catch bees is simple. When the hole in the wall to find their litter home time to sit in a hole with a bottle mouth, and then one hand with grass or other small core Bang Bang gently poke inside, hoping to drive out wild bees. It came out into the bottle to become our prey . Our pleasure lies in the competition among the partners to see who caught the bees larger and more beautiful. hands were claws is a normal bees, but also not afraid to go home angry wound with soap applied, over time all right. < br> bees have affected my friendship with partners, up to 8 years. remember, first grade, I caught a pretty big giant bees. may be jealous or just naughty, my best A Short History of a sudden friends grabbed my bee crushed it. This is a great sadness, since I ignore him, cut off any relationship. We two are the most intelligent of the boys at school, not me, the first is He first turns Zuozhuang. But we no longer speak. In fact, many times I say to him, and good, but the inner self-esteem and pride that I was keeping a distance with him. has been to primary school, he suddenly had to leave home , transferred to where his father went Shizuishan. His father was a mine there, where the natural conditions favorable than in rural areas. He went, I did not even the courage to tell him goodbye. junior high, I was always The pride of the school, and I heard he had dropped out of school in Ningxia, because the girls out together with the street bully, what has also been detained. His father was heartbroken that his return to rural areas, and expect to be improved ( soon as his father died of illness). and I was already the city's first school was admitted to Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, the so-called one foot has entered a prestigious university. returned home the day after, he still can not rogue change his habits, the family had early sent him to a company to work. I remember times from Changzhou to go home, I saw him, he was very happy to work took me to his place to play. in front of me, he seems Some deliberately want to show his good side, try to talk about some idealistic thing, and not, as a true friend as a girl Comments (then it is puberty). but then I, and he has little in common the.
suddenly remembered a cruel thing coming. Sometimes, we will capture the bees body torn open, sucking the body of the honey. childhood violence we are very proud of that. just like to see her slammed ants, I hasten to say that the ant is a good worm, Xixi not to step on! but her daughter was a firm step on the ant to pieces. human bones are weaker than their animals to a natural instinct of violence tend to do?
Although Think of these,bailey UGG boots, I still feel caught in the wild bees are the best part of childhood memories.

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