Sunday, November 28, 2010

Professor of Peking University Health Talk Qi record

 Life expectancy should be able to reach 100-175 years old, why have not reached? The main reason is we do not take care, do not know how health care knowledge. Many people die of ignorance, this is wrong ah!
We know how health it? There is a Victoria International Declaration, the Declaration, there are three milestones: the first is called a balanced diet, and the second is called aerobic exercise, and the third is called mental state. these three milestones, the international community has to know, many of our people do not know. three milestones will not change the title, but the content will change at any time.
a balanced diet
told me the first question below, balanced diet. the so-called balanced diet, drinking and eating two categories.
1, ; fifth bone soup; sixth mushroom soup.
Why mention mushroom soup? because mushrooms can improve immune function. the same office, it was the old cold, some old and not sick, why? Immune function is not the same. mushrooms Tom can help improve immunity, it is health care.
Why mention bone soup? bone soup with a gelatinous material longevity, so the country has bone soup Street, and China did not. We investigated a bit, Recently, Suzhou, Nanjing, the city has, Beijing or not.
Why mention yogurt? because the yogurt bacteria to maintain a balance. The so-called maintenance of flora balance is to the growth of beneficial bacteria, and the elimination of harmful bacteria, so eating yogurt may reduce the disease. yoghurt is very popular in Europe, many of our girls like yogurt, but they do not understand what benefits of yogurt. We are surprised that China is very low sales of yogurt, and milk sales lot. We do not deny The role of the milk itself, but it is not the same than with the yogurt.
there is milk, followed by talk.
green tea: In all the drinks, it is the first cancer. drink green tea, can protect the teeth,UGGs, also not easy to break the blood vessel.
why green tea health effects? the original green tea which contains polyphenols, tea polyphenols are cancer. Second, please note that green tea fluoride. What is the role of this fluorosis it? ancient people have long known that Cao Xueqin wrote Lou Jia when people write to take tea after dinner mouth. Su also has the record, he took every meal such as tea in the mouth under the purpose of robust teeth, but he did not know the role of fluorine. The Japanese are now clear, and fluoride can not only strong teeth,UGG boots, but also to prevent cavities, eliminate plaque. 3 minutes after a meal, will appear in the tooth plaque. Now many of us bad teeth, not only do not take tea and mouthwash, and even white water does not rinse, do not know where the problem lies. Now some 30 years of age began to lose his teeth, on the whole the age of 50 lost teeth. Third, the green tea itself contains tannin . tea tannin is to improve the toughness of blood vessels, so blood is not easy to break. Many people come to Beijing for treatment of cerebral vascular accident, the hospital death of 4 individuals each have a cerebral hemorrhage, which is very dangerous. intracerebral hemorrhage did not rule of law, afraid of angry, an angry one pound the table a stare, cerebral vascular collapse, and this I've seen too much. If green tea would not be drunk, so I now the morning to drink green tea a. Why? I joked with people is afraid of my son gas.
you, you drink this age to early to shoot a few under the table when you stare at the eye are not afraid of a few. green tea first cancer, the second can be strong teeth, the third cerebral vascular easy break, why not drink it? If you do not know how to drink tea, immediately corrected, because the international trend is to drink green tea have a. was bickering with me: I could not sleep after tea how to do? mmm Who told you to drink before going to sleep tea?
wine: can anti-aging, blood pressure, cholesterol. So, the rich red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, the same care.
second red beverage wine. Why mention red wine? many Chinese people do not know, Europe has long been known, and they drink a little red wine every day, men and women, why not? the original kind of red grape skin, resveratrol. This is the anti-aging resveratrol , one that can be anti-aging, people drink the. resveratrol, or antioxidants, red wine drunk people is not easy to get heart disease. Second, it can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, we call abrupt stop. what circumstances Cardiac arrest under the will? first that there are heart disease, high blood pressure in the second, the third has a relationship with food. What food? too large, excellent, too sticky, hot food,UGG boots clearance, easy to cardiac arrest. high blood lipids, also cause cardiac arrest. red wine there is a role that can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol. World Health Organization said also said: the wine does not exceed 50 per day to 100 ml of white wine a day not more than 5 to 10 ml of beer a day does not exceed 300 ml. If you exceed this amount is wrong, no more than this amount is good. There lesbian raised: how do I do not drink? you do not drink, do not eat grapes it? grapes do not do not spit grape skin you? comic says the word, is also useful in life. But I tell you, there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, so you do not lecture will not buy grapes. there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, eating is also a free ride, buy red grapes. Now, Europe has emerged red grape cakes. I experimented with, to clean the red grapes, and eat when the skin swallow, very comfortable, nothing. So, the rich red wine, grapes do not spit without money grape skins, same as health.
longevity, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health.
normal human internal environment is weak alkaline, vegetables and fruits are alkaline substances. who developed countries, all countries with high levels of health, consumption of vegetables and fruits are large. you do not care, they will order, it is. It was a joke, those guilty of corruption do not shoot, put him to eat dead food, I do not exaggerate a bit. There were bickering and I said: I do not how to solve food and clothing? someone told me about, care should be is not that far away, say the Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors of Qing, 19, dead,UGG boots cheap, Junji 23 years old, Xianfeng, aged 31, 38-year-old dynasty, but has lived for 89 years of Qianlong. Qianlong special meeting of health, there is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty longevity champion. we checked and Qianlong of the information, first, he particularly good at sports; second, he ate cake evaporation, the thickness of grain mix; third, good to travel, the most famous is the next south, so he lived for 89 years . there is a survey of 818 monks, a monk more than 30% live to 90 years old and the youngest one is 65 years old. and there is nothing right? their diet is worth our attention, we can learn it! Therefore, to live longer, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health care. If you do not care, money and power are not guaranteed, so that the United Nations do not die of ignorance only.
2, Besides eating
second question mmm , buckwheat, potatoes, oats, millet, diet is more important than medication.
at international meetings, never mentioned rice, flour, not to mention Western fast food. cereals in the first mention of the old corn, it is a ; golden crop. alcohol, vitamin E, prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Since then, the Americans change to eat corn. America, Africa, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Guangzhou in the morning eat corn soup. Now, many people take lecithin, it is hoped not atherosclerosis. but he did not know the old corn containing lecithin up to, and do not spend more. an old corn in the United States is 2.5 dollars, while in China as long as a dollar, much cheaper. But many of us people do not know, do not eat. I've changed drank polenta, and I have been insisting in the United States. I am 70 years old, energetic, full of energy, resonant voice, quite unashamedly, and the face does not wrinkle . What? drink drink polenta, believe it or not. you drink your milk, I drink my polenta, let's see who live longer.
cereals in the second mention is buckwheat. Why mention buckwheat ? Now many people are called buckwheat? they do not know, I know burgers. buckwheat contains 18% cellulose, easy to get people to eat buckwheat gastrointestinal cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer is not easy. and we who work in offices, have cancer , colon cancer, many. you want to eat buckwheat?
cereals in the third point is the sweet potato, sweet potato, yam and potatoes. Why? the original it carbohydrate, the absorption of toxins. absorb moisture, lubrication gut, not easy to get cancer, colon cancer; absorption of fat and sugar, not easy to have diabetes; absorption of toxins, less prone to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. I surveyed in the United States, the United States to eat potato is to make it into a variety of pastries, eat less. want people to eat more potatoes, the staple food in the can with a potato.

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